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Messages - Val

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Tightening front sprocket (no torque wrench)
« on: 17 July 2016, 02:19:17 am »
I was great believer in torque wrenches. Until all my 4 brand new not cheap calibration certificated torque wrenches just stopped working and I have focced up few bolts.

INB4 I was pampering them, never dropped or used them to untighten, kept them untighten too.

Now I just use my hands.Still alive. Make of that what you want.

 FYI never seen in any garage that I has been, mechanics to use torque wrenches for high torque bolts like say swingarm bolts. Only for precision low torque like for engine heads.

General / Re: NEW PM
« on: 14 July 2016, 06:49:22 pm »
So Thatcher meant Thatcherism Blair meant Blairisim and now.......Mayhem?

Good one Bri  :thumbup :lol

So May is about to become Prime Minister, Hammond is being touted as the next Chancellor............... Surely the next Home Secretary can't be...........?.................Can he ?? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Clarkson??  :rollin :rollin

Now on a serious note can you guess who is the new foreign secretary leading the Brexit negotiations?

Can't stop laughing  :lol :lol :lol

Even seasoned US diplomats can't stop laughing about it:

I mean we are talking about this guy...again? ;D ;D ;D

General / Re: Insults... whats your best?
« on: 13 July 2016, 08:41:26 pm »
I'll go for plonker and mangina  :lol

General / Re: The 2016 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 12 July 2016, 01:21:24 pm »
Next challenge your bike and old gas holder (gasometer) like this one

I do believe that we have had that one
And it was you that did it,15766.msg220047.html#msg220047

Yes but this was last year 2015 challenges, can we have the same for 2016?

General / Re: The 2016 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 12 July 2016, 09:32:28 am »
Next challenge your bike and old gas holder (gasometer) like this one

General / Re: The 2016 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 12 July 2016, 09:28:35 am »
Here we go Chertsey old water pump on my way to work  :)

General / Re: The 2016 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 11 July 2016, 11:50:56 am »
here it is:
Next challenge your bike and burger van.

Here you go
bike and burger van

Good enough to me  :thumbup next challenge please?

Introduction / Re: general information please
« on: 10 July 2016, 12:29:02 am »
Hello and welcome  :)

Not sure why limit your choice to boxeye only? You can find decent mileage Fazer FZS 600 (boxeye or foxeye) for about £1000 plus minus 200.

Both boxeye and foxeye does not have any major faults. The only thing you may need to check is the front sprocket nut - Yamaha has replacement just in case, actual faults have been very rare.

General / Re: Pimping Accessories From China
« on: 08 July 2016, 08:33:58 pm »
The best £16 ever for my Chinese short levers:,17296.msg213915.html#msg213915

Bought them last year, managed to crash and drop the bike since then, the levers are still going strong  :thumbup

I brake with two fingers, so that I can control the throttle too if needed, and used to catch my throttle fingers with the original brake lever. The Chinese ones work perfectly for me  :)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Seized torque arm bolts
« on: 08 July 2016, 08:27:29 pm »
How about you juts grind off the bolts heads? Than get 2 new bolts and nuts.

I'm going to postpone this due to uncertain wet weather and wait for some dead cert sunshine........Is this possible in this country?  Who knows, let's see what next weekend brings

Guys is this hapenning? The end of July looks great  :)

General / Yamaha MT10 compared to BMWs and my old Fazer FZS600
« on: 07 July 2016, 08:40:37 pm »
I do have tried MT 10 today too:

Obviously it will not win beauty contest. Having said that my wife likes it  :rolleyes

Position is way, I mean way way way forward. You can get used to it. I am 6 foot and there is plenty of room. The pegs are very comfty with more than enough leg room. In fact more leg room than the Fazer.

The gears are better than all BMWs. Does not have quickshifter. Actually MT10 do gears better without quickshifter than the BMWs with quickshifter. Enough said. The best engine so far.

On paper S1000R and MT10 are almost identical as power 160hp and weight fuelled 210kg. For some reason MT10 feels much lighter bike. Probably because of the forward position. It feels and rides as one very powerful supermoto. The engine also feels with more power. It may have more low torque I have no idea but the engine of the MT10 is the best.

As in BMWs I have to say I have not used the 6th too much. Yamaha is doing 95mph in second gear and three digits in 3rd. And when in B mode this bike is insane. I don't do wheelies if I can. In B mode you are practically riding most of the time on one wheel.

The most useful for public streets is standard mode STD.

Like S1000R the Yamaha moves with the speed of your thoughts without been intimidating and you are always in control.

The throttle is perfect and the power is delivered in a smooth and predictable way. I mean in STD mode.

MT10 feels sharper than S1000R. And you can ride it faster easier. Again surpisingly for me on the motorway without fairing it does better speeds than the Fazer with less wind. Or at least that is how I feel it. I mean there is wind, but because the bike has better engine and more power, somehow motorway speeds are easier.

You can change direction any time in the bend left or right and it just goes there. Again my abilities are way off what that bike can do.

Brakes are much more than you will ever need. Always smooth and progressive if you need it.

Suspension is the best. It is firm. Bear in mind this is a sport bike disquised as a supermoto.
Firm suspension is what you need with that power delivery.

Now the bad: the seat. I mean the Yamaha MT10 seat is seriously bad (hard). Like a brick of wood.

Note about the seat. It actually fits the overall bike. It is hard but that is good, because with this bike and this strong brakes and this firm suspension, and this powerful engine, and the speeds you can do with, actually you need this hard seat to be always in control and not slide around because of various g forces.

The truth is MT10 is a hardcore sport bike that needs to be ridden hard and needs this seat.

I have been two hours on it and now my bumm is sore and hurts. But I am still smiling  :lol :

Final rating:

1. Handling & steering - MT10, S1000R, XR, Fazer, RS
2. Engine and power delivery - MT10, S1000R, XR, Fazer, RS - note obviously the RS has more power than the Fazer I just do not like the engine for my riding.
3. Seat and position - Fazer, seat XR, 1000R, position 1000R beats XR for me, RS, last one is MT10 now.
4. Look - draw for all from the front look, side look - 1000R, XR, RS, Fazer, MT10 - again no surprise here MT 10 is eriously ugly bike from any point. And daiglo wheels? I rest my case.
5. Sound - S1000R, MT10, Fazer, RS, XR - note I am not a fan of low rumbling Harley style sound. For you it may be the RS. S1000R has really nice sound in high revs. MT10 in STD mode sound is good, switch to B mode and its get ugly you get the impression nuts and bolts will be flying any moment.
6. Fun factor - MT10 is the winner hands down. Than follow closely S1000R, XR, RS, RR and finally the good old Fazer.

The final conclusion - I am still keeping the Fazer. Still fast enough when needed and does 50 mpg and comfty.

If you want a bike for long touring you need the XR.

If you need fun and track days get MT10.

I am temped by S1000RR as short commuter/fun bike too.

MT10 in some tourer faired version with better seat is probably the bike I will like the most. The only problem is Yamaha is not doing it yet...

General / Re: The 2016 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 07 July 2016, 04:12:00 pm »
here it is:

Next challenge your bike and burger van.

General / Re: EU!
« on: 05 July 2016, 08:29:38 pm »

Maybe? I was more thinking what's his point? He seems to be attacking the leave camp with all these smart-arsed gifs and cryptic comments, but giving no explanations for his point of view, just pure vitriol as far as I can see. It's like he thinks the whole Brexit thing was purely aimed at upsetting him alone. Why not just come out and state his meaning? How does any of what he's been posting offer anything constructive to the debate? "It's time to think and contemplate"  :rolleyes  When you've quite finished looking down your nose at everyone Val...Tiresome.

Sorry if I have upset somebody with posting few FUN facts  :)

Short of writing a book about it my point of view is Brexit is the biggest foccup of all times.

Sorry that I can't help here, but honestly after the monumental foccup I really do not see how I can help. Been constructive will not undo it.

Its like lets crash in this wall and than complaining that I am not helping, I would if I could but I can't  :'(

General / Re: EU!
« on: 05 July 2016, 02:27:33 pm »
Just found this, it's time to think and contemplate  :)

Update: Just test rode S1000R today too. We have a winner. It is the bike I like the most from all BMWs so far. The bike I rode was S1000R Sport with all extras except cruise control.

Position is way forward. You can get used to it.

The gears are better than XR. Because the engine has good pull you can ride it basically in any gear. I have to say I have not used the 6th too much again as in XR. Honestly 3rd is all you ever need to stay legal. Like XR the S1000R moves with the speed of your thoughts without been intimidating and you are always in control. I have used TC on, ABS on, The last Dynamic Pro settings for the engine and Dynamic settings for the suspension.

S1000R is sharper than XR. And you can ride it faster easier. Surpisingly for me on the motorway without fairing it does better speeds than the Fazer with less wind. Or at least that is how I feel it. I mean there is wind, but because the bike has better engine somehow it is easier.

IMO S1000R feels sharper than S1000RR too. I know it shouldn't be, but it feels that way to me. If you order them it will be RS is like a boat compared to others, than Fazer is sharper, the XR is very sharp, the RR is better and finally the S1000R is like knife in a butter. You can change direction any time in the bend left or right and it just goes there. My abilities are way off what that bike can do . Just happy

The only think I do not like too much is the seat. It is nice seat for one or two hour rides. But it is very thin. getting back to the Fazer was like sitting in a sofa.

Final rating:

1. Handling steering - 1000R, XR, Fazer, RS
2. Engine and power delivery - 1000R, XR, Fazer, RS - note obviously the RS has more power than the Fazer I just do not like the engine for my riding.
3. Seat and position - Fazer, seat XR, 1000R, posution 1000R beats Xr for me, last one is still the RS.
4. Look - draw for all from the front look, side look - 1000R, XR, RS, Fazer - no surprise here good old Fazer looks ugly sidewise.
5. Sound - 1000R, Fazer, RS, XR - note I am not a fan of low rumbling Harley style sound. For you it may be the RS. 1000R has really nice sound in high revs.

The final conclusion I may get one S1000R, but will still keep the Fazer for short touring and winter hack/commute. If you want a bike for long touring you need the XR.

Still I have not find complete Fazer replacement - I mean bike that can do kind of sporty rides, but also to be able to touring and to do bad weather/commute. I mean if I have to have only one bike I will keep the Fazer for now.

Or seat upgrade for the S1000R and a new screen may do the trick?

The main thing which I like towards BMWs is the IL4 engine. I know most people like BMWs for the famous boxer twin. For some reason it is not my cup of tea. Too much torque and less fun. Of course it depends  on your definition of fun. Mine is high revving IL4 :)

I have high hopes on the new MT10 in some faired version like Tracer 1000? We'll wait and see.

General / Re: The 2016 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 02 July 2016, 11:46:03 pm »

Closest I can get to that is my bike at a poppy field.

Good enough to me, it is obvious you can pick up your own poppy there  :thumbup , can we have the next challenge please?

General / Re: Euro '16
« on: 02 July 2016, 02:18:22 am »
Cracking game tonight, well done Wales, go and stick it to the Portugese


General / Re: an unfortunate incident.
« on: 29 June 2016, 05:29:15 pm »
If the driver could have seen johnakay coming then he should not have proceeded onto the roundabout because johnakay would have priority. 100% the driver's fault.

PS the correct term to use is "priority". "Right of way" actually just means the right to "pass and re-pass across a piece of land", but "priority" means you have the right to go first.

Agree the Highway Code say you come from the right side you have priority.

It depends how close johnakay was to the roundabout.

If he could have seen that the car's path would be blocked, he probably shouldn't have proceeded, but it's not illegal, so the question is could johnakay have seen the driver moving forward and braked in time. If not, then it's 50/50 IMO.

If johnakay was going too fast to stop or failed to observe the car blocking his path, probably 100% his fault (IANAL etc)

jonakay said it has hapenned very fast. That means the car was not already on the roundabout, just the car decided to pull out as usually in the last moment and than got stucked in the middle and jonakay has hit it. On jonakays place I would stick to the version that he has not seen the possibilit of the blockage, which is the case because nobody will hit a car with a bike on purpose right.

The case seems pretty clear - the guy in the car decided to take jonakay's priority and to stick the cage in the middle of the roundabout. jonakay has hit him because of that. Does not matter where is the hit - to the side, front of the car or the back of the car. If you take priority it is your fault because as the result of that the crash has hapenned.

General / Re: EU!
« on: 29 June 2016, 01:35:14 am »
Englishman, Scotsman, Welshman and Irishman walk into a pub. Then immediately they all get out, because the Englishman wants to exit.

Introduction / Re: Excited
« on: 28 June 2016, 09:08:26 pm »
Hello and welcome  :)

Right choice of bike  :thumbup

General / Re: EU!
« on: 28 June 2016, 09:06:24 pm »
England are definitely going out of EUROpe!  :b

No offence guys but I need to post this one  :lol

General / Re: EU!
« on: 27 June 2016, 02:46:39 am »
Guys there may be a happy end after all  :thumbup

It appears if Boris is the next PM he will go for EEA. Hat off to him for trying to unite the UK people after that divisive vote.

Quote from: Bojo
Boris Johnson says the UK will continue to "intensify" cooperation with the EU following the country's vote to leave.

In his first words since accepting the result of the EU referendum on Friday, Mr Johnson wrote that "the only change" would be to free the UK from the EU's "extraordinary and opaque" law, which "will not come in any great rush".

The leading pro-Leave campaigner said exit supporters must accept the 52-48 result was "not entirely overwhelming".

And yet we who agreed with this majority verdict must accept that it was not entirely overwhelming.

There were more than 16 million who wanted to remain. They are our neighbours, brothers and sisters who did what they passionately believe was right. In a democracy majorities may decide but everyone is of equal value.

'Single market access'

His column said: "I cannot stress too much that Britain is part of Europe, and always will be.

"There will still be intense and intensifying European cooperation and partnership in a huge number of fields: the arts, the sciences, the universities, and on improving the environment.

"EU citizens living in this country will have their rights fully protected, and the same goes for British citizens living in the EU.

"British people will still be able to go and work in the EU; to live; to travel; to study; to buy homes and to settle down. As the German equivalent of the CBI - the BDI - has very sensibly reminded us, there will continue to be free trade, and access to the single market.

"The only change - and it will not come in any great rush - is that the UK will extricate itself from the EU's extraordinary and opaque system of legislation: the vast and growing corpus of law enacted by a European Court of Justice from which there can be no appeal."

Correct me if I am wrong, but the above looks like EEA agreement? IMO this is the fastest and best way to end this and make happy both camps. Although some of the people that voted for Leave may not be so happy.

Nigel and the aging racists spring to my mind  :rollin

General / Re: Brexit for the hard of reading
« on: 25 June 2016, 08:31:51 pm »

General / Re: Brexit for the hard of reading
« on: 25 June 2016, 04:06:46 pm »

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