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Messages - Fuzzygoth

Pages: [1] 2 3
For Sale & Wanted / Re: FZS600 1998 R plate Glasgow
« on: 22 December 2016, 07:56:17 pm »
That's a stunning bike mate for it's age, have you sold it yet?


For Sale & Wanted / Re: Front Discs for FZS Fazer 1000 04
« on: 07 September 2016, 11:40:34 am »
ive got a pair, pm me mate

pm sentbmate

For Sale & Wanted / Re: Front Discs for FZS Fazer 1000 04
« on: 05 September 2016, 01:06:20 pm »
I just heard they wear pretty quickly and I'm about 400 miles a week, every week
for work, on top of my personal miles.


For Sale & Wanted / Re: Front Discs for FZS Fazer 1000 04
« on: 05 September 2016, 11:29:08 am »
I'm not sure I've not heard good things about Chinese discs, i've only ever run
EBC Disc's you see so I don't have any comparison.


For Sale & Wanted / Front Discs for FZS Fazer 1000 04
« on: 05 September 2016, 10:41:42 am »
Hi There,
I am looking for a pair of brake discs for my Fazer 1000 as the garage just noticed
I have worn a death star like trench in them with the brake pads, I didn't notice the
damn thing was still stopping :o 

So anyone currently braking a Fazer thou?


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: LED indicators
« on: 22 August 2016, 09:40:06 pm »
Excellent, so the relay is just under the seat then? that should make it fairly easy :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: LED indicators
« on: 21 August 2016, 02:18:57 pm »
I am actually in the same boat, my rear indicators are corroded to all hell so I
thought I'd replace them with LED's but I am pretty sure I'll need and LED flasher
adaptor too to prevent hyper blinking on the indicators :/

If anyone has links to a good guide on how to do this it would be appreciated.


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Oops, there goes the coolant pipes!
« on: 30 September 2015, 11:17:44 pm »
yeah that's the ones he's on about actually, so any thoughts on it?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Oops, there goes the coolant pipes!
« on: 30 September 2015, 10:01:23 pm »
I am not sure he said something about steel pipe at the top of the engine block which is
confusing me, the fluid was definitely coming the from the top of the engine block. I'm
a little concerned it's about to become a money pit tbh (I've been waiting for it, the reason
I had to get rid of my bulldog recently). But again I've had this bike for over six years and
stuck about 60,000+ miles on it (when I've not been on my other bikes) so it's been an
amazing wee runner.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Oops, there goes the coolant pipes!
« on: 30 September 2015, 09:31:12 pm »
So I was heading into work the other day and noticed my right footpeg
was very slidey while belting along the A75, pulled up into Annan and
noticed my bike is chucking out steam from the top of the engine block.

So a small abandonment and recovery job late and my mechanic informs
me that the steel coolant pipe has completely corroded and basically split
basically chucking out all the coolant onto the engine block. So I've have
basically been using this bike everyday since I bought it pretty much
in all weathers and has been stored outside all the time.

So the bikes engine turns over but the thing that concerns me is that he's
concerned what other damage the bike may have suffered as a result, but
he won't know till the initial repairs are done. Despite this there are loads of
other small jobs that really need done on it and bits replaced.

So I am curious to know:

If anyone's had this sort of trouble before?
Did your bike suffer any other issues?
Does anyone know how much replacement coolant pipes cost?

The bike isn't really worth much tbh it's old, lived in and has a few battle
scars :) I've moved further away from where I work so I need to know my
bike will start in the morning and I am kind of wavering between buying a
brand new bike (which I've been promising myself) and fixing this one and
I am just not sure what way to go, I've always had a Fazer since I got off
my 125cc and my bikes my only transport too.

Opinions welcome.


For Sale & Wanted / Wanted: Brake caliper for a Gen 1 Fazer 1000
« on: 02 June 2014, 03:30:36 pm »
Just as I source and ignition barrel they garage phone to tell me rear
brake caliper is in no uncertain terms ... Stuffed. So I am trying to
source a replacement Blue Spot rear brake caliper for my 04 Fazer thou.
So far ebay and biker breakers have been no use and I am not keen to
buy a brand new factory caliper. I know it comes from the R1 parts bin
but I don't know if this caliper can be salavaged from say and old R1 or
other bike using the R1 breading system.
David P

Oh nice, I just found and orders a complete set on Saturday £80 from a breakers
now onto the next challenge :)
A rear brake caliper, hopefully easier and cheaper than an ignition barrel.
Fuzzy :)

Well its in my garage and he said its the ignition barrel is the problem because It's so worn
he also said its sealed so its hard to tell. But I don't want to pay £300 for a new one so I
need to find one second hand to fit an 04 Fazer 1000 gen 1

My bike has had problems starting and it's been suggested that the ignition barrel is gubbed.
The bike struggles to start but once started it's fine and ticks over nicely, everything else has
been checked so they suspect that the ignition barrel when turned on it so worn its not
connecting properly so replacing the barrel should solve the problem. I'd rather not as I have
two keys for my bike and changing the ignition means a key for the ignition and a seperate
one for the seat lock and fuel tank. But I'd rather it starts :)


I am looking for an ignition barrell for a Fazer 1000 2004 edition. Anyone know if an 03 barrell will fit?


General / Re: Fazer 1000 won't start.
« on: 14 September 2013, 11:35:20 am »
lol, yes it was the battery. It had been sitting for few months after a good charge it seems to be working
better (the battery is fairly new). It was just alarming the sounds the damn thing was making :o

cheers Guys

General / Fazer 1000 won't start.
« on: 13 September 2013, 04:36:24 pm »
Having been a student my Fazer's been off the road for a while and I am having trouble starting
it again. The MOT and Road Tax has expired and the bolts in the batter are slightly chewed making
it difficult to extract the battery for charging. No problem thinks I, Jump it from the bulldog and ride
it around until it charges up, all nice in theory. The bike has heated grips, an inforad and SatNav
mount as well as an alarm and autocom.

The bike jumps fine and starts idling fine, however all the electrics keep flashing on and off and it keep
backfiring and when I let the clutch out it bucks a lot as it manages to get some acceleration on and
then it loses it again. It was running fine before hand but it has been sitting for a few months. Any
thoughts? I kind of need it on the road as it actually has tyres which my Bulldog doesn't. Alas I've not
been able to get it to the MOT station today so no MOT and No Road Tax.

General / Re: Bump starting bike - that was fun
« on: 15 March 2013, 11:59:34 pm »
I had a duff battery for the last few days in Aberdeen one week and had two bump
start it until I could get to the garage. Was petrified the first few time but eventually
got used to it, that said I've not had to bump start 1100cc V-Twin Shafty ... not looking
forward to that day ;)


For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted FZS 1000, P/X tiger 1050
« on: 20 November 2012, 08:14:39 am »
I have to admit I rode round Scotland on my thou and my mate on his Tiger and
we swapped half way round. I found the Tiger pretty good actually (though the
thou oes keep accelerating after the tigers ran out of puff) also the fuel consumption
is about the same and both bikes are comfortable tourers. My mate found out you
can add a triumph air filter in a certain way which allegedly brings the tiger up to
the same bhp as the speed triple ;)

I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I found the seating a bit odd on
the tiger but its a capable machine, there is a you tube video somewhere of a lad
getting his knee down on a tiger on a trackday! what an awesome nutter :D


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: WOW 5.5k
« on: 20 August 2012, 08:00:45 am »
I've been running Angel St's on my though and its at about 7.5k currently in the last 12
months (though I expect the rear will need replaced in the next 500 - 1000 miles) and
Road Pilot 3's the 'dog and since about march this year and they must be running at
about ... the 5k mark both seem pretty good to me for general and wet weather riding
(commuting Glasgow - Aberdeen every week for 7 months so had plenty of practice as
well as my rallys in England and leisure riding).


General / Re: Ride-On Motorcycles, Glasgow
« on: 20 August 2012, 12:16:40 am »
rjd1: Duffes, like the simpsons beers :) at least that's a couple of recommendations. Though
tbh if I put my bike in to either and it comes back with no bits missing, everything properly
attached and no dings or bits of paintwork chipped off that would actually be an improvement
on the service I've had from ride on.

I am going to email them about the damage to the paintwork too, One of my mates thinks
I should write a letter of complaint to the whoevers in charge of the dealership and get them
to rectify what they have fucked up, another thinks I should contact trading standards but
that all seems a bit heavy. I think its a chalk it up to experience and move on myself ... though
I am still going to complain as I am annoyed about my fairing, not that I would trust them to
fix it anyway :P

General / Re: Ride-On Motorcycles, Glasgow
« on: 20 August 2012, 12:02:01 am »
Also if some said notchy steering they might as well say the fribblegaurd steering
as it tell you about as much :P

General / Re: Ride-On Motorcycles, Glasgow
« on: 19 August 2012, 11:56:58 pm »
Tiberius: Well hopefully as I'll be back down in two weeks I can start doing more
myself but I'll look them up. I'd rather try somewhere on recommendation that
anything else. Most of the good garages I went to down south were found that
way and the quality of service was excellent. My experiences so far with ride on
have left me feeling exceptionally disappointed. So cheers i'll google them and
give them a go next time :)

General / Re: Ride-On Motorcycles, Glasgow
« on: 18 August 2012, 10:53:01 pm »
I have done oil/air filters/changes, spark plugs coolant, brake pads etc but
currently I am workign between aberdeen and Glasgow so don't always have
the time. That said in 2 weeks I will have significantly more time to do stuff
I also got a hold of the service manuals for both bikes.

The Bulldog is just as fiddly in bits but I wouldn't want to tangle with the
shaft diff drive.

yeah its a bit steep.

General / Re: Ride-On Motorcycles, Glasgow
« on: 18 August 2012, 10:03:49 pm »
Yeah, it is the main dealer up here. I used to go to Pagetts in Batley and they were
the most expensive I've been to up until currently at £69 per hour and while expensive
their work was utterly outstanding and I had complete confidence in them.

Looks like I might need to go to the board's for some recommendations in the area to
take my bike to.

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