Date: 04-06-24  Time: 05:43 am

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Messages - Dudeofrude

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General / Re: Nearly fell off my stool
« on: 11 November 2022, 04:29:46 pm »
Has she by chance recently renewed the life insurance? 🤣

General / Re: Etiquette at Dartford Crossing
« on: 04 November 2022, 06:15:45 pm »
Plenty of speed cameras on the Kent side, that work :eek , so worth keeping to the limits, as boring as that is. :lol

Plenty of speed cameras everywhere these days. Long gone are those youthful days of pin it & smile  :'(

Mtread - Things haven't changed then with the trucks. Probably worse now with more Euro trucks about but will stick to my 2nd/3rd gear approach when filtering between them so am ready for a quick "twist n gone".
In my experience, tends to be worse on the south side going north - queuing for the tunnels. Lorries, cars, vans change lanes suddenly as they see the lane on the inside/outside gaining a 2 yard advantage.
PS welcome back to Sarfend  :D

All lane leaping noted. As for Sarrrrrfend.......christ it's changed - and not for the good. Drugger, dosser and tosser senses are hightened  :grumble

Haha thats why I moved up north, the people may be a tad slow but they are a joy compared tk what southend is full off these days. I came back down for a week last summer, was the first time I'd visited in over 15 years and it was sad to see my home town in such a state 😪
The other upside to being up north is the copious amount of country back roads without a speed camera (or often a car) in sight.
The lincolnshire wolds are an absolute joy when the weather's nice.... a stark contrast to the A127 😆

General / Re: Exhaust emissions: data request
« on: 11 October 2022, 05:52:29 pm »
2016 Kawasaki Z1000SX Tourer

General / Re: Powder Coating
« on: 12 August 2022, 08:20:25 am »
And here's the state of what they started out like 🙈 (They were kike that when I bought the car)

They even fitted the new tyres free of charge, just asked for £5 per tyre to dispose of the old ones

General / Re: Powder Coating
« on: 12 August 2022, 08:10:43 am »
I've used CJ Powdercoating in Cleethorpes on several occasions for wheels and other smaller bits. Always been good quality and reasonable price

Pics are muddled up but here is one of the car wheels I had done back in December

General / Re: Warning ** Wezmoto shop**
« on: 06 August 2022, 09:11:14 pm »
Sucks to hear you've had such a hardtime with them. I've used them a few times and always been good and great value 😕 i wonder if they have new management? I was told in the past that it used to be run by an ex HEL employee 🤷‍♂️

Wouldn't clear vinyl do the job? Just buy a large sheet and cut it down to fit where needed?

General / Re: London Borough of Hackney: Proposed parking charges
« on: 24 July 2022, 11:14:35 am »
Even though I have no plans to ever visit on a motorcycle I have signed it for the poor foccers that have no choice 😕  I'm honestly so glad night moved up north and away from that elitist crap hole we call a capital.
It's an absolute disgrace the way they try and price people out at every opportunity 😡🤬😤

General / Re: never ending inflation madness
« on: 24 June 2022, 06:58:29 pm »
Personally I don't think its the fossil fuels or the B word... its the big corporate scumbag companies that think its normal business practice to make more and more profits every year regardless.

The problem is when a company makes over £3billion profit but is upset because they forecast to make £5billion so start cutting corners in manufacturing, laying off staff and upping their prices just to make even more ludicrous profits to give the shareholders. Without increasing the pay of their workers or improving the quality of the products they produce

The fact that that this has become the norm among the largest companies operating in this country coupled with corruption in the government is the reason we are in this situation and until someone puts a stop to it then nothing will change.

General / Re: New type of speed camera
« on: 05 June 2022, 08:02:13 am »
Let's hope stealth plates actually works

I dont know about that but someone else's will certainly do the job 😆
At least that's what the usual criminals will be doing anyway 🙄

General / Re: A2 petition
« on: 24 May 2022, 06:47:35 am »
I've been saying this for years. I also think they should scrap the stupid age restrictions and just make everyone have A2 restrictions when they pass (which then subsequently is upgraded to an A after 2 years)
 I think its insane that at 23 you have to be restricted to 48bhp  but for no apparent reason at 24 you suddenly become capable of riding a 200bhp superbike the day after you pass your test 🤷‍♂️🙈
I think it would make people much better riders to be restricted for the first 2 years, to learn how to actually ride well before being concerned with lots of power. I dare say it would even save lives

General / Re: Black widow exhaust quality?
« on: 19 May 2022, 06:33:20 pm »
The Exup on the Gen2 is purely for noise dampening. It won't effect anything except the sound if it's removed 👍🏻 just makes sure to disconnect the cables from the servo under the seat too. Leave the servo in place that way you won't get any error codes and as far as the bike knows everything is still at factory spec, saves wasting £30 on a servo eliminator

General / Re: The FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 29 April 2022, 07:37:31 pm »
Are we going to move this along yet? Bank Holiday weekend... Nice weather, is it time that somebody set a new "easier" task just to get things going? 🍻

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ULEZ Compliancy
« on: 08 April 2022, 07:29:25 pm »
This thread has made me check out my fz1 for compliance, fortunately its all good, I might want to go sightseeing one day. 👍

Well I'd don't sooner than later if I  were you because if Sado Kahn keeping going you won't be able to take even a bludy pushbike into central London without paying a ULEZ charge. He'll be taxing people for breathing out more than necessary soon 🙄🙈
Tbh I'm also a bit concerned about getting kicked off my bike and stabbed, my wife wants me to take her sightseeing as she's never been there, i really can't stand public transport at the best of times only other option is to go mob handed was thinking of inviting my son and a couple of his mates to come along as we're a biking family

Haha its not that bad in London, especially riding a 10 year old Yamaha. Now if i were on a £25k+ Ducati or something then yeah I'd watch my back. Now I wouldnt dare park my bike anywhere but its quite safe to ride it around 😅 more likely to get a fine for speeding or jumping a red light than anything else 🙈

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ULEZ Compliancy
« on: 07 April 2022, 08:16:45 pm »
This thread has made me check out my fz1 for compliance, fortunately its all good, I might want to go sightseeing one day. 👍

Well I'd don't sooner than later if I  were you because if Sado Kahn keeping going you won't be able to take even a bludy pushbike into central London without paying a ULEZ charge. He'll be taxing people for breathing out more than necessary soon 🙄🙈

General / Re: Anyone never dropped a bike?
« on: 16 January 2022, 04:42:45 pm »
Only ever dropped one. My first "big" bike, a yamaha thundercat. Left the disc lock on and tried to pull away 🙈🙈 needles to say it didn't work 😅

General / Re: Happy Christmas
« on: 25 December 2021, 02:18:09 pm »
Have a good un 🍻🎄

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 13 December 2021, 09:26:07 pm »
as a casual observer it did seem ridiculously unfair to Hamilton given that he led for more than half the race and even after "teamwork" from redbull mid race

I have no problem with what Perez did by holding up Hamilton. He was perfectly entitled to try to stop LH passing as he'd not been lapped and, if you'd seen earlier in the season, Fernando Alonso did an amazing job of stopping Hamilton getting by, allowing Estaban Ocon to win the Hungarian Grand Prix, which was an incredible piece of driving, especially since Alonso sacrificed his own chances of improving his position to benefit his team mate.

I hate that jumped up spoiled little prick Hamilton so I was a little happy to see him lose 🤣

That's really unnecessary. Lewis Hamilton is a brilliant driver and has worked incredibly hard to get where he is today.

He's been subjected to racist abuse for a lot of his career, yet has risen above all of that to get to the top of the standings and to say that he's been "spoiled" is to denigrate an amazing talent.

Oh I'm not questioning his talent, he is an incredible driver and getting to watch him in action for the first time did more to prove that point.
I'm basing my view of his solely on his exploits away from the track. Always up on his soapbox complaining about one thing or another. Or worse when he trying to preach to the rest of us about our life choice (don't get me started on his poor "vegan" dog.
I just think the guys a bellend through and through.... don't take away from his talent.
And as for the race that has nothing to do with it,  There are no racial barriers in Formula 1. If you have enough money and talent you have has much chance as the next person. He got to where he is through talent and his Dads relentless support as a youngster 🤷‍♂️

General / Re: Down the pub - the thread about nothing and everything
« on: 13 December 2021, 03:55:46 pm »
Yesterday's race was the very first time I'd properly watched F1 and I didn't really understand what was going on but as a casual observer it did seem ridiculously unfair to Hamilton given that he led for more than half the race and even after "teamwork" from redbull mid race he proceeded to pull away from verstappen and increase his lead lap after lap, an impressive feat given the seemly poor decisions  about his tyres too. All seemed very sketchy at the end but credit to verstappen, he saw a chance and took it, can't blame him.

That being said... I hate that jumped up spoiled little prick Hamilton so I was a little happy to see him lose 🤣

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1 rear suspension: Linkage parts
« on: 09 December 2021, 09:06:32 am »
Any idea on the part numbers for those? As I've still got used genuine nuts and bolts sat here that I'm certain we're from when I swapped my linkages out. part numbers 90105-10323, 95607-10200 and 90105-10030. They're used but have been resealed in the bag

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1 rear suspension: Linkage parts
« on: 09 December 2021, 09:05:09 am »
Any idea on the part numbers for those? As I've still got some used genuine nut and bolt sat here that I'm certain we're from when I swapped my linkages out. part numbers 90105-10323, 95607-10200 and 90105-10030. They're used but have been resealed in the bag

So this thread inspired me to check my rotor this afternoon and none of the previous several owners have thought to upgrade it......Guess I will need to order one up  :(

Yes I'm afraid that is the problematic one you have there 😔 on the plus side after a relatively small amount of money you should have nothing to ever worry about with the bike again so it's kind of worth it for the peace of mind

Tbh you can Google any brand of anything and find many examples of failure (for example just Google Michelin tyre failures) Thats the problem with the internet.
I choose to believe that a brand as big as K&N can be trusted as much as the next one 🤷‍♂️ Th problem is probably moreto do with fakes, as Gnasher says a lot of Chinese companies are copying things now so unless your buying from a reputable company then there's no guarantee your buying a genuine product

Hey Chris I had the unfortunate task of having to replace mine last year after the original decided to give up its hold of the magnets 🙈 I too used the RMStator one and was perfect.
 The only additional thing I would add is keep an ear out for a high pitched whiney noise. I had it develop after around 600 miles and it turned out to be the bearing in the engine case giving in. The weird thing was it sounded and worked fine when spinning the rotor by hand and gave no indication that it was failing at all but once it was removed my mechanic spun it up to full speed using an air gun and it sounded awful
 Now I might have been unlucky or it could have been that the new Rotor was a few 1000ths thinner but it needed to be changed out. Was relatively cheap to replace and wasn't causing any issues at the time other than a high pitched whine when the engine was revved (think of a crap sounding turbo whine haha) anyway just something to look out for mate 👍🏻

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