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Messages - Streetbudgie

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General / Re: Waterproof Boots
« on: 14 October 2013, 08:42:35 pm »
Might be worth going to the NEC bike show in November if you can wait that long.

I did think that was good idea so I just checked out when and the cost as I haven't been for a few years.

It would cost me £34 plus fuel from London to Birmingham - any bargain I got would have to be bloody cheap to make that worthwhile!

General / Re: Waterproof Boots
« on: 14 October 2013, 08:38:32 pm »
Daytona Roadstar GTX

Anything else is quite simply less.

Had mine 18 years, still waterproof, not adorned with pointless gimmicks & tacky gee-gaws, but plenty of protection & comfy as a pair of slippers.

18 years? How often do you use them?

I use mine every day and I have to change boots about every 3 years and I wear them to the limit, I went through last winter in my current Sidi's wrapped in gaffer tape to keep the water out, the sole actually came off the left boot today

General / Waterproof Boots
« on: 14 October 2013, 07:22:30 pm »
My Sidi Vertigo's have now just about fallen apart and I'm considering going down the waterproof route as it seems to be constantly raining through recent Winters.

Problem is no waterproof boots I can find have much ankle protections like the Vertigo's do.

Any recommendations?

General / Re: Speeding through villages/towns
« on: 25 September 2013, 12:55:33 pm »
I only ever go through villages and towns on full throttle, I only change down to pull wheelies outside schools and hospitals.

General / Re: Fazer with a trailer?
« on: 24 September 2013, 01:24:28 pm »
Alternatively choose one of the following:

1. Buy a car or van
2. Rent a car or van
3. Get a mate to pick up whatever it is and drop it off for petrol money
4. Get a cab - whatever fits in that tiny trailer would easily fit in a car boot.

Why would you want a trailer on a bike?

I can't imagine what it does to the handling but it must be ten times worse than carrying a fat bastard and that's bad enough.

General / Re: Home CCTV
« on: 24 September 2013, 01:15:02 pm »
Ta Chaps,

What I was thinking of would be to set up the DVR in the garage and run the cables from there to the cameras, the ones on the outside of the garage would be fine, but to get to the front of the house would probably need about 50m of cable and most sets only come with about 20m cables.

Is there a solution for that that doesn't involve wireless cameras?

Once set up I would leave the DVR in situ and remove the screen preferring to access the system remotely, but is there a DVR on the market with a wireless access to a router or a suitable dongle/adapter?

The only alternative would be to run a network cable to the router which I want to avoid as the whole house has just been decorated and the idea of putting the DVR in the garage is to avoid cables in the house.

General / Re: Parking fine advice
« on: 24 September 2013, 01:06:19 pm »
Ignore is not the most up to date advice, the latest best course of action is to send the prove contract and breakdown of costs letter then ignore.

Personally I prefer to ignore but I do play with them sometimes and go through the non existent appeal then appeal to POPLA which costs the PPC money but but the decision is not binding on the applicant, only on the PPC

Your CAB advice link above is broken but there are plenty of examples on CAG where CAB have advised to pay the invoice then try to claim it back - not sure why you are questioning this, I wasn't digging at you, I was just trying to clarify for the OP that there is misleading advice on the net and from CAB ( who in my experience are not experts in anything).

The OP should be armed with all the information so they can make an informed choice on the action they want to take - above all they need to be advised that the charge is unenforceable and they should not pay it.

General / Home CCTV
« on: 23 September 2013, 10:24:34 pm »
I want to set up a home CCTV with the equipment located in my garage with at least 4 cameras along the rear, side and front of my property.

Can anyone recommend what I need or where to go to get some good advice?

General / Re: Parking fine advice
« on: 23 September 2013, 10:15:27 pm »
Sorry VNA but the above post is wrong, contacting them does not identify you as the driver of the car and anyway this does not matter as the charge is unenforceable.

As far as your extract from 'this is money' that is wholly inaccurate as well, contract law cannot apply as you have to enter the car park to read 'the contract' as it posted on signs in the car park - what happens if you reject 'the contract' and drive out without parking? Most of these PPC's use ANPR cameras and you are invoiced as your number shows up even though you didn't park.

There is a lot of bad information on the web about these invoices and even Citizens Advice get it totally wrong and advise to pay then try to claim it back - no chance! MSE also has a lot of misinformation as well by uninformed posters.

This is a little hobby of mine and the best advice is found on the Consumer Advice Group forum, someone posted a link earlier in the thread.

In Scotland the registered keeper cannot be pursued by the Private Parking Company (PPC) and also in Scotland the RK is not obliged to reveal the driver. There is also no trespass law in Scotland so that's a bit different as well.

In the UK since October last year the RK can be pursued by the PPC with requests for payment, however this does not make the charge any more enforceable.

The reasons are:

1) only the land owner can claim losses for you parking on the land, the PPC's do not own the land and therefore cannot claim any losses
2) the PPC have to hold a contract with the land owner giving them rights to take action on their behalf and that cannot be used as the only reason for taking any action is trespass which you have not committed as the land owner has given you an implied right of access.
3) the PPC has to provide a breakdown of costs which show the invoice is for actual costs as only Plod, Local Authorities and Court can fine you, they can't prove the costs so the only amount they can claim is the actual losses - so for an overstay in a free car park what is their loss - exactly zero.

I ignore some and I play with others, even the most determined PPC Parking Eye get trounced every time they go near court (which isn't often) and the only cases they have 'won' turn out to be a relative, an ex employee/director or not defended.

PPC invoices are a total scam and designed to intimidate the recipient into paying when they don't owe a penny.

They send you a chain of begging letters and then pass the 'debt' on to a Debt Collecting agency which is actually just the next desk monkey along - never, ever deal with a DCA, all you need to say to them is 'any alleged debt is denied, refer to your client'

These scam artists need to be exposed and stopped and it's about time the Government got involved in this.

General / Re: Best Chain Lube
« on: 23 September 2013, 07:40:51 pm »
Wurth dry lube, no fling and stays on for ages.

General / Re: I know it's a car engine but it's wonderfully done!
« on: 23 September 2013, 07:39:53 pm »
Excellent, I'll be very surprised if that doesn't get picked up by someone - hope you copyrighted it for reproduction!

Brilliant film work and loved the rebuild  :)

General / Re: whose fault ? opinions ?
« on: 02 July 2013, 03:58:30 pm »
My opinion: Excessive acceleration in a built up area but the driver of the car should have been more cautious. Avoidable but drivers fault for emerging.

Plus 1 - wow we agreed on something!

General / Re: iTunes / iPod advice
« on: 27 June 2013, 09:48:33 pm »
Top tip that one, itunes can go to Silicon Hell.

I can;t see where you can make the album artist Various and there's another artist entry though?

General / Re: iTunes / iPod advice
« on: 24 June 2013, 10:08:42 pm »
Sussed it sort of, if you make all the artists the same eg various artists then it shows as an album, bit crap that itunes can't do what my Zen Vision M was doing 10 years ago.

General / Re: Insurance Due
« on: 24 June 2013, 10:02:52 pm »
Was with Bike Team for years for the Fazer 600 but at this year's renewal they were not the cheapest so moved to Bennetts for £70 for the year, fully comp, commuting, garaged at night over 10 years NCD

However when I changed the 600 for the FZ1 Bennetts demanded an additional £147 which is 3 times what I was paying for the 600 per year - not impressed and I won't be renewing with them.

Best is my classic Lambretta TV175 agreed value of £5k for £48 per year with Bikesure, garaged at night and no commuting, with zero NCD free road tax as well!

General / iTunes / iPod advice
« on: 24 June 2013, 09:23:17 pm »
I am just about sick to death of fucking itunes.

Is there any way of getting music on my ipod without using itunes?

Does anyone know why itunes refuses to register a folder I have added that contains a load of vinyl to MP3 files as an album? I have created it with the properties listing the album title on each track, a track number etc.

Instead it lists each track as an album which means I have put together a collection which I can't listen to unless I search for each track.

General / Re: Why are you a biker?
« on: 25 May 2013, 06:39:28 pm »
The Ship and Shovel! Is it still there??

Not sure, think it is

General / Re: Where do you put your helmet ? (ooer!)
« on: 24 May 2013, 04:56:54 pm »
Don't want to hijack this thread off the original topic but IMO yes, it's too much hassle to take it off when filling up.

I don't make any fuss any more, I just get back on and go elsewhere, but most of the time I use Tesco as they have 'pay at pump' facilities and everyone's happy.

General / Re: Why are you a biker?
« on: 24 May 2013, 02:23:58 pm »
When I was about 12 years old all my mates had rat bikes which they raced around some waste ground behind the Ship & Shovel pub in Barking.

After much pestering from me my Dad brought home a pretty good nick FSIE and cut the seat in half, knocked the lights and number plate off and presented it to me with the words "Push it there, if I see you riding it on the road I'll cut yer nuts off".

When I turned 16 all my mates got scooters, so I got one of them as my first legal road bike.

It was a Vespa Primavera 125 but I insured it as a 50 special as they had the same frame and looked almost identical - you could not get away with that now! .

It cost me £120 and insurance was £25 and a Centurion Pinto open face lid was £15 I think, a pair of me Mum's gardening gloves (for when it was raining) and I was good to go.

Did a year or so on that and then upgraded to a Lambretta GP200, trashed that after a year by riding it into the ground and chopped it in RD250!   It was a private sale out of the Exchange & Mart, two bikers took it along with cash for the RD, I think they were going to have a ceremonial burning or something!

Most of my mates had got bored with scooters and moved onto cars so I was happy to move to more powerful motorcycles, plus I'd given up on the Mod thing as the scene was changing and I wasn't into scooter meets where you got your head kicked in by Skinheads and Scooter boys trying to flog you NF t-shirts.

Sadly both my scooters were genuine Italian bikes and in good nick, these days they would go for about £3k for the Vespa (although these are going up in price even more now) and about £7k (I kid you not) for the Italian GP.  I currently own an Italian 1963 TV175 series III and you would have to part with at least £5k if you wanted it.

Anyway, I took my test on the RD and passed, then blew it up and flogged it to get a new engine for my Cortina 1600E - well technically it was a 1600 Super with E trim and furry seats, but it was a car and girls only gave you a feel of their tits in a car (well, only the classy birds).

Step forward a year and my need for transport changed again, having established a regular pair of knockers to grope, I decided I could not put up with using public transport to get to work, so I needed another bike - enter the Suzuki GP era!

I had about 3 Suzuki GP 100s and they all gave up the ghost after a while, there was also several dodgy old Hondas CB100, Superdreams, a very short spell on a C90 then I got a VT500 (awful, awful machine) Suzuki Katana - looked good but I think the frame was bent so I never liked it and then a never ending list of shit bikes until I bought my Fazer 600 in 2002

So dear reader you may ask what has this got to do with the original question "Why are you a biker?", Well surely it's clear?

My first foray into powered two wheels was the desire to tear the arse out of the World and get noticed.

The rest of my biking desires have been based around the need to go to work to earn put petrol in my bikes and provide a bit of food and shelter along the way and still tear the arse out of the World at weekends...if I've got the energy.

General / Re: Where do you put your helmet ? (ooer!)
« on: 24 May 2013, 01:22:36 pm »
On my head or on the floor.

At petrol stations it's on my head, if they don't like it I shop elsewhere.

General / Re: hashtag bloody cyclist
« on: 23 May 2013, 01:13:25 pm »
And insurance and VED and a road riding license if they expect me to take them seriously.

General / Re: Cheerio
« on: 23 May 2013, 01:09:52 pm »
I'll give ye 3 bottles of irn bru, 2 mivvis, and a signed photo of stephen hawking for it

How does Stephen Hawking sign a photo?

General / Re: hashtag bloody cyclist
« on: 23 May 2013, 01:08:00 pm »
I go in the cycle boxes all the time usually kicking all the cyclists out of the way to get in there, oh hang on, there's never any cyclists in the cycle box because they've all jumped the red light!

General / Management bolloxspeak
« on: 17 May 2013, 02:06:43 pm »
I have just received the statement below in an e mail from a particularly useless project manager - I'm actually going to print it out and wipe my arse with it.

I may or may not then send it to the wanker.

For information I have moved onto a secondment and G is picking up the completion of the workstream, however I will attend next week’s call so that we can ensure that all our ducks are in a row moving forward

General / Re: Tortoises
« on: 14 May 2013, 10:52:20 pm »
We have one.

If you want it to live longer than you they take quite a bit of care - especially diet. No, you can't just feed them cucumber (or a lot of other stuff which has traditionally been fed to them).

A good start here:


Ta, just what I was looking for  :thumbup

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