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Messages - mickvp

Pages: 1 ... 82 83 [84] 85 86 87
FZS600 Fazer / Re: carb balancing?
« on: 18 July 2013, 06:00:28 pm »
perhaps its worth me just getting hold of a carbtune and doing it for peace of mind then, dont suppose it will hurt any doing it now, and then ill know its right after that. so, herky at low speed then. I assume there is a multitude of things that could be down to carbs being out of balance.

FZS600 Fazer / carb balancing?
« on: 18 July 2013, 05:35:05 pm »
sorry for the most basic, stupid (?) question guys. but I see a lot of mention of balancing carbs on this site. This is great, and something I will do at some point. however, what are the symptoms of a carb out-of-balance? i.e. what will I look for to know when its time to actually do it?

As some of you will know, Ive not long passed my test, and only just got my fazer, so technically the carbs could need balanced now but as the bike is new to me, i may assume that the way it works now is normal, if that makes sense? it doesnt run like a bag of bolts in a washing machine or anything, but now and again the idle is oh-so-slightly lumpy? I assume this could be a symptom of the carbs being out of balance?

sorry  :agree

subscribed! (shared it on my site too, hope you dont mind?)

Thats quality! I bet the guy thought you were proper mental :lol

General / Re: Free Cleaning Stuff
« on: 17 July 2013, 07:51:37 pm »

Im right in about this like a tramp eating chips!

General / Re: Village scrarecrow comp
« on: 17 July 2013, 07:47:47 pm »
wurzel gummidge :lol

General / Re: Would people be interested...
« on: 16 July 2013, 09:02:04 pm »
I could be tempted too, yes :)

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 16 July 2013, 06:15:54 pm »
Started with this

And about 30 seconds later ended up with this:

I had ordered Chrome Amber bulbs as well (I have orange bulbs in here, but I loathe the "fried egg" look) but Im not sure ill need them now. Ill fling them in when they come in anyway I suppose just to see what they look like.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Safe to say I had a good time yesterday
« on: 16 July 2013, 03:31:20 pm »
Well done you! You must have been having a cracking laugh chucking it into the twisties!

Ill stick to my chicken strips though, too much of a coward to get that far over myself, even on a track :lol

General / Re: FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 15 July 2013, 10:13:29 pm »
Had a run out to sunny Hunny yesterday and hoped to find a tractor but failed dismally.  Parked in amongst the other bikes by the pier and hoped someone would park a Harley next to mine but they didn't.  That would have counted as a tractor wouldn't it?

well if thats the case. ive got that covered:

Sadly, I dont think (?) A Harley actually counts as a tractor :lol

Challenge: Your bike next to a tractor

General / Re: What Else Would You Have?
« on: 15 July 2013, 08:30:40 pm »
dream bike for me is an FJR1300, comfort, reasonably fast, I like the looks. winner. insurance is crippling for me though so Ill have to wait a few years yet.

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Re: Post Thanks?
« on: 15 July 2013, 09:49:21 am »
Personally, I'd rather someone I helped type "Thanks Farjo", but what do others think?

Yeah, I do agree that where possible this is the best way, but like I said, on a busy thread with a few topics going on (or some banter flying about) it sometimes feels wrong to post a thank you a few pages after the actual post as the thread has moved on. Of course, always better to put an actual thanks as well though.

Thanks Farjo :lol

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Post Thanks?
« on: 15 July 2013, 12:26:15 am »
Just thinking out loud really, would it be possible to have some sort of "post thanks" system added to the new site? something like this:

I know that even though Ive only been here a short while, a lot of members have been helpful to me, and sometimes its hard to post up and thank them when a thread has moved onto another topic, so a system where you could click a "thanks" button to that specific members post could be a nice addition i think?

It could well just be me though

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 14 July 2013, 09:54:32 pm »
Introduced about 5 people to the joys of the pillion seat.  :lol

Not all at once I hope :lol

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 14 July 2013, 07:58:46 pm »
rode mine up the Rest and be thankful, had a chat with a guy on a Harley, and then came home, thats about it :lol

Nice wee day.

General / Re: Forum question
« on: 13 July 2013, 09:48:32 pm »
cheers, Ill check it out then :)

General / Re: Forum question
« on: 13 July 2013, 09:22:56 pm »
Try it and see :) But my reasons are ctrl-tab works like alt-tab i.e. latest first, and mouse gestures. There are many lesser reasons and if you try it you will find your own favourite features.

can you use opera for web development like you can with firefox, and the firebug addon?

General / Re: What Fazer did you spot today?
« on: 13 July 2013, 07:45:26 pm »
a darkblue/black thou  (02 plate) coming south on the A82 as I was stopped at the new roundabout at Dumbarton, got, and gave a nod :)

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 13 July 2013, 07:27:05 pm »
gave mine its first clean since i got it, and replaced the old worn out number plate:

So today the weather is good again, pretty hot. I figured before I go out for a run for the afternoon I should give my Fazer a quick once over and fit the first of the new bits i've bought for it.

A few bugs present on the front (bleurgh):

most of the rest of the bike is just a thin film of dirt/dust, like this:

in particular the wheels:

and top of the priorities list of parts to replace; the number plate which has started to delaminate at the top (and which also strangely has 4 holes in it, but two bolts? (possibly re-holed with  new tail tidy?):

Some mess left from the Scott oiler (anyone tell me how to adjust this to lower the rate, this whole side of the bike has some oil contamination so i assume its set too high?):

After a quick clean down with some Prima Hydro, Autosmart G101 and a sash brush for the crevices (and then protected with HydrO2 to help keep it clean):

New plate fitted, with some new bolts (legal sized ;)):

And yes, I did go back out after looking at this and square up the yellow bolt so both the slots point the same way  :rolleyes :rollin

I'll more or less keep riding and doing quick washes till the weather gets worse, during the winter I will strip the bike down and correct all the panels, but for now I would rather be out riding it :lol

For Sale & Wanted / Re: decals
« on: 10 July 2013, 03:23:14 am »
Fixed your tags for you there:

I may be in touch with you to see if you can do some decals for my own site too, if that's something you would be interested in?

cheers guys, just back in from my first nightshift (took the bike to work last night - rude not to when its nearly 30 degrees outside :lol), amazing how much more respect you get on the roads without "L" plates on, that much is for sure!

General / Re: Passed my mod1 today :D
« on: 08 July 2013, 07:38:32 pm »
i got 2 minors for indicating late, thats it :thumb:

Well, its out with the old:

And IN with the new!

just back from picking up a 2 previous owner, 13000 mile 600 foxeye, and although its not the red I had originally hoped for, im chuffed to bits with it! :)

General / Re: which helmets are you guys using?
« on: 05 July 2013, 07:10:53 pm »
This reevu looks interesting, hadn't heard of it before this thread. To any of the owners: does the tunneling for the mirror make it sit really high on your head?

One of my buddies has just got a nexx r1r carbon as well - feck me! Makes my Nolan helmet feel like a tank, the things so light!

So many to choose from, still wish there was a shop local that had a decent selection so I could get one that I know for sure fits my bonce properly, buying online and having to return etc it a hassle..

General / Re: Passed my mod1 today :D
« on: 05 July 2013, 07:08:03 pm »
Nah, insurance for me makes the thou unreasonable, I'm around £250-300 for the year on and fzs 600, but 850-950 for the thou!

Maybe in a year or two when there's some no claims discount to help :)

For Sale & Wanted / Re: For Sale: Nolan N-Com Basic Kit 2
« on: 05 July 2013, 05:53:10 pm »
withdrawn from sale - the company I bought from have agreed to let me return it for a credit note :)

General / Re: Passed my mod1 today :D
« on: 05 July 2013, 05:40:14 pm »
well. today i tok my MOD2 part of my test....

and PASSED!  :D :D :D

so now its time to shop around for a good (preferably RED) FZS 600 :)

let the hunt begin!

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