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Messages - Tori

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General / Re: A Photoshop wizz required!
« on: 04 March 2013, 09:53:04 pm »
I could take a look...

My work here:

It'll be lovely to see you :)

General / Re: Sean Emmetts new wife dies
« on: 24 February 2013, 10:17:57 pm »
'Fell' through a window above ground level? No toughened glass? All sounds a bit wierd. Very sad/.

I didn't 'lol' at any of them :'( I just pitied for their skin, all those bare arms...ouchy! Alot were asking for trouble. Some were very unlucky. There must have been alot of broken bones in there for sure.

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Re: Hookers
« on: 23 February 2013, 09:44:27 pm »
:lol :lol :lol

General / Re: FOC-U's BMF affiliate membership
« on: 21 February 2013, 11:24:04 pm »
Thanks Rich, yes they're right lol. I'm currently studying for my ARPS now :)

I doubt my camera will attend the Chinese meet up, as I tend to drink too much and I'd probably drop it! :lol

If anyone is interested, I'm shooting big cats soon, and last week I was at an amazing kingfisher hide, and in two weeks I'm at a fire juggling/poi/fire breathing meet ;-) My page is here:     Please do give it a like! :)

General / Re: FOC-U's BMF affiliate membership
« on: 20 February 2013, 10:01:14 pm »
Thanks. I enjoyed doing it. I'm sad it wasn't supported, but the show did go downhill this last year or so.

I feel redundant now, with no purpose :'(

General / Re: £60 !!!
« on: 14 February 2013, 10:00:23 pm »
There's no technicality or grey area, it's not a legal plate and you have been caught, what other people are doing has no bearing on this.

That ^^

General / Re: down to the Lot region, France
« on: 14 February 2013, 02:19:40 pm »
Oradour is fascinating. You're doing the route I did a few years ago, in reverse. I did Bilbao, Pamplona, Lourdes, Andorra, Barcelona, Costas, Carcasonne, Oradour, Le Mans, Normandy. I stayed in an amazing B&B in Rodez, but that's a bit out of your way.

I hope you have a good time! :)

General / Re: £60 !!!
« on: 14 February 2013, 02:15:04 pm »
Solution: Replace with legal size plate. Lesson learned.

It may seem petty, but it's the law. If it had been a van towing away your bike after stealing it, and someone said...I couldn't quite see the plate as it was so small....

General / Re: Older motorcyclists 'more likely to be injured'
« on: 10 February 2013, 05:26:45 pm »
Do you have an OAP to compare injuries with though? A neighbour would do?

General / Re: Older motorcyclists 'more likely to be injured'
« on: 10 February 2013, 09:44:03 am »
And if you're an overweight car driver....


General / Re: Car driving test
« on: 09 February 2013, 03:17:51 pm »
I'm not 100% sure, but I'd make a guess that it's the same both ways round. I passed my car test in 1990. When I did my bike test in 2004, I had to sit a theory test, and the hazard perception. I can't think why it would be different the other way round, so start reading your highway code ;-)

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Brands Hatch Track Day
« on: 09 February 2013, 03:14:51 pm »
Is Mr Ug still organising a foccer track day at Cadwell?

No problem :)

For Sale & Wanted / For Sale Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R
« on: 09 February 2013, 03:06:02 pm »
For Sale Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R, £1299. Belongs to a friend based in Southend. Green, mileage 18864. Pm for more details, and I'll pass Gary's number on :)

General / Re: Older motorcyclists 'more likely to be injured'
« on: 08 February 2013, 02:50:03 pm »
Older folks 3 times more likely to need hospital care after an accident. I can believe that. Throw a 50 year old down the stairs, throw a 2 year old. Kids are more resilient, older bones are not so. Though throwing either is probably not a great idea.

Older folks are probably less likely to ahve that accident in the first place. That's what's missing isn't it?

General / Re: 21
« on: 08 February 2013, 08:31:21 am »
Again?? You sat on it again?

Great stuff! :)
Word on the street is...Poody may be coming, with Mrs Poody and baby poos.

General / Easter Meet up
« on: 31 January 2013, 12:44:07 pm »
Frazer, if you wouldn't mind leaving this here for a day or two for the folks who don't venture out of General please?  :kiss
Belated xmas do/easter meal out in Essex. Check the thread here:,6029.0.html

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Suffolk & Essex Foccers!
« on: 31 January 2013, 12:41:48 pm »
Adrian, are you coming to the Easter do? :)

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: Suffolk & Essex Foccers!
« on: 30 January 2013, 10:26:02 pm »
I go in the summer, but now mainly with my camera ;-) Are you Colchester based then? I'm out at Mersea :)

Yay! It'll be lovely to see you :) If it fails, cadge a lift with someone! ;-)

28th April it is then! (Sorry you can't make it Craig, trying to go with the majority)

Embassy Chinese Buffet on Balkerne Hill at 12pm, with your easter egg!

Jazz, no bikes for this one unless you're coming on one ;-) Meet at 12pm (with egg) eat lunch, talk rubbish for a few hours, then go home.

I promise not to be the odd one out drinking this year, and not to frighten the waiting staff ;-)

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