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Messages - apage16

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: project tight git lighting
« on: 25 November 2014, 12:18:47 pm »
The best and cheapest mod I made to my lighting was to buy and fit one of these puppies:

This posting is on German Ebay, but I know they have them in UK because that's where it was made!

The super cheap bulbs that come with it will do, still an improvement, but I switched in some Osram Nightbreaker Unlimited's and it was at least 200% brighter than before!

Due to Tough German road laws, I had only the main beam hooked up, but you could also wire the 'fog' bulb to your dip as it's a low and wide pattern to improve both elements of your lighting. It was an absolute godsend on my Euro trip in the dark Andorran mountains!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 25 November 2014, 10:08:36 am »
Well, actually managed to get fully up to date today. Enjoyed the mountain road bits especially and I'm totally in agreement, mountains are great places to be!

I spent a lot of the first episodes with a growing niggle of, "hang on a minute, what's the point?!" Then got to the bit where you stayed with your uncle; ahhhhh! But I can't help but think that much of the journey seemed like a bit of a chore, covering all the mileage and only stopping for fuel and to overnight. I guess you had time constraints that made this necessary, which was a shame, cos I kept thinking, "go off the beaten track, go and feckin explore somewhere, go to an interesting museum, spend a day in a historic city, what the hell are (aren't) you doing!??"  :lol

But you managed to keep me watching, cos quite clearly, you are totally off your rocker  :)

The other thing I got to thinking (so now that's two thoughts, so I'll have to have a lie down) was, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a camera mounted higher up, perhaps on some kind of vertical pole, and pointing a bit sideways, to catch some of the scenery a bit more? Hmmmm, could be worth a try?

Anyway, thanks for keeping me entertained for a day of my enforced six weeks off with bugger all to do - still got two weeks to go, how about another 30 or so episodes?  :D

Wow! Thats a lot of viewing Nick! Thanks for taking the time! More episodes are forthcoming. I've got so much footage it's sick! It's going to be at least another 5 just to get back to Hamburg!

You're absolutely right though. The trip could have been SO much more fulfilling, but sadly I misjudged the distance to cover vs the time that I had. This should really have been a months trip, or 2 separate adventures! Still, you live and learn.

The camera on a pole trick actually makes an appearance in the next episode as it happens!

Hope it continues to curb your boredom! Meanwhile, have you seen any of The Gentleman Bikers videos? He rides a Fazer 400 Naked. Very similar sense of humour to me. I really enjoy his videos.

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 25 November 2014, 10:03:04 am »
Looking good mate! I definitely think I'll let you know when I'm heading through Europe next year, to see if you want to meet up/join! Really surprised btw - you said 'have some Spanishy music', I shazam'd it, and you came up. Totally unexpected!

I've just got back from Barcelona, 20 degree's during the day, at the end of November. Ice covered bike in the airport back here in the UK, 100 miles of freezing fog home. Not such an enjoyable ending!

Definitely mate! I'm just not getting out enough lately. Partly because of the same weather here in Hamburg as you're having back home. Although chances of snow here are more like 98%!!

So do let me know if you're swinging through. I'd really like to get a ride home in the Spring too. A few bike meets on the 'wrong' side of the road would be the icing on the cake! 

And yeah, I try to use my own music as much as possible. I started doing that before the bike videos, but steadily trying to make them symbiotic.

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 24 November 2014, 08:59:18 am »
Here's the next episode. E15.

A quick drive through Valencia.

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 14 November 2014, 06:13:13 pm »

Here's a cheeky sneak preview.

This is Episode 14. It's a snappy short one, but such a great little stretch of road that it was simply too good not to include in the series!

It's not public yet, so this is a Foc-U exclusive!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 14 November 2014, 12:41:08 pm »
Ha ha! Cheers Nick! so true!

You'd better hurry up, there's at least another 6 in the tank and I want to get them all out before Christmas!!


General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 14 November 2014, 11:56:03 am »
Here's the next NEW instalment chaps!

This one was an amazing ride along a spectacular road through northern Spain. Best thing is that I took a wrong turn so I found it completely by accident!

Bit of a nod to the 90's computer game ROAD RASH too. I was chasing some locals and it made me think about my misspent youth!

€-Tour, E13 ~ Chasing Locals In The Spanish Mountains!

EDIT: bugger, I've cocked up the thumbnail again! I assure you, this is Episode 13!!

EDIT EDIT: Should be fixed now! Sorry!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 14 November 2014, 11:54:17 am »
You don't come across as at all old!

I got my scottoiler second hand from ebay. Mounting it somewhere subtle was the trickiest bit of the operation. It's still not perfect, but works well, and I've not had to adjust my chain once yet.

I suppose I'm not THAT old. Just a smidge over half way to retirement! I guess I'm just lazy!

I might keep my eye out for a second hand one. I hate adjusting the chain almost as much as I hate putting more fuel in!

General / Re: if only i improved my horn sooner
« on: 10 November 2014, 02:51:59 pm »
I've got a 'Wolo double disc' horn now. No need for extra relays or compressors. Just plugs into existing wiring. It's not a stebel but it's at least twice as loud as the standard. And two-tone to boot. Plus only €25. (Bought over here in Germany from but they deliver to UK)

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 10 November 2014, 02:48:59 pm »
I'm sure you're right old chap. Problem was my chain oiler was the basic Tutoro one. (Top up, turn on, ride off....forget to turn off frequently, top up even more frequently, FAFF lots...)

So it just wouldn't maintain a steady and useable flow. I might stretch to a proper scottoiler in the future. But for now it's chain wax and cleaning! Hopefully the next bike will be shaft drive! My knees are getting too old for chain oiling!!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 09 November 2014, 04:17:49 pm »
OK, people have been disciplined and video thumbnails should be correct now!!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 06 November 2014, 04:46:45 pm »
It quite clearly does.  :eek

Thats a clerical error on my part! The relevant members of the team will be sacked.  :wall

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 06 November 2014, 03:59:00 pm »
Ah HA! Your eyes doth deceive you Mick!

That WAS Episode 10.

HERE's 11!!  :lol

They were supposed to be one, but got too long. So it became a 2 part mini-drama!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 06 November 2014, 12:28:40 pm »
HERE is the latest episode of this summer's €uro Trip.

Had some issues with my Tutoro Chain oiler, so I had to go shopping. With questionable success...

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 30 October 2014, 12:07:28 pm »
The tent is actually the silver 'tube' in the second photo. The sleeping bag was TINY. It's inside the main bag.

Did I say SPARE pants, I meant the ones I was wearing. 4 days before they really needed a wrinse. (Old one, but a good one. Like the pants...)

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 29 October 2014, 07:17:51 pm »
Au contraire! I have a one man tent, airbed and a sleeping bag in that little lot! Plus my macbook and the cables to go with!

Only 1 pair of pants and a spare t shirt though!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 29 October 2014, 05:27:04 pm »
That was the bottom half of a panoramic shot. She was too quick for my crappy camera! Still, means I didn't have to blur her face out!

Led Zep to Andy Man Cam. I'm honoured.

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 29 October 2014, 10:07:19 am »
AND NOW!!!....

Here's Episode 9 of this € - saga for your enjoyment!

Above all else, the bike just continues to run perfectly with not a single hiccup! Same can't be said about my navigation...

Feel free to post elsewhere, share, comment, make fun, anything goes!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 29 October 2014, 10:04:24 am »
As you requested Papercutout...

Here's a couple of pics of the bike, 'Polly' all loaded up on the trip:

I kept it quite light, and the small front fairing REALLY helped to keep cool in the heat!

General / Re: Seeking action camera recommendations (under £80)
« on: 29 October 2014, 09:51:09 am »
I have a Drift HD, which is just out of the budget, BUT i picked up two refurb Drift HD170 Stealth cameras from They were £50 each and when one of them packed up, they quickly sent a replacement.

It has: 1080p at 120 degree field of view (30fps)
            720p at 170 degree FOV (30fps)
and       720p    --   "  --            (60 fps)

The lens is rotatable, the batteries and mounts are interchangeable with my Drift HD (Which gives you a viable upgrade path without buying all new accessories). You can get a Mic adapter from ebay for about a fiver that will allow you to connect any 3.5mm jacked Microphone.

Also the extended life batteries are easy to come by and cheap (£15) because Drift use rebranded Fuji batteries so every man and his dog makes a copy.

I used the Stealths on my latest trip to Europe. ALL of the rear views and supplementary views are the Stealth cameras.

They have better colour saturation than the first camera I got which was basically a Polaroid XS100 in a different coloured shirt! Here's a video with that one:

As a starter though, it's not bad. But I really wanted the ability to have an external mic to capture my inane wafflings.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: The great/rubbish light debacle...
« on: 25 October 2014, 04:30:35 pm »
Hello David!

Glad to hear she's serving well! Unless you've changed the bulbs since you took her away from me, then a set of nightbreaker unlimited or Phillips extreme vision will yield yet further lighting improvements. I was sadly too poor/tight to  replace like for like when the bulbs last went!

Keep her shiny!

General / Re: GoPro Studio
« on: 24 October 2014, 05:19:04 pm »
I've never used it. I use Power Director 12. I'm pretty sure Andy Man Cam doesn't use it either.

Quite right old bean. I use premiere pro, but. It's pricey. Luckily I picked up a copy cheap a while back.

I had a quick look at gopro studio, looks pretty slick considering it's free. I only really tried it because it can convert your heavily compressed videos from the camera into a much larger but less compressed file format. This means less leg work for your CPU when editing resulting in smoother previews and faster rendering.

BUT the files were MASSIVE!! I use so much footage lately that I'd need a 6TB HDD to have enough space to edit 1 video!

Bit of a digressiong there...

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 24 October 2014, 12:15:40 am »
Cheers Dead eye, I sincerely hope to!

I couldn't fill the jerry can with tax free fuel, Midden, because it was already full from the previous fill up! What kind of plonker would carry an empty jerry can past a petrol station!? :p

FZS600 Fazer / Re: The great/rubbish light debacle...
« on: 22 October 2014, 07:37:47 pm »
Sadly, yes. But I've got shed loads of footage backlog from the good times! Plus the existing videos serve as a reminder of when I was happy!

General / Re: FZS €uro Tour
« on: 22 October 2014, 08:39:00 am »
Here's the next instalment.

Episode 8. Cruising to Tarragona. Beautiful spanish roads and moody music.

Thanks folks!

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