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Messages - Ricky

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I am properly wrong to compere one bike against another, especially when I have not ridden the GSXR in over a year, but I rode the bike for 8 years and loved how the bike made its power, you are right I may be expecting to much of the Fzs.
If you go from a standing start the bike revs to the red line and goes very well and makes power .I ride round in 6 at 60mph and I find dropping one gear does northing , you have to go to at least  4 .
I will look at the exup valve but have rode the bike with a closed stuck valve when I first bought the bike ,and the bike feels much better than then.

I believe it came from the USA but not California.
If your rev it hard from a stand still it goes well but my GSXR 750  would have left it for dead.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: 2004 Fazer thou
« on: 17 September 2016, 08:55:52 pm »
My bike just did not feel right awhile back, nervous front end, twitching, felt like I would louse the front not nice, turned out I only had 29 psi in the front, but. 36 psi  in and now back to normal. I have bridgestone 21

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: oil change. oil level?
« on: 17 September 2016, 08:43:15 pm »
Went out for a 200 mile ride on Thursday and the worning light did not come on ,so looks like I don't need to overfil.I will see how it goes.

The bike is a import but I have had the carps balanced and checked  no pungs,,the in take is not blocked and I had the exup valve checked a few month's ago and  K&N air filter was cleaned.If you rev it though the gears from a stand still it goes well.I tend to ride the bike around in 6 gear most of the time at 60 mph plus and when I want get buy cars I find I have to drop a lot of gears to get some power. The exup valve did give me trouble when I bought the bike it was stuck shut and I got the 7000 rpm show,but the bike feels much different to then.
The bike has a K&N filter and slip on exhaust and don't know if any jeting has been changed, the needles are standard and wonder if that may be the problem. Just hope Mike can do his magic. in the spring.
I don't know any thing about TPS settings, so may look in to it.
I have spent a lot of time on big twins and GSXR 750 so it may be me, but have to say I am disappointed with the Fzs.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / 4 degree ignition advancer are their worth fitting?
« on: 17 September 2016, 04:25:16 pm »
I have has a few problems starting the FZS, properly more down to me than the bike. I have been told the advancer might help, and it would hopefully help the midrange. I find when I want to over  take a car I have to go down a lot of gears, and than it still feels a bit flat.I am used to torkey twins and a GSXR 750, so may be asking to much of the Fzs.
I am hopeing to get the bike Ivanised in the spring, so do Ivansing and advancer go together, or should I just wait till the spring?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: stating technique for FZS 1000
« on: 14 September 2016, 05:42:25 pm »
I was on Mikes list for my bike to be Ivanised this month but sadly that is not to be, so hopefully in the spring. I have thought about the 4 deg ignition advance, but have heard some mixed results. I wounded if it might just be me as most of my bikes have been fuel injected and start first time.The fazer is very hit and miss and you never know what you get.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: oil change. oil level?
« on: 14 September 2016, 05:27:41 pm »
I have been out on my bike again today, the oil level warning light has still not come on. I have added about 0.1 Litre and will leave it at that for now and see how it goes, I am not a fan of over filling,but what is over filling? and why do Yamaha say 3 litres for a oil and filter change.
I have been wondering if the type of oil and what filter you use has any bearing on the level, or is every bike different? I do not know what oil the last owner used but he had a MF filter, I also think he way over filled the bike, but hay what do I know lol.
Don71 where did you get the measurement of 3.5 litres for a oil and filter change from. I have checked again the Yamaha workshop manual and owners manual and it says
Oil change only. 2.8 litres
Oil and filter.      3.0 litres
Dry engine.       3.7 litres
It seems that the warning light coming on when the oil level is below the high mark is very common, but are some people over filling? And does it matter? How much oil is over filled?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / stating technique for FZS 1000
« on: 13 September 2016, 10:18:46 pm »
I have had my FZS now since March but I just don't seem to get it right when trying to start it.I have tried all sorts off things ,lots of choke, small amount of choke, a bit of throttle, ,etc etc. Bike always starts and then dies. So I try again and the bike often over revs and then runs. Any ideas and tips would be appreciated.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / oil change. oil level?
« on: 13 September 2016, 10:04:08 pm »
Hi I changed the oil and filter using Silkolene super 4, 10_40 and K&N filter on my 05 FZS 1000 for the first time on Sunday.The owner be for me I was told changed the oil and filter shortly before I bought the bike in March. When the bike was cold the oil in the window was completely covered, and when hot and left on the centre stand for a few minutes was above the high mark.
After leaving the oil to drain for 4 hours, I but 3 litre in as it says in the book.Been out to day ,when I got back but bike on main stand waited a few minutes the level was half way between low and high mark. Waited 2 hours ,still in the same place.
Have I done some thing wrong? I was very careful to measure the 3 litres.
Not sure if it is me but the bike seems to be going a lot better, picks up much better and the gear box seems slicker.
Should I but more oil in? What is the best level? High mark, or in the middle? The oil warning level light did not come on during my ride.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / LED indicators
« on: 18 August 2016, 09:58:10 pm »
I am hoping to fit a set of LED indicators to my Gen 1. I know I need to fit a different relay or resistors, but which is the best way to go? Is the relay easy to get, and where is it on the bike?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Comfortable seat
« on: 27 May 2016, 09:25:15 pm »
Been out and tried the air hawk,have to say i am impressed.It was more comfortabile than i thought,it did need a bit of getting used to. The trick is not to have to much air in the bladder ,just enough to give a small gap.It did not move around as much as i thought it would.The biggest proplem is when you accelerate,you shoot backwords which is a bit off butting.For just running about i would not use it, especially if i wanted to have some fun on the twisters,but on long trips and motorways it would help sort a numb bum.My mate has gave me some good advice, only use the airhawk on the last part of the trip not the beginning, becuse that way it helps to give you a new position and feeling, helping to make the last few miles more bearable.

I have done the Hyperpro mod and set up following there guide for settings, I am very pleased with the way the bike handles. For me it was the best way to go for the price, 116 for the springs and 60 to fit which included fitting new seals. I have not been on a bike with the full  revalve so can not compere but  just how far can you go and at what price is  it worth? For me I think there is a limit to just how much you can spend on a bike designed nearly 20 years ago. Every one has a opinion of what that price is but for me on my budget the revalve  is a step to far, and I wonder if a rider like me with not a lot off skill  and  limited bravery would tell the difference any way. I have read here many times that the biggest difference to the handling is the rear shock, so that is where my next money will go.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Comfortable seat
« on: 17 May 2016, 01:27:43 pm »
A good mate has lent me a Air hawk 2 seat cover to try, so I will give it a go. Which do we think is best Air Hawk or gel?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Comfortable seat
« on: 07 May 2016, 05:26:21 pm »
Went for a 200 mile ride on Wednesday to the coast. Rode 100 mile non stop and got off the bike and felt OK,stopped half way back for fuel and then started to feel very uncomfortable. The pain in the bum just got worse and worse and buy the time I got home was in agony. Any ideas of finding a cure or is it more trips to the chiropractor.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fork springs
« on: 07 May 2016, 05:13:48 pm »
Have now been on a 200 mile run and had a run a round my favourite back roads, whitch have some great bends and curvy roads,the surfaces are in many places very poor and uneven. I am very impressed with the new spring set up, the bikes handling I believe has improved considerably .  The bike holds a line and only trys to run wide if pushed beyond my limit. Under breaking is where I am most impressed , before it would dive deep and then spring back fast, now it is much more controlled with more feel and predictably. The front does feel firmer than before and is definitely harder at low speed over poor road surfaces but I can live with that because as the speed rises the bumps melt away.The settings given by Hydropro I believe are spot on and the use of 10 w oil justified . I have not rode a bike with linear springs so can not compare but feel I have made the right choice for me, time will tell. Now the next question, is the rear shock holding the bike back and how good can the bike get with a replacement and the biggest question is which one

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Right hand mirror vibration
« on: 07 May 2016, 04:33:50 pm »
My mirrors vibrated before I had the carbs balanced was told by mechanic the carbs where way out, after balancing they still vibrate, in fact the whole bike vibrates more since balancing the carbs.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fork springs
« on: 01 May 2016, 07:16:23 pm »
They only feel bouncy at low speed but when the speed rises it is very smooth but need more miles to get a better idea. I presume Hyperpro know what they are doing  with the settings given.  I wonder if the rear shock is now being shown up.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fork springs
« on: 01 May 2016, 05:44:56 pm »
Hi had the springs replaced and now done a short run to give them a try. It is definitely feels better, when under 20 mph feels a bit bouncy but when the speed rises it smooths out and the forks don't dive any where as much under breaking.Need to give them a long run and a ride a round the crap back roads  to give them a full test. The forks have been set up as Hyperpro  manual.Hyperpro 10 w oil,oil level 170 mm,  Spring preloaded 3 rings out, Compression 20- 25 clicks open, Repound 8-10 clicks open, Drop forks 8 mm

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fork springs
« on: 14 April 2016, 05:52:45 pm »
Well I have made my decision and it is against the majority off the advice I have been given lol. I have gone for the hyperpro progressive springs with 10w oil,spoke to a very help full guy called Chris's at Calsport who told all about the hyper pro springs and with my type off riding it looks the best compromise because in the end that is what it is,I just ride to slow and on to many crap surface roads .He told me the springs come with a comprehensive guide on set up and how much oil to use for my style off ridding. I just think the liner springs are not for me (does this mean I am now  officially a old man lol) Next when I can get some more money I will get the rear shock changed and that will be a whole new discussion on which shock is best, watch this space . I will let you know how I get on .

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: New fork springs
« on: 13 April 2016, 03:33:14 pm »
Thanks for the replys .I am more confused than ever ,rang around  for more advice and every one has a opinion but it is not helping lol .I ride a lot with a small group of slow mates on the back roads of south Leicestershire and Northamptonshire and when on my own like to ride a bit more faster and like to have a go in the corners. My problem is with the shocking state off the roads and a bad back I need a bike that handles and is not going to shake my teeth out. I am not a rider who goes full on in to a corner than full breaks and then full out but I do like to at least give it a go. I have had GSXR 750 and supermotos so do like a bike to go where I point it, so what to do ,bike going in on 26 so have to make up mind quickly

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / New fork springs
« on: 12 April 2016, 01:07:24 pm »
Hi my first post on this site hello everyone iam Ricky, just bought a 05 American import model off ebay 16000 miles 4 owners, viper legal can k&n filter , now i have had the exup value serviced the bike is going well. GOT Home sunday after long ride and found oil seal gone on left leg. Big question while having seal fixed what fork springs should i replace the standard with? Iam not a mega fast rider but like a bike to handle,and spend most of the time just pottering around, always ride sole and weight 90kg with kit. Spoke to k teck and they said progressive springs not linea and 10w oil.Hyperpro do a set just wounded what the opinion was and what to fit .

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