Date: 17-06-24  Time: 14:19 pm

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Messages - slappy

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General / Re: Crash bungs or engine bars?
« on: 07 June 2014, 08:55:58 am »
Judging by the responses I think I will go with the crash bungs. Hopefully I will not have a crash but knowing me with my short legs I will probably drop the bike on its side!
Thanks for the helpful replies. 

General / Re: Anyone know anything about auto Vespas?
« on: 06 June 2014, 08:14:41 pm »
Is there a vespa owners club that covers modern versions as well? You might get some better info off them.

General / Crash bungs or engine bars?
« on: 06 June 2014, 03:01:02 pm »
Which do you think work best? The bungs look better but would the bars give more protection, and I suppose the type of `off` could affect each one differently. The reason I don`t know which to get is I can get engine bars for only about £20 more than bungs but as I have never `tested` either I do not know which to get.
 Has anyone got any real world feedback about how effective either of them is?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / FZ1 cat in downpipes
« on: 05 June 2014, 08:08:46 pm »
I have now put an aftermarket can on but have left the cat in the downpipes for now. Is there any advantage in removing it that is worthhile? Also do you get an increase in noise level if you remove the cat?

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 05 June 2014, 11:30:28 am »
Fitted a Delkevic tri oval can to my FZ1. I cannot decide if it is a bit too loud for my tastes really, even with the baffle in, but I think it looks pretty good for the price, £175 delivered.

General / Re: Bollocks about the dogs,,,what about my friggin BEES
« on: 05 June 2014, 11:26:17 am »
He will be screwed then, are badgers protected? They can be nasty buggers when disturbed.
Its odd but the bees we have in our cavity wall, which we are going to leave alone till winter then I will try to block off the access holes hopefully,seem to be dying. We have found 4 dead bees on the ground below the hive.

Introduction / Re: Sheffield virgin
« on: 05 June 2014, 08:24:43 am »
I like that, its a bit different.
How loud is that end can?

General / Re: Why?
« on: 02 June 2014, 03:50:41 pm »
Never mind why, I want to know how!

General / Re: Question for bee experts
« on: 31 May 2014, 08:38:09 pm »
You need a breakfast sized bowl of sugary water.............  ;)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Miss-fire and cutting out
« on: 31 May 2014, 04:39:28 pm »
This is same problem I had on my gen 1. I found on mine eventually that it was the ignition switch, it was that badly worn that the key would wobble about in the switch causing the engine to misfire or cut out. Try wobbling your key in the switch to see if it is that, all i had to do with mine is touch it and the engine would cut out!
Also check your fuel filter, air filter, kinked fuel pipe,carbs for crap in the float bowls, I also cut back my HT leads 1/2" to make sure they had a good contact. These were all things suggested by guys on here and by the time i had done them all and managed to source another ignition switch the bike was running like a dream when i sold it.

General / Re: Bollocks about the dogs,,,what about my friggin BEES
« on: 30 May 2014, 03:41:17 pm »
Leave them this year then find out how getting in seal up and your good bees don't return to same hive twice anyways

Thats the best thing to do, this year we have a hive in the cavity wall at the front of our house and a local bee keeper advised this.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / My FZ1
« on: 30 May 2014, 03:28:31 pm »
A picture of my 2007 FZ1, less than 10,000 miles, totally standard. Just done 120 miles on it and very happy with it. Even my wifes pet rabbits seem to like it! ( Thats assuming the pictures have uploaded ok. )
So now I need an exhaust for it, but I am unsure about how one would fit as the only joint in the original is in front of the exup. So this might be a bit of a noob question but how do the aftermarket ones fit?

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZ1 wanted. Now sorted, bagged myself one!
« on: 22 May 2014, 04:28:25 pm »
I will put up some pics when I get back from my hols, I am supposed to be helping grand kids pack  now but its chaos, I never know what to pack for myself never mind kids ranging from 3 years old to 14 years old.

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZ1 wanted. Now sorted, bagged myself one!
« on: 22 May 2014, 12:13:13 pm »
 Managed to get a low mileage  totally standard one in red and black, next door neighbours mate, did the deal this morning, quick test ride in the rain! Only trouble is family holiday means I won't get another chance to ride it till the 30th of this month.

For Sale & Wanted / FZ1 wanted. Now sorted, bagged myself one!
« on: 21 May 2014, 08:13:23 pm »
As title says, 2007 onwards, up to £4000. In West Yorkshire area preferably. Aftermarket can and heated grips would be nice.

General / Re: For those who love lathes...
« on: 19 May 2014, 01:10:26 pm »
I run a WFL120 millturn where I work, similiar to that but it is a six axis machine,
Thats not my company in the link, it looks like the factory in Austria where they make them.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / ignition switch
« on: 18 May 2014, 01:04:55 pm »
Is it possible to easily repair the ignition switch on a 2001 gen 1? Mine is knackered, works when it feels like and if you just touch the key the engine cuts out.

General / Re: Loud pipes save lives!!
« on: 15 May 2014, 03:18:02 pm »
Nice noise! Do you always ride like that?

General / Re: food for thought my fellow worker ants..
« on: 10 May 2014, 11:14:29 am »
If you use a debit or credit card anywhere not only can your movement be tracked, every purchase you make is logged and the information is used to guess your spending habits and and then used to try to sell you other stuff. They also sell this info to other companies.
Big Brother is not just watching you, he wants to control you completely. My wife says I am paranoid but they really are out to get you one way or another.

General / Re: the clarkson debate
« on: 09 May 2014, 12:07:11 pm »
I've met her. She's very nice  :)

Were you holding food at the time?  :b

Careful, someone will accuse you of being a "fattist".

Fazer8 / FZ8 / Fazer 1000 to Fazer8?
« on: 05 May 2014, 08:51:54 pm »
I am seriously thinking about trading in my gen 1 fazer 1000, which i have had for six years, for a fazer8.
Has anyone else done this? Any real regrets? Will i miss the power of the 1000?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Wide Blokes and Wing Mirrors
« on: 04 May 2014, 11:18:11 am »
Affach one of those mirrors that car drivers use when they are towing a caravan!

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Engine cutting out under hard acceleration.
« on: 20 April 2014, 01:23:06 pm »
I had previously posted about a misfire under hard acceleration on my gen1. I did all the suggestions offered to cure it such as draining float bowls, cutting 1/2" off ht cables and checking air filter was clear. The problem disappeared for a few weeks but now the engine is cutting out under hard acceleration. The engine will restart immediately afterwards on the button and runs perfectly the rest of the time. Anybody have any idea what could be the cause?

For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS 1000 choke cable
« on: 21 March 2014, 08:27:33 pm »
I bought  the cheapest one I could find on ebay, about £11. Been on bike for over a year with no problems.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Exup valve needs adjusting?
« on: 13 March 2014, 04:44:12 pm »
Problem now sorted, though I am still unsure of exact cause.
I trimmed half inch off ht leads, adjusted exup valve as there was a little bit of slack in both cables and drained the float bowls.
The only thing that I could see wrong was a bit of corrosion on one ht lead where it screwed into the cap.
Took it out for a test run and it ran fine , in fact it felt smoother at all revs.
Thanks for the tips and help. 

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