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Messages - adasilva

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: touring fairing
« on: 10 April 2018, 05:29:38 pm »
Hey I have a 2002 similar screen and i find it not perfect but fine.
it my be due to your height or even you helmet visor as i had one previously which was useless in dispersing the water.

good luck

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sloppy throttle response.
« on: 09 April 2018, 04:27:44 pm »
Hi there what do you mean by sloppy throttle response. Does it jerk or struggles to pick up speed?
You said that it was very looked after. Do you know when the plugs, filter were changed. If not then i would start there is cheap to replace a filter and plugs. Has the carbs been balanced after you or someone else cleaned?

good luck

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Strange Vibration
« on: 09 April 2018, 04:22:59 pm »
If the choke made it worse it does suggest it’s rich. A blocked air filter could cause that so the new air filter is the place to start. If that doesn’t fix it the next easiest would be to check the choke plungers are all returning correctly. If they’re all good as punk said there’s a chance that the last guy lowered the retaining clip on the jet needle which raises it and allows more fuel through at part throttle. So next would be to check the position of the clip on the jet needles. I think position three on is standard.

A few other things that could cause rich running would be if someone’s put bigger jets in, if the jet needles and emulsion tubes are worn but I think that would need fairly high mileage, float heights not set right but that would probably make it run badly everywhere, o-ring under the float needle seat leaking but again that would probably make it run badly everywhere, mixture screws but they seem to be fine. I think the most likely culprits now are the air filter, choke plungers or jet needle position but hopefully the filter does the trick

Hi guys sorry for the delay. the filter only arrived today!
Replaced the filter and went for a ride today. Weather here is f... bad! The bike sound and felt much better and the throttle response was really nice but the issue still there a bit. Not as much as i had before but i can still feel it strangling a bit on low revs. I have set the pilot air 3 turns out and i might lower it down to 2 1/2 again and see if makes any difference as i have noticed that the bike is starting without the choke on now. So very rich! i will check if the choke plungers  are the issue now and hope i can get this sorted myself. By the way where is this - inside of carbs? hope not! :'(
The bike feels great and apart from this little problem is getting to be a perfect machine. Hope i will get to the bottom soon. I hate to have to send it to a mechanic after a the good work that i have done so far.

Thanks again for all your help.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Funny problem starting and cutting out
« on: 05 April 2018, 09:06:00 am »
Hey Just throwing some wood on the fire here.
could it be the switch of the side stand fault. I heard someone had some issue with theirs and the bike was cutting out.
Just an idea!
good luck.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Strange Vibration
« on: 03 April 2018, 03:48:30 pm »
ok so going through everything im going to start with your cracked carbs
were they cracked all the way through or just the outside?
all should make sense if they were through and were leaking  UNfiltered air in and the previous owner has increased the pilot screws to let more fuel through to richen up the lean conditions caused by leaking inlets (we good so far)

if there is now no UNfiltered air going in the inlets anymore it draws it through carbs so increases the negative pressure/flow rate in the carbs and in turn the airbox which means more air is needed to flow through the air filter than previously, so a blocked air filter may be to blame here (and would actually make the UNfiltered air coming through the old inlets even worse)

so a combination of things will be causing you issues here
you have already replaced inlets -should only be filtered air now
1. running rich as pilot screws are allowing too much fuel to flow screw them back in a bit to factory
2. air flow is restricted causing a negative pressure which sucks up more fuel making run even richer - pull air filter and replace (worth doing anyhow)

this is just the things that are popping into my head as i read all the problems that you are systematically going through which is the best way

ok that makes sense since some of the rubbers were cracked a bit bad. I did clean the pilot screw if that what you mean but i did count the turns that were already set by the previous person that worked on the carbs and i reset it as it was.
So it makes sense that is running even richer then. I will be getting the new filter tomorrow and will post an update

Thanks very much.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Strange Vibration
« on: 03 April 2018, 01:31:28 pm »
Did you try riding it with a bit of choke? Did it make it run worse or better? You're using the choke to try and figure out if it's running too rich or too lean. That will tell you where the problem is. If you want to test if the old air filter is the problem just take it out and go for a short spin to see if there's an improvement. If there is then the filter is blocked. I'd be surprised if it was the filter just because it was ok before you did the carb work right? So it should still be ok unless you blocked it somehow. 1/2 a turn on one mixture screw wouldn't be enough to cause a big problem. They're an adjustment point they don't have to be exactly at 2 1/2

Ok took the bike for a ride yesterday.
I tried to ride it with a bit of choke and it seems worse than before. So i presume is running too rich. Am I correct in saying that? Strange enough is that this happens only when going from low gear and increasing the throttle. Let say if i am in 4 and changed to 3 gear and slow down, when i try to pick up speed if i open the throttle half way quick the issue happens but if i don't open the throttle half way but steady increase it then it is fine.

I am expecting the new filter tomorrow so i will test that as well.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Strange Vibration
« on: 02 April 2018, 05:01:41 pm »
I did not get the chance to do a test as the weather here was crap this weekend.
I don't think is the filter as i did not have this problem before the carb work. but since the inlet rubbers were cracked and i changed them, there is a possibility that there is less air going in now and the filter is the only thing i did not do.
i will try your suggestion as soon as I can and let you know.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: New inlet rubber for the carburetors
« on: 02 April 2018, 03:48:46 pm »
My future fzs600 I pick up on Thursday also has this problem with cracked rubbers. My initial solution was to just cover up the cracks with liquid gasket high temp silicon but also tempted just to order some of the cheap chinese ones regardless- these perhaps?,searchweb201602_5_10152_10065_10151_10344_10068_10130_5722815_10324_10342_10547_10325_10343_10546_10340_10341_10548_5722915_5722615_10696_10190_10084_10083_10618_10307_10303_5722715_5711215_10313_10059_10184_10534_100031_10103_441_10624_10623_10622_5722515_10621_10620_10811,searchweb201603_25,ppcSwitch_4&algo_expid=80a34f9e-fb00-449a-8c92-dc33f9c1a6b0-0&algo_pvid=80a34f9e-fb00-449a-8c92-dc33f9c1a6b0&priceBeautifyAB=0

Not seen any cheap ones on ebay but the above seem correct. Unsure of quality but as a replacement for 18yr old ones might just be the ticket...


I did that on my ones and did not make any difference. So if they are bad as you said, you might as well not waste your time and change them

I did that on my but it did not make any improvement and basically if they are cracked bad like you said, you might as well not waste your time and change them.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Strange Vibration
« on: 02 April 2018, 03:39:30 pm »
Ok. I have ordered a new air filter and reset the mixture screws to factory default.
Waiting on delivery of filter to try it out.
Will let you guys know.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Strange Vibration
« on: 31 March 2018, 09:10:28 pm »
Hi there.
This problem only started after i cleaned the cabs. The problem occurs when lets say i am on 5 gear and slow down and switch to 4 and after that try to pick up speed. I guess fully closed to fully opened.
Correct. When i open the throttle wider it stops and pick up speed.
I think block pilot jets might be out of question since i cleaned the carbs. I think it might be the mixture screws.
The mixture screws factory spec as per manual is 2 turns out. At the moment they are 2 1/2. Should they all have the same turns?

But my question is if the issue is the mixture screws how do i set these to correct this problem?

I will do the test that you suggested and see.
I will let you know

Thanks for you info.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: New inlet rubber for the carburetors
« on: 30 March 2018, 06:11:04 pm »
Hey Roky
if you are seen the metal trough one then is bad. And yes you will might have some issues with your bike's performance if there is too much air going in.
But i also would check for other things after you replace those. like spark plugs, air filter.

good luck

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Strange Vibration
« on: 30 March 2018, 06:06:46 pm »
Thanks darrsi for you reply.
That was bit fool of me doing everything and did not change the filter. I will get a new one any way even if that turns out not to be the issue. I don't know when the last owner changed this thing and by the looks of it is been a while.
i will let you know.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Strange Vibration
« on: 30 March 2018, 05:12:27 pm »
 :lol :lol
I did not wash it with soap and water. Is a paper one. i just used compressed air to clean it.

thanks darrsi

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Strange Vibration
« on: 30 March 2018, 05:06:48 pm »
Well took it off and clean that was about it.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: New inlet rubber for the carburetors
« on: 30 March 2018, 05:01:20 pm »
Hey.[/color]I bought new rubbers for my Fazer 600 2002 a few weeks ago. They cost me 79 pounds + shipping. i got them from yambits[/size]
[/color]The ones that were in the bike had some small cracks on them. After removing them i noticed that one was a bit bad but the other ones apart from having hairline cracks on them, it did not go thru the rubbers.[/size]
[/color]So if i were you i would take them apart first and check. Sometimes the cracks are just superficial and it has not gone thru. Also those rubbers have a hard core inside of them so you might be fine. [/size]
i have 3 of them if you interested.

Good luck.

FZS600 Fazer / Strange Vibration
« on: 30 March 2018, 04:49:52 pm »
Hey Guys.
Back again. This is a continuation of my last post,23866.0.html but decide to open a new one to keeps things neat. :)

Well after i sorted ou the issue with the TPS and adjusted the throttle cable slack,  the carb cleaning,  bench sync the carbs and changed the oil and coolant i took the back for a ride. (Not a long one i am afraid! :'( :'( )
The bike it starts to shake kind of loosing power or lack of air/fuel i don't know after 4k RPM[/size][size=78%]. if i increase the throttle it goes away a bit and the bike picks up speed but it seems to happen once a change gear and try to increase throttle.[/size]
I read somewhere some guy having the similar issue and it turned out to be a trapped fuel line underneath the tank. I just had a look at the connections and they seem to be fine to me.
i also read somewhere that it might need to adjust the pilot screw so i did that starting from 2 1/2 turns and adjusting to get a better response. That improved a bit but not much.
I am running out of options and at this point a feel that i am going to throw the towel and get the bike to a shop. (Ah!! after all my  work.  >: )

Anyway... if anyone out there had the same or similar issue and can give me some glue on what is or i am doing wrong here i will appreciate.

Thanks guys and girls  :'( [/size]

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Carburetor Spring
« on: 29 March 2018, 09:37:46 am »
Hey Guys. Just an update on this.
Thanks again for all the inputs and suggestions.
I got the new TPS yesterday - thanks again darrsi! changed the throttle cable and installed the carbs. Spent couple hours trying to get the cable slack right - jesus they could not find a better place to put those screws locks! :)
But could not get the throttle to snap back in place. Removed the the throttle cable holder on the handlebar and start thinking that the last owner might had changed the original handlebar grip as it was a bit tie.
Solution: Got my power drill, connected a metal brush and removed the excess of inside of the grip.
Bingo! Throttle cable slack adjusted and throttle snaps back.  :)

Now going to sync the carbs.
Can not wait to put this beast on the road again.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Carburetor Spring
« on: 20 March 2018, 05:25:37 pm »
Thanks for the advice.
I have done that following a this google link. Here it is for anyone that needs it in the future.

Great thread and great forum!


Introduction / Re: Fzs600 newbe
« on: 16 March 2018, 05:33:03 pm »
Welcome and good luck with your fazer.
Make sure to do a good tune up before you put this beast on the road!
Enjoy it!

Introduction / Re: First FZ6
« on: 16 March 2018, 05:31:30 pm »
Hi and Welcome.
I also owned a Virago before a moved to a Fazer and what a difference on riding!
Hope you enjoy many miles with your new fazer.

Good luck!

Introduction / Re: Hi from Royston
« on: 16 March 2018, 05:28:11 pm »
Welcome mate.
Never owned a BMW myself but sure they are not as expense to maintain.

Introduction / Re: Hello!
« on: 16 March 2018, 05:26:15 pm »
Elvis is in the house!  :lol

Introduction / Re: Long time no bike
« on: 16 March 2018, 05:25:18 pm »
Welcome back mate!
Fazer 600 is a great move to. Very comfortable, lots power, good sitting position tyres and breaks. As point it out yearly models headlights were poor, but i think the early modes were build on better frame. The only problem with the fazer is the downpipes which tent to rust... but you can always change them to a stainless steel ones.

Good luck!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Carburetor Spring
« on: 16 March 2018, 04:01:32 pm »
Hey All.
I finally figured out!  :rollin :rollin :lol

Whomever had changed the TPS before me had jammed the rubber all way inside the groove where the TPS sits on the carb. I mean jammed in! I could not even see it.
So no wondering the TPS was not going in properly and was jammed the butterflies vents.

Thanks all for your great help!

I just ordered a new TPS as this one was giving me trouble.

Thanks again :D

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Carburetor Spring
« on: 16 March 2018, 02:47:20 pm »
Thanks darrsi.
I am going to buy that one that you send me. Thanks for that.

I kind thinking that that rubber ring could not be possibly be part of the carb. because when i removed it if fits on the TPS but it leaves a 3mm gap from where it sits on the TPS and the end of bottom of the TPS if you know what i mean. So when i connect it to the carb that 3mm gap wont fit properly as the rubber does not pass the edge of the role where the TPS sits so the TPS is not flushed with the carb and to do so causes a lot pressure on the screws and locks the butterflies.

see images
First one is the TPS without the rubber and without screw in. See how it fits perfectly. and if i tied the screws the spring snap back closed the vents.
Second shows the TPS with the rubber on. you see where it sits and the gap it leaves.
Third on is the TPS with the rubber connected to the carb. See the cap and to make it flush there is to be a quite pressure when screwing the tps in place.


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