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Messages - Skippernick

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General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat"
« on: 28 September 2017, 08:40:00 pm »
People that aren't ready.

When the light turns green...

When they get to the front of the post office queue...

When they're ordering at the bar...

When it's time to go out...

When it's time to go home...

I see you have met my wife then!

and my kids  :lol

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 28 September 2017, 08:37:50 pm »
A ride in the sun to Oswestry, Tanat valley, over the Berwyns to Bala and back via Ruthin.

I don't suppose for one minute that you found a Brown Kangaroo Leather Barmah Australian hat around the Lake Vyrnwy (Yes that is how you spell it) by any chance. Lost mine off the back of my bike about 5 years ago blasting around that lake.
Lovely spot to go to, Lake Vyrnwy Hotel has an outside balcony in the bar area where you can sit and enjoy a delicious pint looking up the length of the lake.

How come the Welsh do not have anything to do with Vowels in their spelling?

I have one of those tommy, although mine is nearly 20 years old now but going strong. Its brilliant in the rain and sun and everything.

General / Re: BROADBAND SPEED???
« on: 16 September 2017, 04:33:03 pm »
Yup thats about average for talk talk, i was dumped onto them by virgin broadband when they decided they didn't need customers.
And then i changed to Vodafone fibre and broom broom, plus no line rental !!

General / Re: Downshift Blipping
« on: 16 September 2017, 09:11:13 am »
Unfortunalty Tommy, man hasn't been to the bottom of the deepest ocean either, not the really deep stuff.
But apart from that all ok. I for one have never maxed out my bike, its not really practical on road but oh that acceleration, now we all love that.

General / Re: Downshift Blipping
« on: 13 September 2017, 04:09:10 pm »
If you bothered to read my original post i asked the question why do it, if the engine matches the revs to wheel speed when changing down, wind on the throttle and you negate the engine braking.
Yes that's why I do it -- to negate the engine braking - or the amount of braking because I am in control of it by how much I blip I then use the front brake instead of letting the engine braking brake the back wheel as IT wants. But all that depends on my speed before the action and my planned speed after it and the degree of the corner or the speed at which I need to slow down and also the road conditions at the time that all lead me to the blip action-front brake - a little bit of engine braking (controlled by the blip ) and no back brake at least mostly until the end- all done without thinking.  :thumbup
I have no idea why they don't teach it
Do they teach counter steering. _Genuine question, I don't know  because that is another skill in the same sort of bracket I would say.   
Another one - do they teach clutch less up shifting.

No and no. Counter steering as a rule isn't something that needs teaching. If you can ride a bike around a corner then you can counter steer? It's just how a 2 wheeled vehicle works. And as for clutchless upshifts..... the way you get taught is that there's a clutch there for a reason.
Like anything you don't start learning until you've passed the test.

Another example of confusing instruction that I received was i wether to pull your clutch in while performing an emergency stop. Now on my lessons and for my test I was taught to leave the clutch engaged until the very last minute to make use of the engine braking to slow me down.....makes sense.
Then I went and did some advanced racing training at Caldwell and was taught to pull the clutch in straight away as leaving it was driving the rear wheel thus forcing you further forward....also makes sense. So who do you listen to? The driving instructor who's been teaching people to pass tests for 15+years or the ex racer thats raced for 15+ years?

Was that racer training specifically for a road emergency stop, not heard that one before.
I feel a group test on an airfield coming on.

General / Re: Traffic Monitoring
« on: 13 September 2017, 04:06:08 pm »
Actually i will add a caveat to the "done" by them, YET.

General / Re: Traffic Monitoring
« on: 13 September 2017, 11:21:49 am »
Speaking as a Parish councillor, we have had these on our estate recently.
They are used to count the amount of traffic, directions, timings and speed in a percentile i.e. 28% were in excess of 34mph etc.
You can't get "done" by them, they are there too help with road infrastructure/planning decisions at a county level.

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 12 September 2017, 09:41:04 pm »
and if God made everything, then who made God???

The egg obviously.

General / Re: Downshift Blipping
« on: 12 September 2017, 09:40:19 pm »
I think it's done without thinking for older bikers who needed to be mechanically sympathetic.
I do it without thinking but WASH your mouth out "OLD".

Well speaking for myself I thought this was an odd thread as blipping the throttle just comes naturally for me and is done without thinking. However in recent years I do come across younger riders that just smash their way down through the box and this would be on something without a slipper clutch. Quite possibly modern engineering negates what I'd call mechanical sympathy, but that's all I know.If someone's asking why or how down shifts are assisted with a blip of throttle I'd have to assume they were quite young or new to biking. :)
I have to agree with Robbo, I don't know how you could make progress ( go fast ) without blipping, if you just change down the bike slows and then you at the wrong part of the rev range to exit the corner briskly. I sort of don't really understand this post if I am honest. its like asking how to ride a bike really. don't wanna be rude .

Show me where blipping is taught in the motorcycle test!
I am not a fast rider and use the mantra slow in fast out but it has never bothered me not blipping, however every day is a school day.
If you bothered to read my original post i asked the question why do it, if the engine matches the revs to wheel speed when changing down, wind on the throttle and you negate the engine braking. However as Val explained that is not what happens. Sorry my lack of technical expertise lead me to ask a question on a forum designed to help everyone!

General / Re: Things I learnt with my first car
« on: 07 September 2017, 05:03:09 pm »

How about
"sitting in the back seat trying to pick her locks"
learnt that in my first car.
Extra points for naming the song.

 You obviously weren't sent back to mama in a cardboard box :lol

Not telling :rolleyes

General / Re: Things I learnt with my first car
« on: 07 September 2017, 05:02:23 pm »
How about
"sitting in the back seat trying to pick her locks"
learnt that in my first car.
Extra points for naming the song.
How about Pink Floyd....Run like Hell.

 :)  well done

General / Re: Things I learnt with my first car
« on: 06 September 2017, 10:24:49 pm »
How about
"sitting in the back seat trying to pick her locks"
learnt that in my first car.
Extra points for naming the song.

General / Re: The 2017 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 06 September 2017, 08:07:33 pm »
Madejski Stadium also host a premiership rugby team in London Irish.

General / Re: Downshift Blipping
« on: 06 September 2017, 05:10:11 pm »
I don't understand why there is a need for downshift blipping either "manually" on our bikes or automatically on varies modern bikes.
Doesn't the engine automatically raise the revs when you downshift anyway to match the bikes speed?
Can someone explain it to me please.

There is no such thing as  engine automatically raising the revs when you downshift which will match the bike speed.

What happens is because of the speed of your bike the back wheel forces engine to spin with higher speed which is raising the revs.

The problem here is you have a lot of braking power coming from the engine to your back wheel. This force unbalances the bike and makes suspension wobbly. Also the braking force may lock your back wheel and you may crash.

Hence clever guys invented the slipper clutch - because clutch sits in the middle between the engine and your back wheel if the clutch slips a little the force is lost and the back wheel is not forced so violently to brake. Means you will not crash and there is no need to blip.

I never blip, but I usually slip my clutch manually. Which has the same effect. By blipping you are basically making the revs of the engine to match the rotation speed of your back wheel - hence no braking force. I prefer to have the braking force coming. Not to mention the sound of the engine forced by the back wheel speed to go higher is very nice. In fact that is the most fun for me when riding. Incoming.

Which is a lot of exhaust screaming noise for bike which basically is stopping, but we must satisfy the expectations of the public that the bikers are crazy people  :lol

Summary - in order to avoid the violent braking forces on your back wheel you can:

1. Blip and equalise the engine and back wheel.
2. Use your clutch to slip a little - means you are still having braking force on the back wheel but its controlled.
3. Buy a bike with slipper clutch - there you have automatic slipping.


Thanks Val, you explained it so i understand.

I have started doing it recently but obviously didn't understand why the need for it. Although i think i need more practice coz sometimes i fook it up and surge forward when no expecting it.  :lol

General / Downshift Blipping
« on: 04 September 2017, 09:49:53 pm »
I don't understand why there is a need for downshift blipping either "manually" on our bikes or automatically on varies modern bikes.
Doesn't the engine automatically raise the revs when you downshift anyway to match the bikes speed?
Can someone explain it to me please.

General / Re: Am I being thick?
« on: 03 September 2017, 06:27:12 pm »
YES, haven't read the post but definitely YES.
Oh how you opened yourself up for that.

General / Re: What Fazer did you spot today?
« on: 18 August 2017, 05:35:08 pm »
Silver boxeye coming in the opposite direction, I panicked and half waved and half punched the air, I think he thought I was waving my fist at him.


General / Re: Random Old Guard Post
« on: 13 August 2017, 08:03:05 am »
If you are adding flecks of silver to any colour to make it metallic, then surely silver is the best and therefore the fastest!!

General / Re: soaking carb jets
« on: 07 August 2017, 09:08:14 pm »
Yeah if it doesn't dissolve your nasal passage when you sniff it you haven't got the right stuff.
Its called gun wash as well.

Best rewrite that as it went all weird after the wedding bit!

General / Re: First ride on my Fazer since passing my test!
« on: 28 July 2017, 08:45:15 pm »
If you were wearing textile trousers you will slide a bit, but not in leathers or jeans.

General / Re: British and Irish Lions 2017
« on: 13 June 2017, 05:11:31 pm »
No one..

I'll shall have a conversation with my self then.

Better today in terms of creativity, 3 tries but still lost by not doing the basic things well.

Oh well, Moiri's next.

General / Re: Breaking News an attempted terror attack
« on: 12 June 2017, 06:20:34 pm »
Has anyone considered that he may know someone who was involved and that is the reason for his comment.
Im all for taking the piss, but before people criticise someone be sensitive to why they may of said it.

Now to prove that i am a piss taker, LEW you just quoted yourself,  :lol

FZS600 Fazer / Re: After Motad
« on: 10 June 2017, 06:39:11 pm »
Those with Delkevic pipes do they actually have the balance pipe between 1-2 and 3-4 cylinder, like they show in the picture on the bay of e?

Having said on another thread about how my originals were fine after a weld and paint, they are now off and stripped back for painting  again only to reveal many holes in the collector.  :'( suppose i tempted fate.

General / British and Irish Lions 2017
« on: 10 June 2017, 12:31:57 pm »
So the election is over, for better or for worse..

Now the Lions is hotting up, won't mention the latest result in case people don't know the score yet.

This is for those of us who enjoy the great game of rugby.

Test spots are tough to call but the lack of creativity and tries must be a worry and now addressed.


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