Date: 03-06-24  Time: 15:12 pm

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Messages - celticdog

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 69
General / Re: Put your baffles in
« on: 12 June 2019, 07:11:13 am »
An age old problem . . .

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 12 June 2019, 07:06:24 am »

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 12 June 2019, 07:05:54 am »
from Gove's toilet.

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 31 May 2019, 08:50:14 am »
sing Hey Jude

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 31 May 2019, 08:45:02 am »

FZS600 Fazer / Re: STREETFAZER!!!!
« on: 29 May 2019, 12:21:42 am »
Welcome to the madhouse James! Why not introduce yourself here and stick up a pic or two of you fazer for us all to have a look at-,5.0.html

Plenty of people have gone down the naked route with the fazer so lots of help and ideas for you. KOSO seems to be the brand of choice when it comes to gauges. Nothing says streetfighter more than a set of twin dominator headlights. However, I've seen more candle power coming off a pair of kids light up trainers, so their not to everyone liking.  :) 

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 28 May 2019, 09:21:17 am »
bleeding pustules to

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 28 May 2019, 09:20:15 am »

« on: 27 May 2019, 12:14:04 pm »
latest news- the brexit party have just released their new 'milkshake proof' uniform . . .

General / Re: tyre plugs
« on: 25 May 2019, 04:33:36 pm »
Cheers to all for the tips and ideas, I've a 500 mile round trip to do next week so will defo get it checked over and hopefully get it plugged with a mushroom rather than the sticky string.
I'd have been more concerned if it was the front wheel or was close to the sidewall.

General / tyre plugs
« on: 23 May 2019, 11:04:26 pm »
Okay so the rear tyre gets a puncture, I only purchased it 3 months ago and it's probably done less than 1500 miles.  :'(
I've pulled a nail out of the tread and plugged it, clean puncture- easy fix with one of those kits. All's well as it's got me home safely.
Now the tyre pressures holding, What's the verdict? Should I get a new tyre asap or do I run it till it's ready for replacing? The bikes for commuting and as such I very rarely exceed 70 mph.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What downpipes are these?
« on: 22 May 2019, 07:55:31 pm »
I think you're right Jules- the pipes look identical to mine apart from the mounting bolt slot, which is just a hole on my set.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What downpipes are these?
« on: 22 May 2019, 07:49:18 am »
They look identical to mine which would make them motads.

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 22 May 2019, 07:47:10 am »
Tora! Tora! Tora!

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZ1 Lennon's Mirror Eliminators
« on: 19 May 2019, 12:42:20 am »
Nice work Mark, you've made a good job of blending the three adjoining surfaces together and created a part that's a printable watertight model. Good luck with the product.  :thumbup
I'm not sure if it's an improvement on the original or not, for me I like either a fully naked or a complete fairing as an aesthetic, but as I don't own a FZ1, my view really doesn't count for anything!  :)

However, I think your on to something- mass customisation is the way forward, we've seen it in the automotive market, the customer buys the basic model then adds the extras they want to complete the final package.

I think it's definitely the way forward and more than likely the way the big manufacturers are heading.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted. New FZS 1000 clutch cable.
« on: 17 May 2019, 11:13:58 pm »
Hi Dave, have you tried a slinky glide cable from wemoto yet? It's a very decent pattern cable, so worth a punt.  :)

General / Re: Insurance is weird
« on: 17 May 2019, 07:16:19 am »

I had a bit of a surprise renewing my (car) insurance. When I used a comparison site two years ago I had a pending speeding prosecution, so I put this into the comparison site to get quotes. As it happened, I took a speeding awareness course, so no conviction and no points.
This year I got a good deal with a new insurer, but they've just emailed me accusing me of lying by saying I don't have any convictions. 'We are aware you previously used a comparison site inputting alternative information'. They threatened to cancel my policy. I've had to send them a code to check my dvla license details.
So beware. Big Brother is watching you. Be careful what you input to comparison sites, even for a laugh.

The moment you do a search online it lights up the internet and insurance companies become aware that you're looking, and i've now learned that the later you search nearer the end date the prices can actually rise because they know you're desperate to get it sorted.

Talking of big brother, i recently bought a new mobile (very) smart phone and i was sitting chatting to a colleague in our rest room at lunch time during the week and it suddenly lit up and started copying everything i was saying in writing on the screen without me even touching it!
Then it started talking to me saying it wasn't too sure that it understood my command!!!
Oh well, i s'pose i have something to chat to if i'm ever bored.  :lol
There's only one cure for big brother . . .

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 16 May 2019, 07:42:17 am »
after depositing a

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 16 May 2019, 07:41:19 am »

General / Re: Touring Tips and Tricks
« on: 14 May 2019, 06:16:30 pm »
Not sure about the souvenirs john, but I do like the sound of no washing up 😂.

That’s a reasonable idea though, thanks for that :)

Are you sure your not tempted by the souvenirs Mick?

General / Re: Touring Tips and Tricks
« on: 11 May 2019, 08:57:35 pm »
Ok what would I take,  a small decent torch cree for example, paracetamol and ibuprofen as I get a bit of back pain when I'm in the saddle for long periods. A water bladder is good, you'll need water for cooking if you're doing the camping thing. oh and another thing deodorant, go for the stick type rather than the spray, its the only one that works properly.

General / Re: Snotty Fazer
« on: 07 May 2019, 08:59:54 pm »
Selling a bike you love is ok has long as you feel it is the right thing to do and other right time.
I sold my much loved FZS600 Foxeye a few months ago, I loved owning it, working on it and riding it, but I felt with the arthritis in my wrists getting worse sooner or later I was going to throw it up the road and spoil it. My decision was to sell it before that happened.
Do I regret selling a few months down the line? A resounding ‘NO’ It went to a enthusiastic guy who would enjoy owning it as much as I did and he seemed the sort of guy who would look after it a cherish it.

If you don’t ride it very often and don’t actually love the bike sell it, use the money to help with the Harley conversion.
Who knows the new owner of your Fazer my love it and turn it into a fantastic bike, now that’s got to be better than it sitting outside minging and slowly deteriorating.

Good use of the word 'minging' Tommy  :thumbup

Replace that brake hose, it'll be expanding like a uterus during pregnancy if it's 20 years old.  :)

General / Re: Well ?
« on: 04 May 2019, 07:09:01 am »

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