Date: 15-06-24  Time: 18:53 pm

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Messages - lew600fazer

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General / Re: Three word story
« on: 30 May 2017, 12:53:55 am »
Shagging his mate

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 29 May 2017, 10:23:31 pm »

Well just watched the Sky news May v Corbyn , live audience and then they both hadto face the ARSEHOLE Paxman
 Labour guy gets my vote , time May joined the ranks of failed PM's move over Cameron thanks for keeping the seat warm.

General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 27 May 2017, 04:37:38 pm »

Cracker do you mean like the dark hedges in N Ireland lol.

General / Re: Possible terror attack Manchester
« on: 27 May 2017, 04:36:04 pm »

VNA I am getting really worried now I am agreeing more and more with what you say, feck me I need to lie down lol, seriously though we are only reaping what we sowed, years and years of aggression handed out by the British Empire or rather the ruling upper classes. But it is Joe public who will pay the price re terror attacks while the landed gentry sit safe in their stately homes.

I see the security level has now been down graded from Critical to Severe,  why simples seeing as it is a bank holiday the caring Tory Government would not be wanting to pay the police and security forces extra overtime now would they.

General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 27 May 2017, 04:00:42 pm »

Ah --- herm
Camera Model Name    Lumia 930
Shooting Date/Time    08/02/2017 17:15:56

Rules state that the photo must be taken AFTER the challenge has been set 

Now where's my Fazer keys
I am looking at this and thinking what is wrong with it? then the penny dropped when I looked at the photo again. But seeing as the AJM has owned up fair enough. But I am sure if you check out some of my photos you may think the same thing, but my ones are on the day although the picture information may disagree with the dates. Surely this is possible if the SD card has not been formatted for some time.?? Oh and yes Fazersharp well played and your post is good enough for a new challenge.

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 25 May 2017, 10:29:03 pm »

So do these individuals have any influence on what they tell the government to DO!!!!
Everyone agrees that newspapers play a crucial role in British democracy, even if they disagree what that role is.
This week the Press Gazette published the results of the National Readership Survey. I have used these results – for both print and online – to draw up tables with readerships and information about owners and political orientation. Almost 78 per cent of our press is owned by a handful of mostly foreign-based billionaires.
Our newspapers like to paint their own role as heroic – they are the brave defenders of democracy who hold our elected representatives to account. Watergate is the archetype of this kind of journalism and it does occur now and again in the UK but it is rare.
Too often, far from protecting our democracy, our papers subvert it. In his Inquiry, Lord Leveson quoted some lines from Tom Stoppard’s Night and Day. Milne: “No matter how imperfect things are, if you’ve got a free press everything is correctable, and without it everything is concealable.” Ruth: “I’m with you on the free press. It’s the newspapers I can’t stand.”
In a free press, the nature of the newspapers matter very much.
The nature of a paper is set by its owner. Press barons wield far more power and influence than all but a very few MPs and have, unsurprisingly, used it to further their own interests.
Since 2010, the barons have pushed the highly contentious argument that there is no alternative to austerity (for other people, not for them or those close to them), and have largely ignored the stories which historians will doubtless note – the widening social divisions and the swelling numbers at food banks, the 21st century’s soup kitchens.
Newspapers exercise power and influence in a number of ways. It is not just that they have a megaphone which lets them dominate the public debate. They also have privileged access to politicians. And one of their most powerful forms of influence is the ability to effectively set the political agenda for the other media and more widely, in parliament, the workplace, the kitchen and the pub.
In the terms of political theory, the press barons impose the elite’s cultural hegemony. As Martin Kettle has argued, the answer to the old 1970’s question – ‘Who governs Britain?’ – is now, in important respects, the press barons. The most recent example of their power – and arrogance – is how they have contemptuously ignored the Leveson Inquiry findings and the subsequent decision of the elected House of Commons.
Newspapers put great store by the concept of editorial independence. Sometimes, it is a reality. The Lebedevs, for example, own papers – the Independent and the Evening Standard – which take markedly different political stances.
Too often, however, editorial independence is a sham. Proprietors choose editors who they know share their views. Editors know well what is expected of them without the need for a proprietor to actively interfere.
Rupert Murdoch’s candour at the Leveson Inquiry was revealing. He said that if someone wanted to know his opinion on a subject they should just read the leader in the Sun.
UK press weekly print and on-line readership (for papers over 1 million) in March 2013
Newspaper(s)Combined print and online readership
(In brackets print alone)
Effective owner/s

Information about effective owner/sPolitical orientation of newspaper/s% of  combined print and online (Print alone)
The Sun/The Sun on Sunday13,674,000
Rupert MurdochBillionaire. Lives in US.
Alleged tax avoider.
Supported Tories in 201018.6%
The Mail/ Mail on Sunday12,188,000
Lord RothermereBillionaire. Lives in France.
Non-domiciled for UK tax
Supported Tories in 201016.5%
Metro 7,986,000
Lord RothermereBillionaire. Lives in France.
 Non-domiciled for UK tax
Supported Tories in 201010.8%
Mirror/Sunday Mirror/ People 7,874,000
Trinity Mirror plc

Public Limited CompanySupported Labour in 201010.7%
The Guardian/The Observer 5,342,000
Scott Trust LtdA company with purpose “to secure  Guardian’s independence”Supported Lib Dems in 20107.3%
Telegraph/ Sunday Telegraph 4,998,000
David and Frederick BarclayBillionaires. Live on private island near Sark.
Alleged tax avoiders.
Supported Tories in 20106.8%
The Times/ Sunday Times 4,608,000
Rupert MurdochBillionaire. Lives in US.
Alleged tax avoider.
Supported Tories in 20106.3%
The Independent/ i/Independent on Sunday 4,002,000
Alexander (father)and Evgeny (son) LebedevAlexander is a billionaire, ex-KGB and lives in Russia. Evgeny lives in the UKSupported anti-Tory tactical voting in 20105.4%
London Evening Standard 3,850,000
Alexander and Evgeny LebedevAlexander is billionaire, ex-KGB and lives in Russia. Evgeny lives in UKSupported Tories in 20105.2%
Daily Express/Sunday Express 3,118,000
Richard DesmondBillionaire pornographer.
Alleged tax avoider.
Supported Tories in 20104.2%
Daily Star/Daily Star Sunday 2,972,000
Richard DesmondBillionaire pornographer.
Alleged tax avoider.
Supported Tories in 2010

Daily Record/ Sunday Mail 1,719,000
Trinity Mirror plcPublic limited companySupported Labour in 20102.3%
Financial Times 1,339,000
Pearson plcPublic limited company
Supported Tories in 2010
Readership of UK press (for papers over 1 million) in March 2013 by effective owners
Effective owner(s)%  of combined print and online (print alone)
Lord Rothermere27.3       (27.8)
Rupert Murdoch24.9       (27.9)
Trinity Mirror plc13.0       (13.9)
Alexander and Evgeny Lebedev10.6       (10.1)
Richard Desmond  8.2        (9.2)
Scott Trust  7.3       (4.7)
David and Frederick Barclay  6.8       (5.1)
Pearson plc  1.8       (1.5)
Over a quarter (27.3 per cent) of the press is owned by Lord Rothermere and 24.9 per cent by Rupert Murdoch  – between them these two men have over 50 per cent of the printed press.
Over three quarters (77.8 per cent) of the press is owned by a handful of billionaires. There are only 88 billionaires among the 63 million people in the UK and most of the barons do not even live in the UK.
I am no fan of Michael Gove’s fact-based curriculum, but it is true that knowing certain facts is key to understanding. All students of British politics need to know who owns our press.

General / Re: Possible terror attack Manchester
« on: 25 May 2017, 10:16:17 pm »

There was a post I saw on faceache today.

It took days for laws to be changed to make Kodi box type devices illegal to use in the way that most people use them but its taken years to get nowhere with preventing known (or suspected) terrorists from coming into the country.

That's because greedy fat cat corporations were losing out on millions of pounds worth of revenue, much more Important than innocent lives.

My problem with the reposonse to all these 'terrorists' attacks is that having armed guards/soldiers would have not changed a thing about what happened Monday night. It wouldn't have mattered if they had tanks parked either side of the entrance, wouldn't have mattered if they had metal detectors on the doors, NOTHING would have stopped that asshat doing what he was gonna do.
Putting the army on the streets does nothing more than intimidate the innocent and help keep US in check.
A suicide bomber has already come to terms with the fact they are gonna die so they aren't gonna be bothered who's got a gun as long as they can press their button.

Not to get all tinfoil hat on you but it does seem like there's a higher agenda here. Much like in America after 9/11 they pushed through massive amounts of laws that stripped people of their privacy in the name of keeping the country safe.
They've already started here with the snoopers charter. What's next though? How long before we all have to carry ID? How long before you have to be searched before entering shopping centers/schools/libraries etc? Before your privacy is taken away in the name of 'security'? The harsh truth is 'terrorism' is very good for governments when they have an agenda to push.

And on a final note, The truest words I've heard from a celebrity in my life, I've never thought much of Morrissey but this time he's bang on.......
What is your objection to carrying an identity card? also what is your objection to being searched before entering a Shop or Sports venue Etc! We had to live with it in N Ireland for 30 years plus during the troubles. Anyone who  does object to carrying an TD card must have something to hide, Also if searched before entering a shopping centre surely the 15 seconds wasted of your life would only make your shopping experience better knowing that you may jst be a little bit safer to enjoy your day.

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 25 May 2017, 05:12:54 pm »

General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 25 May 2017, 05:08:50 pm »
Certainly gets my vote. Nice one.

General / Re: Possible terror attack Manchester
« on: 25 May 2017, 10:07:59 am »

Tommy I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but it was not the common man in the UK that suddenly said let's go and build an Empire. The common man was told what to do by the Landed Gentry , Kings and Queens , Lords & Ladies and they are still living of the plunder that took place during that so called glorious period in our bloody history.
For fecks sake the 1st world war was all about the Kings & Queens of Europe falling out , The Kaiser was pissed off because his dick was not as big as his cousins George's  dick. I am not a commie by any stretch of the imagination but the Bolsheviks perhaps went a bit to far in whacking their royals but it sorted the royals out for sure.

On February 04, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma,  (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions  with minorities in Russia :
“In Russia live Russians.  Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak  Russian, and should respect the Russian laws.  If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslims then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law.  Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture.  We had better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and  France, if we are to survive as a nation.  The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia.   The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of  Sharia Law and Muslims.  When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it  should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim
 minorities are not Russians.
The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.
 Concerning our pussy footing around the terror threat here in the UK and all over the EU who is getting tired of the same old Line . THE BOMBER WAS KNOWN TO THE AUTHOURITIES. The PC brigade jump on the wagon and spout on about human rights and this is why these scumbags walk amongst us day in and day out.
This pricks are being radicalised here in the schools and mosques by preachers who preach nothing but hate, but perhaps the Moslims have learnt from the Christian faith or elements within the Christian faith,  The Jesuit maxim "Give me a child for his first seven years and I'll give you the man" surely this is a form of radicalisation

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 25 May 2017, 12:27:32 am »

Does he or she have a part time job??simple question. and as I said my lad was happy to wear Tescos own clothing brands and save a few quid. He also only had hand me done mobile phones not state of the art. Sorry but there is no way any student should be racking up £50k in debt going through Uni.
When my lad was thinking about getting married  he mentioned how Liz was talking about how they would have to pull together to help clear her student debts £28k , my advice was to tell her they are her debts not theirs , thankfully he took that on board and went their separate ways.
Call me what you want but todays youth want everything on a plate , I see it with my Grand daughter and nieces & nephews children. get things far to easy in life and want mum & dad to pay for it.

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 24 May 2017, 09:38:18 pm »
Slapping against your

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 24 May 2017, 09:36:22 pm »

General / Re: Possible terror attack Manchester
« on: 24 May 2017, 09:34:05 pm »

Absolutely sickening and to achieve what purpose?
All these attacks do is heighten fear & tension between citizens of whatever religious/political persuasion they happen to believe to be right. I have no time for religion(man made designed to control people) but I do know that the main tenet of all major religions is "Love your neighbour as yourself" or words to that effect.
What can be more inhumane & hypocritical than to maim, torture & destroy other lives in the name of some god or belief system? We have been doing it to another since time began.
Cant help thinking that British "action" in collaboration with the USA against other countries which involved what they euphemistically term "collateral damage" has increased the threat of reprisals here in the UK as in Paris etc.
I believe also that the people responsible for a lot of this hatred including Tony Blair should have been made accountable through the courts for what was an illegal war.
The problem remains that a lot of money is made by the armaments industry who obviously have a vested interest in continuing strife around the world.
That  bomb attack could so easily have happened in my home city-I have grandaughters the same age as some of those innocent children killed & maimed in Manchester.

Please tell why Tony Blair ?why not Thatcher why not also mention Cameron, getting tiring now blaming Blair for everything.Thatcher & Major first gulf war. Cameron assisted in the removal of Gaddfi which as we all know has lead to the mass influx of Africans deciding to have a Mediterranean cruise,and holiday in Italy.

Lew I said "the people responsible".... of course this list would have to include those you mention. Perhaps Blair is top of my list since he picks up megabucks as a "f*****g PEACE ENVOY"! FFS
Dave do your self a favour and see how Blair spends his mega bucks for f---k sake. Did Thatcher set up a fund to help disabled service personal? No when she had her service celebrating the victory in the Falklands she insisted the DAMAGED service men be sat at the back of the Cathtedral so as to avoid them being viewed as the TV were covering the event.

According to the South Atlantic Medal Association support group more veterans have committed suicide since the war than died during the fighting. All this agony was to save the political face of Tory prime minister Margaret Thatcher, and to show that Britain was still a world player.

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 24 May 2017, 09:07:02 am »

Really pissed about the tuition fee saga....if they are now ended then there is a band of about four years of students that carry debts of around £50k that students either side do not can that be fair?
That's one hell of a burden to go into adulthood with....and they wonder why home ownership is slowing!!
£50 k student debt how are they managing to run up those debts. Most likely because they are on the piss and partying , designer clothes. Funny how my lad did a 4 year course, a year of which was spent in France and came out of Uni with absolutely no debts what so ever. Let me see now did he live at home while at Uni? no he shared a rented house with 5 mates  he met at Uni. Did the bank of mum & dad fund him all the way through Uni, no not entirely, we paid 50% of his tuition fees. Did he miss out on his social life while at Uni ? , no, because if it had tits he shagged it. Did he go hungry and have a crap diet?no, as he always was interested in cooking and was a foodie.
So you may ask how did he come out debt free. Simple before he even left school he had a Part time job in Sainsbury's and banked everything he earned, also  while at Uni he worked two part time jobs. Most students spend on average 12.5>14.5 hours a week in class so wtf are they doing the rest of the time, okay they will be doing home studies as well for a couple of hours after finishing Uni for the day. If my lad wanted clothes he went to Tescos or Asda , the designer gear was binned as he reckoned a £6.00 pair of Tescos own brand jeans covered his arse just as well as a £30 pair of Wranglers or Levi's, as he explained to me, you see dad   the £24 I saved on the jeans is my beer money or groceries etc! He did have one mate who came out with £37k debt and he was doing the same course. My lad got a Double 1st in French & European Business studies from Liverpool University. He then wanted to do  his Master degree which he did at Bordeaux University, they paid him €1500 a month while he studied there, he was being paid as he was teaching the French English as a foreign language for 6 hours a week. His mate who ran up£37k debt passed his  degree gaining I think the term is a Desmond as in 2.2. So as far as I am concerned running up£50k in debt is only achievable  if one is a party animal and also a lazy fecker.

Unfortunately not true Lew
Someone close to me in this situation...not a party animal at all. 3 years in London with no student accommodation and £9k annual tuition fees plus accommodation plus living costs and occasional travel home puts them into this situation.
Explain to me what part of my post is NOT true I am describing what my son achieved and how he came out of UNI debt free. Why go to a London UNI then as surely you know living cost are through the roof down there. Yes that was 8 years since my lad was at UNI but he had sense enough to look in an area that would still be fun to study in and housing was not the rip off prices of London , he went to Liverpool Uni not John Moores by the way. Has the individual you mention got a part time Job, or are they fully relying on bank of mum & dad.

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 23 May 2017, 11:54:07 pm »

every time May is on TV she comes across a right thick twat and like the milk snatcher, gets the hump if anyone dares question her. Then we have Corbyn who comes across as articulate and caring......all the things she isn't. I know where my vote's going

And now we have the U turn on the dementia issue

May be she has dementia as she is forgetful 12 months ago she said she was a Remainer before the referendum a month after it she became a Brexiteer

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 23 May 2017, 11:03:02 pm »

Really pissed about the tuition fee saga....if they are now ended then there is a band of about four years of students that carry debts of around £50k that students either side do not can that be fair?
That's one hell of a burden to go into adulthood with....and they wonder why home ownership is slowing!!
£50 k student debt how are they managing to run up those debts. Most likely because they are on the piss and partying , designer clothes. Funny how my lad did a 4 year course, a year of which was spent in France and came out of Uni with absolutely no debts what so ever. Let me see now did he live at home while at Uni? no he shared a rented house with 5 mates  he met at Uni. Did the bank of mum & dad fund him all the way through Uni, no not entirely, we paid 50% of his tuition fees. Did he miss out on his social life while at Uni ? , no, because if it had tits he shagged it. Did he go hungry and have a crap diet?no, as he always was interested in cooking and was a foodie.
So you may ask how did he come out debt free. Simple before he even left school he had a Part time job in Sainsbury's and banked everything he earned, also  while at Uni he worked two part time jobs. Most students spend on average 12.5>14.5 hours a week in class so wtf are they doing the rest of the time, okay they will be doing home studies as well for a couple of hours after finishing Uni for the day. If my lad wanted clothes he went to Tescos or Asda , the designer gear was binned as he reckoned a £6.00 pair of Tescos own brand jeans covered his arse just as well as a £30 pair of Wranglers or Levi's, as he explained to me, you see dad   the £24 I saved on the jeans is my beer money or groceries etc! He did have one mate who came out with £37k debt and he was doing the same course. My lad got a Double 1st in French & European Business studies from Liverpool University. He then wanted to do  his Master degree which he did at Bordeaux University, they paid him €1500 a month while he studied there, he was being paid as he was teaching the French English as a foreign language for 6 hours a week. His mate who ran up£37k debt passed his  degree gaining I think the term is a Desmond as in 2.2. So as far as I am concerned running up£50k in debt is only achievable  if one is a party animal and also a lazy fecker.

General / Re: Possible terror attack Manchester
« on: 23 May 2017, 10:24:43 pm »

Absolutely sickening and to achieve what purpose?
All these attacks do is heighten fear & tension between citizens of whatever religious/political persuasion they happen to believe to be right. I have no time for religion(man made designed to control people) but I do know that the main tenet of all major religions is "Love your neighbour as yourself" or words to that effect.
What can be more inhumane & hypocritical than to maim, torture & destroy other lives in the name of some god or belief system? We have been doing it to another since time began.
Cant help thinking that British "action" in collaboration with the USA against other countries which involved what they euphemistically term "collateral damage" has increased the threat of reprisals here in the UK as in Paris etc.
I believe also that the people responsible for a lot of this hatred including Tony Blair should have been made accountable through the courts for what was an illegal war.
The problem remains that a lot of money is made by the armaments industry who obviously have a vested interest in continuing strife around the world.
That  bomb attack could so easily have happened in my home city-I have grandaughters the same age as some of those innocent children killed & maimed in Manchester.

Please tell why Tony Blair ?why not Thatcher why not also mention Cameron, getting tiring now blaming Blair for everything.Thatcher & Major first gulf war. Cameron assisted in the removal of Gaddfi which as we all know has lead to the mass influx of Africans deciding to have a Mediterranean cruise,and holiday in Italy.

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 22 May 2017, 10:41:07 pm »
Disagree they are not all arseholes, some are genuinely trying to do there best. An honest and hard working MP would be Frank Field  (Lab)

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 22 May 2017, 10:38:10 pm »

General / Re: RIP Nicky Hayden
« on: 22 May 2017, 10:37:11 pm »
Really sad news this 200 odd GP races and some fucking Cager takes him out, R.I.P Nicky.

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 22 May 2017, 01:18:20 pm »

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 22 May 2017, 01:17:50 pm »
Deep fat fried

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 21 May 2017, 11:20:11 pm »

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 21 May 2017, 11:19:41 pm »
anyone in sight

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