Date: 02-06-24  Time: 21:57 pm

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Messages - moffmeister

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1 chain adjusters
« on: 26 April 2018, 11:00:02 am »
easy swap with some M8 stainless steel set screws and nuts

Now then Brian - cheers for the doh - I've updated the first post and added you

Rob as our message exchange - great that you (and Helen) are coming !  :lol

Will put you down as two dossers for now (ready to upgrade to bunks is two become available)

Correction - thanks to Midden you now have a bunk each (I'll put you in a four berth with Ian and Soraya - unless you want to chance it in once of the sweaty/snory rooms...)

General / Re: Tyre question
« on: 04 April 2018, 12:03:31 pm »
on my FZ1-S I've been in PR2 for ages.  Did try PR3 and noticed little difference other than rear only lasting 2.5k miles.  PR2 rear lasts me for 4k miles and 2:1 rear/front replacement ratio (just).  Last set were Roadtec 01s (on offer where I go £30 off pair ) - in comparison to PR2 the 01s never spun up once in the wet (good) but rear squared off badly and no way front was going to last two rears.    Got 4k out of the rear.Now have Road 5 set on (these were on offer this time - £30 off pair) - tread pattern looks 'good' - time will tell - tbh if these hadn't been on offer I'd have gone for a set of PR2 again.

When I had my six my regular tyre was 020, 021, 023 - tried 016 once (in the dry they were fantastic - but rear didn't last long 2k miles)

Update Sep 2018:  PR5 - rear lasted 4k!  front about 1k left to go - gone back to PR2s!  At least I know I've got another 4k miles to go!

OK Dis.Punk noted

No issue with just turning up on spec. - hope to see you there (and Preston less than  an hour away)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Wet grip tyre recommendation
« on: 03 April 2018, 01:27:12 pm »
Not sure about sized for the six but on my FZ1-S I've been in PR2 for ages.  Did try PR3 and noticed little difference other than rear only lasting 2.5k miles.  PR2 rear lasts me for 4k miles and 2:1 rear/front replacement ratio (just). 

Last set were Roadtec 01s (on offer where I go £30 off pair ) - in comparison to PR2 the 01s never spun up once in the wet (good) but rear squared off badly and no way front was going to last two rears.    Got 4k out of the rear.

Now have Road 5 set on (these were on offer this time - £30 off pair) - tread pattern looks 'good' - time will tell - tbh if these hadn't been on offer I'd have gone for a set of PR2 again.

When I had my six my regular tyre was 020, 023 - tried 016 once (in the dry they were fantastic - but rear didn't last long 2k miles)

Update 26/09/18: PR5 rear lasted 5k miles  (about 1k left on front) - gone back onto PR2s and will stick with them - might get back to 2:1 ratio


Yes places available - sent you a PM - sign up and send me a deposit!


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fz1 centre stand
« on: 19 March 2018, 08:46:25 am »
My FZ1S has a MIVV exhaust and this doesn't have a stop for the ctr stand.  It's been like that since I bought the bike in 2009 so safe to say "won't do any harm"

looks like Mustang and Disorderlypunk have been scared off  :\

General / Re: Hello
« on: 07 March 2018, 08:54:48 pm »
good to hear from you Madders old boy

@Mustang and Disorderly Punk - just send me your deposits and come!

Stef was a newbie last year - he's coming back and met some mates who he now goes on rideouts with - like I said unless you are a boring fart YOU WILL ENJOY

General / Re: Hello
« on: 06 March 2018, 07:22:15 pm »
You'll be able to afford to come to the Spring Meet then!

General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat"
« on: 06 March 2018, 01:11:55 pm »
trying to fill 30 fucking bunks at the Spring Meet from over 6000 members   :z

« on: 06 March 2018, 01:08:46 pm »,23236.0.html

12 bunk spaces with no takers - if these are not taken soon (end March latest)  then I will have to cancel in order to recover deposit on the bunkhouse

if this is the case then this could well be the end of the Spring Meet...

@Disorderly Punk - same comment applies as for Mustang ! :lol

Mustang - find the Facebook page and send a request to join - I can guarantee that unless you a complete boring fart you will enjoy !

General / Re: Givi rack arms...What are they made of.
« on: 17 January 2018, 10:06:53 am »
they are prone to rusting (must be the Italian connection)
I had mine blasted and powder coated and they've been fine since - 3yrs ago (I also bladdered the inside with Waxoyl)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Aftermarket gear indicator
« on: 12 January 2018, 08:47:57 am »
+1 for the GIpro X - I fitted at same time as speedohealer (mine is downgeared) - easy to fit and both work a treat

General / Re: Traffic Monitoring
« on: 13 September 2017, 01:12:31 pm »
[quote]They are used to count the amount of traffic, directions, timings and speed in a percentile i.e. 28% were in excess of 34mph etc.You can't get "done" by them, they are there too help with road infrastructure/planning decisions at a county level.

Exactly the response I got when asking the gadgee fitting some near my house a couple of years ago

General / Re: Downshift Blipping
« on: 12 September 2017, 10:18:17 am »
sounds bloody nice as well


update from Elaine (the proprietor):

Stuart , great to hear from you confirming 7 or 8 of you arriving Saturday 30th Sept .... I have beds for 6 , all made up , so just excess of 6 will need to bring sleeping bags ..I have base mattresses.   Breakfast on Sunday morning for all you with our own sausages , bacon , eggs and home made bread !
Will look forward to seeing you all around 7ish .

see update^^^^^


All bunks now taken but camping and dossing down (inside still available).

Venue Same as previously:  West End Outdoor Centre, Bank Dike Hill, Thruscross, Harrogate, HG3 4BA - this postcode will take you past it - Sat Nave Coords: Lat:54.013713 Long:-1.779242

When Spring Bank 'Oliday weekend i.e. arrive Friday 25-May - stay for three nights - fek off 'ome Monday 28-May (Bank 'Oliday)

Pricing It has gone up to £1050 for the three nights (was £1000 last year) which is £35 per person per bunk total for the full three nights - still a  'kin bargin!  Total 'all in' for bunk, food, booze is £90 (currently) see Pricing Summary below.


Deposits and Payment

Normally those who subsequently cannot make it will get their deposit/money back assuming the place can be passed on.  Otherwise the shortfall has to be covered by those who have attended.  As every year you have plenty of time to ‘book the time off’; that said I appreciate "stuff" happens and can't be avoided - be assured I will try me very best to refund you if this happens and your excuse is genuine.

I have already paid the £200 deposit to secure the booking.  As this has been covered by deposits paid I don't need any further payment until April, when I need to pay the FULL balance for the accommodation (by the end of April). On this basis I will be expecting a minimum deposit (per bunk place) of £35 no later than 31-March.

Priority for bunk places will be given to those paying deposits -  A deposit can be any amount £10 or upwards but only full £35 will secure your place.  Multiple deposits are fine but I'd prefer it all in one i.e. for bunks the full £35. 

I will be expecting payment IN FULL (i.e. total inc. food) no later than two weeks prior to the meet.

If you have not payed in full by 10-May then, if demand, your place will be offered to others. Deposits will only be refunded in exceptional circumstances or your place is taken.  If your place is taken, the person taking it shall pay me the difference between the deposit paid (by you) and the total amount payable i.e. you are responsible for recovering your deposit from them yourself (obviously I will put you in contact with them).  Anyone dropping out at the "last minute" will only be refunded in exceptional circumstances.

Food/beer/band/sundries will be ca. £55 per head -  tee-totalers get a corresponding reduction on the cost; reduction if you don't drink alcohol ca. £24.

Veggies note as I will still be buying you some veg food then as this roughly equates with the cost for BBQ and breakfast meat there is no reduction.  You need to tell me what you want - alternatively if you want to cater for yourself (bring your own or eat twigs and leaves from outside etc) then a ca. £5 reduction applies.

This has always been a three night event.  If you want to stay for less then fine, but again I've booked for three nights so you pay for three nights.  Popping over for one night only? Normally anyone who turns up on the Sunday (or other night but there is unlikely to be any spare bunks on the Fri and Sat) and takes a vacated bunk chucks some money in the kitty (assuming you want to eat and drink) -  £20 is about right (£25 for Saturday).   Note if you are camping or dossing you only pay for the nights you stop.

You can pay me by Bank Transfer or PayM using my mobile number(or Paypal but bank transfer my preference...) send email to and I will forward the details - note the bank details changed last year so check first before paying - the correct/valid account number ends ….4567.

##DO NOT use the PM feature to contact me - use email, Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger! ##

Pricing Summary (guide)

Bunk + Food + Meat + Booze = £90 per person - for campers £57
Bunk + Food + Meat = £66 per person (teetotalers) - for campers £31

See note above for vegetarians

These are subject to confirmation but generally any uplift has previously been less that £5 per person overall.

Saturday Entertainment -  R E L O A D

Thanks (again) to Heath we have the same guys as last year + they’re bringing their Dads with em:  RELOAD -


Usual Saturday run to Hartside etc zzzzzz Sunday - coast or several splinter groups - something for everyone!


Sufficient quantities of alcoholic and non-alcholic are provided (sadly this event is not longer the piss up it used to be) also please note the Irn Bru is categorically only to be used for mixing with Vodka and cannot be drunk on its own...Note I will also get more "real ale" this year (and less wife beater - sadly this event is not longer the piss up it used to be)


As always there will be the usual (my excellent local butchers) BBQ fayre for the Friday and Saturday nights together with the usual snacks etc. For Sunday night: beef/chicken tacos/wraps (+veggie option)

There will be a stupendous full cooked breakfast on the Sat and Sun mornings (subject to volunteer cooks!! and washer uppers)

Camping (FREE)

Camping is free - unless all bunks are not filled in which case a contribution will be reqd!

Dossing Down Inside (also FREE)

Dossing is free - unless all bunks are not filled in which case a contribution will be reqd!  This is an alternative to camping but all you need to bring is a sleeping bag. This option will be limited to a maximum of ten people (due to space and I only have five airbeds - and I really can't be arsed).

Booking Summary


 :woot :sun :woot

Following the resounding success of last year's exploratory outing have decided to do this again.

Saturday lunchtime congregate in Moffat on the Saturday pm (lunchtime) in Moffat for the obligatory fish supper - meeting in Moffat at 13:00 ~13:30

Sat afternoon a wee bimble around Galloway before terminating at Kircudbright to stock up on 'essential supplies' prior to arrival at the Castle Creavie bunkbarn (the Hay Barn).

Spaces in proper bunks are limited to 6 No. (proper beds with quilt and pillow) but there is also space to doss on the floor.

Note this is not a frenzied raucous venue (like Spring Meet) as it's adjacent to the farmhouse and a holiday letting cottage i.e. no fires, no revving tits off bikes at 3am etc etc.

Sunday - full cooked breakfast in the farmhouse £7.50 per person or do your own thing then depart for home.

Could make into a two (or even three nighter) if interest e.g, say Friday pm Borders - Sat push north somewhere (Kinlochleven?)  - Sunday at Castle Creavie, Monday home - I guess with the option to do just one night or three etc.  My preference is just the Saturday night but at a push I could have Friday off.  - AS IT STANDS I HAVE BOOKED THE SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY - the option is there for Friday but as I said, I'll likely just be doing the Saturday - anyone wanting Friday or Sunday can contact Castle Creavie direct and make your own arrangements.

Castle Creavie costs are: Bunks are £15 pppn.  Additionally, reckon on about max. £15 each for food/beer etc (breakfast extra - per night) - I'm probably going to cook spicy chicken wraps and spicy beef/tacos.

I have booked the Hay Barn for Sat 30-Sep - waiting for the proprietor to confirm the max occupancy (but likely 6 No. for fire regs compliance)-  8 max should be fine with the last two takers dossing on the floor (as it stands currently this is Craig and Midden)


1- Me - confirmed (+ breakfast)
2 - Heath - confirmed (+ breakfast)
3 - Daz -confirmed (+ breakfast)
4 - TuonoV - -confirmed (+ breakfast)
5 - Chrisbiker + 1 - confirmed (+ breakfast x2)
7 - Louthyz - confirmed (+ breakfast)
8 - Midden?

Make sure you all have cash to pay the bunk costs + breakfast (£22.50 total for both) - anyone who wants to can send me money upfront if they want (PayM via my mobile number - or bank xfer - message me for details)

Update 10-Sep:  right peeps plan is:
  • Chris and his mate are staying in Keighley on the Friday pm (brave) - Heath will kindly 'collect' them Sat am and make way to Devil's Bridge
  • Ventzi is staying at mine Friday pm - so we'll see the rest of you (inc. Craig) at Devil's Bridge
  • Meet at Devil's Bridge 08:30
  • Meet any of the Scottish contingent in Moffat 13:00 - 13:30
  • then as above

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