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Messages - Bretty

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Quieting the ride for touring
« on: 16 April 2018, 11:36:11 am »
I have double bubble screen, the C3 lid and the quietest foam ear plugs I can find. It works well for me. Earplugs I alternate between mixture of Howard leights and Hearos for comfort. I shove them right in so they touch my eardrum. You soon get used to the deafness and actual adapt to hear fairly normally.

It's surprising how much fatigue you get from wind noise. Have a great tour!

General / Re: Transponder Immobiliser
« on: 15 April 2018, 08:56:56 pm »
Kill switches, must be fairly standard. Like you have on a jetski. You have a cable around your wrist, when you fall off, it cuts out the engine. You could have something coming off you body to keep your hands free. Walk away from the bike and it will be immobilised, although as said, they'll just push it along with another bike.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Ignition timing
« on: 15 April 2018, 09:04:53 am »
It makes you (well me, coz I'm weird) wonder if you would have a stronger spark and double the spark plug life if it only fired on the cylinder that needed it. It is handy though for helping to diagnose misfires.

General / Re: Camping in the Black Forest, anybody been?
« on: 15 April 2018, 08:57:17 am »
Yes, amazing construction. It was more a photo of the 'campsites' tonnes of space. People just seem to park up on the grass along side the banks of the River Moselle. It's nice around there!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Ignition timing
« on: 15 April 2018, 07:33:19 am »
As everyone else said. You're right, cylinders spark on exhaust stroke and compression stroke, obviously only compression stroke fires as there is fuel.
Check all the dots and the 'T' on the crankshaft line up perfectly!! If any of them are one tooth out, the engine will run ok, but isn't quite right. I remember doing mine and it wasn't quite perfect. And it bugged me so I took it all apart again until it was spot on. It will and should be spot on!

General / Re: Camping in the Black Forest, anybody been?
« on: 13 April 2018, 02:45:03 pm »
I found the B500 remarkably overrated  and swarming with police when I went.
Evidently I have nothing of value to add to this conversation other than, have you considered the Moselle or Rheine valleys instead? Loads of good roads, towns and campsites to stop at along the way, plenty of beer, wine and culture to see along the way and very few coppers. :-)

General / Re: crash vid
« on: 13 April 2018, 02:39:26 pm »
My main criticism is of the camera person. Filming vertical and then getting all shaky and stopping the film short. 3/10 must try harder.

General / Re: Reving Engine Sound
« on: 17 February 2018, 12:02:39 pm »
It's an inline-4. It'll always be happiest when it's screaming!
Keep it spinning, it'll keep you grinning! Think of it as a formula 1 car. :-)
It'll have a completely different sound and torque curve compared to your old parallel twin. Once you've had an inline-4 everything else just feels lazy and sluggish. Keep her near the redline, she'll love it!

General / Re: London and the ULEZ
« on: 12 February 2018, 08:59:39 pm »
I think the mayor has a different agenda and it ain't the environment. I think his plan is to banish Uber, then discourage 'polluting' vehicles from London. Making it easier for him to force all the black taxi drivers to go 100% electric by 2020. I think he wants to leave that as his legacy, "I made all London public transport electric". That's my theory.

Arguable the additional runway at Heathrow will reduce pollution as the planes won't need to stack and circle London so much, have a look at one of those live flight maps. Most planes fly 3or4 circles over london before landing. Also as part of their bid, Heathrow promised to make every single vehicle(2000 vehicles) on the airport electric.

I wonder where the mayor thinks electricity comes from?... Local generation! We'll just have to burn more gas and have more incinerators to generate the electricity... Surely that defeats the object!

General / Re: London and the ULEZ
« on: 12 February 2018, 03:41:09 pm »
I don't trust that document one bit!!!

If you look on google for Nitrogen Dioxide maps of London...
You can make a few observations...
1. They usually don't show the M25, which is probably one of the biggest contributors... Yet because the mayor can't tax it and make revenue out of that, it's conveniently not mentioned?! (...and I should think one of the worst places would have been Dartford crossing before the gates were automated. They used to cause congestion and stop the traffic with no regard for the environment so they could make money!!)
2. The Nitrogen Dioxide maps usually show a big blob over central London and an almost equal size blob over Heathrow... Yet when you look at the data on that web link there is no mention of the contribution of planes. It's designed to make everyone think cars are the bad guys.

Typical manipulated ecomentalist bullsh*t!!

If you ever meet an ecomentalist, ask them why it is you have a 'Carbon' footprint and not a 'Hydrogen' footprint, because surely I'm producing twice as much hydrogen?!

You may have gathered I'm not very happy about this.  :rolleyes

General / Re: Fazer Bracelet
« on: 10 February 2018, 05:45:11 pm »

"Image what it'll do for your sex life!"
"well I would image it'll slow it down at first..until I get used to the weight"
  Was that s'posed to say imagine?

Yup, it's from friends isn't it. When Joey buys Chandler a crap bracelet.

General / Re: Fazer Bracelet
« on: 09 February 2018, 03:48:16 pm »
"Image what it'll do for your sex life!"
"well I would imagine it'll slow it down at first..until I get used to the weight"

General / Re: Replacing an FZS600
« on: 06 February 2018, 08:08:07 pm »
So Sadiq Khan, the mayor that cannot guarantee the security of motorcycles or motorcycle riders in London, insists we all get more expensive bikes. O-Kaaaay...
Sorry I can't help as I've only ever had bikes with carbs.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Over fueling "pop pop pop"
« on: 04 February 2018, 06:34:59 pm »
No mate, it has got a hole in it. It must be blocked. Just persevere with it! 😂😉😜

General / Re: A decent radio station?
« on: 02 February 2018, 12:20:46 pm »
I spend too much time in the car listening to the radio. I go through phases...

Radio 2 and 4 if I want to hear some mildly entertaining and intelligent conversation.

LBC talk radio. If you like listening to people phone in and moan all day.

BBC world service is I want to learn stuff.

Magic and Kiss if I want some cheesy 80's music.

XFM - johnny Vaugh is brilliant. You have to be in the right mood for him, but he comes up with new material everyday and can be hilarious.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Over fueling "pop pop pop"
« on: 25 January 2018, 11:40:37 pm »
My bike used to crackle and pop a lot when I put a scorpion can on. But calmed down loads after a carb balance.

It surprises me how frequently people recommend stripping carbs. For something to block a jet it has to pass through your fuel filter!! (or air filter?) I've removed and serviced my carbs twice on the advice of people on forums. Both times the issue was caused by something else and both times the inside of my carbs were spotless!! In my experience 9 times out of 10 misfires are caused by something else.

General / Re: Loud pipes and earplugs
« on: 17 January 2018, 04:44:44 pm »
I always wear earplugs but only because of the wind noise. I have a loud exhaust but don't really hear it over the wind noise.

I have a supposedly quiet schuberth lid, but I I rode any distance at all without earplugs my ears ring.

My hearing is quite important to me and I think I would miss it. I soon forget I'm wearing earplugs, and on all day tours they are a godsend. :-)

General / Re: Riding in the wet
« on: 17 December 2017, 01:36:31 pm »
I pretty much ride exactly the same in the wet as I do in the dry. I just don't do max acceleration as the back wheel spins up, I avoid painted lines and metal work, and avoid heavy braking on the front tyre, as it does lock up a lot easier and can get away from you.
I don't go out icy condition.

General / Re: Engine scrap value?
« on: 08 December 2017, 08:26:27 am »
Haha, my ignorance!!

I thought it might go double figures. :-(

General / Engine scrap value?
« on: 08 December 2017, 06:57:29 am »
Hi all,

I have an old fazer 600 donor engine sat outside.

It's knackered top and bottom, rusty, has no bits of value, is in 4 parts and obviously drained of all fluids.

Is it worth weighing in at a scrap metal merchants? What's it worth? Or do I just dump it at my council waste site?

General / Re: Do you use a GPS on holidays by bike
« on: 08 December 2017, 06:51:49 am »
Some days when touring you need to have a day or two of just hammering out 300-500miles in a day to get to an area of interest. In that instance the GPS is great!
At other times I do like to just cruise about and explore, use the phone and just head in the direction of things that look interesting like villages, lakes, woods, hills, mountains or bits of coastline.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Loose front right foot peg.
« on: 22 November 2017, 10:07:51 pm »
My left peg came loose and I seem to remember it being pretty easy to tighten. There's just a screw on the back

General / Re: Fair play to her - mini Scotland tour
« on: 30 October 2017, 11:09:17 am »
I'm currently in Vietnam (waiting at an airport). It's amazing what a 125 can do! Here's a few, one carrying a washing machine!!!

General / Re: Fair play to her - mini Scotland tour
« on: 30 October 2017, 11:06:25 am »
It's probably been mentioned on here before, but go on youtube and watch c90 adventures. Ed March rides a Honda c90 halfway around the world from Asia (Malaysia?) back to the UK. It looks epic fun!

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