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Messages - reillypadraig

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Unexpected air
« on: 24 April 2013, 10:34:23 pm »
Seems like I'v just joined the airtime aligence!!!! Haha

Ah packie Ur never too old, just feel old haha, aches and pains in the auld muscles and joints after work. Other than that I have me health so I really shouldn't be complaining of age.

Don't think my jump was 4 foot now to be honest, that would have cleared a midget with a top hat :rollin

Mine was more of a foot and a half to 2 foot effort, think I got off handy with the landing as after the jump i was still going very slightly up hill.

 :lol I can still see that persons face that was walking on the road!!! She was like WTF!!!!! :eek :eek :eek

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Unexpected air
« on: 24 April 2013, 12:29:23 pm »
They are abit light alright, but now that I think about it it shouldn't have happened at all as my chest was sitting on the tank( was fairly ripping it, it was the last straight on the was home and was my first chance to test for dead spots in the high rev range. Ah wel could have been alot worse, another thing learned I surpose,

Have to go for a longer spin tomorrow for the auld 25th birthday, getting old lol

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Adjust when breaklights come on?
« on: 24 April 2013, 11:46:27 am »
Yes you can, I had to do it as my new rear pump had to go further down to come on, just take the spring off and bend the spring to make it shorter and put it back. Push the Little button on top of the switch to push the little eye for the spring to hold onto because it will disappear when you take the spring out.

Hope this helps

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Parts available for Fazer 600
« on: 24 April 2013, 11:42:31 am »
Don't beat urself up dude, there's no way you could have know

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Unexpected air
« on: 24 April 2013, 01:36:28 am »
Jeez. What a sad life if you think that is dangerous.

Jeez thanks for the sad life comment, and yes even if it sounds sad I do think that a jump at almost 100mph on a Fazer was dangerous ( as I'm only a learner), I'v seen guys get tank slappers from even little bumps in the road and high side. If I was on a bike made for that type of thing then no it wasn't dangerous but it's a road bike.

Ya know what next time I go over that hill ill do 140mph and maybe jump of the bike and do a little twirl and while reading MCN's paper and smoking a pipe at the same time all while wearing no gear, would that be dangerous enough for ya???

Maybe I should line up 15 cars and a ring of fire to jump through just to keep mr danger happy!!!!!!!!!??

I wasn't trying to say it was the most dangerous thing I have ever done just saying it was unexpected and if it has happened to anyone else.

But if this thread offends you lumpy ill take it down no problem

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Unexpected air
« on: 23 April 2013, 11:58:02 pm »
I'v never even felt the front go light before, scared the shite out of me at the start, just wasn't expecting a Moto cross style jump out of a Fazer.

As scary as it was and dangerous I still had to laugh at the look on the face of the person walking on the road :rollin

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Unexpected air
« on: 23 April 2013, 09:49:50 pm »
Lol! Guinness does that to me 2

FZS600 Fazer / Unexpected air
« on: 23 April 2013, 09:21:34 pm »
Was just taking a nice spin today and going up a hill that I'v gone up manys a time, just this time i did it at speed, didn't think I was going that fast but I felt the front wheel go light but didn't realise what I had done until the back wheel hit the ground and the front was still up, just let off the trottle and the front came down but not overly hard, lucky I surpose, I didn't tense up as I didn't even know it was happening, just 2 seconds of airtime @ 90mph isn't something I would like to experience again,

This happen to many??

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Parts available for Fazer 600
« on: 23 April 2013, 09:23:07 am »
Thanks again packie, ill see what the craic is next week, not overly fond of parting with more money though on the carbs as I have already forked out 300 quid to the last cowboy. Thanks again though, ill but sure to ask him, he might throw in that strong wire and all hahahaha!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Rearsets
« on: 23 April 2013, 09:14:51 am »
It is yea, yea I did see that thread, lol I just read my old post on that thread where I was already giving out about my boots hitting the road hahha, seems jacking up helped a few out on this. Although I wasn't overly fond of what this done to my cousins bike and the way it handled but it might have just been set up wrong, still didn't give me massive clearance as I think I showed a picture of the cousins back tyre and how far I was over, didn't go over anymore for a number of reasons but boot scraping the ground was one of them

Hmm seems like I'm not the only one ( sigh of relief, my riding style was not challenged, lol)

How much did he sell them for? I wouldn't mind them but I wouldn't pay near £400 for them, but they do sound like a good job, few breakers might have them on couple of sports bikes but what's the chances that I find maybe an old r1 with them.... Anyone know if the distance between the peg bolts are the same on any other yam???

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Rearsets
« on: 23 April 2013, 01:22:44 am »
Lol, not sure if that would help haha, really expensive though, just thought I'd throw it out there and to ask if anyone has done it

FZS600 Fazer / Rearsets
« on: 23 April 2013, 12:22:47 am »
Has anyone looked at replacement pegs? I'm only riding awhile but I'm starting to feel the pegs abit goofy when I'm going through consecutive tight turns, I'm not saying I'm racing the thing but doing the speed limit and I do find I shift myself on the seat( yes I have watched hundreds of vids on how to corner and hang off properly and even MCN's version..... )And I'm not knee down or anything mad,

Maybe it's just me but I just find alot of movement in them( and yes I have tightened the bolt) its the vertical movements and the rubber. Don't get me wrong bumpy roads and long spins there great!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Oil Light?
« on: 22 April 2013, 09:08:40 pm »
That would be an ecumenical question!

Hahhaahahah nice father ted input there.

Wierd suggestion here but it probably is oil itself, but might be worth a try if that doesn't work to find a second hand sensor?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Parts available for Fazer 600
« on: 22 April 2013, 09:02:53 pm »
Right? Which size do I order? Thanks packie, let me know what he says. Lol no just the 4 rivets of the plastics under the handlebars. How much do ya think he might look for the chain and sprockets?

Wel those carbs should run better I surpose

FZS600 Fazer / Re: how much oil.
« on: 21 April 2013, 11:47:02 am »
agreed. mine took slightly more is i got the engine dry as it was a new engine for the bike, but never mind that

oh and before you ask what oil you should use and all hell breaks out in here look at a few old topics

also use the search bar up top to have a look as wel. and the hot poop section is very useful, like a wikipedia type page with shitload of info

oh and yes make sure you get oil everywhere, tank, seat and especially fairings and tyres if you have time lol :lol

oh be sure to post a picture of the wallet drainer!!

also last but not least, welcome along!!!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Parts available for Fazer 600
« on: 21 April 2013, 11:09:33 am »
If he would do a deal all the better, can't afford much these days, the problem is the carbs the other prick got we're set right but for a bike with standard pipes, I have racing pipes(apparently) and the back pressure is different, that's where I was loosing between 1-5, I raised the needles since and it works but not 100% and bogs abit at 7k.

Do you have a direct number for him or just email? We're Ur carbs jetted for the new down pipes? Will also prob get the chain if he does a good deal.

Also, does your fairings have the same plastic rivets as the box eye???? I need three rivets now :'(

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Too Many Vibes
« on: 19 April 2013, 09:41:41 am »
I had the same problem, that curling rattle bit in the hot poop section, I tried to clamp it down but still loose so I bent back the clips and let it fall into the headlight and took it out on the headlight(right) side, no more rattle, for me it made the light far better , nothing amazing just slightly better. Just see if the 2 clips on the top and bottom are tight, if there loose you might see like I did that the light shakes a lot on rough ground

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Engine mounts
« on: 19 April 2013, 09:34:07 am »
How many do you need? I might have one or 2 old ones lying around,

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Parts available for Fazer 600
« on: 19 April 2013, 09:27:20 am »
Ah Jasus packie sorry to hear that :'(,and I was mad to buy that of ya awhile ago, still would have bought it with the knackerd engine though, pity, would that chain and sprockets fit mine? I might tip down to that breakers next week and see what he has, if there is anything left of it by then, would have liked to get it complete

Yea thanks guys, I did oil it, brought it for a spin to warm up chain abit first, hoody is nice but that's not me, that's mick haha, I know it's a disaster the rain, but worse is the shed I keep the bike it, even with a cover the dust from the clay floor distroys everything, it's just a garden shed but big enough for 2 cars the bike, ride on lawn mower and a trailer. Just dust from the dog and everyone walking ruins it

For some strange reason the sun broke out today so instead of what normal people do I cleaned the bike then when i eventually finished I went for a spin and it pissed rain so to hellf with this came home and sun came out again!!!! Argh right  back out get some fuel oh wait...... It's seems to be some more precipitation, what a bitch, but it ok no prob just a nice 80-100 kph winds to add in, mmmmh tasty.

Rant over

Yea i went bit mad in the hole cleaning thing, so I thought for no apparent reason I would share my madness,

Waheey  :lol

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Naked
« on: 15 April 2013, 10:51:28 pm »
Just front? Or back aswel, if just front you could probably do a job like cousins bike but u will need a metal frame new headlights and possibly if I was doing it change the speedo, amongst other electrical problem of hooking up new lights, my cousin now has a prob where wires are touch and causing a short which he blames me for but I'm not gona get into that now lol

Hope this helps

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Chain tensioner
« on: 15 April 2013, 03:08:42 pm »

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Chain tensioner
« on: 15 April 2013, 12:42:10 pm »
What size are the locknuts again? Need 2 today

FZS600 Fazer / Re: 1 centimetre
« on: 15 April 2013, 12:38:58 pm »
I'm fairly certain that the bike will run even with the fuel gauge disconnected. Me and a few others I've seen have turned the tank around to rest on the seat when doing maintenance to provide fuel but there is no way that the fuel gauge cable will stretch that far

Now that you mention it that's right, my bad

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