Date: 26-06-24  Time: 13:11 pm

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Messages - purplebear7

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: TOURING SET UP
« on: 20 May 2012, 01:17:24 pm »
Afternoon 69,
That looks really nice buddy .. a good set of photo's of a well prepared bike  8) .
Why stop at Scotland .. as grand as it is .. you could keep going right around the world on that  :b
Just being nosey ..
Do you carry many spares and tools?  It's often difficult to decide what to take and what not to bother about. On the other hand .. some guys go around Europe with nothing more than a Cradit Card and a Mobile Phone.
Where will your trip start from? How long are you going for? Will you be on your own? 
Stay Safe.   Trev The Polar Bear

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: RPM clock doing weird things
« on: 20 May 2012, 06:43:17 am »
Hi Guys,
I have a biking buddy in the USA .. he ends most of his posts with: 
     ''What do I know .. I just work at the Car Wash'' .. so on that basis .. here I go  :\ .
I had three Gen 1s .. and never ANY Exup Problems .. it really is an easy job to look after them .. once you've done it.
One little extra thing I used to do was 'paint' the whole Cast Iron Box (the lump that holds the valve) with a thick coat oil ..  OLIVE OIL  :eek ideally when the unit was very warm .. but not red hot. 
The Oil (of course) then burns on .. and smokes and stinks for a few minutes .. it forms a black 'coating' on the metal.  This coating is tough and seems to be waterproof .. it protects the whole exup area and prevents rust and rubbish forming on the cast iron parts .. as well as around the steel bolts  (they come out easily, the oil is not a problem)
The coat ends up looking Matt Black .. so visually it is a lot better than the rusty versions.
Best to also replace the original Yammy Bendy Bolts and get some stainless steel bolts fitted .. but a regular coat of Olive Oil really does seem to save a whole load of trouble  :lol
I have talked to Mike GTX (Falcon 269) who worked his magic on all my bikes and lives just down the road from me) about this 'Oil Painting' idea .. he seemed to agree that it was not a bad thing to do .. got get a 1" brush today.
I think any vegetable or mineral oil would work the same .. but here in Spain the Olive slippy stuff is very slightly less expensive  :eek   Try your corner shop  :rolleyes

Worth a thought .. maybe?   Stay Safe Peeps  ;)    Trev     (The Polar Bear)

General / Re: first ride, where to go ?
« on: 15 May 2012, 12:03:57 pm »
Well Enchiladas .. (are you sure about that spelling ? )
You do live in a grand biking area .. bit spoiled for choice up there as far as roads go I think.
However .. I recon you would be well advised to stick to quiet roads you know on your first day .. Also you might pull over whenever you can.  Stop, get off, put the bike on the stand, walk around it twice, get back on and then ride on. 
If as you say you have been 'away from bikes' for any length of time .. getting used to handling the bike is going to be just as important as riding it .. for the first day at least .. just in my opinion  :rolleyes of course.   Enjoy Yourself Buddy  :lol 
Stay Safe  ;)   Polar Bear

General / Re: WSB donnington PICS
« on: 15 May 2012, 09:15:24 am »
As I've already said on the other side .. Bloody Nora Paul ...

Yes .. yes .. I can see you were struggling a bit there confused

Fantastic stuff .. if only I could  'look through the hole and press the button'  half as good as that .. I'd be a one Happy Bunny.   Superb Shots mate, well done!
Lord Jon ... I think you might mean the shot of Haslam #81 and Biagi #3 ?   (Melandri is #33   Or is it me  :\

As always .. Stay Safe wing Trev

General / Re: Feeling guilty-not stopping for biker down.
« on: 15 May 2012, 08:59:12 am »
In that case Buddy .. it all depends if they are wearing a good wrist watch .. or not!  :rolleyes
 ;) PB

General / Re: Feeling guilty-not stopping for biker down.
« on: 15 May 2012, 07:00:11 am »
 :\   Sorry Phil TK .. You are way off course there .. in my opinion . 
My training was based on:   It's just like a Fight .. the one making all the noise is the least of your worries! 
Deal with the silent one(s) first.
Stay Safe   ;)   Polar Bear

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Calling All RED Fazer Riders
« on: 15 May 2012, 06:47:33 am »
SOLD .. to the Big guy with the Hamburger .. thanks  8)   PB

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Calling All RED Fazer Riders
« on: 13 May 2012, 03:33:25 pm »
Me Again .. calling Big Mac.
Up and away for a ride-out today .. met up with a few other active members of the Costa Blanca Brit Bikers Pack .. had a chat to put the World straight over the lunch time pit stop.
Geneal opinion was that I should pull this little auction idea off the board and just state a price.   Not really 'correct' to be running an auction on here and the truth is I have not felt 'right' about it since I opened it .. so I asked for thoughts and advice .. so that's it .. End Of, Lesson Learned, All Over.
The sale price for the brand new Red Bar Brace (as first requested by Big Mac) is : £17.50 all in with the P&P from within the UK around the middle of June.

Sorry for the mess  :\    Polar Bear

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Calling All RED Fazer Riders
« on: 12 May 2012, 10:32:03 pm »
Hi Mac,
If I had a price fixed in my mind I'd state it .. So ..
Like I say buddy .. Best Bidder gets it .. PM me with YOUR best price and we will see how it goes .. You guys will have to trust me on this one  :rolleyes much the same as eBay I spoz .. but this Auction is only open to Fazer Gang right now  8)
What do I hear for starters then Gents ??
Stay Safe .. Polar Bear

General / Re: Fazer owners
« on: 12 May 2012, 11:25:26 am »
Beer .. oh yes I remember .. In one Hole and Out the Other ...
Yep .. must be really good fun that  :\
I did try it a few times in a previous life .. it's much like owning a boat (in my opinion) you take your money and pour it down a hole in the water  :'(
In truth .. I do have the very occasional (£3.00 plus) pint of Guinness .. one pint and stop.  I like the taste, that's all.
Each to their own as always  8)    Polar Bear. (Formerly much closer to Manchester than London  :) )

General / Re: ebay sellers
« on: 12 May 2012, 08:17:50 am »
 :)   Hi Guys ..
Green Star 200 plus eBay Seller here .. but before I do it again ...
Any member on a nice RED Bike might like to take a look in the For Sale Section.   Just a nod  8)
Stay Safe .. Polar Bear (Spain)

For Sale & Wanted / Calling All RED Fazer Riders
« on: 12 May 2012, 07:50:08 am »
Calling All Red Fazer Riders .. very early opportunity .. just for you  :b
No doubt you will already have Renthal Bars fitted .. so here is the Cherry on your cake.
A Red Bar Brace  :b   For Sale early to the best bidder (plus a little bit of realistic P&P of course  :lol )
This item is Brand New, Never Fitted, 100% Perfect.
I will be up in the UK in four weeks time ..  so best to hold fire on the posting until then I think.
I have a PayPal set up. 

General / Re: Photography competition - May
« on: 10 May 2012, 07:00:13 am »
Second Shot from me if I may  :)
So ... how old do we need to get  :\
Remote (almost secret) Spanish Castle complex .. it's a B&B without the B these days .. if you can find it.
It must have been a right pain in the buttress when someone, flogging double glazing, rang the front door bell here!
Good Luck Guys, Stay Safe  ;)    Polar Bear

General / Re: ebay sellers
« on: 09 May 2012, 08:43:22 pm »
Always a bit more to the story .. I recon.
P&P has to include the Packing Materials, The Time and Costs involved in going to the Post Office and then the actual Postage Charge .. not just a stamp.
Having said that .. if an auction is a non-strater lots of sellers end up way out of pocket if their 99p for starters fail to kick start the bidding for real. 
Yes .. eBay may well be just another shop .. but you don't have to walk through the door .. or do you ?  :\
Just observation guys .. and I'm not looking for agro  :) 
Stay Safe  ;)   Polar Bear.

General / Re: Photography competition - May
« on: 08 May 2012, 11:16:38 am »
This place has fascinated me for several years .. so I pulled over on one trip and took this shot.
A pair of very (very) old cattages, well tucked in at the side of a main Mountain Pass road (that was once just a Donkey trail) high up in the North of Spain.
You need to be a Right Hard Bugger to live up here.  Note the rocks, suitably placed to hold the roof down during the harsh winter weather  :\ .
I think the posh people living in the 'White' half must be called .... Jones  :lol
Stay Safe  ;)     Trewv    The Polar Bear

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: cb1300
« on: 07 May 2012, 01:13:53 pm »
Mines quite good on Tyres too  :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: cb1300
« on: 07 May 2012, 10:22:44 am »
Words like :  'Aggressive' don't do very much for me these days (I had more than enough of that stuff in the past .. both  :b and  :\ ) but I will hold my hand up the the 'Pipe and Slippers' tag.  Pushing 73 now (as well as the ivanised zimer frame) so my style is far more relaxed than you young whippersnappers  :lol and I don't fall over when I stop.  Each to their own with the right tools for the job guys as long as we are all happy and safe, eh.
 ;) PB

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: cb1300
« on: 07 May 2012, 07:46:30 am »
Hi Guys,
I had three Gen 1s more of less in a row .. but these days I can't ride a solo bike well enough to justify the risks, call it an old age problem  :'(  However . rather than give up biking .. I wend back about 45 yeas and got myself a sidecar (bit like a giant side stand  :lol )
I've now got a 2008 Honda CB1300S (half fared model) pulling a small one off EZS sports sidecar.
No 'top speed' to talk about of course ... and I can't really comment on solo bike handling .. but Oh Boy what one hell of a fantastic motor .. more low down 'grunt' than your grandad's granddad!   :eek
The bike is of course a traditional steel loop frame .. same as Gen 1 .. ideal for sidecar fixing .. but not (quite) as easy to work on as a Gen1.
More or less all in 'bulletproof' .. my only 'regret' is that it's fuel injection .. so no carbs for Mike to fiddle with  :'(
Owners Handbooks are as rare as Rocking Horse Poop if you are buying a 'once loved' bike .. so try hard to get the book as well!
I'll be very interested to follow your trail Bludclot .. please keep me in your loop.
Stay Safe  ;)   Polar Bear

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Gen1 Fuel Gauge Under reading!
« on: 02 May 2012, 06:37:16 am »
Only You .. would do all that in the name of perfection Cable .. Only You  :rolleyes
Fantastic .. I just love it  ;)   
Stay Safe  ;) Polar Bear

General / Re: **** Photo comp April - VOTE ****
« on: 01 May 2012, 09:28:41 pm »
 :)   Big Thank's mate .. I've now Voted.
Polar Bear.

General / Re: **** Photo comp April - VOTE ****
« on: 01 May 2012, 10:05:51 am »
Hi There Farjo ..
Sorry mate but the link to the photo's does still not seem to be working .. lots of people reading .. but only a couple of voters.
Or did I do something wrong at this end  :\  ?
Cheers .. Polar Bear.

General / Re: Is it just me .. or what ?
« on: 30 April 2012, 07:10:32 pm »
Grahamm ... I think I love you  :\  (well not really like, I was in the Navy don't you know!)
That is just brilliant .. thanks very much!  I have just forwarded it on to another Biking mate who has the same daft little camera and the same trucking load of problems getting it going.
Looks like my main 'snag' is that I did not get the Mini DVD disc thing in my package .. I will need to beg my mates once he has done with it  :D   Unless anyone else out there has one, please?
Cheers Mate .. Stay Safe  ;)   Trev

General / Is it just me .. or what ?
« on: 30 April 2012, 04:50:45 pm »
 :\   I've just got one of these Mini Spy Video Cameras .. £9.99 all in from Honk Konk (with free P&P Norm  8) .
The Instructions come in Chinese and English .. but .. so far we have failed to get very much 'up and running'.
One good example is the blurb about how to change the Time Clock settings .. please read below .. then read it again.
Is it just me .. oer what ?
I quote:

6. Time settings
CD in the product accessories (none with the mini DV camera!) which have a file for time synchronization file, please copy this file to the user Dao TF card, the Benji in and connected Diannao after, the machine time to syncing Dian and Xian Shi Zhijie the time.

General / Re: New biker needs foggy visor help....
« on: 29 April 2012, 08:14:49 am »
 8)  Just an idea .. minimal cost.
Best to have/use a second pair of glasses just for the bike.
Cut a raw potato into small lumps and rub onto the inside of your specs.
You can carry a few extra bits of raw spud in a plastic bag .. to keep them wet .. and use as required during a long haul ride or tour.
Wash and Clean off all the 'old spud' after each ride and start again with fresh spud for the next ride / next day  :b
Once you are off the bike .. use the other pair of specs as normal  :rolleyes
Just a note:   
When riding or driving over here on mainland Europe .. you are required by law to carry a second pair of glasses!
Right now with the current financial situation .. most if not all Police forces are 'collecting money' for the Governments like never before.   
Lots of on the spot fines  .. some over £100 and £150 .. for daft little things like No GB Sticker, driving in open toed sandals or flip-flops, driving without a shirt (that's boys as well as girls!) All kinds of 'paperwork' failings and as I say ..  Not having a spare pair of specs!
Stay Safe Guys  ;)     Polar Bear (Spain) 

General / Re: HERESY! burn him, burn him now!
« on: 28 April 2012, 03:30:57 pm »
 :\  Who's Hersey ?
What did he do to Kip for a burning ?  :eek
Stay Safe .. PB

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