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Messages - Strifae

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General / Re: Chain adjustment while touring?
« on: 07 August 2013, 08:13:11 am »
When I rode to Germany a few weeks ago I did around a few thousand miles and I lubed the chain probably about 3 times, it didn't need any adjustment at all and still doesn't. Just clean it up really well before you go (use a proper chain cleaner) and lube it good and it should be fine

General / Re: very impressive acceleration.
« on: 07 August 2013, 08:12:09 am »
Lets face it, if it's not red, your not really moving  :lol

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Optiglanz - word of caution
« on: 05 August 2013, 03:56:40 pm »
To be honest, if the police are even bothered usually when they see a Baffle in, they presume its road legal anyway.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Germany on my FZ1S
« on: 05 August 2013, 03:55:18 pm »
Glad you like it, I have been using it since getting home and find it more comfortable now than I did before (to be honest, that was probably cause my Butt hurt after 8 hours solid riding without it a few days before haha)
For 50 euro's you can't really go wrong, and its easy to take off the bike if the sun is baking and take with you (hot gel sucks)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust size
« on: 01 August 2013, 12:35:01 pm »
Are the Beowulf cans marked up and road legal (obviously with baffle inserted)?


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Help please!! Hate riding on motorways.......
« on: 01 August 2013, 08:10:37 am »
Earplugs help me relax a great deal when on the motorways, makes the background noise more of a quiet hum

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust size
« on: 01 August 2013, 08:10:00 am »
I ran the Beowulf Warrior on my FZS600 - it sounded awesome without the baffle - especially when wound on (sounded AWESOME) this was a "stubby" can

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Fazer running to lean ?
« on: 01 August 2013, 08:08:41 am »
The FZS600 runs rich as standard, with my old FZS600 I got a K&N, Stainless Downpipes and a Beowulf without the baffle (straight through) It ran tons better and had a far better smell from the exhaust (much better fuel mix). It also meant I got near 60mpg if ridden sensibly on a commute (was doing 50-55 before the mods)
It ran like this for me for 35,000 miles with no bother - obviously doing oil changes every 4k.

General / Re: what is the most miles you have done in 24 hours?
« on: 01 August 2013, 08:03:27 am »
I did 550 miles on my FZ1 from near Cologne back to Weston in just under 8 hours, no way I would do 1200 in one go on that bike, when I got home I wanted to drop the bike in a skip I hated it that much
(I quickly got over it, and love it again)

General / Re: "Waterproof" boots
« on: 31 July 2013, 10:05:33 pm »
My aldi boots are 3 years old and still 100% waterproof

Ridden in torrential rain etc

Only £29.99 I think... No "tex" of any kind lol

My 2 pence on this, if riding a Gen 2 FZ1 and your reserve light starts flashing - panic!  :rollin

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: manual camchain tensioner fitment guide
« on: 30 July 2013, 09:33:49 am »
This is probably a daft question but does this effect the FZ1?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Germany on my FZ1S
« on: 27 July 2013, 01:36:44 pm »
We should do a foc-u Germany ride out next year!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Germany on my FZ1S
« on: 27 July 2013, 11:33:07 am »
I pre booked hotels and it was around £50 a night which wasn't bad - I didn't take many photos as I always forget to! Lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Germany on my FZ1S
« on: 27 July 2013, 09:09:10 am »
I was doing well in excess of 100 sustained on the autobahns when I used up tank that quickly - back in blighty doing 70 from Folkestone (just wanted to cruise) I actually got 52mpg - which surprised me - got 150 miles till it dropped to 2 bars left

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Germany on my FZ1S
« on: 26 July 2013, 10:28:54 pm »
The gel seat was Louis own brand - it's a company a bit like Hein Gericke but its a lot better in my opinion. They had a large and extra large - sell it as they stock Louis stuff but quite a large markup - I think they well the gel seat for around £75? When it was €49 euro from Louis direct

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Germany on my FZ1S
« on: 26 July 2013, 10:26:18 pm »
Bonn is a very nice place I would highly recommend a visit - in some ways it has more charm than Cologne as not quite as busy and nice cafes etc.

Yeah the tank range is frustrating, I guess it's just one of those things unless you buy a touring motorcycle which isn't my cup of tea.

I did love Germany - cant wait to go again :)

Seriously keep the FZS600 and sell the SV :p

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Germany on my FZ1S
« on: 26 July 2013, 04:35:40 pm »
Well just got back from my trip to Cologne/Bonn on my 08 FZ1 and it didn't disappoint! Was great fun on the autobahn and the great country roads.

The seat mod I had done wasn't bad but was still uncomfy after around 350 miles on the bike so went to Louis in Cologne (Brilliant shop!) and bought a gel seat pad for €49 which is fantastic! Did nearly 600 miles on way back in 1 go and barely got a numb bum towards the end on the m4 and I think that was probably left over from trip over lol

The bike performed flawlessly, great power - good luggage accommodation and great handling.

Downsides - seat and TANK RANGE! I got sick of filling the bloody thing up! ESP as had a tank bag... When on autobahns used up entire tank in around 110 miles :/

Bike all clean now as was filthy when got back - will def do it again, just wish was a way to get a bigger tank

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fazer Parade - What you got
« on: 26 July 2013, 04:29:49 pm »
Here is mine - love it now have a Scorpion end can as well - this was just after cleaning it when got back from Germany

Fazer8 / FZ8 / Re: Bouncy bouncy
« on: 18 July 2013, 03:44:41 pm »
The R6 shock upgrade only works on the FZS1000 not the FZ1 and hense not the FZ8 I am afraid :(

I was looking at it originally to upgrade my FZ1's suspension - but alas no can do.
The FZ1 shock is fully adjustable and does fit the FZ8

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1 - Givi Topbox Load question?
« on: 16 July 2013, 08:41:19 pm »
That sounds amazing will definitely check out those roads (just looked on map and looks awesome)

Also the weather looks brilliant for both our trips - so enjoy yours too :) may see you out and about in that lovely nature park

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1 - Givi Topbox Load question?
« on: 16 July 2013, 05:00:27 pm »
I am heading to the Cologne area (Troisdorf) and will be visiting the city and exploring the local area/roads :)
First trip to Europe on my Bike (any bike for that matter) so am a little bit nervous
Beer, Bends and Bratwurst sounds good to me too  :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / FZ1 - Givi Topbox Load question?
« on: 16 July 2013, 04:12:45 pm »
I am off to Germany on Sunday and I have a Givi Monorack with a E460 topbox, I noticed the maximum weight the rack states it allows for is 6kg.
I have managed to pack some of the heavier stuff into my tank bag so the topbox is currently 9.5kg, I am probably overly worrying but anyone know if this should be fine? my old FZS600 could be overloaded quite significantly but that was all steel frame and steel rack, this is alloy I think and I certainly dont want it to bend my frame or even best case, the rack break and I lose my box down the autobahn?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1 seat mod - south West
« on: 16 July 2013, 08:26:15 am »
He doesn't have a website, he is on Facebook if you do a search for 'Saddlesoreted' it will pop up with his details (contact, address etc)
The true test of the seat will be my trip to Cologne and around Germany on Sunday... Will let you know (over 1000 miles in the saddle over 6 days lol) a good test of the FZ1!

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