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Messages - dekker555

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Batteries
« on: 26 March 2012, 11:52:07 am »
It's lacking the oomph to start, UK recommendations for a replacement please? Sorry, I know it's been on here before, but you (at least I can't)can never find these things just hen you need them. Many thanks in anticipation. Derek, Chelmsford.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: coolant query
« on: 19 March 2012, 07:53:22 pm »
I've had Halfrauds advanced (ready mixed red stuff) in mine now for 3,000 miles now with no problems, go for it.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ais removal
« on: 11 March 2012, 07:43:11 pm »
If you do take on tapping those exhaust connections, be absolutely certain that the tap is parallel to that connection when you are starting the tap. It's not that difficult but care is needed. I found a short straight edge to keep laying up the side of the connection, and alongside the tap, to ensure it was in line. Check every quarter of a turn until it's firmly established.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: chain lube?
« on: 26 February 2012, 03:32:49 pm »
Scottoiler, and I'm not connected with them in any way, other than a very sattisfied customer. I wouldn't run a chain driven bike without one!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FAZER 1000 - OLD MANS BIKE?
« on: 20 February 2012, 07:34:10 pm »
'Tis in my case, (at 80) Ivanised and resprung, what more could I ask for? A bit of sunshine perhaps?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Battery charging problem
« on: 05 February 2012, 01:33:45 pm »
I think this may help you, Silverdream also had a posting on it in this section on the 28th of December.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: why isnt this connected?
« on: 29 January 2012, 06:56:19 pm »
Lift the tank up, you will be able to connect it easily.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Have now ordered and paid for my...
« on: 26 January 2012, 07:59:48 pm »
Yea but who pilots the bike while you watch this gauge performing? I'll get me coat!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Gen 1 Forks
« on: 25 January 2012, 07:19:58 pm »
Very helpful, thanks very much lads.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Gen 1 Forks
« on: 24 January 2012, 11:11:11 pm »
I'm stripping my front forks for a general check, clean up and spring change, and on reading Haynes would like to know if there is a way to remove the damper cartridges when they turn within the fork. Haynes quote a factory tool for this job and can't find any other references to it elsewhere. Many thanks in anticipation.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Back to Back shock test
« on: 24 January 2012, 08:18:58 pm »
I totally agree with Revvs Racing, you can't alter a springs rate. The spring rate is designed into the spring, and is the product of the spring wire diameter, the spring diameter, it's lenght and number of coils. The term "Preload" seems to sugest the amount of load (compression) thats on the static spring.
To answer another question here, some springs are Progressive and others are not (Linear), the visual difference being that the Linear spring has it's coils all equal distant, and the Progressive spring has some coils closer than others. Apologies if I am teaching any of you to suck eggs. Hope that helps others.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: K&N Conical Air filters
« on: 23 January 2012, 07:59:40 pm »
Just being inquisitive rather than critical, so why go for those filters when Mike uses BMC and details other airflow mods to go with the "Full Monty" version of Ivan's jet kit? Looks perhaps? Think I would prefer something proven on my bike.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Perhaps a Silly Question on This Forum!
« on: 23 January 2012, 07:44:53 pm »
Same as dickturpin, only I traded up from a CBF600 to a Gen 1 with just over 5,000 on it. The best decision I ever made on a bike swap. At that mileage, the exup will be OK, but service it anyway, and do it every 5,000m to keep on top of it. From now on it's decisions, decisions and more decisions if you keep reading this forum, just deciding on your next mods. I'm turned 80 now, and have just Ivanised mine, and am now having a go at the suspension. Fantastic bike!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Have now ordered and paid for my...
« on: 22 January 2012, 10:44:45 pm »
Yea but HOW MUCH?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Side stand too short
« on: 21 January 2012, 07:06:39 pm »
Find yourself a piece of steel the correct thickness, and get a welder to tack it on, job done.

" Told him it wasn't fair on the people who have already bid on them". I think it is fair, THEY'VE SIMPLY BEEN OUTBID, as they could have done likewise! (I am not in the bidding on this)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fork protectors?
« on: 15 January 2012, 07:24:28 pm »
Blimy, this sounds dangerous, I'm not making any more sugestions on here! Anyone know of a forum frequented by ladies?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Ex-Up Valve & 7k Rev Counter Error Message
« on: 13 January 2012, 08:26:06 pm »
Yeabut, the important thing about Mike is he knows them the right way round too, exactly how they should be, as well as many improvements! I blew the chance of meeting him by doing my own Ivanising, because I was too impatient!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Ivanising in April 2012
« on: 12 January 2012, 11:03:15 pm »
Bracechenko, Ivanising is the best tune-up you could ever give your Gen 1. It's fitting an Ivan's jet kit  (an extremely well and extensively developed kit from the USA) to your bike (5 mods to each carb) The kit costs around £100 and Mike is your man to fit it, its well worth it. Mike now resides in Spain, but brings his tools over now and again to meet lucky Gen 1 owners, and sort their bikes. you can do it yourself if you feel up to it, I did mine as mike wasn't coming anywhere near me at the time, but you'll need a few special tools. All the info can be found at:-,74.0.html

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Then and Now
« on: 09 January 2012, 08:06:19 pm »
I think we in the UK are all envious of where Mike lives, especially this time of year!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: What is a 'mild detergent' ?
« on: 07 January 2012, 06:55:54 pm »
Plenty of water with it?

FZ6 / Fazer / Re: Steering
« on: 01 January 2012, 10:58:58 pm »
Hi Simon, first of all you need to be certain there is no notchiness in the steering head races (which could have been caused by a bump, or running them adjusted too tight. Secondly, as on a push bike, the wheels need to be in line or it will pull to one side. You need a hand to carefully run a string round them, as the marks on the swing arm may not be accurate. (I take more notice of my piece of string!) Hope it's nothing more serious like a bent frame, good luck with it.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: banjo bolt
« on: 29 December 2011, 08:01:18 pm »
Hi, just measured one and found it to be 10 m/m diameter x 1.25 pitch. Hope that helps.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: AHHHH my bolts are made from cheese
« on: 29 December 2011, 07:28:12 pm »
Socket head screws (Allen screws) used to all be High Tensile at one time, (would think they still are) if I needed those bolts, that's what I would use. A good tool shop should stock them, or you could probably find them on the internet somewhere. Good luck with it.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ITS ABOUT FINISHED !!
« on: 25 December 2011, 11:13:15 pm »
A fantastic job you've done there! Those wheels too! Are you going to ride it, or stand it in the lounge and sit and admire it? Difficult choice I would think. Would you mind telling us what screen you have on it please? Thanks in anticipation. Derek.

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