Date: 15-06-24  Time: 21:24 pm

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Messages - lew600fazer

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 91
General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 14 June 2017, 04:48:52 pm »

That is good enough for me , it is obviously 7.15 am as the shop is not yet open , the car park is empty as all the lazy barstards are still in bed.
Next challenge please.

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 13 June 2017, 09:22:21 pm »

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 13 June 2017, 09:19:12 pm »
No Theresa May's

General / Re: grubs up!
« on: 13 June 2017, 09:18:32 pm »

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 13 June 2017, 03:07:30 pm »

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 13 June 2017, 03:06:50 pm »
his head in

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 13 June 2017, 11:30:36 am »
must be painful

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 13 June 2017, 11:29:44 am »

General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 13 June 2017, 01:19:37 am »
Tic Toc stick with the clock  :lol

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 13 June 2017, 01:17:30 am »

What aboot Iris Robinson's teenage affair?  That was interesting.

Then the whole green energy scheme thing.  Apparently businesses have empty uninsulated sheds heated by biomass burning stoves and boilers on any spare bit of ground they have.  You more you burn the more cash you make!  What the foc!

They are not just nasty, hypocritical and corrupt, but uttery incompetant too.

Which makes you wonder, why on earth does anybdy vote for these fools - over to you Lew - cos I really dunno.

VNA sorry but you cannot completely lay the blame for the Bio mass cock upon the DUP.  That has to be laid fairly at the feet of Arlene Foster as she was the minister in charge of the Department of Energy? the scheme at the time. this fuck up has cost the good folk of N Ireland £500 million and the bill is still going up day on day.

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 12 June 2017, 06:12:55 pm »

General / Re: Holiday Suggestion To Suit 10 & 12yr olds
« on: 12 June 2017, 05:53:24 pm »

may be but it will likely be a   con ,
I'll get my coat.

General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 12 June 2017, 05:50:05 pm »

Easy as some clever chap will do something like this

Camera Model Name    Lumia 930
Shooting Date/Time    08/02/2017 17:15:56

Answer your question ?lol

General / Re: Breaking News an attempted terror attack
« on: 12 June 2017, 02:09:22 pm »

How about this for being an eejit. A lad I knew at school, he was bad  egg and a bigot. A real ugly fucker as well. So to impress the female eejits in the estate I grew up in just outside Belfast he joined the local branch of the UDA. This was early doors in the troubles and it was not an outlawed group at that time. He  was locally known as Elvis why, I don't know. So Elvis gets his first job from the self appointed UDA commander( he was the lad that held the arsenal(They only had one gun at that time) So Elvis is riding shot gun on the way to rob an off licence as they were having a party so needed to steal some drink.
As they enter the street that the off licence is in they spot an Army road block , supposedly Elvis panics and throws the gun out the window into some bushes. I believe the intention was to recover it later. When the army set up road blocks they usually had a couple of squaddies hiding either side of the road block covering the area and protecting the lads doing the stop and search usually it was the police (RUC) doing the questioning and searching cars and if they felt inclined searching you as well.
So this gun goes sailing over the bushes only to land beside a squaddie, all hell broke lose, Elvis and the driver got shot twice , ended up in Hospital for a few weeks and then got banged up for a few years for possession of a fire arm. The soft bastard when he went to court when asked how he would plea stood up and said I refuse to recognise the court. The Judge said why not Mr Robinson has it been decorated since the last time you were here?looking at your previous I actually sent you down 2 years ago for car theft. Note the Name Robinson a family member was once a high ranking politician in the DUP , and Theresa May wants to do a deal with these people.

General / Re: Breaking News an attempted terror attack
« on: 12 June 2017, 02:05:09 pm »

How about this for being an eejit. A lad I knew at school, he was bad  egg and a bigot. A real ugly fucker as well. So to impress the female eejits in the estate I grew up in just outside Belfast he joined the local branch of the UDA. This was early doors in the troubles and it was not an outlawed group at that time. He  was locally known as Elvis why, I don't know. So Elvis gets his first job from the self appointed UDA commander( he was the lad that held the arsenal(They only had one gun at that time) So Elvis is riding shot gun on the way to rob an off licence as they were having a party so needed to steal some drink.
As they enter the street that the off licence is in they spot an Army road block , supposedly Elvis panics and throws the gun out the window into some bushes. I believe the intention was to recover it later. When the army set up road blocks they usually had a couple of squaddies hiding either side of the road block covering the area and protecting the lads doing the stop and search usually it was the police (RUC) doing the questioning and searching cars and if they felt inclined searching you as well.
So this gun goes sailing over the bushes only to land beside a squaddie, all hell broke lose, Elvis and the driver got shot twice , ended up in Hospital for a few weeks and then got banged up for a few years for possession of a fire arm. The soft bastard when he went to court when asked how he would plea stood up and said I refuse to recognise the court. The Judge said why not Mr Robinson has it been decorated since the last time you were here?looking at your previous I actually sent you down 2 years ago for car theft.

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 12 June 2017, 09:22:18 am »

A poll carried out today has put Labour 6 points clear of the Conservatives.

Bit late now haha

So what happens if May cannot get her queens speech through Parliament? I may be wrong but she will have to call another election.

General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 12 June 2017, 09:19:45 am »

Thanks, Not sure if this has been done before but!!!!

How about your bike in front of a building that has a clock on the front of it,?
It can be a public building ,Railway station , Church tower with clock, but the clock has to be showing the correct time.

General / Re: Breaking News an attempted terror attack
« on: 12 June 2017, 09:08:19 am »

That's in pretty poor taste Lew after so many people have been killed or seriously injured over the past few weeks  :rolleyes

Freck , I was born and bred in N Ireland , how do you think the people of N Ireland got through 30+ years of terror. Thankfully they had a sense of humour. Not about the bombings and killings but about some of the eejits playing at being the local BIG man, Image result for eejits

One always knew when you were having a heated discussion with some gobshite , a usual comment he would throw at you  if he was not getting his own way would be ,let me tell you now , Do you know who you are talking to???? thereby implying he was commander in Chief of him and his mates local UDA or IRA branch.
Lighten up Freck no did respect was intended, if we cannot laugh in face of adversity we might as well just surrender now.

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 11 June 2017, 11:36:02 pm »
licking his balls

General / Breaking News an attempted terror attack
« on: 11 June 2017, 11:33:35 pm »
Police have announced that they have foiled an attempt by two M u Slim's in a speed boat attempting to crash into the Thames Barrier
 A police spokesman believes the attempt was linked to Ram-a-dam.

General / Re: General Election 8th June
« on: 11 June 2017, 10:21:28 pm »
A poll carried out today has put Labour 6 points clear of the Conservatives.

General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 11 June 2017, 10:16:54 pm »
Okay this was today 32 degrees here today tis is near Mimizan, SW FRance

General / Re: Pyrenees Trip
« on: 11 June 2017, 10:19:06 am »

If you want to see what some of the roads are like go to my you tube page search for Lew600Fazer McColl these were from March this year.

General / Re: Three word story
« on: 11 June 2017, 01:04:46 am »
who voted Tory

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 11 June 2017, 01:03:46 am »

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