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Messages - dazza

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General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 26 February 2019, 04:31:00 pm »
That's right, it's only the truth that gets banned.

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 26 February 2019, 04:01:59 pm »
O.k. I'll always admit it when I'm wrong.

You're not that intelligent after all. :lol

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 26 February 2019, 03:34:05 pm »
All I can say is, I've never seen or heard him ever saying or writing anything like that.
That's not to say some fukwit hasn't said it on his page.
I don't know, but if it is, its the comment and individual saying it that should be deleted.
You can't be that blind or naive to realise that the timing of this is a little too convenient for the BBC for it to be the real reason.
Have you watched the documentary yet ?

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 26 February 2019, 03:16:03 pm »
 :lol  Yeah right. Of course that's the reason.
You sure they wasn't talking about John Sweeney. :rolleyes

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 26 February 2019, 02:24:12 pm »
Of course it has. It was only a matter of time.
A corporation as powerful as the BBC/ Establishment have got the powers of the state at their disposal.

Unfortunately for them, it will only make the message louder.
It's like banning a record they don't like the lyrics of, it's a sure fire way to make it rocket to no.1

The fact they are trying their best to silence him now will make people stop and take note.

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 26 February 2019, 02:02:34 pm »
Just click the link on #177
You can also find it on YouTube if your paranoid about visiting his page....Well, you of all people should know we're all being monitored.

Seriously though, whatever your opinion of TR or Stephen Laxley Lennon, it's certainly a revealing and damning expose of the the underhand techniques being used to portray someone as something they're not.

Some people are too far gone to accept anything other that what they want (VNA) but I had you down as more intelligent than that. :D

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ULEZ BREAKING NEWS
« on: 26 February 2019, 01:46:15 pm »
Received my COC in the post today and emailed it straight away to TFL along with previous copies of emails they have failed to respond to.
Their customer service is appalling and if I don't get a reply to producing the certificate I'm going to lodge a formal complaint and deliver it by hand to their offices in StJames Park.
Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, now I have the certificate it conforms to the NOx limit and should be exempt.

The bad news is that due to no response from them regarding getting the whole model exempted and the fact that each certificate is bike specific. It appears that this has got to be done on an individual basis.

The good news is, it's possible and can be done.

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 26 February 2019, 10:51:37 am »
Interesting. So The BBC blatantly working with an extreme far left organisation and threatening and intimidating ex employees to make false allegations to fit their own agenda.
Not to mention the clipping of actual conversations with the intent to manufacture a sexual assault allegation against an innocent man is not proof that the supposed unbiased BBC is actually full of shit and an unreliable source of news.
Well, what a surprise.
You both truly are that blinded by your own hatred and self righteousness you should get a job as journalists.
I know a corporation that you would fit right in.

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 26 February 2019, 01:06:31 am »
But I doubt it. :rollin :rollin :rollin

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 26 February 2019, 01:01:57 am »
 :lol That statement right there VNA.
Was going to say ignorance is bliss but there's nothing blissful about your state of mind.
You seem to be very uptight again.
It must be embarrassing knowing you've been taken in by all the fake News over the years and worst of all, continually repeated all the far Left and MSM bullshit on here.
If I were you now, I would go for damage limitation and admit that you were wrong in the hope that we may forgive you for your ignorance.
Who knows, we may even think you're a better man for it. :D

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 25 February 2019, 11:09:56 pm »
Welcome back Dazza. Missed you. How was your break in Salford?  :lol

Didn't go in the end.
Heard on the news it was going to be full of racists........Oh, hang on a minute.  :D

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 25 February 2019, 06:18:46 pm »
VNA....mtread.....You don't have to watch this. You can carry on believing the shit you're being fed.  :D

Anyone else who is interested in the truth and what's really being portrayed as factual by the BBC.

Watch and enjoy....This is golden.

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 23 February 2019, 01:15:36 am »
I stand up against terrorists, rapists and evil states..... whatever their religion.
It seems SYL and his friends are a little more fussy as to who they criticise,  and who they don't.

And it seems for a very good reason unless you choose to ignore facts.

Just take a look at the statistics of the ethnicity of grooming gangs and then dig a little deeper.

These are facts, not  predudice or fantasy.

You as a left wing liberal can deny and refuse to discuss the truth all day long but believe me ..... It's only a matter of time before everyone will be aware of the truth.

Let's see where you stand then.

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 23 February 2019, 12:16:41 am »
And, umm, we do actually have people openly and repeatedly promoting a little fascist fuck called  SCYL right here on this forum

Let's just get things very clear VNA.
This is everything that TR is standing up against.
You can bury your head in the sand or stand up and be counted.
I have no shame in supporting anyone who is willing to stand up against this.
Take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself what you stand up against.

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 22 February 2019, 11:51:23 pm »
 :rollin :rollin  And there was me thinking you was partially educated.  :lol

PM sent  :)

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 22 February 2019, 02:03:22 pm »
Mtread, its quite simple really.
Would you want them moving in next door to you ?
 And everyone is going to know if you're lying because there is only one answer for a sane human being to make.

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 21 February 2019, 10:24:22 pm »
The threat comes from the Saudi state that we suck up to.

That's the second time tonight.
You really should get to know Tommy a bit better.
You'll get on like a house on fire with your identical views on the Saudis.  :D
Are you going to Manchester to watch him expose Panorama ?
Bet you are, you're starting to sound like you've been well converted.  :lol

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 21 February 2019, 09:22:22 pm »
So Fazersharp was right. You really do agree with Tommy Robinson as he is as outraged as you about the Saudis and Establishments involvement in the radicalisation of Britain.
Well done, you've come round and seen sense.  :)

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 21 February 2019, 07:54:12 pm »
Ok....let me explain it with a diagram

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 21 February 2019, 07:17:41 pm »

Making a person stateless is against international law.

So  is joining a terrorist organisation, blowing innocent women and children up in Manchester, beheading unbelievers, throwing homosexuals off of buildings and grooming and raping  1300 underage children in Rotherham.
If you're that outraged about her treatment, offer to put her up in your house.
You can let her invite all her delightful clan into your home and spend the evenings spouting your left wing, traitorous spiel all night long.  :D

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ULEZ BREAKING NEWS
« on: 19 February 2019, 07:57:37 pm »
Is anyone else having trouble emailing TFL ?
I've had about 7 emails failed to send today.
I'm beginning to think that they've turned off their email communication ability due to the amount of correspondence.

General / Re: Exupnut Pete
« on: 19 February 2019, 05:52:12 pm »
Wow, such a familiar story and one of the main reasons I won't get into a relationship anymore.
You just don't know when they're going to lose the plot and go all out spiteful on your arse do ya ?
Let's hope 2019 is your year to pick yourself up and repair the damage caused.
I've always thought there should be legal repercussions for false allegations and denying access to children but there isn't so certain women feel that's a standard strategy to take. There's no deterrent.
It's so wrong on every level but karma will catch up with her, that is for sure.

General / Re: Exupnut Pete
« on: 19 February 2019, 05:05:01 pm »
Hello Kosmic,
Yes all good mate.
We had a few meets last year and will definitely be up for a few this year once the weather gets mild.
How you been doing?
Still got your Fazer?
And how's life in the country treating ya ?

General / Re: Exupnut Pete
« on: 19 February 2019, 04:57:22 pm »
I've not heard from him for a while but I've got a number for him. I'll PM it to you.

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