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Messages - philshaq

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General / Re: Any Sparkies? Lighting circuit question...
« on: 15 August 2012, 05:16:43 pm »
When I re-wired my house I put 1.5mm in for all the lighting. Insulation bury is one consideration but the regulations indicate that provided it is nailed back to a joist its OK for usual load. 1.5mm will be under less strain compared to 1mm and for the extra cost its worth it. Nice and easy to work with as well.

I'd always use 240v lights as well, its easier to wire and a LOT cheaper!

Happy sparkin'

General / Re: New helmet time
« on: 14 August 2012, 04:56:22 pm »
I didn't even think they made Roof Boxters anymore! I can remember wanting one when I was 16 and my dad not letting me as the mechanism was fixed down with just a press-stud, still a nice looking helmet though

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Frame Sliders / Crash Bungs
« on: 12 August 2012, 10:28:52 pm »
Cheers for the link. I've just book marked their ebay shop until payday for some crash bungs for mine.

General / Re: New helmet time
« on: 12 August 2012, 07:36:32 pm »

Thanks for putting the photo up Karlo, saved me a job!

No wind noise from the Caberg, really quiet (I think!) and the visor is really easy to operate when on the move. It was a bit more costly than those mentioned already but as I mentioned, it fit really well and the sharps test result was high so win win!

General / Re: Good ol' fashioned parts shops...
« on: 12 August 2012, 07:25:55 pm »
And just for reference if anyone searches for this in the future, the shop I found (or more precisely was pointed towards by Jordan's Bikes in Birstal) was Sprint Motorcycles in Wakefield. Open sundays, carry a plethora of parts and really friendly. Just outside wakefield wildcats ground WF1 5EX.

General / Re: Good ol' fashioned parts shops...
« on: 12 August 2012, 07:23:05 pm »
no not quite!! Caught the brake lever on a gatepost!! I know, dickhead! Its as good as new now though, picked up a new one from a shop in Wakefield, and apologised profusely, then took it out for a ride to check it was OK...

General / Re: New helmet time
« on: 11 August 2012, 09:13:00 pm »
I've got a Caberg V2rr, its great, inbuilt sun visor that pops down easily when on the move, nice and quiet, ratchet chin strap. Plus the main thing that sold it to me was the Sharps test results... worth a check if you're in the market for a new lid

Obviously its most important that it fits well, guess I was lucky with both a good rating and a good fit.

Thats my two penneth!

General / Good ol' fashioned parts shops...
« on: 11 August 2012, 09:05:46 pm »
Anyone know of any in West Yorkshire?! Google isn't helping me!

I'm looking to expand my knowledge of what's local so I can go and drool...and am also after a brake lever so am thinking it could be a good idea to swap the pare out while I'm at it.

Thanks in advance,


For Sale & Wanted / Re: wanted - fzs 600 brake lever
« on: 11 August 2012, 05:12:36 pm »
Sorry, thanks rich.

Front please

For Sale & Wanted / wanted - fzs 600 brake lever
« on: 11 August 2012, 04:59:58 pm »
Anyone local ish to Leeds got a spare brake lever I can buy? If you do I'll always be eternally grateful!

I ideally want to collect today / tomorrow. Need to commute on Monday!



General / Re: Ramping it up!
« on: 11 August 2012, 07:47:55 am »
Cheers Manuel. I'm posting from a smart phone, not sure why they are rotating when I upload...

General / Re: Ramping it up!
« on: 10 August 2012, 06:58:17 pm »
Cheers guys.

I ended up out on it for about 3 hours today, so much fun!

Can't believe how rapid it is, it's definitely braver than I am, and probably will be for some time!

Bitfik; thanks, I've had it down and up a few times, practiced a few times with my dad there incase I over balanced. I'll get a video up soon,speed is key (just like everything else, although the missus would disagree...!)


General / Re: Ramping it up!
« on: 09 August 2012, 08:39:43 pm »
Option 2!

"where's my garden gone?!!" Its not for long, we will be moving out soon...

She's now looking at eternity rings, as I've got a treat for me! Can't argue really. She's pretty cool!

General / Re: Ramping it up!
« on: 09 August 2012, 07:26:17 pm »
Well. I passed my test today. (Wooooooooooo)!!!

Picked up the beast from my dads, he followed me through on his blade and helped me practice. Here is the photographic evidence that it worked, nill broken bones, no more scratches, and only a mildly annoyed wife!

I think that's a successful day all around!!

Now I've got to do it in the wet...

General / Re: Ramping it up!
« on: 08 August 2012, 05:28:00 pm »
Trees do seem to do fine, but I wouldn't want to ride a bike up one...

THanks for the suggestions as always, I may try going for smaller heights to start with... Its only 28inch high though so not too bad!

I've bought a 7.5foot 18inch wide ramp, that should sort it out, just need two pieces of wood the same length to put down for my feet as I'm going to take it up nice and slow with my feet down on the planks on either side... then I've just go to get it back down!!!hahahaha...

General / Re: Bought it!!
« on: 05 August 2012, 07:59:22 pm »
sorry mate, I was trying to be cheeky back, lost in the typing I guess!!

I know what you mean though, my missus traded in her mini convertible when we found out she was pregnant, the dealer was so full of shit it was unbelievable! He said he would put £500 on it and sell it, not that I cared (or believed him) but when I drove past the dealer the next time he had put it up for £1800 over our trade in!! The missus didn't want me to tell her how much it was up for so she still doesn't know!

Hope you enjoy yours when you get it, betting the weather is going to be a bit better for riding down there in Brighton than sunny Yorkshire!!

General / Re: Bought it!!
« on: 05 August 2012, 07:25:52 pm »
Cheers Daniel! I can, however, read so that wasn't a surprise!

I was only asking about the bike, as I don't really want to know how much it was traded in for, its always loads less than is paid when its re-sold. I don't really mind to be honest, its within my budget and its a great bike.


General / Re: Ramping it up!
« on: 05 August 2012, 09:10:33 am »
My second idea is to buy a crane dickturpin... that should sort it out!

None slip is a must, I'll either make sure it's got it on or put it on after with glue and sharp sand.

Cheers guys, I'll let you all know.


General / Re: Petition launched against Matlock Bath parking plans
« on: 04 August 2012, 10:13:36 pm »

The Beatles had it right...

General / Re: Ramping it up!
« on: 04 August 2012, 09:57:23 pm »
good point Manuel! I've planned on fixing it at the bottom by securing a piece of wood into the ground for it to but up against when in place. I was also thinking of some retaining straps at the half way point.

So whats the betting on me managing it, or does everyone think I'm going to end up trapped under the bike on the steps until I die of starvation or blood loss?!! now that will be something to watch on youtube...

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Show me your fazer!
« on: 04 August 2012, 07:44:37 pm »
This is mine... Picked it up this week. Its currently waiting for me in my Pop's garage until I pass my test... used to be owned by b3tarev3 on this forum

General / Re: Ramping it up!
« on: 04 August 2012, 07:32:44 pm »
Cheers guys, I've been having a think about your different suggestions - was tempted to go and ride it up the steps without a ramp but then I realised I didn't want to kill myself!!

I think im going to go for the 2.5meter ramp, with two lengths of wood the same length to put my feet down on either side so I can walk it up the ramp.

I think i'd have toyed with the idea of moving the steps if we were staying but you're right Bitfik its too costly...

Plus there is the advantage of it being up some steps without an easy way down if I use a removable ramp so no-one can swipe it if they fancy cutting through the lock/ground anchor and disc lock that will be on it. Plus the chain around the gate at the bottom.

If I manage it and can do it half decently I'll post a video!

What's the worst that can happen...

General / Re: Ramping it up!
« on: 03 August 2012, 06:11:00 am »
Its happening!! Its up for sale at the minute!!

General / Re: Ramping it up!
« on: 02 August 2012, 11:22:58 pm »
I just calculated the angles with the help of pythagarus (?!) and the angle of a ramp 2meters long when resting against the top step is 21 degrees. Steep granted, but not un-scalable.

I'll have a bash next week and let you know how I get on!

General / Re: Bought it!!
« on: 02 August 2012, 08:03:46 am »
Cheers Tiberius, I'll try that first before changing the barrel.

b3tarev3 - I'll look after it well and will be active on here, you can buy it back if I ever decide to move on!

The big question is... what did you trade it in for?!

Its going to be living in my dads garage until I pass my test - fingers crossed next week - then will be moving a little bit further down the m62 to Leeds.

Thanks for the comments guys, and I'm glad it turned out to be a positive "I owned that bike" rather than "oh no you haven't!!"!!


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