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Messages - dBfazer600

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 23
General / Re: anyone living with warfarin
« on: 12 December 2014, 08:57:28 pm »
Yes this is normal. The nurse will tell you how many mg you must take depending on your blood results. In my experience people take this medication at the same time of day, usually around 1800 but talk to your nurse if you want to change this. If you have side effects contact your doctor as some can be saver, but do not stop taking your meds without consultation. There are alternatives to warfarin but again speak with your nurse.


General / Re: Next generation Fazer ??
« on: 19 October 2014, 05:39:52 pm »
Ugly and why is it that every bike is look as if its missing a good solid hunk of metal between the legs.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Tyre pressures BT023 can this be right?
« on: 30 September 2014, 02:22:15 pm »
I run 42/33 and am happy with the bike. Link shows UK recommendations but try planting the bike when going into a corner by counter steering and at the same time push down on the foot peg on the other side eg Left corner push on left handle bar and at same time plant your foot on the right foot peg.

General / Re: new ignition key needed
« on: 05 September 2014, 04:48:06 pm »

General / Re: Bomber
« on: 31 August 2014, 03:27:36 pm »
Had to go along to pay my respect. This is what I got on my SG3


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: bridgestone BT 23
« on: 05 August 2014, 09:39:23 pm »
This could be that you are more confident when cornering and to be honest could be simply goinf round a round-a-bout if UK based.

Here is some explanations of tyre ware


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Attachable tank bag
« on: 14 July 2014, 01:07:41 pm »
I use bagster but also put wonder wed underneath as its old and can pick up grit when in storage. I also find that my turning circle is diminished with the bag attached. This is only an issue on slow manoeuvres but that's what you get with a short armed stumpy fella. It was good for waterproofs and light change of cloths for the ferry so I could leave the rest on the Fazer.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Idiots guide to setting my suspension
« on: 09 July 2014, 10:11:37 pm »
The link is how to set your bike up.;sa=view;down=52


General / Re: Genuine amazon feedback...
« on: 04 July 2014, 12:33:29 pm »
Quality  :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin


For Sale & Wanted / Re: 2008 FZ1S for sale.£3k.
« on: 27 June 2014, 01:52:30 pm »
Noggy my good fellow it sounds like you have just received a master class from your old fella on the twisties. I have just got back from Germany and have had the same experience from the lads. So you tried to push the bike a little hotter into the corners (just as I did) and was more than likely in the wrong gear (I was) if not then its still the same issue get some mileage behind you on the bike (I learnt allot about my lack of throttle control on this trip) But when I was in unison with the bike it was a dream but was hell when my front end was twitching (I found myself saying relax and lay on the tank to stop me from tensing on the bars which made the difference)

We all have different riding styles and perception of risk but at end of the day your talking about it.

Do what is right for you mate


General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 02 June 2014, 12:09:29 am »
Prep for Germany.

Brakes cleaned and inspected, greased or lubed all parts that need, unblocked scottoiler, fit autocom and generally relaxed with the bike.


General / Re: Germany Calling
« on: 02 June 2014, 12:05:30 am »
Cheers guys will be looking into all your info. There as been talk that we may go threw Denmark on our way to Cochem but will look at your recomendation River Valley.

I have not been able to hook up with the rest of the lads to sort a rout so it sounds like we are going to chose what we want on the way down. I have put in some rest days so the lads can do what they want but France is calling me personally and was considering Baden and then into France from Nagold.

Rich hope you enjoy your tour to ya mates.

Thanks to ya all

Daz  :thumbup

General / Re: Question for bee experts
« on: 31 May 2014, 10:19:21 pm »
Unless she's allergic to bee stings (or hypersensitive to the deafening noise of their wings like slimwilly), leave them alone and they'll just go about their business and the nest will be empty by late autumn when the workers have died and the queens fly off and hibernate.
If they're honeybees there should be a local beekeeper who can give advice or even take the hive away.

I left the ones that are lodging free of charge in may cavity wall since last season and they did not die or bugger off but are now fooking hug. So I have Nippon at hand and they are not a happy bunch at the moment. No bee keeper were interested as they could not get to them so it was left to me and it seems to have done the job.

Felt guilty at first but it was them or me


General / Germany Calling
« on: 31 May 2014, 10:05:12 pm »
This time next week I will be on a ferry heading to Europe destination Germany. I will be staying over night in Cochem Then heading out for 3 nights in Nagold.

Only road that is a definate is the B500 in the heart of the Black forest and if I fancy it the Nurburgring on the way back home on my trusty 03 FZS600.

Are their any locations any of you would recommend that are in a days ride out from Nagold?

Daz  8)

General / Re: Recommended Travel Insurence
« on: 20 May 2014, 03:34:22 pm »
My insurance company has the no toll roads attached to it. I understand it with where the Ring is concerned but how about tool roads in general? As with all insurance companies if they can get out of covering you. How do you all find riding in France where there are many toll roads?


General / Re: Recommended Travel Insurence
« on: 20 May 2014, 01:50:30 pm »
Yep, finding an insurance company to cover for the ring is hard. My insurance are not interested and actually name the Ring and the PC says NO.



General / Recommended Travel Insurence
« on: 20 May 2014, 12:34:26 am »
I is off to Germany in a few weeks and want extra travel insurance for touring and possible Nurburging that a normal insurance policy does not cover. All advice greatly received including routes round the Black forest and yes the B500 is on the cards.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Rough Idle - with video
« on: 07 May 2014, 10:42:46 am »
I have been adding allot of extra electrical componenets on where I had heated grips and sat nav running from a piggy back fuse plugged into the ignition fuse. Bike was running a little off and not as smooth as usual but did not think anything off it until I swapped to the head light fuse and this settled  bike back to normal. I now run my Autocom from the ignition fuse. I have no idea why the bike is running better but it does.

Don't know if it relates to your situation but if you have extras hooked to the electrics take em off one at a time to see if this helps.


General / Re: bluetooth headset suggestions needed please.
« on: 05 May 2014, 08:15:23 pm »
Just moved from Scala rider to Autocom and today is the first day tested. So impressed and is worth the money. Music goes quiet when sat nav kicks in then music comes back up slowly to volume set.


General / Re: So What're You Listening To Today?
« on: 26 April 2014, 01:08:44 pm »
I've been mostly listening to my daughter's hamster going round and round and round on it's fucking wheel all fucking night.... It's going to die I tell thee. :wall
:rollin :rollin :rollin

General / Re: Riding distraction !!
« on: 26 April 2014, 12:42:03 pm »
I think its a bit of a loaded questions as it will depend on the road and conditions. On joining a motorway I like to do a quick lifesaver if it is busy but if conditions dictate its not necessary then no. I also do this if over taking on a/or moving lane on a motorway.

I do check my offside mirror before any overtake. This has been taught me through the IAM course as you will be observing in the general direction you are going to move to whilst assessing the risk.

It also depends if your riding in a group with those who like to zip pass you. What has surprised me with this question is that an enforcing authority is giving guidance as I would always say it depends on the particular circumstances at that moment in time of the over take.


I'm off to Germany in June and I am keeping all my documents/valuables in waterproof bags in a bum bag that will always be with me and not left on the bike.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: When to change chain? 150mm or ??
« on: 22 April 2014, 02:21:14 pm »
This is a good guide

Delboy's Garage, Suzuki Bandit, Chain Adjustment. (plus clean and lube).

General / Re: Recommend me a bike.
« on: 22 April 2014, 01:53:30 pm »
 :rollin :rollin :rollin

General / Re: Recommend me a bike.
« on: 22 April 2014, 01:47:55 pm »
Well what can I say.

 Noggy has gone over to the dark side. Take a little break and the foccer goes soft in the head and lets face it Noggy's knoggin is bloody large and obviously empty.  At least he did not go for the oil thirsty BMW and turn his back on the foccer community on the whim of been overly pretentious  ;)

So what do you think his first and lets face it not last MOD will be?

He can't help but fettle and tinkle with small toys. Some say he over compensates for the lack of been able to satisfy himself on a daily basis that he must go and play alone in his man cave where he keeps a well stocked lube closet.

So will this be the demise of the FZS600 Fazer board and will he be accepted by the big boys and girls off the 1000 club?

Hope its not a good bye and that you enjoy the bike mate.


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