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Messages - Just Anne

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General / Re: That's my girl!
« on: 14 November 2011, 09:08:59 pm »
Thank you [puffed up with pride icon]

General / Re: Posts Status
« on: 13 November 2011, 10:16:51 pm »
I had to supply cake, preferably the lemon drizzle variety, on a weekly basis to VIPs like Frazer for weeeeeks to get mine :D

General / Re: Insomnia
« on: 13 November 2011, 08:23:29 pm »
I have a cure, read the book on advanced cardiac electrophysiology that I'm reading for a course I'm going on next week, every bloody time I try to read it I drop off to sleep :z
Sorry not really helpful. The truth is that no sleeping pills are much good and they're all addictive. They're ok in the short term to restore a sleep pattern that's been upset but after a week or so they cease to be effective. The best thing is to find the cause of the problem. A therapist specialising in cognitive behavioural therapy is your best bet, it's likely to be caused by something you're not even aware of.
In the mean time, examine your bed time routine, best to avoid looking at anything with a screen for a couple of hours before trying to sleep. Also no caffine, alcohol or heavy meals after about 6-7pm if you're aiming to sleep at about 11-12pm. Write a list of things that worried you during the day and scrunch it up and put it in the bin (more effective than you might think) Your bedroom should be cool, about 18degrees but your bed should be warm,prewarm with a hottie if needed.Have a warm milky drink and a bath then read something in bed that's enjoyable but not too taxing till your eyelids droop. Turn the light off and have a CD with speech rather than music on just loud enough so you need to concentrate to hear, this stops your mind wondering onto things that worry you.
Hope this helps, it's worth the faf, honestly.

General / That's my girl!
« on: 13 November 2011, 07:57:13 pm »
Had a call from my 16 year old daughter at 2.30 on Wednesday to tell me she'd come off her ped. A couple came out of their house to help her, took her and the bike in, cup of hot chocolate later and she told them she had a test at college and needed to get there. The lady took her in to college, she sat the test, got the bus home.....then called me!
Thankfully she wasn't hurt but was very worried I'd be cross. As you can imagine, the overwhelming emotion on my part was great relief. Turns out she'd gone into a corner a bit fast, saw the car and braked while she was already lent over to keep on her side of the road. Road was wet and a service the previous day ment the brakes were a bit fierce. She parted company with the bike which then hit the on coming car. There was very little damage to her ped as the top box rack was what hit the car. Unfortunately, it hit a Merc and damaged the wing, wheel and door.
She's called the insurance company, sourced the parts and spent all day repairing it, took flowers to the lady she hit and the one who helped her and booked extra shifts at work to pay for it.
What a star :)

General / Re: oh bollox
« on: 13 November 2011, 07:25:24 pm »
Sorry to hear that Col, hope all goes well for her.

General / oh bollox
« on: 08 November 2011, 11:30:57 pm »
My friend's 18 year old son has just been diagnosed with testicular cancer, he noticed a lump and it has been caught early so it's very likely that he'll be cured. He found it because his mum got him to watch this
Please watch it, tell your sons, brothers and mates to watch it and don't die of embarrassment.

General / Re: Winter Tyres on the Cage
« on: 03 November 2011, 07:09:53 pm »
Well, at the risk of being thought of as a slightly 'odd' woman, I quite like tyres; there's something about the geometry of the tread that's rather pleasing to the eye. I'd probably bath them first but I can picture them in the lounge, might have to put a doily on top when my mum visits, she's always worried about these traits, I blame indoctrination by my brothers.


General / Re: Stupid little foccers
« on: 03 November 2011, 06:57:15 pm »
Jon, How about wiring up the phone to a big speaker so you can scare the foc out of the scrotes by shouting at them :eek   Or make it trigger a bag of flour and eggs to drop on them or...I'm on a roll now..  some indelible ink ......or.... no I'm getting into scooby  doo territory now... sorry :b


General / Re: Think bike sticker
« on: 03 November 2011, 06:47:37 pm »
 A Sticker That My Mother Promply Stole and put in HER car! Typical!  :rolleyes

I am a mum and it's in my car :D


General / Re: Winter gloves
« on: 03 November 2011, 06:40:54 pm »
I've got excellent winter gloves, they're black with red bits on, can't tell you what make they are as I can't bloody well find them :'(

Also got heated inners, the sort with wires on the back of your hands, but find they get too hot for comfort so have to switch them on and off ever so often. This is tricky because the switch on the wire is fiddly with gloves on. So if you're able to try the gloves before you buy, check out the switch with your gloves on.


General / Re: Winter Tyres on the Cage
« on: 03 November 2011, 06:29:19 pm »
Thanks guys. Now next question is how do I store the wheels not in use? Is stacking them in the corner of the garage ok or do I have to disguise them as 'art' indoors?


General / Re: Winter Tyres on the Cage
« on: 02 November 2011, 10:13:05 pm »
I was wondering about this, last time my cooper S was at the stealers the chappie was raving about winter tyres to another customer. I'd not come across them in the UK before. Expensive though, are they really just good for snow and ice on the road or is there an advantage just in the cold and wet too?

General / Re: Any Other Women Have This Problem?
« on: 30 October 2011, 07:08:11 pm »
I find that allowing them to drivel on trying to convince you that it's something altogether much more expensive then speaking softly and gently, in the most ladylike way, about the exact problem in a technically accurate way renders them speachless. At that point ask them quietly if they'd reconsider what they think may be required and how much it would be reasonable to charge. In my experience this does the trick. Unlike women who skwark and flap and wonder why they're not taken seriously. Then I go home and skwark and flap to myself when no one is looking :) :)


General / Re: Am I here on my own?
« on: 24 October 2011, 11:15:23 pm »
So there is :eek  what an unobservent focca I am.

General / Re: Real men
« on: 24 October 2011, 11:11:23 pm »
This is interesting;  I'm not sure these things should be exclusive, I'm not suggesting that men can do these things and women can't or that if women do they aren't feminine. Afterall, I can check valve clearances and a few foccers can testify to the fact I felt, battoned and tiled a roof too but is that really ok?
I have observed that whereas these abilities may well be considered admirable they can also make a chap a little uncomfortable. Conversly, the inability or unwillingness in a man to do these things can make a girl a little uneasy too. I think sometimes it would be great if I lived with an excellent cook but in reality, if I did, I think I'd feel usurped. I'm also not sure a man would be comfortable if their wife never needed their help.

General / Re: Am I here on my own?
« on: 24 October 2011, 09:06:25 pm »
Thank you, found it.

General / Am I here on my own?
« on: 24 October 2011, 07:19:18 pm »
The old site used to say across the top what other foccers were logged in, am I the only one in here, has this been lost or is it some euro data protection gig?

General / Real men
« on: 24 October 2011, 07:10:19 pm »
Just caught the end of an interview with James May on radio 2 talking about 'real men' and manliness. Got me thinking, what is a 'real man' and have our views changed on this over the past few decades? Discuss...
I'll start you off with a few atributes I would include if I were to describe a 'real man':-
  • knows how things work, (engines, lighting circuits, boilers)
  • owns and knows how to use tools and fix stuff (even if he prefers to pay someone else to do it)
  • would protect/defend anyone if he felt they needed help
  • does NOT think that holding a door open/giving up a chair/offering to help undo a jar or change a wheel for a woman is sexist
I think I have changed my views on this over the years and have come to the conclusion that expecting men to do the above as well as cook, clean, be in touch with their feminine side is probably unreasonable. Not saying they can't do this, just that expecting it may be unfair. Just my view.

General / Re: Anyone browsing with a smartphone / ipad / other thingy?
« on: 24 October 2011, 06:48:41 pm »
Looks fine on my HTC desire browsing on safari, it's my fingers that don't quite work properly.

General / Re: Think bike sticker
« on: 18 October 2011, 10:14:32 pm »
Thanks for this, just ordered one.

General / Re: We have a celebrity in the foc-u.
« on: 18 October 2011, 10:09:12 pm »
Thank you Chalky, I was cuffed to bits, never baked for a competition before  :D

General / Re: take 2: temperature guage question
« on: 06 October 2011, 08:36:09 pm »
Thank you, I'll have a better look.

Messages for Users / any admin peeps
« on: 03 October 2011, 09:31:28 pm »
When I click spell check, which I really need to do, my post gets deleted, what am I doing wrong?

General / Re: I liked this I did.
« on: 03 October 2011, 09:10:04 pm »
I must be a geek :eek  I think that's very funny; took a monemt though as I'm used to only 3 decimal places, maybe just a geekette :)

General / Re: earplugs
« on: 03 October 2011, 08:59:33 pm »
When I were a lass, nobody wore them but on my return to biking some years later, I was talked into trying a pair. I too found myself riding faster because of the sound difference. Bit scary at first but soon got used to it and wouldn't go without now, even in the Shoei XR1000.
On the odd occasion I've forgotten it's the ear shattering KEEERRRLUNK of my visor shutting that makes me stop and put them in.
I've now got the ones they make to measure by doing a mould of your earhole. These have wires in to connect to music or intercom. Problem is if the other user of the intercom has ordinary ear plugs as it's difficult to get the sound level to suit both. Today I listened to a podcast of woman's hour on radio 4 8) 

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