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Messages - Razgruff

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General / Re: Bloody cyclists always get in the way!
« on: 03 May 2013, 10:49:48 pm »
I think that Counter steering gets explained wrong which confuses people, this pushing bars thing is wrong, the bars are somewhere to rest you hands,
and stop them flapping about in the wind  ;)

I always understood countersteering as something you did in a car, when you flick the steering wheel the wrong way to kick the arse out to start what they call drifting now. :rolleyes

To me what they call countersteering on bikes these days, is counter weighing, steering the bike with your waist and hips, the bars aren't pushed left or right.
 One goes down giving the impression of being pushed because your elbow straightens and the other comes up giving the impression of being pulled because that elbow bends more.
I've followed a couple of people recently, I don't know if they are new bikers or fairweathers that haven't been out for a while, but you can see the stiffness in there bodies.
That tight neck raised shoulders. rod like back no flexablity in the body. if that did a bit of Weaving like GP racers do to warm their tyres up it would help them to loosen up the body and and get the feel for the bikes abilities again.


I'm going to try and make it as a tent on the back last min if money allows.
I need an MOT, Back Tyre and to pay for the bike. a bit more work coming in to pay for the aforementioned would be nice but it's looking like I might be able to do it :\
 I'm really focused on trying to make it :thumbup

The Laboratory ! / Re: how post you tube now
« on: 02 May 2013, 09:50:29 pm »
Please,,,,, he asks, I posted on 11th and no reply till 29th, I remember the days when you used to get some prompt service in here   :fish .

Ah the good old days, I do miss them,

How's tricks Farjp

General / Re: Bloody cyclists always get in the way!
« on: 02 May 2013, 09:44:26 pm »
looks like an inexperienced biker ,he travels from centre of road to the edge to get the cyclists. Road position totally wrong to see through the bend and he seems not to have the confidence to hit a greater lean angle and hit the throttle to duck round them.

General / Re: The Iron Lady R.I.P.
« on: 19 April 2013, 07:56:05 pm »
Edward 1 v Margaret Thatcher

Who did most for Wales

Discuss  :pokefun

Just passed this on to my daughter who is in the final year of a medieval studies degree and she said at least Edward 1st gave us Edward the 2nd :D

 :rollin :rollin :rollin

General / Re: If ever a woman deserved a £10 Million funeral
« on: 19 April 2013, 01:31:05 am »
Hillsborough justice campaigner Anne Williams dies at 60

RIP Anne  :(
 truly a Lady that deserves Respect

Put new link in as the one at the starting post wasn't working

General / Re: The Iron Lady R.I.P.
« on: 19 April 2013, 01:18:47 am »
I must say though that the standard of some of the responses is pretty disappointing really. To compare Maggie to Stalin/Hitler etc, that is just knob behaviour.

No comparison was made :rolleyes
You missed the point by a mile  :rolleyes

that comment was in reply to a comment that the dead should automatically be granted respect for the mere fact they are dead.

Respect in death, is gained from your behaviour and actions in life, much as the respect you receive in life

General / Re: Cant get pressure in the brakes :(
« on: 18 April 2013, 06:26:54 pm »
Did you check the barrel of the master cylinder, was the overhaul kit in date?
Rubber is a perishable part and these kits have expiry dates.
Sounds like the fluid is passing back behind the plunger somehow, if you are sure you have no leaks or airlocks.
Rubber Brake parts shrink when dry, I suggest dismantling the Master Cylinder again and soak the Master Cylinder rubber parts in Brake fluid and checking them to ensure that they are the correct parts.
Also check that you re assembled it correctly

General / Re: The Iron Lady R.I.P.
« on: 17 April 2013, 11:21:34 pm »
Edward 1 v Margaret Thatcher

Who did most for Wales

Discuss  :pokefun

General / Re: The Iron Lady R.I.P.
« on: 17 April 2013, 08:12:12 pm »

I do not respect anyone who cannot respect the dead.

I do not respect


Pol Pot


Jimmy Salville

Dead Terrorists of any kind

And quite a large number of dead people

So I guess I don't have  your respect  :rollin

General / Re: Kool Parking.
« on: 16 April 2013, 06:34:23 pm »
nice clean tyres and love the way the cleaner has polished the floor around it

General / Re: What to do ?
« on: 16 April 2013, 12:41:03 am »
Are the extras you added worth more fitted to the bike when you come to sell it, ie: will they increase the value of the bike.
Or will they be worth more sold separately and not affect the value of the bike too much because it is returned to standard.
Rarely do the add ons add their purchase value to the resale value of the bike.

What you think looks good, can be viewed as a tarts handbag by others  :eek

General / Re: horrendous
« on: 16 April 2013, 12:29:51 am »
Until they said that the Kennedy Library was a fire and not related to the explosions, My money was on American right wing nut jobs.

General / Re: No yolk
« on: 15 April 2013, 08:14:07 am »
if you have yolk in a wank? time to get down the clinic

General / Re: How proud would Wits be?
« on: 14 April 2013, 09:03:57 am »
Thought the same myself Naked when I saw it on the news, I'm not a poof ball fan but will be shouting for Wigan on the day  :thumbup

General / Re: Ding dong the witch is dead
« on: 13 April 2013, 01:36:52 pm »
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

General / Re: Ding dong the witch is dead
« on: 13 April 2013, 09:56:15 am »
I'm really struggling with this just accept it and move on argument.

Where would women be if they just accepted that they get paid lees for doing the same job as men?
Where would women be if they just accepted that they didn't have the vote?
Where would the common man be if they just accepted that they didn't have the vote?
Where would the Tolpuddle Martyrs be if they just accept their lot?
Where would we be if the Parlimentarians just accepted that the King had the devine right to rule how he pleased?
Were would we be if the Barons just accepted their lot and we didn't have Magna Charter?
Where would we be if King Alfred accepted defeat and didn't come out of the marshes and introduce common Law?

General / Re: Ding dong the witch is dead
« on: 12 April 2013, 12:32:48 pm »
If spending 69p makes a point that gets more publicity world wide, that not the whole country wish to sanctify the old witch, than Glenda Jacksons speech in the house
Then I am quite happy to spend it.

Better that, than to go on the streets and create havoc and have the inevitable violence that follows as the rent a mob joins in.

Protesting in the streets does nothing, the Political  Parties are all the same now which ever way you look.
If something as little as 69p draws attention to the Tax payers money being spend on the recall of Parliment the cost of the funeral and everything else at a time when private companies are making fortunes on telling disabled people they are fit for work when later on appeal they are declared not fit or dead.

When companies openly boast about savings to be made on payroll costs by having people to work for nothing on the goverment private company taking profits run so called back to work schemes. that get less people back in work than doing nothing

Then I am quite happy to spend that 69p

General / Re: Ding dong the witch is dead
« on: 12 April 2013, 10:52:43 am »
There was an interesting interview with ex Welsh Miners on Telly about 5 years after the pits were closed.

When asked about the retaining they got, when it was finally offered to them.

One miner replied

"yea the retaining was fantastic, I went from being an unemployed miner to an unemployed HGV driver"

General / Re: Ding dong the witch is dead
« on: 12 April 2013, 01:00:14 am »

I'll keep posting as long as there are bites  :nana

Beat with that banning stick Baby,  :sex

The Laboratory ! / Re: how post you tube now
« on: 11 April 2013, 10:01:43 pm »
tried all sorts of ways but keep getting this message when putting link in embed video box

You haven't specified a file to upload. Or maybe you tried to upload a file too large for the server to handle?

Messages for Users / Re: admin
« on: 11 April 2013, 09:56:35 pm »
I've just come back as me  :D

Thought I might as well now I got a Fazer I was Sunny Intervals on this new board when it started

The Laboratory ! / how post you tube now
« on: 11 April 2013, 09:53:53 pm »
what happen to the post you tube vid button ?
How you post a vid link so that the vid plays in the thread now ?

that media button just give me crap

General / Re: Ding dong the witch is dead
« on: 11 April 2013, 09:33:09 pm »
did you ever read my post TC underinvestment results in

Code: [Select]
British Leyland similar. Poor quality expensive and badly designed when compared to the emerging European and Japanese cars. Failed to innovate and couldn't compete with cheaper and better made cars from abroad.

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