Date: 17-06-24  Time: 15:41 pm

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Messages - slappy

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 71
General / Re: Job application cover letter
« on: 16 August 2013, 09:19:04 pm »
I'd love to see a HR dept reply to that letter :lol

they will say there is now no job vacancy due to "re-structuring"!

General / Re: Just fitted a Daytime running light.
« on: 29 July 2013, 09:22:43 pm »
I fitted one of them a few weeks back, looks exactly same as yours. I also fitted a strip of red leds to the rear on my topbox. I work on the assumption that every little bit helps!

General / Re: I hate sheep!
« on: 20 July 2013, 07:48:20 pm »
I use that road on a regular basis and have learnt over the years to take it easy as the sheep seem to be suicidal at times,especially lambs when they realise mum is on the other side of the road. I was up there about 3 weeks ago and came up behind two cars stopped in the road waiting for two sheep to move that were just stood in the middle of the road admiring the view!

General / Re: act20 camera placement.
« on: 19 July 2013, 08:01:02 pm »
I used the brakcet that came with it to screw into the bottom of the front fairing, works well and stays put

Do you mean that you drilled the fairing or just clamped the bracket to the fairing?

General / act20 camera placement.
« on: 19 July 2013, 04:20:11 pm »
I have just bought one of these to replace my old action camera that decided to work only when it felt like it,( takes after its owner).
The old camera was fitted to the handlebars centrally above the top yoke but when i fit the act20 in the same place it is too low and all you can see is the clocks.
I have thought about fitting it underneath the front fairing but i am doubtful about using velcro to keep it in place, or strapping it to my helmet but i would prefer it fixed to bike.
Where have you guys that use fitted yours?

General / Re: Jeez Hot out there
« on: 07 July 2013, 11:08:49 am »
Lucky sods, I have 12 hour shifts to do Saturday and Sunday.

General / Re: Issues with alarm Meta 357Tv2
« on: 04 July 2013, 07:02:16 pm »
Rip it out now before the immobiliser fails and leaves you stranded, what you describe is how mine acted before failing completly.
If you search for alarms on this forum you should find a no cost way to bypass the alarm with a couple of lengths of wire, I did this and it is a very easy permanent fix.
I think the post that showed the correct way to do it was by Chitsu. Apologies to Chitsu in advance if I am wrong.

General / Re: Breakdown cover (best vs cheapest)
« on: 03 July 2013, 09:14:54 pm »
My experience with the AA last year made me swear to use anybody but them, the service was abysmal and turned into a complete farce. Legitimate complaints are just ignored by them.
But I know that other people swear by them so I think it just depends on who you get on the day.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Sound when engine stops
« on: 02 July 2013, 10:25:19 pm »
Its the mouse thats operates the exup valve getting its paw trapped in the mechanism.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS1000 Garage sale
« on: 09 June 2013, 12:52:50 pm »
PM sent.

General / Re: Heated grips now in the bin!
« on: 28 May 2013, 08:07:49 pm »
I have had a look at the heated gloves on the web today but the price!  Also not sure how tight my gloves would be with the heated kit on underneath.
If I bought a battery pack to power them I would never remember to charge it up and if I used the direct connection to the bike battery I would doubtless try to walk away from the bike whilst still connected to it.

I have refitted the handguards that I had on before and it looks like it will be back to winter gloves again.

General / Heated grips now in the bin!
« on: 27 May 2013, 05:49:36 pm »
Which is exactly where they belong.
I bought Oxford ones 2 years ago because I didn`t want to wear thick winter gloves any more but the first controller lasted just a year and I replaced it.
This weekend the controller went again and would not switch off, I had to remove the fuse to cut the power.I am not going to pay another £30 again for crappy switches that don`t last.
Anyway has anyone tried heated gloves? My hands get cold even when the weather is not that cold.

General / Re: AA now have police powers
« on: 22 May 2013, 06:23:02 pm »
It would be better if the AA concentrated on improving their customer service, I complained to them after waiting 5 hours for recovery last year and I am still waiting for an answer. I even complained to Carole Nash who included AA cover in their insurance, guess who won`t be renewing  with them this year no matter how cheap it is.

General / Re: Costa Coffee Moan
« on: 19 April 2013, 07:41:08 pm »
We have one in what was the staff canteen at work, only it is now called a restuarant!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Cracked rack
« on: 14 April 2013, 07:40:51 pm »
I was cleaning my gen1 today and found this,(see photos), anyone else had this happen?
I have a small Givi box mounted on it and I think the heaviest thing thats ever been in it is my packup for work!( Do I need to go on a diet?)
I am going to see if I can get it welded at work on Wednesday.

General / Re: Failed MOT!
« on: 10 April 2013, 01:07:28 pm »
The MOT tester said he would not pass them as if I was in an accident and it was found that the steering was in any way compromised he could be found liable.
I have been using this guy for about 10 years and I would rather have someone who is a bit keen doing the test, this is the first time he has found anything and he lent me some tools to do it there and then so he could then pass it which I am happy with.
I have a spare screen so I am going to mess about with it and grind some little cutouts in it and if it looks ok then refit the guards with the modded screen.

General / Failed MOT!
« on: 09 April 2013, 07:36:54 pm »
My Gen1 1000 failed its MOT today because on full lock the handguards, ( the ones that are meant for a V Strom), touched the screen by a minute amount. To get it to pass I removed them while the MOT guy waited. So if you have any handguards fitted just check they do not foul.
The MOT guy said most bikes he fails are for aftermarket parts such as exhausts and lights.

General / Re: North Wales Police message
« on: 07 April 2013, 06:59:25 pm »
It would be nice to see a headline saying that police are going to "educate" car drivers for once.

General / Re: Spring is here?
« on: 07 April 2013, 06:56:37 pm »
I am heading out Otley way and Sun Inn tomorrow,Sunday, thought it would be all gone now.

You'll be ok, just watch out for melt water across the road in places, could freeze if you're out early?

Had a nice 50 mile ride, as you said a bit of melt water in places but set off at 11.00am so no ice. Lots of bikes out taking advantage of the sunshine.

General / Re: Spring is here?
« on: 06 April 2013, 07:08:28 pm »
I am heading out Otley way and Sun Inn tomorrow,Sunday, thought it would be all gone now.

General / Re: vibrators
« on: 28 March 2013, 07:43:21 pm »
There a limitations on the use of all vibratory equipment.Where I work,which is heavy engineering, there are limits shown on posters and on the company intranet that show the amount of time you can use each different piece of equipment in a 24hr period.
If you are in a union you can get advice off them, or the company you work for should have the information.
White finger is taken very seriously by a lot of companies as you can take legal action against them if they have not taken appropriate precautions to prevent it.

General / led brake light in top box.
« on: 24 March 2013, 08:00:36 pm »
Has anyone fitted led lights in their top box as extra brake lights?
I want to fit some but don`t know what is the correct way to wire them in, such as do I need a resistor or not?

General / Re: Bike cam Video
« on: 21 March 2013, 12:25:49 pm »
Where do you have your camera mounted? Is it on the handlebars between the clamps?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: How tight is hand tight?
« on: 21 March 2013, 12:13:58 pm »
I have the same sort of filter wrench but have never used it to put a filter on,only used it to remove them.I will stick it on my torque wrench and see if it is 17nm.
Thanks for the replies. 

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / How tight is hand tight?
« on: 20 March 2013, 11:43:50 am »
I changed my oil and filter yesterday and was just wondering how do you know the oil filter is on tight enough when you just do it up hand tight. How tight is it meant to be? What I consider hand tight is going to be different from other people. I am always slightly paranoid afterwards that it is too loose and will lose oil or that it is too tight and has deformed and will leak. I use work gloves that give a good grip,any one else have any other method that they use?

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