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Messages - Gingernutz

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General / Re: Time for a new bike...
« on: 11 January 2015, 08:47:57 am »
I just changed after seven years of fazers - agonised about what to get because I mainly commute and do decent mileage. Couldn't afford new but if I could the mt09 with the fairing fad my name all over it.  The two mt models have mpg figures that are impressive and come 2016 is imagine second hand they might start to sneak into my budget. I got a 2009 cbf1000 gt for a little over 3 grand with 19k on the clock.  Power wise it feels very similar to the fazer 600 - maybe a bit more torque but it's been wet and slippery since I got it so not given it much.  The riding position is very upright - even compared to a fazer which makes it feel a little top heavy it a lardy lad on board.  Fuel economy is about the same as the fazer but with prices tumbling suddenly that's both harder to calculate and less important to do so. Overall it was the right choice for me. I seriously looked at the fz8 but the reviews always put it in third with whatever two other bikes they would compare it to.  The nc 700  is just tooooooo dull - Honda have always made bikes that are easy and forgiving but every review moaned - there were a worrying number secondhand quickly after release.  If going new my list bad on what you said mt09 tracer, versys 650, mt07.

General / Re: Footballer Ched Evans
« on: 10 January 2015, 07:13:57 pm »
Couldn't agree more - no blame should be apportioned to the girl- regardless of guilty or innocent she was taken advantage of at least and raped at worst. Getting hammered isn't a crime punishable by predators.

As I said in my last comment there are aspects which leave doubt in my mind, the lack of alcohol in her system despite the amnesia is odd.  For her to have been unconscious as a result of alcohol at 4 am to the point of being entirely alcohol free by 12 suggests she either has a very low tolerance for alcohol or was only as drunk as she said - tipsy.  If she had 6 pints at midnight there would be alcohol in her system until 5 pm. The most she can have had was 4 pints for her to be clear by twelve.  I have never met anyone who was unconscious after 4 pints. This issue was disregarded in the trial and evidence from a specialist wasn't considered at the appeal.  The whole thing revolves around how drunk she was.  Disinhibited and 'enthusiastic' as claimed by the defense or unconscious as claimed by the prosecution. Regardless of my doubts he has had his day in court and whilst the legal battle continues he isn't going to be cleared any day soon. 

As a sex offender he should expect prejudice - not always fair but then that goes with the territory - he put himself where he is.  There is no easy solution for him  but why should we care? ?
Consider a different case - Jeremy forrest the teacher who took his 15 year old pupil to France will be nearing release date - probably March this year.  Does anyone think it should be easy for him to get a job? 

General / Re: chipped keys again (i know i know :D)
« on: 09 January 2015, 07:25:28 pm »
My cbf1000 came with a broken chipped key. Honda would copy from the second one and program a key for £58. Seemed reasonable but in the end I sent a locksmith on ebay a scan of my key and he sent me an empty shell. You just pop the insides from the broken key inside.  5 working days all in and very happy for £12.50

General / Re: Footballer Ched Evans
« on: 08 January 2015, 07:36:08 am »
This was and is an odd case. If you are relying on the short newspaper versions but want the longer version try this one:

There are aspects which make me have doubts about the conclusion. The conviction even if overturned will have made a few men think about their behaviour and the risks of how it is perceived in the cold sober light of day. The link to alcohol and what consent can and can't be given when drunk is the key for me.  It cuts both ways- if I jump on my bike after 12 points and kill someone everyone agrees I should be held accountable for my actions. Therefore decisions and agreements made when hammered are still agreements - even if the person doesn't remember making them.  Every fibre of me believes that rape in any circumstance is wrong- no is no - but was this a change of mind - even if any rational man would have realised she was likely to regret the decision in the morning - if this was a change of heart it wasn't rape. It was wrong and two men took advantage of a drunken girl who can't remember what happened and one has now been found guilty whilst the other wasn't.

But a jury of his  peers found him guilty so he is a sex offender on probation.  It is right that he couldn't flounce off overseas.  A sex offender shouldn't expect that they can stroll back into any job.  The taxi driver analogy is excellent. 

Sorry Moff I have to be all Catholic and withdraw - exams and beer don't go together :(

General / Re: Anyone tried these
« on: 06 January 2015, 09:57:47 pm »
Yes  :b

General / Re: Anyone tried these
« on: 05 January 2015, 11:04:46 pm »

General / Re: Anyone tried these
« on: 05 January 2015, 11:00:05 pm »
The ones I got from Devilsyam were just standard thou ones. The joint in the centre had been broken and turned over. Actually there must be a thread let me look

General / Re: Anyone tried these
« on: 05 January 2015, 08:40:51 pm »
No and bikes gone soz

General / Re: 1Jac Paddock stand bike lift
« on: 05 January 2015, 08:40:23 pm »
Sorry mate no but looks sturdy

General / Re: 1Jac Paddock stand bike lift
« on: 04 January 2015, 09:16:00 pm »

General / Re: Hole in my shoe (punctured wellington actually)
« on: 04 January 2015, 08:56:00 pm »
Someone else is fixing wellies the glue is 2.45 on flea Bay

General / Great idea
« on: 04 January 2015, 08:15:19 pm »
I need a switched live and would normally be busy with a voltmeter a Stanley knife and lots of head scratching. Usually I would foc up one perfectly fine set of wires before finding the right one.  Then I found this post
 which shows one of these

Brilliant idea and a bargain at £4 posted

General / Re: Anyone tried these
« on: 04 January 2015, 03:01:50 pm »
And if you are still too wide the additional mod is to turn the joint around so the mirrors have a lower flatter angle. Luke/ Devilsyam sold me a set and they were a big improvement

Well build done and a few lessons;

- soldering neatly is harder than I remember
- it always takes longer than expected
- ordering from several places means something is always late

Oh yeah .......

Measure the space under the seat before you begin ..........  yup the feckin thing is too big  :rolleyes

General / Re: un wanted christmas presents/seasonal moan
« on: 03 January 2015, 09:09:47 am »
I bought myself a new lid, goretex trousers oh yeah and new bike. (and found a new hiding place for the bank statements

General / Re: Makes my blood boil
« on: 02 January 2015, 07:20:09 pm »
He said Jewish people chase money more than anyone else?? what is anti semitic about that it is a well known fact

Prejudice – A negative or hostile attitude/opinion based, not on actual factual information, but on a prejudgement depending on stereotypes about a whole group

Seems to me Lew you are mistaking a commonly held prejudice as a fact. The bottom line for me - how would a member of the community referred to react to the comment being made. Not sure? Then dont say it. But why would a Jewish person object ? Wiki is not always a reliable source for obscure material but is helpful for issues like this.

'Jews have often been stereotyped as greedy and money-mad. This originates in the Middle Ages, when the Church forbade Christians to lend money while charging interest (a practice called usury, although the word later took on the meaning of charging excessive interest). Jews were legally restricted to occupations as usurers, usually to Christians, and thus many went into money-lending. This led to, through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the association of Jews with greedy practices.

I'm a Mick - said as a growl or in a snide way I know what is being said. But at least sometimes something positive results. Working as a nurse a rich patient complaining about NHS breakfasts - said to me 'what do you know - I've seen your sort cooking your breakfast on a shovel by the side of the road'.

And the positive? This story led to the annual shovel pizza cooking by big Ralphie a treat not to be missed.

General / Good customer service and cheap -great combo
« on: 01 January 2015, 06:41:00 pm »
I was in Curry ' s a few years ago and in a bargain bin they had alpha dot making kits but designed for tv ' s and stereos. The kit looked just like the bike ones but with different branding. They were practically throwing them out  47p a set ☺. I figured what the hell and bought 10 sets. I marked my fazer and registered the pin on their site as being on the bike with no hassle. I gave a few away and then three years or so later pulled the same trick with the next fazer. Lovely. Today I was messing about in the man cave and found the last kit. I went online but the original website is gone, the registration phone number disconnected but undeterred I called their help line. I  :o forgot it's new years day and got through to their on call bloke at home. He took the pin details and explained the kit is 14 years old  :\ but ...... gave me a Web address to register it anyway.  :D

General / Re: Makes my blood boil
« on: 31 December 2014, 11:38:04 pm »
Never a truer word said, in my day you could call a chink a chink and a yid a money grabbing yid and as long as you said you weren't racist everyone understood.  :rolleyes

Bits are starting to arrive but not enough to get started. One nice thing about getting a new bike is the list of projects needed to adapt it to make it mine - and a chance to do it right. Power first, then autocom, then grips, then sat nav and a mount I am making from sheet aluminium to sit over the clocks. I had the same on the fazer but I'm hoping to have a few less cable ties and gaffer tape. Just fitted urbano tucano muffs - look weird and fitting odd but work well. (You used the controls through the neoprene).

General / Re: Camping
« on: 28 December 2014, 09:03:35 am »
Great thread Nick and we'll worth keeping alive. Now I have loads of luggage I'm itching to go - Mrs G isn't and I can't get the three boys into my panniers but I can dream. I camp at the spring meet each year but it hardly counts compared to your adventures. One site I have had recommended for those of us on a budget is 
the first and only website advertising private gardens as micro-campsites; providing accessible, affordable and fun alternatives to traditional accommodation around the world.

The negative block is me trying to avoid an issue with autocom loop interference. Not sure if it will work but the previous solutions lowered the volume to an unacceptable level

This explains it well - and explains why you might have several fuses

When connecting a device to your bike you want to make sure that the fuse is located as close to the power source as possible. This is because you are decreasing the odds that a short will happen between the power source and the fuse. If your wiring shorts to ground (the frame, etc.) between the power source and the fuse, then the fuse won't do any good. By only having a small amount of wire between the connection on the power source and the fuse you decrease the odds that it will short out along that length of wire.
A short is more likely to occur after the fuse -- where most of the wires, and devices, are located

So if you have one right at the battery why have another??

I understand the fuse each preference but as Rich says my kit all comes with them fitted inline so my diagram is a little simplistic.

I wonder if it matters anyway - the advice is normally to fuse as close to the battery as you can. I wonder could a wire get hot at the other end of a fused circuit? Off to Google again!

Doh! - of course  :o  thanks mate

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