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Messages - pitternator

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It had to happen....but May would be better as many will be going on summer hols as we get towards July. I am away on 29 june for example.

So what about it !

General / Re: the clarkson debate
« on: 04 May 2014, 07:15:47 am »
Nigger is just a colloquial of that racist ?? Caucasian racist too..? Black is a color not a racist remark. Its all bullshit .People have been calling each other names for ever ...sticks and stones etc...

What is" racism" anyway ?? the UK today too many people winge on about it when tbh theres more foreigners here than indigenous brits and most are doing quite well from it. Hardly downtrodden slaves....... We should be more concerned with starving poor people in the Uk than an off screen utterance from a burk like JC...

General / Re: tailgaters
« on: 03 May 2014, 07:25:44 am »
yes I have seen this myself while browsing you tube. The car driver is a complete tosser, thinks he is a good driver but he aint. How he never crashed into several vehicles is pure luck.He has no concentration, no obs, just driving like in a video game. Sadly when he does crash , its probably going to be him who survives. Its why I never dice with such wankers on the road , I don't trust they would brake or steer well enough to avoid hitting you if we slowed down.A good car driver wouldn't have picked such a crowded motorway to do this in the first place. I have found in my experience fast car drivers tend not to race bikes anyway. So if you do get taunted, best to turn off, cos I bet the fecker wud not stop if he caused an accident.

Lastly , he probably Is related to " n*gger"  Clarkson,    :lol

Nobody has IMO got a viable gen1 alternative.I have been looking since 2005. All similar bikes have issues, and issues which will cost to sort ..on top of a hefty new price tag.I have been trying several just now and still am struggling to find something which is a step on.About the only bike I do like Is the vfr1200, and rather curiously its Xtourer brother. Why ? ...cos the engine is simply fantastic. Just as in its day the FZS engine stood head and shoulders above the rest. Chassis wise the fazer has always been simple, not terribly effective, but easily modded, and for not too much cash.Its competition was bandit , zrx1200 etc. Both quite crude. Many mags rated the GS of its day as competition, but in reality they were totally dissimilar.Owning both a GS and a fazer now I can tell you they are still totally dissimilar, bar they can overlap in roles.Its the awesome power of the fazer engine in an ordinary upright frame chassis which is the difference. Even the Z1000SX has less power ...MS and 1190 adventure almost there but with mega price tags , and high seats.
I tried the new tiger sport , but its more of a evo of the sprint than a fazer , and suffers cheapo suspension, poor screen and hard seat. Almost like the first FZ-1 !..add in a curious steering wander to the front wheel at low speeds...and its disappointing for what is almost 10k.

You could argue the world has moved on with adventure bikes, but they are simply popular because they offer the comfort and usability lost in the evo of sportsbikes into racebikes on the road. Definitely the ewan and charley effect boosted  the genre, rather than road bikes like the fazer taking over. My own thoughts are the FZ-1 killed the genre cos it was too sporty in bias...leaving the way open for adventure bikes to develop. Triumph copied the GS with its tiger 1050 in 2007, which helped set the trend. Oddly the S1000R is possibly the breaking point when bikes may go back to being more road biased. I welcome the change, but budget wise, its fantastic priced money ...bikes need to be sub 10k IMO to ever become as popular. Hence why I do think Triumph have missed a great opportunity with the tiger sport. It should have been the new fazer alternative.
Mind you , purists might say that the first gen1s were overpriced, had ineffective screens, hard seats and crap rear hey ! maybe triumph have copied the gen1 !  :rolleyes

I'm up for it !

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZ1 Penske 8981 rear shock
« on: 23 April 2014, 07:41:35 am »
looks brand new m8. You should go into bike cleaning business. I will be ur first customer !  :lol

General / Re: Uh oh…..
« on: 23 April 2014, 07:32:36 am »
its a far cry from the 750 FV, the thinking mans sportsbike. Later vfr 800 not so good IMO. Having said that they do handle.VTec fecke dit up, they should have made it 1000cc, that wud have been the ideal solution, more grunt , similar weight.

vfr1200- ride one then see what u think. I think they are an awesome bit of kit .Nowt like the 800 at all. More a take on how hyperbikes can handle...

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Ventura luggage FZ1-s
« on: 21 April 2014, 08:19:52 am »
I can vouch for the excellent condition of deks kit. I also rate the ventura system very highly. Have had it fitted to almost all my bikes.

Theres plenty of apathy about !

If its to be sunday 27th, lets start shouting about it ! :)

Is this a specific FZ-1 upgrade luke ?

would fitting something like this to a gen1 have any benefits ?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fazer 1000 or FZ1 eternal dilemma
« on: 13 April 2014, 08:08:52 am »
ditto. You can now pick up decent gen2 for under £5k. They were 10k new. There a lot of mods to improve power delivery , though its always going to be  a revvy sportbike engine.If you want an easy to ride tourer with occasional blasting go gen1, if you want the opposite go gen2.

only problem with gen1 is finding a decent low miler anymore as they have been out of production almost 9 yrs ! Saying that my 42k miler is as good now as it has ever been. The engines seem bulletproof if looked after.

Have to say in my 14th year of owning these bikes, if I had a quid for every time this topic has come up...... :lol

General / Re: ABS brakes ?
« on: 10 April 2014, 07:26:35 am »
Lock ...abs ( get it ! )  :lol

on a serious note for the non believers..ask urself just why abs is there. Its not cos we are all useless hamfisted lack of safe stopping distance riders. Its because in an emergency / panic situation, modern brakes are soo powerful they will lock with panic braking. Years ago you would be feckin lucky if you could lock up brakes they were so shite. ABS wont reduce stopping distance, but in a potential crash situation will give you maximum retardation. Most riders if they lock the front will crash .
Riders will often cit eracers don't need abs etc...but hey when have you ever seen oncoming traffic in moto gp ! ..or junctions..abs is a godsend in my book. No doubt if you try hard you will come up with a scenario where it wont help, but the couple of times it has come on for me, I know I probably would have locked up in trying to stop too quickly or thinking I could stop within a certain distance. I don't have it on my gen1, and with 80k miles riding the bugger , I do think my brain can mostly calibrate when the bike will lock up. But in a panic situation guarantee.

General / Re: Aaaaaggggggghhhh
« on: 10 April 2014, 07:17:42 am »
Out of interest Lock , have u ever ridden a street triple ( base or R )..similar engine, great handling a comparison ??

me I aint excited about the MT styling , but the bigger engine( than a 675) sounds like its got some torque. A 1050 will out power it for sure, but an 800 should be more flickable...hence in the world of naked roadsters...MT could be the ideal mix ??  8)

I reckon this black one you have bought  looks less supermoto than the trick paint jobs, which would suit me more.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: how much oil
« on: 07 April 2014, 08:49:00 am »
if the oil is changed cos of impurities, maybe they can damage the filter too?...I dunno, but for £6 I wud do an annual oil filter change along with the oil..u cant do anything better for a standing engine to change both.
IF you ran it regularly all year round , then maybe skip a filter change, but its just  the price of 2 mcn papers... :\

about time we sorted the date out if its going to happen.??

It always was april...moved to may last year, cant recall just why ??
 . April was the first meet up, in memory of styx an original fazer thou owner sadly killed by a car driven recklessly.

General / Re: touring
« on: 29 March 2014, 07:35:21 am »
a bigger issue is to prep for the trip. You don't want to break down abroad !
Look at luggage etc. Always take good waterproofs cos it does rain over there, and it can be heavy.

Take some sort of internet device so if u R stuck you can find hotel vacancy online. And take a sat nav cos searching for fuel in rural france aint easy !

Also do remember if you are on your own, you need comms in case of a problem.

Read up on other peoples experiences abroad so u don't make newbie mistakes.


General / Re: And this is why you check your mirrors when braking!
« on: 29 March 2014, 07:27:40 am »
camera angle or not the filtering looks soo dangerous. You wont get a second chance if you hit anything stationary.

I have watched several such vids, one comes to mind is from  "royal Jordanian". Very entertaining, but us old hands are quite happy leaving the young guns to do it all. We are still alive !

I just ask myself it worth risking your life for ?? :\...its really just a tit for tat game .You got pissed at the car driver for jumping the lights, you just want to get one back.

10 minutes on in your life , look back and ask .... has anyone achieved anything worth such a risk ?

General / Re: Bump up the price....
« on: 29 March 2014, 07:15:45 am »
you'll get chucked off ebay if ur found out.... :\

and possibly anyone who bids...

is it worth it when u have 100% feedback ?

General / Re: SMIDSY doesn't just happen to bikes...
« on: 29 March 2014, 07:12:28 am »
try driving in Italy !   :lol

theres just too much distraction in the car ( phones, sat nav etc) and too much traffic outside( impatience) result is shite driving.

on the bike I do my very best never to follow any car traffic,I overtake swiftly or hang back...... I hate mways and filtering....Anything which involves relying on a cage for my safety always gives me the shudders.

I also will not drive small cars...4 wheel coffins IMO.... :(

bt sport is £12 a month if u r a sky viewer. You can take it monthly , ie don't pay for months without moto gp in.

considering I pay £8 ish a month if not more for bike mags, its " reasonable" if there are two races in a month.

BSB will be on eurosport this year with more coverage than before, so that's  a good thing.

if u go to a circuit to watch a moto GP.....well that cost is another story entirely !!

sadly my thoughts are, as with new bike pricing , biking is well on the way to being a niche sport/ hobby.Intended more for the rich than the populace. Its a trend I have noticed since recession started in 2007.Look at the price of a new GSA bike...16K!

General / Re: End of an era
« on: 26 March 2014, 07:28:18 am »
always a cool looking bike. I remember testing a XJR back in mid 90s with twin open cans. Boy it sounded fab. Incredible torque too. Like the GSX14, these older big fours felt and sounded almost like a big twin than a buzzing four. Felt inbetween a fazer and a cruiser to ride.

General / Re: How to plan touring abroad
« on: 18 March 2014, 07:11:11 am »
interesting topic as this year I am taking 7 other chaps on a tour of Europe, and often there is a big split in opinion over whether to plan or not to plan...some considering even looking at a map takes all the fun from it. Well I usually counter that Europe is a massive place and just hoping to stumble on best roads is as likely as finding petrol in a village in France on a sunday ! LOL
IMO some prep is vital. It can vary from planning every route to just deciding towns you want to head to.The disadvantage of no planning can mean having to use expensive hotels, ride on into the night searching for digs, even running out of fuel and sleeping in a ditch!. And yes while I didn't do that , it happened to someone I know.
If its your first trip I could write out an A4 on dos and donts, if you want more info, feel free to PM me.
On the plus side, france is close enuff to UK for it not to feel too different , but still remember it is  a different country with its own laws, practices and customs, which are quite at odds with for example weekends over in UK .Seasoned tourers gloss over much which has to be learned, but remember they have gained that often through experiences which could have been avoided with better prep.
The goal is to enjoy the vacation, not spend it regretting what you could have done.
For me the moment I leave Calais, the holiday starts in earnest , but that feeling of freedom still has to be tempered by having done enuff prep so you can relax into it!

General / Re: european breakdown and medical insurance
« on: 18 March 2014, 07:00:48 am »
I always take out bike specific insurance because I know of the immense cost to get repatriated. Irrespective of fault , the costs have to met at the time.When you think of the potential injury you can suffer through no fault of your own, you have to be covered.
 I also had a shock when I found out that for 2 yrs in the previous decade, I had relied on my de facto NatWest med policy , only to find out they restrict  bikes to 125 cc!..and exclude anyone who has ever had any accident on a bike, irrespective of fault. Effectively excluding most more mature bikers from cover !..since then I have used Mci every year .
MCi will do it even if you don't book their tours , cost around £80 for both bike and medical. Last 2 yrs my bmw warranty included full euro breakdown, but that expires in June, and I was considering taking fazer, hence my enquiry.
Your experience is worth considering by anyone who baulks at cost of insurance cover....but we can still hunt around for best deals.

General / european breakdown and medical insurance
« on: 17 March 2014, 02:16:07 pm »
Am going to Europe first week in July , and am wondering if anyone has found reasonable cover at a reasonable rate !

10 day trip, up to 10 yr old bike, single person  with no medical issues.

Have always bought from a tour company eg mci before, so am looking about for any alternatives .


General / Re: Moving to Suffolk
« on: 17 March 2014, 02:13:10 pm »
lovely place...hope you can readjust to rural peace and quiet !  :lol

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