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Messages - Kev8261

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General / Re: Grantham
« on: 22 January 2012, 07:43:22 am »
Thanks everyone, I'm feeling much better about things, without any beer too Tonie, so it must be good :lol

We went up yesterday to sort out a couple of things, someone close has a fireblade, so hopefully I'll be in good company.

I'll post on here when we're there and sort out a day, obviously I have to negotiate a day pass to go out :)

General / Re: cage advice (again)
« on: 22 January 2012, 07:32:40 am »
I have an older passat with 108000 miles, and it's a great car. There's a vw forum with great advice from vag trained mechanics,

I recently looked at postings about the new shape passat 3C I think, anyway this bloke crasher who has a business that deals with vws, says to avoid the early ones, 05 reg I think, because they are the ones that have the most of all the horror stories, the electronic handbrake is one that comes up regularly, the calipers are expensive, and the injectors are a fortune too.

I would go for the VW, I've had 2 without any major problems, good to drive on long journeys and good on diesel. One thing I've always been told, even though it may be complete rubbish as I'm a mechanical half wit, is to let it tick over for a couple of minutes to let the turbo cool down a bit.

General / Re: Grantham
« on: 18 January 2012, 01:01:05 pm »
Thanks Maddog, that's really settled my already neurotic wife!!

General / Re: Grantham
« on: 14 January 2012, 04:25:26 pm »
Thanks Chris, meeting at the cafe and then off for a ride sounds great, although I'm pretty slow these days so I'll meet you where ever we're going.

The people buying my house want us to move out by the end of March. so providing we don't hit any problems I should be there for the spring.

General / Re: Grantham
« on: 10 January 2012, 07:43:46 pm »
Thanks Hodge, you're absolutely right, it's up to us to make it good.

Oh yeah, and thanks to Rusty, you know how to reassure someone :lol

General / Re: Must view!
« on: 10 January 2012, 06:20:07 am »

People are stunning?? Some of them are just plain crazy

General / Re: Grantham
« on: 09 January 2012, 09:27:48 pm »
Thanks Toni, that sounds good too, I'm starting to feel better already, or is that the beer?

General / Re: Grantham
« on: 09 January 2012, 09:17:05 pm »
Now that's a plus point, thanks peejay

General / Re: Grantham
« on: 09 January 2012, 09:15:46 pm »
We're on the St Mellion heights site built by Jelson, it's a little way out of the town, typical new estate but it looks OK

General / Grantham
« on: 09 January 2012, 09:00:07 pm »
Bought a house in Grantham today, I'm having to relocate because of work. I'm absolutely terrified, being out of my comfort zone, can anyone calm me down? Have I done the right thing?

General / Re: driving test - car
« on: 28 December 2011, 04:44:30 pm »
I know you didn't mean to insult anyone Robbie, I think I just had the needle that day.

I can't help it, I just hate christmas

General / Re: driving test - car
« on: 24 December 2011, 08:28:28 am »
Just a quick point about instructors(being an ex instructor, gave up it drove me mad)if you can't get a recommendation, which as others have pointed out is the best way, ask them when their last check test was, and what mark did they achieve. Unless they've changed it they mark 1 to 6, 6 being the best mark.

The bit about same sex instructors is a bit insulting, the majority of my pupils were girls(which I preferred because they listened to me and didn't try to tell me how to drive unlike the lads)and I didn't spend the hour trying to get in their knickers.

General / Re: Everyone should know about Hastings Direct
« on: 24 December 2011, 07:58:52 am »
Bloody hell, my insurance is due in a couple of weeks and their quote was the cheapest, as I don't have much money at the moment I was considering Hasting direct.

Not now though!

General / Re: Good deeds
« on: 24 December 2011, 07:45:49 am »
I'm ashamed to say none :o

As with all my old school reports, 'Must try harder'

General / Re: Cape Town tips please
« on: 13 December 2011, 10:42:31 am »
 :rollin I bet that's very reassuring

General / Re: Wishing you all...
« on: 12 December 2011, 07:52:19 am »

Love the card :)

General / Re: Thought the only nice thing about England was football
« on: 12 December 2011, 07:50:12 am »
Wow, looks great, I've got to see that film, and I'm going to make every effort to go, possibly to the southern 100.

Am I right in assuming it's cheaper than TT week?

General / Re: Fazer prices
« on: 12 December 2011, 06:55:23 am »
I think you may have to wait a while to recoup that much!

I'd be pretty pissed off too about the pension.

General / Fazer prices
« on: 10 December 2011, 01:40:39 pm »
I don't know whether anyone else has looked at Bike mag this month, but they have done an feature on bikes that 'do it all'.

Anyway the FZS600 comes in at number 11 from 20, but I thought the interesting part was that they said the prices are soon to start rising.

So now I can say my bike is an 'investment', or it's 'my pension' and then try to look like I know what I'm talking about :lol

General / Re: Halvarssons gear - rate or slate?
« on: 03 December 2011, 02:29:41 pm »
Probably replying too late, but I've had a Halvasson jacket now for a couple of years I think it's great value for money.

Warm enough although I only do 12 miles to work, it's also been waterproof but again it's only for 20 to 25 minutes.

One criticism I do have is the zip puller things break quite easily, having said that the dealer has replaced them each time without any arguments.

So for the price I paid, I think about £180, pretty good.

General / Re: best tonic on the planet
« on: 22 November 2011, 08:13:20 am »
I've done that more than once, I even got to put it in MCN classifieds, and after having had a couple of time wasters round offering me £500 and £800, I decided to keep it and I'm really pleased I did, the money would have gone on something boring and I wouldn't be able to afford another bike.

So until my lottery numbers come up, the Fazer is with me until one of us dies :lol

General / Re: What did you do to your bike today?
« on: 29 October 2011, 08:47:45 am »
Washed it, cleaned and lubed the chain, checked the tyre pressures, put the optimate on it.

Oh yes, another day of my life in the fast lane!

General / Re: Terrible news from sepang Moto GP
« on: 23 October 2011, 12:50:06 pm »
Terrible, terrible news, I thought he was putting the fun back into an otherwise pretty dull motogp season. I went to the qualifying session at Silverstone this year and became a fan of his, seemed like his was a good guy.

A sad end to a very bad week for motoracing.

General / Re: Insewarants renewal time
« on: 22 October 2011, 02:22:40 pm »
This year I'm with MCE, as Carole Nash was not prepared to match the deal offered, only later after I'd committed to MCE to say that they could have done better, which was irritating.

I then found out that MCE had forgot to mention that I was not covered for commuting and the breakdown was the absolute basic stuff, so after making alterations to my policy it ended up costing me more!!

I've certainly learned a valuable lesson to ask more questions instead of assuming I was covered for everything. 

General / Re: We have a celebrity in the foc-u.
« on: 19 October 2011, 01:16:20 pm »
Cuffed??? Was it that bad?

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