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Messages - Kenny Dave

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Bleed nipples won't release - any tips?
« on: 09 April 2020, 09:14:03 pm »
I got the b***d.

Not sure what the difference was today, but it wasn't even that hard. Maybe patience and another day to get the pentrating spray in. I don't have an attachment for localising the heat too well, but I did try and aim at the bottom and didn't do it for so long. Previously I was just trying to get everything hot, but is the idea to get the outer hotter than the inner?
Anyway, lots of good tips on this thread so thank you for everyone that helped.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Bleed nipples won't release - any tips?
« on: 09 April 2020, 04:28:33 pm »
I'll have a look and see if I've got something to get the heat more localised, thank you. Or maybe buy a part.

I've got acetone and ATF in the post, so I'll try with that too.

If I can't do it then, I'll just have to take it to a garage after lockdown is done.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Bleed nipples won't release - any tips?
« on: 08 April 2020, 11:15:42 pm »
Never tried it but 50/50 acetone/ATF mix is supposed to be a really effective penetrating oil, it might be worth a try.
That's a great general tip on a bit of research.
I have some acetone I think. No ATF though; no transmission. I'll get some, thanks.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Centre stand return isn't
« on: 08 April 2020, 10:32:24 pm »
Quote from: darrsi
Link for the springs is in my first post. Bit expensive though.
Sorry, I missed that. Yowsers, 27 quid for springs. I could get them from my last work for less than a fiver for sure, if I could get the dimensions. I guess I'll measure what I've got and take a punt.

FZS600 Fazer / Bleed nipples won't release - any tips?
« on: 08 April 2020, 09:12:03 pm »
Any tips for these little bleeders? I've had the heat gun pointed at them, penetrating oil repeatedly, and they still won't release with as much force as I dare. I've snapped a few in the past, a serial balls up by me.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Centre stand return isn't
« on: 08 April 2020, 09:08:39 pm »
It's clean, but paint in the wrong spot and surface rust around the pivot points are strong suspects. I had a go at the stand, but didn't do anything with the frame side. I'm pretty sure I've got paint touching watching my own video. I'll get it off again and have a go at it.

What's best for getting rust off in this situation, a file? or wire brush on a drill bit?

The outside spring isn't broken, but poor. The inside one pulls so must be whole too. No one knows how I can replace the springs? That's the one thing I still need I think, the rest you've been stars on, thank you.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Centre stand return isn't
« on: 07 April 2020, 09:28:30 pm »
Your vid was very useful. It looks like the bolts are too tight but I cannot remember if it is even possible to overtighten them, which then makes me think - is the stand twisted, it seems to have a sticking point at a place where there should be maximum pull by the springs at about the 8 oclock position
I did them at about 30Nm, is it safer to have them looser? There's maximum extension of the springs at that point, but it's like going over a circle so the component of the force that moves the stand is least.

I think I should get it off and clean it up a bit better in there too.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Centre stand return isn't
« on: 07 April 2020, 07:59:44 pm »
Pics and vid:

Yes I did the sticking it at an angle, put one bolt in then angle it the other way.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Centre stand return isn't
« on: 07 April 2020, 12:22:54 pm »
@Darsi, you've confirmed that it is the springs I think. Because yes, it is easy to get them on. I'll get a video of the movement this afternoon, I've been distracted by my FZR400 over the last few days.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Centre stand return isn't
« on: 04 April 2020, 10:40:52 am »
I'll get it off and get some pictures and have another look though. Maybe I've got the springs connected wrong or something, it went on without much effort which is suspicious.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Centre stand return isn't
« on: 04 April 2020, 10:38:46 am »
It moves ok, not twisted. I can move it with my little finger. The external spring isn't snapped, although rusty as hell. The inner one I can't really see because of the rubber sheath inbetween. So that could be the problem.

It has improved a bit with fiddling. If it's within maybe 3 inches of the up position, it goes. Taking it off the centre leaves it in a sort of dead spot below this though. I don't think it will MOT like this, and more importantly it's dangerous of course if I forget to flick it up with my heel, or hit a pothole and it drops.  don't know if the last will happen but I don't like the thought.

There is some cratering on the stand from rust, which I've taken off with a drill attachment wire brush, but it's only minor. It gets repainted regularly, it's lost v little since I got it 15 years ago.

Do the nuts need to be as tight as I've got them?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Steering head bearings
« on: 03 April 2020, 12:49:49 am »
I took a mm off with a dremel to give me a surface, and used a silver steel drift, with the end ground down at an angle to get the purchase. Getting it in was easy, but you need a one of these to do it the way I did.

I also put the bearing in the freezer, which probably didn't help at all but I did it anyway.

FZS600 Fazer / Centre stand return isn't
« on: 03 April 2020, 12:35:27 am »
So I've had my centre stand, cleaning it up as well as I can, and put a new coat of hammerite on the thing of course.

It moves ok, but it doesn't return fully. The seats are a bit naffed, but the main problem I think is how little force there is on the spring when it's up. Hence I'd like to replace the spring. Ideally a repair kit, something like this:
But I can't find one for  the fazer. Any suggestions? Or spring dimensions?

I have the nuts tight, 30 Nm on them. Is this necessary, or is it safe to have them loser with the lock nuts and some thread lock on there? Maybe the issue.

Thanks if you can guide.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: tyre sizes
« on: 15 June 2014, 02:03:33 pm »
Currently I've got Avon Storms on, which I like. But I picked up a nice front wheel to replace my worn disks, and there's a nearly new Avon Roadrider on it, stock size. My question is this:

I obviously want to match tyres, but they don't make 160/60/R17 rears for the roadrider. What would be the right size, or should I stick another storm on the back? They are similar tyres, I have Roadriders on my FZR400. They are designed for "early sportsbikes", so don't have the big 'uns. They aren't noticably softer than the storm.

The front came off another Fazer mk1 so someone has had a roadrider on the back before :) 150/70? Thanks if you can help.

There's available sizes listed here:

For Sale & Wanted / Re: WANTED nose cone sub frame mkI 600
« on: 14 January 2014, 06:31:46 pm »

Anyone? I got one off someone who had a method for straightening them out before.

It's only a touch bent but but beyond me. Unless someone can advise how I can bend the bugger the 6cm or so it needs?

For Sale & Wanted / WANTED nose cone sub frame mkI 600
« on: 09 January 2014, 05:12:06 pm »
I need a nose cone sub frame for a mk1 FZS600 (1998). Has to be straight obv., but skanky is fine :)

Mine hit the deck quite hard and is bent... again :(

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Breaking gold X-reg FZS600
« on: 08 January 2014, 08:10:31 pm »
I need a...

straight nose cone sub frame. Had another run in with a SMIDSY :(

Edit: to make less nonsensical.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Bike has run hot - what to check and diagnostics
« on: 10 September 2012, 08:12:56 pm »
Thanks peeps, some good tips there. The oil looks clean, like oil not emulsion, although I'll change it as advised and look at it properly when it comes out, and get the carb pipes super clean. Or in fact, just switch them for the spares I have and clean the rubber tubes. It's whether the block is due to the radweld or the o-ring rubber getting somewhere it shouldn't that is concerning me most I think

If it's blocked, I shouldn't run it I think? So how can I use the rad flush to help, just leave it sitting in for a bit?

The radiator failed several times. The repairs were successful, but I had to pinch off the cross pieces which I think increased the pressure in the other cross pieces and caused repeated failures. Or just because they've all experienced the same conditions so have failed at about the same time. It was cracking across the edges of the cross pieces, it really crumbed in the end. I've learned that a radiator in bad condition should be replaced, even if it is working.

I made some poor decisions to say the least in needing to get back quickly for work, not helped by stroppy rip off Italian mechanics, and other friendly but ineffective ones. What I should have done is ordered one from Delkevic or the one I got from eBay and sat tight. I didn't get back any quicker than if I had in the end.

The Delvevic tip is a top one, I've already ordered a pattern one from eBay though, new but providence unknown.

FZS600 Fazer / Bike has run hot - what to check and diagnostics
« on: 09 September 2012, 09:26:29 am »
I went on holiday and had a bit of a disastrous trip with the bike. Long story short, she's run without coolant for quite a long time so has run ever so hot. There are two coolant pipes that go into the head around the barrels, the o-rings for these have, incredibly, melted.

So that I know how to sort, although whether it's possible we'll see. What I'm asking about is what else I should be checking and looking at in this situation. I'll test it thoroughly next weekend after I've got a plan of action, I've only had a brief look so far.

The head gasket seems to be ok, although it's just under where it's leaking from so it's hard to be sure. The coolant I think is draining in slowly, and didn't all drain after I filled it and pulled the plug. Could this be something normal, non circulation or some such? I'm totally inexperienced with coolant systems. I'm worried that the rubber has run into places it shouldn't be :( There is rad weld in the coolant system, about 4 times as much as suggested on the bottle, so maybe this too.

Any advice greatly appreciated. And yes, I am a stupid and lucky boy that it didn't seize and chuck me off.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Top steering head bearing outer race
« on: 15 August 2012, 12:06:16 am »
Ok, so it's all done and I won :)

I did a bit of dremelling behind the race and it worked a treat. A gentle pop with my new and more suitable stick, er, I mean drift, and it came out no trouble. my thinking with the dremelling is that I didn't have a surface that the drift didn't just slip off before, so how tight or loose it was was of secondary importance. I went maybe a mm deep, I'm sure that won't make much difference to structural strength. There's 2 much bigger ones at the bottom anyway from a previous owner. I ground a notch and got it shifted a mm or so. Then did the same again at about 120 degrees to the first, and then a third... then just tapped it out a bit at a time.

The new race has a much bigger lip, so will come off no sweat. I don't think the one's I've taken out are original since there are pre-existing notches at the bottom, so maybe they are just particularly skinny ones. I've tried taking pictures for others attempting it, but my camera isn't up to it.

I did dremel into the race itself slightly, but I used a flat top grinding  piece, putting in a new unworn one to do the mm vertically just below the race so it was flat. Because the ground surface of the race is still perpendicular to the drift it still knocked it out. The races are a lot harder than the steel of the frame as well of course; impressively hard in fact. I don't know what alloy they are made of but on experimenting I could barely make a scratch with a hacksaw.

Putting them in wasn't much trouble, having used the freezer trick (ta :) ) although I put together a puller using a M10 thread thingummy and massive washers which I got off the forum somewhere and is in the Haynes.

The top of the top race is flush with the top of the frame housing when right in, so that will go in no problem with an 'ammer, just tap it flat. The bottom one would go in using the hammer and the old one on top as a guide so it can push further than flush with the edge of the frame tube if that makes sense. It's deeper in than the top.

So I thought I'd brain dump for if anyone else is doing it. If you are and the above might be helpful but I haven't been clear or owt then let me know and I'll try and let you know what I did, assuming I can remember;)

Here's a picture, which I did before noticing that 69oldskool has described the same idea of pushing the drift away from the tube to keep it tight under the race  :)

The drift I've used is a 30cm long 10cm diameter rod of silver steel which is nice and hard with a suitable edge for the dremelled ditches, and you can get from a decent trade shop for 3 or 4 quid.

Cheers for all the suggestions on here. Even the ones I haven't done are good tips and I've learned something for the mental toolbox for the next problem, and for the next people doing this:)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Top steering head bearing outer race
« on: 13 August 2012, 12:32:05 am »
That's the set up. Thanks for the responses, I've got a plan of action now from it and have calmed down a bit;)

I've got a heat gun, and a blow torch can if I need it. A bearing puller from HSS if I fail.

I think I'll try with the dremmel first if I'm honest... a bit off the head stock underneath so I can get a good purchase and then some heat and taps. Even 1mm will make it immeasurably easier.

I'm sure once it's shifted even a little bit it will be fine... it'd just getting that purchase to get it under way. Thanks again.

Here's my garage half way through "fork weekend" by the way :)

FZS600 Fazer / Top steering head bearing outer race
« on: 12 August 2012, 07:08:44 pm »
So mother of god, that's hard to get out of the frame. Can anyone who's done it give me some pointers? I'm well stuck, and of course it's not something I can drop in at the shop.

The bottom one I've got, as there are some big groves scored into the frame so I can get a purchase behind it with my makeshift drift.

I'm going to go down to my local general purpose tool shop and see if they can sell me something more suitable to use as a drift... any good tips on what's best to use? Bend it, file it sharp along one edge etc? Would a heat gun at the top help?

How about if I just drilled through the damn thing? This would make it easy to flip off, but of course I'd go into the frame behind. Would this have safety and handling implications?

Thanks if you can help. I'm having a bit of a tilt at the moment, I thought it would just come straight off and I've been at it for a good 3 hours. I've done it on my little FZR before and they just fall off, I don't get why they have to be so tight - and so f**king inaccessible - on the fazer  :(

FZS600 Fazer / Re: MOT question
« on: 12 August 2012, 06:59:16 pm »
Mine goes through touching the fairing due to a bent sub frame. The fairing is actually cracked due to this too.

The wording in the manual is for it to not interfere with the motion, if I remember correctly.

For Sale & Wanted / MkI radiator wanted
« on: 25 June 2012, 12:22:21 am »
In need of a radiator for my mkI Fazer 600 if anyone has one. If you do, price and picture please! I'm in Leeds.  :)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: LUGGAGE RACK GEN 1 1000
« on: 09 June 2012, 10:46:57 am »
OK buddy, thanks.

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