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Messages - demic77

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General / Re: Auschwitz
« on: 31 January 2020, 11:15:47 pm »
Horrific. Went to Kracow 3 years ago, visited Auschwitz/Birkenau and it really brought it home; 6 million Jews, Russians, Poles, Romani, Homosexuals and political prisoners killed by the Nazis, 1.2 million at Auschwitz/Birkenau, numbers you read about in GCSE History. The numbers are staggering when you read them but when you see the mechanism for implementing the killing of human beings its heartbreaking. The setup and scale of the place for industrial killing was horrific, human abattoir. It was horrible but a place you need to see to comprehend rather than want to go.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: exhaust blowing at headers.....
« on: 24 January 2020, 10:26:27 pm »
give you a tip for removing header bolts.............      spent two weeks every day while riding and warm............ used a can of wd40 while engine is hot on bolts clean area all round bolt for wd40 to get into the thread also used at same time a freezing spray on the nut its self to shrink it a bit then wd40 again do this two times a day for two weeks then they come straight off remember to undo them when engine is hot just be carefull not to hurt burn yahself

I used some stuff called Q10 (plusgas is also recommended) rather than WD-40 though, Q oils have specific sprays listed for different jobs as well as a multipurpose spray. A bloke I know recommended Q10; he's a Land-Rover enthusiast and well used to dealing with rusted fasteners, he swears by the stuff having undone rusted shitty nuts and bolts from underneath a 30 year old off road waggon. I gave the bike a right good soaking pre and post ride for a good fortnight before attempting it and the nuts came off a treat. I used hex rather than star sockets, the inner cylinder nuts took a little persuasion to get the socket on the nuts properly due to corrosion from spray (no fender extender on my bike YET) but they came off no bother. It may be luck of the draw or a lottery but your best chance of winning is to prepare beforehand. If you do similar and even if your studs snap, you can rest assured you couldn't have done any more to avoid it. Cleaned the studs off with wire wool and reassembled with new stainless dome nuts and coppaslip.

General / Re: The 2020 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 22 January 2020, 05:49:19 pm »
Please forgive the technical muppetry, if anyone can suss how to rotate the pic I'd be grateful. If accepted keeping the travel theme, your bike next to an aircraft or active airfield.;sa=media;in=3376;preview

General / Re: Riding in France
« on: 23 September 2019, 12:04:51 am »
Echo most of what's been said. Been back about a fortnight from a trip round France and Belgium WW1 battlefields on my 03 FZS600. Bought a small Givi magnetic tank bag, pocket on top for phone to nav with when needed, got one for 30 quid from ghost bikes, brilliant bit of kit. Kept essentials in it; documents, wallet, cash/cards, hi viz, power bank, disc lock and crack pipe e-cig. Toll booths can be a bit fiddly with gloves on and you need to make sure you choose the right lane to accept whatever you want to pay with. Lanes with an orange t only and/or a 30kph speed only displayed are for automatic tags, don't go in those or you'll be in a world of shit if it's busy. Lanes that accept cash/card are usually marked on the overhead signs with images of cash/card or CB (bank card).

You need to plan ahead if you want to use cash to pay for fuel, automatic fuel stations pre authorise and ring fence your card for about €90 each time you fill up which can be a problem if you use a pre paid travel card as it can take a couple of days for the funds to reappear; in France manned fuel stations hours are roughly 8-12 and 1-4, outside this and it's always card only, some smaller supermarket fuel stations have no option to pay with cash. Fuel is a bit dearer over there and motorway fuel is seriously expensive so swerve that if you can. French fuel price check website

If you're on an older bike make sure you fill up with juice that's labelled E5 or better still E0, I never found any E0 abroad, difficult to get in GB, think it's only Esso premium unleaded that's E0. Swerve E10 if you can and DO NOT put E85 in, it's cheaper but contains 85% ethanol and will rot your fuel system. E5 is the same ethanol content (5%) as bog standard UK unleaded, E10 seems to be the standard unleaded SP95 in France with a few exceptions, SP98 is premium fuel and mostly E5 ethanol content but it's more expensive than boggo unleaded. Check what your bike will run on and check at the pump when you juice up. Carburant is French for fuel, essence is petrol, SP = unleaded, 95 or 98 the octane rating and E = ethanol content. Gazole is diesel so deffo don't use that...

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What have you done to your FZS600 bike today
« on: 03 July 2019, 11:40:35 pm »
Nice one Darrsi cheers pal. I did originally ask for PR3 front & 4 rear when I booked the bike in after much digging on here, bike shop advised that the Road 5 was available as a pair off the shelf in standard sizes for the FZS but they'd have to order in a 110 PR3 at the same price. Did a bit of further digging and the reviews were very positive so thought sod it, give em a go, will feed back as best I can vs the old Dunlop Roadsmart they replace, no experience with any other tyre on the bike. One instantly noticeable difference was the lack of handlebar shimmy while cornering but believe this can be common with a well worn front tyre.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What have you done to your FZS600 bike today
« on: 02 July 2019, 11:37:59 pm »
Got a pair of Michelin Road 5 and an MOT put on her. This is the first bike I've kept long enough to have new tyres put on, felt quite twitchy on the way home to the point where I was shitting it a little. Thinking it may be a combination of a new tyre profile vs worn and needing scrubbing in; I've never scrubbed in new tyres on a bike before, read a few differing things about scrubbing in new tyres, some say it's temperature related and a motorway run will sort, others are more like gradually increasing lean angles and so on which might be a bit difficult without pre planning a route and timing. Any opinions would be appreciated.

General / Re: Manual Stop/Start at the lights and junctions
« on: 01 July 2019, 11:46:21 pm »
SWMBO has recently swapped her convertible Saab 9-3 for a Golf TDI DSG. We have manual Skoda Octavias at work with the same stop/start technology. Makes much more sense in the DSG car IMHO, vs the manual it seems clunky, annoying and just doesn't seem to work well with the gearbox. At work I turn stop/start off, driving her car I let it do its thing. On the bike, I'd kill it if I knew I'd be waiting ages; there's a level crossing just off the A59 near Airedale Hospital where you can sometimes be held for three trains in a row, I usually kill the engine (after filtering to the front of the queue) if I'm held at that crossing. For me it comes down to local knowledge; if I know I'm going to be held for a good while at a specific obstruction I'll turn the engine off, more so in hotter weather. Other than that I'd leave her idling, I feel I'd be hammering the starter motor, battery and alternator etc. doing much more work than it wasn't designed to do, i'd rather pay for a few pence more of petrol than several pounds for battery/alternator/starter motor work[size=78%].[/size]

FZS600 Fazer / Throw over panniers and touring kit generally
« on: 13 June 2019, 11:44:19 pm »
I'm off to France for a few days on a WWI battlefield tour in a month or so. I've got a set of old Riossi/Carnell/Motorcycle City throw overs but they are well past their best and I could  do with some new uns. Can anyone recommend a set that fits best on a foxeye 600? Also could do wi a new jacket, anyone used the Oxford montreal 3 or Alpinestars andes?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What aftermarket exhaust did you all get?
« on: 13 June 2019, 11:30:57 pm »
I put Delkevic down pipes on mine last month, old ones looked like swiss cheese. Sprayed LOTS of penetrating fluid on daily for a good few weeks before attempting it and used hexagonal sockets rather than the star type. Came off easily enough, outer ones were like new, inner two cylinders were a bit corroded and needed a bit more care but they came off without drama. Think I'm one of the lucky ones though, my bike has been pampered throughout her life, I'm the second owner, FYSH, garaged, 14k and had hardly seen rain when I got my mucky paws on her. Now on 19k, sees the odd shower and I'm servicing her myself. Delkevic pipes went on with little fuss, married up well with the stock can and frame attachment, only real arse ache I had was the supplied springs for holding the down pipes to the collector; they were strong as feck. Stretched off some of the tension on a gate post wall hook with mole grips and it was a bit easier to fit them. Put plenty of copper grease on the studs in case they ever have to come off again. I'd like a new can but that's down the list of priorities for now, getting her (and me) ready for a France trip and need full service parts, some decent waterproof textile riding kit, a tank bag and possibly a new set of throwovers. When I've some £ to spare I'll get a new can, like the look of the tri oval ones.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: What have you done to your FZS600 bike today
« on: 15 May 2019, 01:01:00 am »
Swapped the rotten originals for Delkevic stainless down pipes. Plenty of tea and pepsi max, procrastinating and swear words but eventually success, despite my mechanical aptitude level of pissed up chimp on crack (who rebuilt a Land-Rover once, all you needed was a lump hammer and WD-40). Was shitting it after hearing tales of snapped studs, engine out head off nightmares that I couldn't of dealt with but it went fine, inner nuts were more difficult due to the shite splashed on them with no fender extender (guess whats next on the shopping list).
Sprayed it liberally with Q10 penetrating fluid from these guys I had a free sample from a while back and it worked an absolute treat, the inner two were rusty and cruddy as f@ck but came away easily [size=78%]after spraying with this stuff. [/size]

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Renthal low or ultra low?
« on: 18 December 2018, 12:04:45 am »
Nice one, cheers for the input. I’ll give the ultra lows a go 👍🏻

FZS600 Fazer / Renthal low or ultra low?
« on: 10 December 2018, 11:58:21 pm »
Evening all, I’m in the process of getting the Fazer (03 foxeye 6) back on the road after a long layup following a back injury. Stock bars are bent after some dozy muppet (me) dropped the bike moving it around the yard to get a load of wood delivered. Which Renthals would be the best for touring/comfort? Seen lots of good reports on the ultra lows but would the low bars be better for comfort? Opinions gratefully received. I’m 5’9” and don’t really want to mess about chopping bar length other messing around with cables etc to fit. Hoping to lead a tour of WW1 battlefields in September 2019 as I know the area, lads from work with everything from Harleys to Gixxers coming along. Want something all day comfortable rather than going for it focused. Stock bars I found ok if a little narrow. Opinions from anyone who’s fitted low rather than ultra low would be much appreciated. Thanks very much, Demic.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Renthal handles bars
« on: 24 August 2017, 11:01:01 pm »
How are 758s comfort wise compared to stock bars and are they easy enough to fit? Do cables/brake hoses need tweaking? I bent stock bars dropping me bike[size=78%] being a clever dick trying to put the bike on its side stand off the centre stand int yard mekkin room [/size]for[size=78%] firewood [/size][size=78%]while it were still covered up. Foccin numpty trick, won't do that again. Need replacement bars that [/size][/size]aren't made of cheese that are comfy and simple to fit. Considering fitting heated grips while I'm at it too. any tips Foccers? I'd rather not mess with controls or chopping up new bars if i can help it. [size=78%]

General / Re: What Fazer did you spot today?
« on: 26 April 2016, 03:09:40 pm »
Silver Boxeye on A584 between Lytham and Warton, about midday today, 26/4, waved and a nod  :)

General / Re: The 2016 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 26 April 2016, 11:18:25 am »
Iff accepted, next challenge, your bike next to an airfield/airbase/airport.

General / Re: The 2016 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 26 April 2016, 11:16:10 am »
Rock anyone?

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 18 April 2016, 08:52:14 pm »

Introduction / 'owdoo. Again.
« on: 05 April 2016, 10:19:42 pm »
Eyup all, I'm not strictly new to FOC U but had a bit of a layoff due to fracturing my coccyx in 2014. Just making my first forays back on t'fazer since then. Last proper ride was Fizzypies Lynns Raven caff/North Wales blast, need to get back in the saddle ASAP. Fazer passed MoT today and I've taxed it so off we go, looking at doing a bike safe or similar course soon.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: holes on downpipes
« on: 05 April 2016, 09:48:03 pm »
I'd be up for group buy for a set of Motad down pipes, mine scraped through the MoT today using bodge putty. They need replacing long term really.

General / Re: ALDI bike gear
« on: 05 March 2015, 04:34:57 pm »
Wheres the foccin torque wrenches???......maybe thats tool tuesday

They had these in a couple of weeks ago at our local one, not sure if they have 'em in all the time? 

General / Re: what do foccers do?
« on: 28 April 2014, 11:34:04 pm »
I've done 13 years in the ambulance service, 10 of those as a paramedic. I worked Manchester south and east for 11 years, now I've relocated, taken semi retirement and look after two rural ambulance stations in Lancashire, Clitheroe and Barnoldswick. Some ace biking roads on my patch, A59, A65 etc etc. So if you're in that neck of the woods and see some knobhead in a yellow van nodding at you it's probably me, wishing I was on my  :faz   

General / Re: I am drunk
« on: 13 April 2014, 08:45:04 pm »
My last pissed up ebay purchase was. My Fazer...  :eek 8) 

Cheers Fizzy for organising, top day out, grand to meet you all and put some faces to names. Beer o'clock now, cheers foccers!  :thumbup

Just a reminder, meeting point is the shell garage at m6 junction 23 (the m6/a580 intersection).

Will be wanting to leave here around 0930am so if you coming be there before then please.

See you there all being well  8) 

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 06 April 2014, 03:24:41 pm »
Dropped the oil and filter to find that the filter they gave me at the Yam dealers was in fact the wrong one  :groan

SWMBO is off to Rochdale before Robinsons shut to grab the right one as said original dealer is shut  :wall

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