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Messages - Silverlegacy

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust blowing/vibration
« on: 05 November 2014, 10:32:30 am »
Update -
I decided to strip down the front again this morning to see if i could find anything that i had missed before.
I took it for a quick test ride without the front on and the vibes/buzz seem alot less, possibly some is coming from exhaust but i think now that most of it is coming from the front fairing, although now is the hard part trying to figure out which bits are causing it.
It obviously has modified clocks, to add a analogue time clock and a temperature gauge but they seem sound enough and well fitted.
I will check all the wiring is secure and see if i can put any foam pads around any framework i might think is causing the vibrations.
Not sure if anyone else has had any experiences with the front fairings and noise levels?
if it keeps annoying me i might have to go for a conversion to unfaired, but i wouldnt really want to as i do like the bike they way it is, albeit a bit odd looking, but i think that's what makes it what it is.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust blowing/vibration
« on: 05 November 2014, 09:21:20 am »
cheers, i did put that stuff around the hole (in picture) and more water came out than normal.
Im just not sure if that blowing from the gap is causing any of the buzzing/vibration?
Its a great bike and it good condition and its pretty much the last niggly thing i need to sort, but the buzzing it getting pretty bad and block out the general bike noise/engine noise and sounds terrible.
I might have a look and see if i can pick up another exhaust  as they seem pretty cheap on ebay.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust blowing/vibration
« on: 05 November 2014, 08:21:32 am »
I think i was more concerned that after i sealed up around the connecting pipe that goes into the can that it seems to leak water more?
I cant seem to find a definitive answer as to whether it should blow around that pipe or not, although i know not to tamper with the drain holes.

Although last few days riding it home i have noticed that the vibrations/noise seems worse?
so maybe i disturbed something when i took the nose cone off and put it back on.
Its starts buzzing/vibrating at around 3000/4000 and stays after that through out. if i pull the clutch in it goes away.
The noise is there if stationary and revved just not as clear.
I have tried to narrow down where its coming from but with no luck as yet.
I know people say the headlights are rubbish and to remove that metal cone covering the bulb which i have done and still no difference.
In my earlier post i said that i had taken it to my local motorcycle garage and he had a look at it and said it seemed fine and he s pretty genuine, although starting to think i should maybe book it in for him to test ride it as i am sure he would hear that there is a problem.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust blowing/vibration
« on: 04 November 2014, 01:42:41 pm »
I had a little look at the bike at lunch and checked a few little nuts and bolts and stuff and found some sealant (kind of like blue tack) to try wrapping around the bottom of exhaust.
I tried this as you can see from the pictures just to try running the engine for a few minutes, the vibrations did seem to cut down alittle bit only a bit, but i noticed that after running the bike for only a few minutes that it was producing a bit of water dripping from the hole under the exhaust, its a bit hard to see in the picture but i cant see how the bike would normally produce this much running normally? i ride to work in the dry this morning and it hasnt rained since then? unless it could be moisture build up from when i stopped using the bike until now?
Still a bit stumped as to what it is then?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust blowing/vibration
« on: 04 November 2014, 12:23:48 pm »
cheers Andy,
I will give a go sealing it and see what happens next.
I kind of try and avoid actually taking things apart as to be honest, the amount of tools i own doubled in size when i bought my fazer and found the under seat tool kit, so probably not the best equipped to start tinkering.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust blowing/vibration
« on: 04 November 2014, 11:18:18 am »
I think a few people who seem to have had similar experiences have used silicone? they say a small bead of that around the pipe seems to stop the blow, as long as you leave the drainage holes underneath open.
Might be worth a shot i guess, I will have a look at lunch time see what i can come up with here.
I think i might be trying to attack the problem from every angle at once rather than maybe trying to eliminate each one.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust blowing/vibration
« on: 04 November 2014, 10:42:53 am »
Thanks for that,
I have just started her up at work, although i am still looking at checking a few bits, the exhaust thing is still puzzling me, It still sounds different and although the guy at the garage said it was ok, it just doesnt seem right and i have looked on here for people with similar issues and it sounds like part of it could be a problem with the exhaust.
I kindly borrowed this picture off another post relating to the exhaust issue. (the note on the picture is from the original post, mine does not grind or rattle, just vibrate blow)
I might have to do a full front fairing strip down again to see what i can find, although i am pretty sure that when i did it on Saturday when it was all off that i started the bike with everything off the front and the vibration still seemed to be there?
Could that blowing from that section of the exhaust cause vibration? and i wonder if i just took the exhaust off and tried running the bike to see if vibes had gone if that would help, as not sure how the bike would run without the can on?
I can appreciate its a 98 model bike so getting on a bit now so cant expect perfection but its been pretty well looked after by the looks of her and i want to keep her if i can.
I doubt there is any other Fazer owners near me in Cannock Staffs?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Exhaust blowing/vibration
« on: 04 November 2014, 08:23:09 am »
Thanks for the responses,
I think i maybe just noticed the smell and the white exhaust smoke one day but the bike had only been running for a few minutes, so like you say just warming up so probably just that.
As for the vibrations i am starting to think its got nothing to do with the exhaust.
On Saturday i stripped down the nose and checked it was all tight and fitted properly after having a buzzing/vibration starting at 3500 - 4000 revs and stays after that.
I have done the headlight mod to remove the metal cone thing over the bulb and more securely fitted the indicators, but still cant figure it out, it still seems to vibrate just as much, when i am riding and put my hand on the tank at over 4000rpm you can feel the vibration on the tank, i am not noticing anything to bad through the foot pegs although my right hand does take a bit of a beating and tingles when i get to work, which is only about a 20 minute ride from my house on normal road (not thrashing it on motorway)
I really enjoy my fazer and only bought one after long time off biking and had one years ago, but i just want to iron out the little niggles i have.
I took it to my local garage last night and they guy there said the exhaust seems fine and not blowing, the pipes are in good and no damage or rusting really.
The garage revved it up on the spot and said he couldnt hear anything but you can still pick it up when its stationary but its still there when its standing just maybe not as loud or easy to hear.
Like i said before its like a buzz/vibration at anything over 3500rpm, bit hard to explain but i have tried holding things and poking stuff while riding incase its a loose bit of fairing or something but nothing yet.
As you can see i dont really know a vast amount about mechanical bits on bikes so any advice would be helpful, even if its just "fazer do vibrate" lol
I will try my best to see if i can get a video of it, although whether you can hear it in the video is anyones guess?

FZS600 Fazer / Exhaust blowing/vibration
« on: 03 November 2014, 09:21:58 am »
Hi All,
Recently i have been overhauling my 98 fazer, i have had the whole front off looking for the cause of a vibration/noise.
I seem to have slimmed it down to possibly be from the exhaust.
It appears that where the black pipe goes into the silver can it is blowing? it is quite noisy and gets worse from 3000rpm up as if the pressure if building up and comes out of there?
Not sure if this means my exhaust is on its way out?
Also I noticed last week when standing behind the bike there is more of a fuel smell as if the exhaust isnt filtering it properly? and slightly whiter smoke? also droplets of water are coming from the two drainage holes on the underside of the can even though it has not been out in the wet? although sure this is probably just a bi product of the exhaust.
Sorry that my technical/mechanical knowledge is almost zero, but hopefully someone else has seen this as I just want to get my bike running well and enjoy riding it without the niggly little problems and noises.

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