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Messages - Fuzzygoth

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General / Re: Ride-On Motorcycles, Glasgow
« on: 18 August 2012, 09:49:11 pm »
I would add that as far as I can tell the work they have done on my bikes has been
good, its just the problem after problem that's bugging me.


General / Re: Ride-On Motorcycles, Glasgow
« on: 18 August 2012, 09:32:22 pm »
The Fazer was in for the ExUp value to get looked at and a new Battery. They guys seem
nice enough and the problems one by one are minor things (well some of them are) but
after three visits for two bikes coming to in total around £700 odd quid and there being
multiple issues I am starting to get really fucking cheesed off. I am trying to give the
benefit of the doubt its hard with some of the stuff that's happened.

Bulldog 1st Time (around £300)
* Put a ding in my replacement tank when replacing the one that was smashed in by
the handlebars when I had my spill and made worse by getting blown over in the
hurricane. This was done when they put it on the side stand and the handlebars
impacted on the tank. Tbf I didn't mention it too them but I did think the huge dent in
line the handlebars switchgear might have been a clue.
* Went in with a full tank and came back on fumes, that's about 15 litres.
* Failed to replace my headlamp properly which resulted in it being loose for around
5,000 miles, I later replaced it in about 5 minutes.
Bulldog 2nd Time (£348)
* Not their fault, but there was an accident when road testing my Bulldog with a taxi,
fortunately the mechanic was able to bump it onto the kerb and both mechanic and
bike were safe (got a hell of a fright though).
FZS Fazer 1000 (£124)
* Went to leave this morning with the bike idling high and when I went to turn the
choke off found my choke lever missing. Needless to say with everything that's come
before I was ready for blowing a gasket but I kept calm and they replaced it there and
* Got home to find lots of marks on the right hand side of my front fairing when its
impacted on something and has scraped the paint off in several places. I am assuming
it happened when it went in because I don't remember causing that much paintwork
damage and I am sure its the sort of thing I'd remember.

So am I being unreasonable at being pissed off based on the £71 quid an hour price tag?

General / Ride-On Motorcycles, Glasgow
« on: 18 August 2012, 08:44:25 pm »
I am assuming that people from Glasgow on here being Fazer owners have
had their bikes services here at some point. I am curious what sort of quality
of work you have received in their on your bikes. I am assuming that I have
just been very unlucky in my dealings with them. I have two bikes (Both Yam's)
and have had them in a few times for various odd's and sods an each time
there has been stuff that has annoyed me when they have come back to the
point I am considering looking for another Yam dealer to take my bikes too.
I wouldn't mind but at £71 quid an hour I am a little tired of getting my bike
back to find certain irregularities. To be fair to them not everything that's
happened is their fault nearly getting taken out by a taxi while road testing
one of my bikes is beyond anyone's control and I was glad the lad was okay
and thankful that he managed to get my bike out of the way but I've not had
this sort of thing at the 3 other garages I used over the last 3 years.

Opinions welcome, I am trying to keep an open mind but I really nearly blew
a gasket this morning.


General / Re: Is the cost of fuel impacting your bike fun?
« on: 15 August 2012, 08:54:23 am »
I get on better with the Angel St's and the Road Pilot 3's but its always
a personal preference thing. I just find the two sets I am running atm
give me more traction and grip in the wet, and living in Scotland as
you can imagine its handy ;)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Uncomfortable Bike
« on: 15 August 2012, 08:49:11 am »
To be fair I used to find my FZS Fazer 600 very comfy, I've found the thou
much less so ironically. I get a sore wrist with the bulldog but I am guessing
who ever fitted the heated grips and glued then badly when make a very stiff
throttle (guessing). I have always had after market bars with raisers on my
bike (pure co-incidence) and i find that helps with the position rather than
the standard bars I've had on loan bikes.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Breaking 2001 Fazer 1000 black 21K
« on: 15 August 2012, 08:39:46 am »
Hmm odd I can't work out why, Oh well. I only mentioned the rear wheel
in case you had a buyer for the wheels but not the disc's. I am interested
if you have any of the pillion hangers and thou frame covers depending on
the condition (mine need replacing due to some corrosion).


General / Re: Is the cost of fuel impacting your bike fun?
« on: 15 August 2012, 08:18:12 am »
* I will add the road angel on the Thou at 7.5k is a new one
not the one that I accidently ran down to the canvas :P

before someone mentions it ;)


General / Re: Is the cost of fuel impacting your bike fun?
« on: 15 August 2012, 08:15:26 am »
I must admit at the moment I commute up to Aberdeen and Back for work
twice a week from Glasgow which is a tank each way. Combined with my
leisure mileage (say the Yorkshire Pudding just outside Sheffield) that brought
the whole trip to around 900 miles (Work and Lesuire) which fair puts a dent
in the old pocket regardless at around 6 tanks at about £18-£22.

As for tyres I generally stick to sport touring tyres mainly as my bikes are my
only transport I get  lot of miles down. I got between 6-8k out of the BT023's
my Road Angel ST's are similar but a little higher by a couple of K but I did
accidently run them to the canvas (the back wheel is at 7.5k and climbing)
and I am still running in the Road Pilot 3's but I'd rather pay a little more and
have my tyre last longer (I'm lazy) but the road pilot 3's must be coming up
for quite a few k now.


For Sale & Wanted / Re: Breaking 2001 Fazer 1000 black 21K
« on: 10 August 2012, 09:51:04 pm »
Dropped you a mail regarding the rear disc and some other bits, though
it looks like you might be a little snowed under ;)


General / Re: New paint Job?
« on: 10 August 2012, 02:03:00 pm »
I'd give Chitsu a poke from easibike Glossip, he's on the forums and done
several sets of these and some paintwork on my other bike. recommended ;)


General / Re: please help - Scotland advice wanted
« on: 10 August 2012, 01:52:23 pm »
If you get the good weather it should be awesome, we couldn't see
anything for the rain in harris and Lewis. Another option is you could
boot along to Maliag and get an Island Hopper Ticket go to Skye, then
up to harris and Lewis, fuinishing in Stornaway and get the ferry to
Ullapool. Skye is beautiful but we unfortunately had to boot through
it due the the ferrys being gubbed and needing to get Harris quickly.
But then we wanted to do the Isle of Skye Brewery and the Stienn Inn ;)

Enjoy where ever you go its gorgous up there and take a camera ;)


General / Re: Hein Gericke in administration?
« on: 10 August 2012, 01:31:34 pm »
Tbh I briefly worked in one of the stores and they always met their targets
in there. I strongly suspect the issues have come from up the chain rather
than down as is usually the way. I don;t think the banking crisis or the
recession helped but i wouldn't be suprised if someone higher up has been
skimming till so to speak.

They had problems paying staff, getting new stock in the list goes on it was
only a matter of time. Shame really as I got some good cheap winter gear
from there ... oh well.

The shame is there are some more good lads going to be out of work soon
which anyway you look at it is rubbish.


General / Re: Just done something monumentally stupid
« on: 08 July 2012, 05:16:22 pm »
LOL, no, not again once is enough thanks. The fan did come on but I was gone for a
considerable period of time *cough*nothingtodowithtenisyourhonnest*cough*

*seems* to be running fine, apart from my stupidty tonight :)


General / Re: Just done something monumentally stupid
« on: 08 July 2012, 05:05:06 pm »
Phil TK: Yeah, I'd guessed as much just finished filling it up the coolant and its ticking
over fine. Just had a bit of panic and coming back to find my bike pissing fluid everywhere.
But filled the resivour and turned it over and it seems okay. Better make sure the Breakdown
cover is all up to date in case I need it ;)


General / Re: Just done something monumentally stupid
« on: 08 July 2012, 04:24:02 pm »
Fortunately I am at home and not tried starting it up again yet. Need to refill
the coolant resivoir. But the engine was still running when I hit the kill switch
so guess I'll fill it and see if it starts.

Nah, the bike just went back on the road yesterday.


General / Just done something monumentally stupid
« on: 08 July 2012, 03:44:35 pm »
Well I turned the engine over and got called away with the engine idling and came
back a bit later to find boiling coolant pissing everywhere the engine was still running
what's the change I've done any serious damage to the bike? I'd been planning on
riding it back to Aberdeen from Glasgow tonight, but I am not sure if its a good idea
or if I should take the other bike which isn't in great shape either ... it's been one of
those days.


For Sale & Wanted / Re: HTC Desire S
« on: 03 June 2012, 04:40:21 pm »
Is that the HTC Desire One S or a different model?

Cheers dude I am less worried about removing the tank as I've done it before
but its my first spark plug replacement and the midle two look well tricky.


Haven't heard from locksmith about his gen 2 range  :2fingers  Still, must be difficult juggling computer & forecourt time :pokefun

I was chatting to a gen 2 rider the other day at the biker parking where I work
and he said he generally get 90 to 120 miles till the  fuel light. But I have no idea
what sort of speed/style his riding is.


At a guess I would say that bikes are built on the basis that you aren't
going to brim the tank. The manuals for my bike (i think) have said you
shouldn't fill the tank past a certian level (which everyone I know ignores)
so I'd guess that extra bit that is supposed to be left unfiled along with
the pipes and tubes might account for the extra? Or maybe the reserve
level is set higher than listed for people who ride thier tanks into the reserve
(which I done only last week).


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Access To Spark Plugs (FZS Fazer 1000 04)
« on: 03 June 2012, 12:31:33 pm »
I am trying to change my spark plugs today, I can easily
access the ones either side of the engine but the ones in
the middle of the engine block look a little more tricky to
get to. What's the best way to get them out (I have the
toolkit). I'd hope removing the tank would give me easier
access but on doing it it didn't look quite that easy.


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Ex-Up Valve & 7k Rev Counter Error Message
« on: 12 January 2012, 09:09:51 pm »
Hmm it would appear I spoke to soon, on my short ride down to the gym i never
once got the exup error code, so I would assume the work this afternoon fixed it
but I will keep my eyes open just in case and thanks for all the info and advice
guys esspecially falcon269 it was very handy and informative :)

*woot* working bike! just need to sort my alarm now :)


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Ex-Up Valve & 7k Rev Counter Error Message
« on: 12 January 2012, 05:43:04 pm »
Bash62: Its hard to Judge I tightened them up until there was no play and then loosened them
off one half turn, but its possible they might have been out I'll have another look tomorrow :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Ex-Up Valve & 7k Rev Counter Error Message
« on: 12 January 2012, 05:40:41 pm »
Cool, well the cables where stupidly loose when I took it to bits, I tightened them up
and copper greased the assembly. Tightened the cable up till there was no play and
then slackened them off so there was a little play in the cables but its still giving me
the error. The plate the cable go around wasn't moving at all when i started the engine
and stopped it to line them up to put the allen key in to secure it. I did remove the
pully & cable but didn't try rotating the valve by hand to see if it would move easily
but i know with the pully on and the cables as loose as they were I couldn't rotate
the valve by hand.

I might take it to buts again tomorrow and see if the spindle will turn by hand or if
its seized. It would be nice if i could sort it myself and save my self the £100 to £200
quid in labour cost that I don't have but I am not going to risk shafting it as Hurricane
Bawbag blew my Bulldog over so thats currently off the road too :(

Cheers Guys

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Ex-Up Valve & 7k Rev Counter Error Message
« on: 12 January 2012, 04:15:43 pm »
I've recently serviced my ex-up valve after being told how difficult it was (and
it turns out that it wasn't that difficult at all (thanks to a link from on here)) but
I am still getting the 7k error which i am assuming that means that the servo
motor is knackered (its been running for a while with this error). If it is the servo
how expensive is a replacement and is it difficult to fit? as in dismantling half the
bike as opposed to removing the tank, getting filthy an crawling around on the
ground to reach parts? If its a huge job I might just throw it in the garage and
let them do it but if its not rocket science i might try it myself.

Cheers Guys

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