Date: 01-06-24  Time: 17:18 pm

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Messages - nordboy

Pages: 1 [2] 3
For Sale & Wanted / Re: 2003 FZS1000 for sale
« on: 29 July 2018, 03:43:22 pm »
May help if you re-do all the details on here? I put the e bay number in and it doesn't come up with the listing anymore.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Front fork springs.
« on: 23 July 2018, 09:30:10 am »
Following this thread with interest.

As a very amateur mechanic (read cr*p but willing to give it a go!!) how easy/ hard would it be for me to attempt changing the front fork springs and oil?

I feel like my '02 thou could do with a 'sprucing' up and think that the suspension could be a good place to start.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Exup cables
« on: 19 June 2018, 06:52:48 am »
The wemoto ones are fine, Amazingly easy to fit (does help having an extra hand though ;) ). I replaced mine and I have very little mechanical skill.

General / Re: moped scum
« on: 11 June 2018, 09:53:26 am »
Are they really only using mopeds? Or are they using automatic geared scooters of all sizes?

Given the average moped doesn't have an imobiliser then I assume it is 50/125cc scoots they tend to use. Bigger things like Bergmans etc will have immobilisers and the scrotes wont have the keys.

Sometimes they do, they go around in packs and steal scooters and bikes from people riding them. So the bikes etc are running when they get them. Or others are committing burglaries and stealing the bike keys, then the bikes. The burglary groups then sell them on, for drugs, minimal amounts of cash etc

General / Re: Advice on car engine issue?
« on: 11 June 2018, 09:52:03 am »
Two years old, isn't it still under warranty? If so, back to the dealer.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Alternatives to the fzs1000?
« on: 27 May 2018, 08:22:12 am »
Back after about 40 mins, jumped back on the thou, still a fantastic bike but I did notice that I could carry more mph through some of the bends on the 09 SP, some bends 10 mph+
You could probably rectify that through upgrading your suspension and tweaking the geometry. I've had a few comments from surprised owners of more modern bikes on how well my Gen1 carries speed through corners and keeps up with the top of the pack when the going gets brisk.

I did think that when I had time to sit when I got home. For a 16 yr old bike it truly is great and I'm very tempted to spend a bit of ££ at the suspension.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Alternatives to the fzs1000?
« on: 26 May 2018, 05:45:39 pm »
I took my 02 Gen 1 thou for it's MOT today (failed, horn relay failed and wouldn't work!!).

While there I got my arm twisted to take the demo MT-09 SP out for a test ride. Really nice bike, amazing how much bikes have come on in 16 years, the triple engine is amazing, staggering. I would say the best engine I've ridden.
The throttle response and quickshifter was great and the turn in caught me out a couple of times, so quick. Soon got uncomfortable to ride however at speed, was really hanging on.

I'd really like to take the Tracer SP out for a ride, however, I think i'd end up buying one!!

Back after about 40 mins, jumped back on the thou, still a fantastic bike but I did notice that I could carry more mph through some of the bends on the 09 SP, some bends 10 mph+

Could I justify spending ££££ on a SP, not really, I just can't see that it's worth £7k plus more than the thou.

General / Re: Site problems?
« on: 11 November 2017, 03:53:18 pm »
Yep, extremely slow and the occasional page not found.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Exup, some strange black magic?
« on: 10 November 2017, 08:57:43 pm »
Thanks all, puts my mind at rest a bit. Mitch, that's exactly where mine ends up.

Think it's actually ok, I'm amazed as I have little to no mechanical skills. :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Exup, some strange black magic?
« on: 10 November 2017, 05:44:15 pm »
Thanks, maybe i'm trying to achieve the unachievable then?? lol

I thought it was meant to return to the 9 o'clock?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Exup, some strange black magic?
« on: 10 November 2017, 03:52:52 pm »
I've replaced the exup cables, as I found one had snapped. 2002 Fazer thou, 42k miles.

I've been trying to adjust them for ages now, and I just can't get it right. It won't centre after running. I lined the cable holder bit up with the hole and adjusted the cables (the lower cable is maxxed out pretty much), but then when I run it, then turn it off, the cable holder bit stays at about the 10 o'clock position. Every time!!

The rev counter doesn't move at all when I put the ignition light on. The bike runs and I don't notice any running issues, I'm just not sure that it's running at it's optimum level?

I'm pretty confused and not sure what else to do apart from maybe send it to my local dealer.

General / Re: Bike Insurance Cancelled!
« on: 07 July 2017, 11:17:25 am »
Bennetts did same to me, but I was told by previous insurers that they would post me proof after 21 days ( in case I'd had an accident I didn't tell them of !! ) , which turned out to be bullshit by wanker at bikesure, so I was waiting for the 21 days and bennetts sent me the cancel policy lettter, I phoned them immmediately and the woman at bennetts sorted it all out by phoning bikesure and confirming the NCB.
The very helpful woman at bennetts did say that bikesure wanker was probably being an arse because I'd cancelled the policy with them because they wouldn't change the bike from my 600 to the 1000 and it worked out cheaper to put my NCB on the 1000 and cancel the 600 policy then re insure it without NCB as you can only use the no claims on one vehicle and I can't get cheaper multi bike policy as I've not got a garage.

I was with Bikesure for years until last year they were taken over and the prices went up by £70. 
I have never trusted insurers with my no claims proof so I have kept all my renewal notices which document my NCB

I can't stand it when they keep putting "9 years" as my NCB, when it's treble that.
Why not just put down what it really is?

Isn't it because after 9 years there's no further discount? 9 years being the maximum, hence maximum no claims? (does irritate me as well though)

General / Re: Stupid fork oil question
« on: 07 July 2017, 07:50:29 am »
140 squids,  good grief, that's why I DIY.
30 quids worth of oil and about an hour work.
If you're happy to spend 140, if you DIY you can afford to replace the springs with some that are rated for your weight and sort the front end for good..

How easy is it though? I was thinking of doing mine, but have limited equipment and basic spannering skills.

General / Re: Bike Insurance Cancelled!
« on: 07 July 2017, 07:47:59 am »
My insurance was renewed last month with the same company and they sent me constant emails saying that i'd never given them any NCB proof from last year when i first joined them.
In fairness i normally renew mine weeks before it's due if i find it cheap enough, and i wasn't pestered for the NCB proof at all so it simply slipped my mind.
I never even got it from my previous insurers either, i had to recently contact them to send it through.
Only this year did they start sending me 'threats' about providing the info needed.

I had similar with Bennetts, I sold my 1300 Pan in sept and then bought my Fazer this year. Went back to Bennetts and they sent me a letter asking for NCD. Had a couple of 'conversations' with them stating that THEY were my lasy insurers!!
All good though, not really much of an issue.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Seats
« on: 01 July 2017, 04:51:23 pm »
Thanks all, will look into the suggestions.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Seats
« on: 27 June 2017, 06:53:25 am »
Anyone tried a seat from Top Sellerie? I was thinking about a replacement seat for the thou and came across this

It's only their basic seat and looks like you have to send the original seat back to them after you receive the new one.

Just wondering how they were for comfort, quality etc

General / Re: Fatal RTA.....Is this normal procedure
« on: 22 June 2017, 08:53:22 pm »

He'll be attending for a voluntary interview (VA), it'll be recorded either on tape or video. My guess is that he's a potential witness, or if they have any evidence from other sources that he may have been driving dangerously, he may be a suspect. The reason for a VA is that after the event, the necessity to be arrested may have passed.

Other persons can be charged if there's enough evidence. This is a quick google, I know it's car drivers, but the situation could be seen as similar.

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 22 June 2017, 08:08:59 am »
Well yesterday now.

Noticed a real flat spot on my thou while on a ride out last week, and there has been a rattle from the bike which I traced back to the exup. So, got back and attempted a 'service' on the exup (great link on Pats page). The lower cable had snapped  :(

So, ordered the replacement slinky from Wemoto. Arrived the next day, brilliant service. So, yesterday was spent attempting to change the cables. The more I looked at what had to be done, the more I got a bit worried. I have very few mechanical skills.

Anyway, searched everywhere for a 'guide' but just had to go for it  :eek  [size=78%]eeeekk!!![/size]

Just over an hour later, the new cables were all linked up and time for a test ride. Smooth acceleration all the way through the rev range, no rattle. Bloody amazed, but I think I managed it!!!! Well chuffed with myself (and my lad whose slightly smaller hands were a god send linking up the cables to the servo)

I think I'll leave it for a few rides now, then get back into the exup and check that the cables etc are all ok. I'm assuming that if I hadn't linked them up correctly that I'd really feel it while on a ride?

General / Re: New bike
« on: 15 March 2017, 06:38:12 pm »
Traded in the Guzzi for a Ducati Scrambler Icon .

Blimey, you didn't waste any time ;)

General / Re: Sports Bike Shop
« on: 05 March 2017, 10:38:42 am »
I've ordered a few things from them this week, one parcel turned up the next day and the other which was meant to be 3-5 days came within two. I'd use them again. I've not needed to use their returns though, everything was spot on.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: What's your thoughts??
« on: 26 February 2017, 06:44:38 pm »
Fazer sold today , hope you enjoy her as much as I have Lloyd , I will miss her but at least I have the Guzzi to put a smile on my face . Going to get myself a 250 for the commute to work .

Thanks, the weather was quite nice when I left yours....until I hit the M4, then it absolutely pee'd it down and got very windy ALL the way back. It'll take me days to dry out!!. I look forward to reasonable weather so I can get out for a proper ride.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: What's your thoughts??
« on: 25 February 2017, 05:23:58 pm »
I am selling mine , 02 plate , Gen 1 FZS 1000 , £1100 ono , 41000 miles , VGC , black with silver engine and grey frame , major service Inc valve check done at 26000 miles by JHS racing , oil and filter  replaced annually , exup valve serviced annually , brakes calipers cleaned and greased annually by myself , full Monty done by Mike , R6 shock done by Luke , MRA screen , rear hugger , Goodridge braided brake lines , crash bungs , K&N air filter , SP engineering big bore stubby end can , Bagster tank cover , rear tyre fitted last year done 2000 miles Bridgestone T30 , PR 3 on front , spark plugs replaced last year , chain and sprockets replaced 2years ago , MOT till end of April .

You have pm.

General / Re: speeding query
« on: 25 February 2017, 05:05:55 pm »
Nordboy - I suggest you have a read of the highway code again.

Solid white lines are clearways/ nothing to stop plod parking there though.

Really? And there was me thinking that white lines can show the edge of carriageway and a clearway was when there is  a solid centre white line on one or both carriageways and is indicated by a circular blue sign with red outer and red cross in it. All these years!!

General / Re: speeding query
« on: 25 February 2017, 03:51:04 pm »
Looks like a solid white line rather than a single yellow line. If it's white then there is no parking restrictions. I can't seem to post images for some reason. If you use your google street map and look at the markings they seem to change from double yellow to single white.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / What's your thoughts??
« on: 25 February 2017, 03:34:11 pm »
Been a long time lurker on the site. I've been toying with a Gen 1, Fazer thou ever since the banter days of me owning a hornet. I never quite found the right one at the right time though.

Anyway, I've not had a bike for 6 months or so, and have withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately with a son in Uni, my budget is a bit limited.

I have found a '54 reg Gen 1, grey with black engine model, that I can get for £2000 delivered from a dealer. (i can't seem to upload an image, i'll try a link)

The bike has done 60k miles but looks in above average condition for that amount. There is no documented service history, but a bit encouragingly, the previous owner paid for a major service at a main dealer that included valve clearances etc. 12 month MOT, akrapovic exhaust, hpi clear. I've been assured the bike runs really well.

I've never bought a bike without seeing it, but I'm just not going to be able to get to see it.

I know that if looked after the bikes will eat that sort of mileage, I guess I'm after a bit of reassurance, lol

Does it seem reasonable?? thanks in advance.

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