Date: 16-06-24  Time: 02:53 am

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Messages - lew600fazer

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General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 11 June 2017, 01:03:12 am »

 :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
At least Big Ian had the Balls to call Thatcher a lying cunt to her face when she was spouting out the line , we will not negotiate with terrorists.

The Tory party spent £1.2 million claiming that Corbyn was dealing with the IRA, he never denied it he said he held talks trying to broker a peace.
Mrs May is just about to jump into bed with another pack of terrorists as in the DUP they all have blood on their hands are well known to be a corrupt bunch of tossers.

General / Re: Pyrenees Trip
« on: 11 June 2017, 12:53:57 am »

Hedgetrimmer ,fantastic photo's the scenery is amazing, the snow will be there in pockets until the end of June /mid July.Did you have a wee mishap?bet it was gravel they are feckers for using gravel, hope you enjoyed the trip.

General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 11 June 2017, 12:48:54 am »
It is in a village called Andernos le Bains, not far from Cap Ferret and Arcachon  2 hours from me , maybe in a day or two lol.

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 10 June 2017, 10:30:46 am »

VNA  will say one thing about Sturgeon at least she seems honourable enough and no doubt she will  lead the SNP into the next election. Sadly the same will happen again in N Ireland were we have a the DUP, a  party who are stuck in the dark ages and this result for the DUP will ensure that Arline Forster (Ian Paisley with tits) will do the same.
Theresa May if she genuinely has the best interests of the whole of the UK at heart should resign and call another election, the EU and Brexit and the Euro 27 nations will just have to wait until we have sorted this shite out,  I am sure they will be happy enough to continue to collect the UK's contributions until we do. How many EU member states do we hear clamouring for the talks to start? two maybe three at the most, all by the way being bullied by the Germans who now see a real opportunity to punish the UK for daring to destroy there 4th Reich.
If May still wants to proceed with the talks she should call in the leaders of all UK parties and simply tell them we are going to Brussels with a team of negotiators made up from a collective group from the houses of parliament which will be drawn from ALL parties and not just her lot. If she cannot do that she should resign, not that she will be there much longer but I am sure you get my gist.


My original post was not correct, it was 3 competitors and 2 bikers during the week, sky news as usual reported it wrong.
I know what you are saying, I have been biking for over 50 years now. I know I should stop as I no longer have the skills or concentration I used to have, it is a drug.
Is there any need for a 1000cc Super sport bike at the TT, even some of the top boys are opting now for the Super stock. Okay I know not a lot of difference. Tyres have improved and bikes are getting faster year on year, but the roads are getting worse year on year.
Why not at known accident black sports slow them down ? introduce chicanes were possible if not at the actual spot then before it or just after it. I know it will take away some of the thrills but hopefully also the spills.
I am not a tree huger or an HSE freak just the older one gets it hurts to see and read about some one dying at a sporting event.

Diesels and Lawnmowers (Bike racing n things) / I.O.M TT fatalities
« on: 10 June 2017, 12:00:11 am »

 Really is time this was stopped

 I think that is one of the most over used statements in Motor cycle sport
They have died doing something they enjoyed doing, usually followed by RIP.
It is time this event was stopped or else made a hell of a lot safer.
There have been 5 fatalities this year the death rate is going up year on year.
No doubt I will get hammered for this. I have been a road race fan since I was 14 and still go to at least one or two road races a year in N Ireland. I have never been to the TT as one it is to bloody expensive to get there and two, to what see the riders go past every 17 minutes for 5 laps. No thanks. My last road race was the Tandragee 100 last year. There was a young gun called Malaci Mitchell Thomas, a new wonder kid on the block. He was flying and everyone was raving about him. I thought to myself then, son you are quick but take your time and learn the track and your craft as well. He was killed at the NW200 about a month later.

The death toll in this year’s TT Races which finished on Friday is just one fewer than the worst year for the event, which was 1970, when there were six fatalities. Enough is enough

General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 09 June 2017, 11:34:01 pm »
Shame I did not have the bike with me . This may have been good enough

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 09 June 2017, 11:18:16 pm »
VNA be man enough to admit this election was a fucking disaster for the SNP they lost 21 seats ffs, and only hung onto one by 2 votes

General / Re: WTF
« on: 07 June 2017, 04:28:19 pm »

BA would have to pay me to fly with them, Emirates Air hard to beat!!!

Not really. I've been going backwards and forwards to SE Asia several times a year over the last 10 years and flown them three times in the last two years, they are ok but certainly not outstanding. I only use them if they are significantly cheaper than others.
 Everyone I've spoken to about airlines here (I'm in Indonesia at mo) is surprised by the new improved Garuda cabins. I flew them last month and the new seats are great, good for 6 hours and not bad for 10 hours and the legroom is better than most now, the loos get cleaned more regularly on long haul too and the drinks trolley appears very often (still free).
 The others are no more than middling I'd say, Singapore, Malaysia, Thai (soon to be getting Dreamliners) etc. Vietnam Airlines have the most modern fleet, almost all their 777s are nearly sold off with Dreamliner and Airbus replacements appearing on all routes.
 My top pics if you are going from Europe to SE Asia? Vietnam, Garuda, British Airways, Thai, Emirates, Malaysian and Singapore.
 Bad uns, Bangladesh, Turkish, Air France, KLM.

It is 3 years now since I did long flights since I have now retired , Qatar Air were also a decent outfit , well now that the Qataris are funding ISIS bollocks to that.
Small world though I live in France and last week we went to a Quiz night in another village. It was a charity evening.  The woman that was asking the questions was a right stuck up bitch, she was basically talking down to folk. At break time I was at the bar and a bloke says to me!!! is it me or is she a stuck up cow??? I laughed and said yes she was. She definitely had the look of a  retired BA cabin crew. She came round collecting the answer sheets and I says to her!!! I know your face? she just glared at me and as she walked away I said to my mate, I bet she is ex BA cabin crew!! she spun round and looked at me and said, good guess how did you know ? It was that painted on smile you have on your mush love, the place erupted.

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 07 June 2017, 04:05:15 pm »
Why oh why has it taken so long for Diane Abbot to get told to send in a sick note !!!!!!

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 07 June 2017, 04:02:49 pm »
to spit roast

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 06 June 2017, 11:56:58 pm »

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 04 June 2017, 04:30:18 pm »

VNA with your ramblings  you are typical of the reason I will never vote labour, I would sooner vote for the devil himself than support a party with people like you supporting them.

Well Steve, if you vote for this Tory Government you be getting your wish!!! as in voting for the devil herself.

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 04 June 2017, 04:22:46 pm »
knobbly bits an'all

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 04 June 2017, 04:21:47 pm »

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 04 June 2017, 08:36:52 am »
After the sad events in London the Conservatives have suspended campaigning for how long? one would assume the other parties will follow suite.

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 03 June 2017, 11:23:52 pm »
Sgian Dubh

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 03 June 2017, 11:21:55 pm »
Amanda Holden's dildo

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 03 June 2017, 11:21:00 pm »

Funny you should mention that shunted around the country on the same bus. On face book yesterday there were two photographs
Photo (1) was Kent Conservatives show support for PM May
Phot (2) was Sussex Conservatives rally support for PM May
Very good then you look at the photos, the lazy fuckers had not even changed their clothes they had just moved around a tad so they were standing in a different position in the line up.
I am under no illusion that they all do it.

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 03 June 2017, 11:04:24 am »
Les Dennis shagged

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 02 June 2017, 02:45:22 pm »

Speculation here in France is she is ducking and diving and hoping she losses the election so she can not go down in history as the PM that really fucked up the brexit exit  :lol

Amber Rudd eh!!! is it just me or does that sound like a name for a Porn Star????

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 02 June 2017, 02:40:12 pm »

When you bought your own council house the price you paid depended on how long you had lived in it. When you did buy it you were not allowed to sell it for 5 years.
I bought my mum her council house,the same house she raised my brother and me in. I paid £12,000 for it. My mum passed away within 12 months of me buying it. I had hell on with the council as they said I either had to live in it or sell it back to the council. The council offered me £7500 for it I told them to fuck  off . I moved in for a couple weeks and when the dust settled my mums next door neighbour who had lived beside us for 40years gave up her council house and moved into ours. She lived there rent free until she died 8 years after my mum. I sold the house for £22,000 and gave my brother £5,000 as he could not afford to chip in with buying mums house.
Fantastic. How nice and kind hearted of you Lew to let that lady stay rent free until the end of her days. So which one of the below best describes your selfless act.
private landlord and pocketing the cash
DSS property empire
low-quality housing provided by DSS landlords at eye watering rip off price
tax dodging bastards
  filthy rich DSS landlord.

 And thanks for clarifying and debunking the spin that says people sold straight away at a profit. After 5 years the value would of gone up anyway and if people sold then that is where the profits would of come from.

A soft touch I think !!! but seriously my mum had her problems with her nerves and general health. With me being away at sea all my working life and my brother away as well it was good to know my mum had good neighbours. Mr & Mrs Fleming always checked up on my mum morning and last thing at night, always took her shopping etc!!, those were the days when people looked out for each other.

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 01 June 2017, 11:54:17 pm »
with perky nipples

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 01 June 2017, 11:52:53 pm »

When you bought your own council house the price you paid depended on how long you had lived in it. When you did buy it you were not allowed to sell it for 5 years.
I bought my mum her council house,the same house she raised my brother and me in. I paid £12,000 for it. My mum passed away within 12 months of me buying it. I had hell on with the council as they said I either had to live in it or sell it back to the council. The council offered me £7500 for it I told them to fuck  off . I moved in for a couple weeks and when the dust settled my mums next door neighbour who had lived beside us for 40years gave up her council house and moved into ours. She lived there rent free until she died 8 years after my mum. I sold the house for £22,000 and gave my brother £5,000 as he could not afford to chip in with buying mums house.

General / Re: WTF
« on: 30 May 2017, 12:55:50 am »
BA would have to pay me to fly with them, Emirates Air hard to beat!!!

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