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Messages - Silverlegacy

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: vibration
« on: 13 July 2015, 12:12:02 pm »
I really wish i could find another fazer close to me so they could either ride mine or i could ride theres to compare them.
I have heard alot about them being a bit vibey but i thinkmy patch between 5-7k just seems be a bit to much, i am pretty sure the fazer i had about 10 years ago wasnt anything like this and I used to love pushing the engine, where as this one i have now i feel like I have to hold off or try  and stay below 5k.
Maybe its more to do with worn parts than clean carbs.
Hopefully will have more info come weekend/early next week.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: vibration
« on: 13 July 2015, 11:33:38 am »
Silverlegacy-my bike has the same annoying vibes you describe and I've been through absolutely everything to get rid of them with no luck, so if you manage to fix it please let me know!  I can confirm that (in my bike at least)  its not the exhaust, downpipes, fuel tank, fuel tank mounts, pegs as I've ive replaced all of them with no change!  also done several carb balances.

hope you figure out what it is, but it seems like some fazers are made a little better/smoother than others!

My bikes going back to the garage Friday for another carb strip and clean as i had it done two weeks ago and wasnt entirely happy with how he did them so he said he will do them again for free (guilty conscience)
I am going to him to go over all the internals and check needs and jets and everything this time, worst case if anything needs changing then this may resolve the problem.
Hard to tell how things have worn since 1998 when the bike was new, but its only done 36k so hopefully theres still loads of life left in it.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 10 July 2015, 11:45:36 am »
Thanks for the great advice :-)
Certainly makes me feel happier about attempting it myself now.
Wish I would of sorted it myself now rather than paying the garage to do it.
Will give them a good cleaning over the weekend and then see how the bike runs.
Hopefully that will sort the issue.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 10 July 2015, 10:17:29 am »
Well they're an adjustment point so they'll be slightly different on every bike. Having said that the manual says 2 turns out for the 98 model so stick to that as a starting point and you won't be far off. After you set it to that you can run the bike for a week or so and then check the plugs and see if they're looking good or if they're showing the cylinder as being rich or lean and make slight adjustments

Cheers for that, will keep me busy over the weekend/

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 10 July 2015, 09:14:21 am »
I think i 'm going to have a go at removing the carbs at the weekend when i have plenty of time and give the bike a good going over.
Least that way I will be able to tell how much has been done by the garage.
I was looking for the carb mixture screw settings on here and they seem to vary from 2 turns to 3 turns? any recommendations?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 09 July 2015, 12:17:15 pm »
They all run a bit shit at 5-7k revs and vibrate a bit - its something to do with being jetted to meet emissions controls from factory that are tested at those revs. Only way to get rid of it would be to get the carbs properly set up (maybe rejetted/reshimmed if needed).

Will see what the garage guy says and take it from there i guess?
Although i did go to look at a FZ6S 04 last night which was in pretty poor condition and made my look a lot nicer so starting to wonder if i should just invest a bit of money back in mine and get it sorted, plus as i went on my bike to view the other it gave me chance to open the bike up a bit which I dont normally get chance to do on my normal commute to work.
Theres a place by me who do the Dyno stuff and they are a proper setup not a one man band with no proper kit.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 08 July 2015, 12:34:54 pm »
I think the standard exhaust doesn't have the link pipe welded to the front of the can but uses some kind of packing to make the joint slightly flexible.  Some do blow slightly out the gap at the front of the can but not normally enough to be a problem at MOT time.

I did just a bit of gun gum in there too, to try and seal around it but it became brittle as gap pretty small.
The MOT guy never said anything, so either didnt notice or its just not a problem.
I have seen a picture someone put on here a little while ago where they cut there old exhaust up to show the internal workings, so think it just degrades over time and causes a slight leak through that gap.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 08 July 2015, 11:36:47 am »
Aren't they meant to have a small hole underneath, to release any condensation?

Yes there are two small holes for that, but its blowing out of the gap between the pipe and the stainless steel can.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 08 July 2015, 10:33:52 am »

To SilverlegacyDo you have a standard exhaust system?

Yes its a standard exhaust, although i did notice a few weeks back that there was a small hole on the underside of the down pipes (where they join together) but fixed that with some GunGum, also the exhaust does blow a little through the gap where the pipe goes into the stainless can.

Can't understand why you would need to ultrasonically clean a set of carbs that have been in constant use, I'd only think about that level of cleaning if the bike had stood with fuel in the float bowls for at least 3 months and the fuel has evaporated and left residue in all the internal drillings and jets.
Like everyone else has said the outsides would be spotless, not as clean as the Mikunis in Frecks post as they look as if they've been vapour blasted as well.
Looking at some of your close up photos there doesn't seem to be any evidence that the clamps on the carbs have been touched as normally you'd expect some evidence, however careful you've been, in the phillips slots.
Dependant on the bikes age I would have expected wear on parts, slides, needles, needle jets etc rather than a build up of crud in the carbs, looks like he cleaned the outer two carbs with Carb cleaner and a toothbrush.
Deffo take him to task on what he did for his money. You sound like you have enough knowledge to do a more than basic check and re-set of the engine to standard (Air Filter, TPS, Air Screws etc) yourself, at least you would know it has been done and have a base line to work from.

I have owned the bike for just over a year now as wasnt too sure when the carbs had last been cleaned and only decided to get the serviced after it had been running rough for some time.
The garage guy said he would strip em and clean them all up and check all the internal parts, but as everyone says, I am starting to doubt whether he had them off the bike at all?
The outside ones may be cleaner facing the exterior of the bike as i wash it most weeks so might just be that, but there is loads of crap on the middle two.
I have been looking through the haynes manual and might try removing them myself, i think i was just worried about getting everything back in the right order and not screwing up my bike.
Most of the basic stuff i can check myself and maybe i just need to take my time.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 07 July 2015, 12:40:02 pm »
Thanks for all the advice.
I had the air filter out not so long ago and looks pretty clean, changed caps and plugs about a month ago.
Check TPS and was set ok.
I can do basic maintenance, but i think was a bit scared to try a full carb clean, but might just wait until monday and see what the garage guy says before doing anything else too it, but i would like to try and learn to do more stuff myself.
It was the Yamaha dealer by me who suggested the valve clearances and stuff but was going to charge around £400 for it, so didnt really want to agree to anything til i had some advice as i know there probably just trying to hit targets and make money.
I did also try swapping the regulator/rectifier which i read on another thread can cause trouble, but didn't seem to make a difference.
Starting to wonder what the garage actually did to my bike as the carbs are still filthy on the outside and bike running poor and he said he also balanced them but the rpm needles not very steady and idles poorly.
Like i said, think it might just mean waiting til monday seeing if he will sort it out properly this time or try and get some money back and take it from there.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 07 July 2015, 11:48:55 am »
Its hard to know which way to go then.
One garage said about clearances? another about carbs and jetting.
With it being an old bike i don't want it turning into a money pit and it does generally run OK just that annoying patch between 5 - 7 k, if i could dial that out a bit it would make it more enjoyable to ride.
saw a few sets of carbs on ebay for around £80 so not sure if this is reasonable? most seem to be around that mark, but vary in condition. not sure if theirs anything i should be looking out for?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 07 July 2015, 10:37:12 am »
Just a quick update, as the garage I took it to in the first place isn't open again until Monday the 13th I took it to the garage i used to get the Dyno done on it a few months back.
He had a good look at the bike and confirmed my suspicions, that the carbs hadn't been in a ultra sonic bath and was hard pressed to even tell if they had been removed at all??
I spoke to him about the issues and they guy still had my dyno graph on file and remembered how the bike ran.
We spoke about how it was still running lean between  5 - 7 k and that if i chose to book it in there i could have the carbs fully stripped and properly ultra sonic cleaned and then they would dyno it again and set the carbs up from there, even if it meant going back on the dyno 10 times (but its a set price for the work so whether it goes on once or 10 times its still the same cost) and as a last resort if they cant get the bike set up with the standard parts they would have to fit the kit, but at the moment, there is still no knowing if the carbs haven't been tampered with in the past and had parts replaced or a kit fitted??
Although I am still unsure of this as i know i mentioned this before and a few people seem to have had mixed experiences with dyno jet kits? where some have worked and other made the bike run worse?
I am also considering getting a second hand set of carbs to see if maybe this cures the problem rather than just spending loads of money on the bike and getting no where.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 03 July 2015, 02:30:18 pm »
I think i read the thread about a home made sonic cleaner, so wasnt going to build my own.
I had a good look at the carbs at lunch and they are pretty dirty on the outside, i cant see how he could of removed them and not given them a clean to at least make it look like he had worked on them?
The bike is certainly running worse, so i am not entirely sure what he did, and because he is not back until the 13th i have just got to wait, but as with most people on here, you get to know your bike and all its noises and issues and its definitely not right.
What he will do about it remains to be seen and whether he will resolve the problem is another? but there are a few other garages by me, one being a Yamaha main dealer (which i would imagine is going to be expensive) and a few other small places.
The Yamaha one mentioned clearances and  stuff but to the cost of over £350 to sort it, although he did say a pressure test would help to see what the problem is should it be that??
The dyno i had last year showed the bike to run lean at 5 - 7k revs and they suggested a dyno kit/rejetting which i know a few people on here said is a waste of money and as the bike if getting on a bit now i dont want to be investing a ton of cash into her when it might be easier to just get another one, but you never know if the one your getting has more inherent problems than the one you already got.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 03 July 2015, 10:42:49 am »
The bikes been running a bit rough since ive had it, mainly with a rough patch between 5-7k, been doing little bits here and there and my technical abilities don't stretch to pulling the carbs so i thought i would get my garage to have a look at them.
I have looked online and spoken to two other garages near me and they both say that if the carb was in the ultra sonic bath then it should be cleaner both inside and out if it was done properly.
The garage is now closed for another week as hes away on holiday so kind of stuck with it for now, its rideable, just running worse than it was before and now doesnt idle great either.
One garage said it might have something to do with compression and valve clearances? but not 100% sure yet if i want to go spending huge amounts of money on the bike?
Just seems odd that the pictures i took a month or so again are almost identical to the ones i took this morning, a few clips have moved but they still look just as dirty.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 03 July 2015, 09:01:52 am »
I did balance them a few months back and he said that he balanced them after cleaning them.
When i booked it in he said he was going to remove the carbs and clean them in pairs as the machine cant fit all four at once, so it sounded to me like he was going to put the whole carb mechanism in there (besides plastic bits i guess)
But he said he had also reset the mixture screws and checked parts.
But looking at the pictures (which you cant see) there is still a fair amount of dirt on the outside and i found an older picture i took last month and compared them and the dirt matches and when i rub it with my finger it comes off so surely a sonic bath would remove this?
Bit annoyed as spent £130 to get my not so great running bike running worse.

FZS600 Fazer / Sonic carb cleaning?
« on: 03 July 2015, 08:15:12 am »
Hi all,

I booked my bike in last week for a carb clean as i have owned the bike for a year and didnt know the last time it was done, the garage said he was going to put the carbs in a sonic carb cleaner and this would give them a better clean than just a strip and clean.
Although now i have the bike back it seems to be runnign worse than ever and when i looked at the carbs last night, the exterior didnt look all that clean, almost the same as before, but when i looked up on youtube for sonic cleaners the carbs they cleaned came out pretty spotless?
So my questions is, should they be clean on the outside also? or do you think the garage has pulled a fast one and just done a small amount of cleaning and charged me for something hes not done, especially as its running rough and now barely idles at 1000 - 1250 rpm and have to keep it around 1500 to tick over properly without sounding like its going to cut out.
Have attached a few pictures to show current condition of the carbs.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: vibration
« on: 02 July 2015, 03:34:06 pm »
you will have to let me know how the welding goes, as I had my bike serviced the other day and carbs stripped and cleaned and sync'd and mine still has a vibration patch between 5-7k.
The garage said again the bikes running fine but my exhaust blows in the same place as yours, tried using some gun gum to fill the hole as read about on it here earlier in the year, but its not working too well as its just a pain to get it in the gap and make a good seal.
I did get another pipe off ebay but it had the same problem, so maybe its just one of those things with the original exhaust?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Carb Headscratcher...
« on: 15 May 2015, 01:59:21 pm »
the issues i have with my bike sound very similar to yours?
Although i did buy a carb tune and i sync'd the carbs and this made very little difference?
Im not sure when the carbs were last properly cleaned as i have only owned the bike about 8 months.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Slow starting
« on: 16 April 2015, 06:13:26 pm »
It's a Ross M1 , heard it's an earlier version of the Meta alarm?
It's unlocked with a Dallas key fob thing.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Slow starting
« on: 16 April 2015, 03:31:36 pm »
Will check the TPS tonight as i have the torq thing at home.
Just seemed odd that this seems to have started the same time as my immobiliser has stopped beeping? still works fine, just no noise coming from it?
I was thinking about taking it out, but looks like a fair few wires coming off it and my electrical knowledge about as good as my mechanical! so rather not touch it.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Slow starting
« on: 16 April 2015, 03:09:03 pm »
Also battery has been fully charged and put it back on and still took a second or two to start, although did have it running at lunch, so will check again at 4:30pm.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Slow starting
« on: 16 April 2015, 03:01:26 pm »
I get the same each year, I've always put it down  to the bike being parked in sunshine and after a long day at work I believe the fuel evaporates from the carbs, even tho the fuel pump ticks a few times it still needs to turn several times before it will fire.
Try parking somewhere more sheltered?

I did actually wonder about that, as i park my bike right outside my office which is a metal cabin and sometimes its roasting hot when i go to get on it in the afternoon.

Although im still trying to work out little bits and bobs with it so never know it its just one of those faults i never got around to sorting.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Slow starting
« on: 16 April 2015, 02:18:28 pm »
battery now on charge :-)
I did change the regulator/rectifier a month or so ago after reading a thread about how it can effect the bike? but maybe this wasnt the problem and i bought a dodgy one off ebay and its just added another thing to fix? will see how this goes as i still have the old one at home so can swap them over.
My main problem is i do 10 things at once instead of one at a time to try and narrow down the fault.
All advice greatly appreciated :-)

FZS600 Fazer / Slow starting
« on: 16 April 2015, 01:34:08 pm »
Hi all again,

thought i was winning the battle with my fazer but recently she has started playing up a little again.
When i go to work in the morning, most of the time she starts fine, still need a little bit of choke as its still a bit cool but runs ok, once i get to work i park it up and when i come to start it again about 7 hours later it takes a couple of seconds and a bit more throttle to get it going?
Also recently the Immobiliser has started playing up, it arms and disarms fine, but it used to beep when I used to put my dallas key on the thing and it sets itself when i  take the key out of the ignition, but lately its not doing that.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Spark plugs & caps
« on: 16 April 2015, 12:18:38 pm »
also when i put in "fzs600 spark plugs" into ebay it brings up "CR9E" where as the ones that are in at the moment are "CR8E" is there any difference between the two??
Hard to tell from the above link is mine need replacing or now as look like the top ones mainly? although they do seem a little corroded on the nut? although I have no others to compare this too so maybe this is just the way they go after a while??

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