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Messages - Robbie8666

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 [47] 48 49 50
General / Re: A fun ride...
« on: 21 December 2011, 10:14:27 pm »
i've been back in the saddle since July so got the hang of bike controls etc. in fact rode it back from croydon to Portsmouth when i bought it & have done bout 2k miles on it so far. alsorts of journeys from the daily commute to basingstoke and a trip from Portsmouth to Redruth so not totally new. maybe i'll wait till warmer weather & see how i get on

General / Re: Ok Stupid computer question number 8930541....
« on: 21 December 2011, 02:07:27 pm »
But I'm a little intrigued as to how you have a direct line to father xmas and know what he is due to deliver?

Father xmas is not delivering it to me, its being delivered here to someone who has been good this year

yeah but you still know what he is delivering!!!
 i love the fact that a) you can write to Father Christmas and get a reply back (in fact all 3 of my step kids have been told he knows they have been good so will be getting presents)
b) you can track his progress around the globe on the internet!
c) he manages to eat & drink all thats left for him and not get done for drink driving!
when I was in Afghanistan one of the Gurka's with us, surname was Santa. well I think everyone had their picture taken with him and sent it home!! can you imagine battle hardened Servicemen & women having a picture with Santa!!!! good times!!

General / Re: Time to quit?
« on: 21 December 2011, 12:12:28 pm »
dont do it!!
only joking be interesting if it helps you..
I quit for 6 years before I returned to smoking (used Patches that time) I have recently ,, well this year anyway ,, tried to quit again patches didnt work and tried a set of CD's by some Dr Alan Carr.. they started to work ,, but failed after a month ( and no jokes about how did you roll them up please!!)
I know its all down to will power and am hoping for a huge tub of it for Christmas.. that or a 2oz pouch of cutters please!

General / Re: A fun ride...
« on: 21 December 2011, 10:27:01 am »

1) Is getting advanced training a good thing?

2) If you read others slagging off advanced trainers, might that put you off getting advanced training?

If the answer to both of these is "Yes", there's a problem.

OK I am newly back on the road after a 10 year break. I was never a good rider just a commuter (10 miles round trip daily) with the occasional trip into Derbyshire for half a day so am finding my feet and would like to use my bike safer, especially as I intend to commute (64 miles daily) and use it to pop home to Cornwall at weekends 240 miles each way.
the question I have do I just ride it for a period of time and get used to enjoying my Fazer 600 or do I go straight in for an advanced riding course?

in my early days of riding I used to carry a spanner in the top of my boot, it is amazing what a light tap on the window or door of a car would do to make drivers realise there wrong!!
although i have had some scary moments in my car, 1 time driving back to see a friend when a car cut me up at a roundabout. I pulled alongside him at the next set of lights and asked him if he knew his highway code, at which point he got out of his car went to his boot and pulled out a shotgun!!! yes officer I did go through the lights on red and yes I broke the speed limit!! however I drove to the local police station & reported him!!
he denied the incident and produced a licence for his firearm! whether it was renewed!!

General / Re: Birmingham-LandsEnd-Lowestoft in 16hrs?
« on: 20 December 2011, 03:08:18 pm »
forgot to ask what charity you doing it for?
best of luck, keep us all posted and you never know you may get a few of us to help be outriders or clear a path through the traffic or just generally cheer you on n keep you company along the way!!

General / Re: Birmingham-LandsEnd-Lowestoft in 16hrs?
« on: 20 December 2011, 02:03:24 pm »
that means you have to average 57 MPH !! the A30 from Exeter to lands end bit can be busy depending what time of day you go also from lands end to lowestoft what route were you thinking of?? if A303 & summer soltice then stonehenge be a tad busy!
pity your doing it on tight time constraints as on A30 near Redruth is one of the best cafe's that does (IMHO) a breakfast that would set u up for the day!!!

General / Re: A fun ride...
« on: 20 December 2011, 01:50:34 pm »
i just watched that video... yeah the rider is a plank!!
what i can imagine some of the views in their mirrors would have been like i shudder to think!
cant tell what speeds they were doing or what kind of bike it was though..
funny how we are all asuming it was a bloke!

General / Re: Cape Town tips please
« on: 20 December 2011, 01:21:20 pm »
Thanks for the feedback... oh n sorry for assuming u was a bloke earlier in this thread! some handles are easier to spot than others!

General / Re: Chop Chop
« on: 20 December 2011, 09:17:36 am »
pity your in spain Trev,
we have a table saw that is now surplus to requirements you could've had!
anyone intrested, only small problem is its in Cornwall!!

General / Re: Twiddling my thumbs
« on: 20 December 2011, 09:13:36 am »
Best of luck!
how did the presentation go? how many people was it in front off?
I hate doing things like that in front of large groups!

General / Re: Humbug
« on: 20 December 2011, 09:10:25 am »
I agree well done Admin. was it difficult to do? will you be applying different ones for the changing seasons?  ;)

Also, my gorgeous girlfriend frequently gets ignored by arseholes, not recognising the pedestrian crossing at the end of our road (Despite it's flashing amber signals) and is nearly hit most mornings by people who just don't want to slow down. Foolish!!

An Evil Thought!! get her to push an empty old pushchair out int the road in front of her!!  I know it would shake up the driver but I've seen it done before and has startling effects!!
maybe she distracts them !    ;)

the road I used to live off had a bad reputation because it was a dead straight mile and a 40 limit but most drivers did well above it. in summer the speed dropped dramatically when a particular young lady used to walk down the road wearing ... well not much but just enuf to be covered!!

General / Re: Humbug
« on: 19 December 2011, 08:17:15 am »
like the wintery feel to the page but finding the white text on blue background a little difficult to read, but it is probably just my eyes!!

General / Re: Cape Town tips please
« on: 19 December 2011, 08:08:36 am »
wow that was a fleeting visit!!
my brother in law is South African and keeps going on bout how nice the place is, I thought about it as a honeymoon destination when/if I eventually get re married, question is it worth it? want others opinions as only have his POV bigging it up!

There should really be a cut off point for elderly drivers.

I thought that at 70 years old, drivers had to undertake a medical to retain licence?
just googled it and this is what Direct line have on their website
There is no legal age at which you have to stop driving, so whether you renew your licence is totally up to the individual. It is your responsibility to decide whether you are still fit enough to drive. By law, you have to renew your licence when you reach the age of 70, and then every three years after that.
Ninety days before your 70th birthday, the DVLA should send you a D46P Application for renewal of a driving licence. You can either fill this in and return it by post, or you can use the DVLA's online service to renew. There is no fee for renewal.
If you have a C1 or D1 entitlement – for minibuses or towing vehicles – and you intend to renew this as well, you must enclose a D4 'medical examination report' completed by a doctor in support of your application.

General / Re: Cape Town tips please
« on: 15 December 2011, 03:48:33 pm »
doh!! :o

Sitting in middle lane of Motorway was passed by a BMW doing well over national speed limit and the young lady eating a fruit salad!
blokes pouring coffee out of flasks into cups
people trying to read road atlas by resting it on sterring wheel!!
most funny thing i have seen (as well as dangerous) was 6 years or so back.
driving round the north circ just past hanger lane in a milk tanker and a guy in a convertable BMW swearving a little at about 2am. i thought the normal phone or drunk but as i pass i see his other half (or who ever it may have been) head in lap giving him the blowjob of his life doing 40+

oh to have had a BMW convertable!!

General / Re: Cape Town tips please
« on: 15 December 2011, 02:59:25 pm »
I am landing in Cape Town on Thursday morning and my friend isn't arriving 'til the evening - with the keys to his house - so I have a day to spend in Cape Town just me & my rucksack. Any top tips? both on teh best way to get into town from the airport and what to do during the day after a tiring overnight flight in scum class.

wonder if he got there ok and what he decided to do!!

General / Re: Learner Insurance pi$$ take
« on: 15 December 2011, 09:41:59 am »
I heard somewhere that the government was gonna step in and set regulations to make sure insurers don't take the piss.

Really can't see that happening though

Cant see the politians stepping in as they get they tax from it!!
I ended up insuring my sons car under my name and having him as a named driver. (still cost £650 for a Saxo!)
the thing we had to prove when he was involved in a minor fender bender (not his fault in anyway) was that I had been the main driver. I did ask what constitutes main driver? as I drove it at weekends doing 200 miles where he drove it during the week doing 200 miles , both spending roughly equal times in the seat!!
they did say that I was the main driver !!

General / Re: Ron Haslam Riding School
« on: 15 December 2011, 09:34:20 am »
dont know about the riding school, But Ron is a great bloke and genuine love of bikes.
it was my mates bike he was road testing when the local constabulary nicked him for "test riding" their bike after doing a little mod to it in the early 80's.

General / Re: Negative scanners
« on: 08 December 2011, 11:40:42 am »
there is a lot of negativity in this thread!!!  :rollin :rollin
cheer up peeps it wil soon be Christmas!!
sorry poor attempt at humour!

General / Re: Its a bit morbid but still very interesting
« on: 08 December 2011, 09:10:34 am »
So many fatalities in my area were bikers, most car drivers involved were 60-80 odd, suprisingly few boy racers. Just goes to show that pensioners should be regularly assesed as they seem to play a part in the collisions even if they don't come off worse.

could be that the actual accident wasn't the cause of the death but either set off a fatal heart attack or that if the injuries were severe then they weren't able to recover from them?
This is really interesting being able to click on the death and get more information
Thanks for sharing

yeah I agree on that especially the time & date of accident to see if there are any trends for winter/summer  day /night etc.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: K&N oil
« on: 07 December 2011, 11:44:14 am »
They say on the box 50000 miles  :(

50000? wow my bike only done 7500 on a 02 plate so wont need to change mine any time soon!!!

General / Re: London Foccers
« on: 06 December 2011, 10:09:15 pm »
Just a thought ....
are the buses eg mega bus or national express running?

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