Date: 01-06-24  Time: 16:28 pm

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Messages - tiggr2

Pages: [1] 2 3
Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: nope dont float me boat 2014 fz9
« on: 26 June 2013, 07:09:13 pm »
I like the looks, not enough to swap but I like it..
Cross plane would be interesting to have a spin with.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: exhaust show us yours
« on: 24 May 2013, 04:51:50 pm »
Just got back from jols and been through the post - its helped and its not helped if you know aht I mean, sooooo much choice.
So exup off cat drilled out and a can on, after Ive priced em up and looked at your picks.
Carbon look stubby me thinks - cheers guys..

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / exhaust show us yours
« on: 19 May 2013, 09:31:14 pm »
Ive read the gumph seen the vid and now know how to take the exup cables off so its time to trat myself to a new end can. Ive always nipped up to Zorstec to get em made for bikes in the past but might go the pay and play way this time..
Gen 2
Show us a picture of yours, they all seem same performance wise so Ill buy on looks (and noise)

For Sale & Wanted / Steering damper wanted FZ1 2006 on
« on: 06 May 2013, 03:21:45 pm »
Hi I have a FZ1 2009 and need a steering damper, anyone got one for sale, know someone who has or knows where I can get one at a resonable price.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Crash bungs or not and have you used this guy
« on: 26 April 2013, 12:43:58 pm »
Ive never fitted them to any bike, have you?, did they save you or cause more issues?, must be getting old its really difficult aking decisions nowadays  :\

General / Re: Riding 2 up
« on: 23 April 2013, 01:58:43 pm »
My son used to sit up in corners then I invented the dad rule, if we are leaning left chin on my left shoulder, right chin on my right shoulder, hes a natural now.
the only thing I dont like about carrying a poillion on the fazer is below 5mph the front end feels very loose and its difficult to crawl or sty still for a second at junction approches.
Enjoy the dad rule.

Ive been thinking about a 600 to stop me from taking out my thou in the salt and wet - Only about 50 miles away from me so no sweat there - what do you peeps think its worth????
Assuming bearings, sprockets, brakes all good????

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fazer 1000 2003 Seat Cowl HELP HELP
« on: 01 March 2013, 10:37:40 am »
post a pic of it from top and underside

If asked I answer fazer thou
When admiring her I call her lady or my girl
Mrs H has always called my bikes by size, but as I am down to one its just the bike to her now

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fazer Parade - What you got
« on: 22 February 2013, 10:11:20 pm »
found out how :D

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Fazer Parade - What you got
« on: 22 February 2013, 09:59:07 pm »
cant figure out how to put a picture in theres no browse on the insert picture????
done it see next post

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Screen?
« on: 13 February 2013, 06:33:49 pm »
What he said, I tried db and went back to standard you could spend a fortune, the db had less buffetiing but more noise for me but its very individual.
Where do you live you are more than welcome to try my db and if its better you can have it no problem.

whats the hyosung like?????

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: good news bad news what to do
« on: 07 February 2013, 08:48:15 am »
I feel Ill wheres the bucket  :rollin

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: good news bad news what to do
« on: 06 February 2013, 02:05:02 pm »
Hi both, we are moving to Tayvallich, we go to Mull at least three times a year at the mo (in car, we have two dogs), but obviously it will be on our doorstep when we move. We know where to spot everything its just the crawling along the side of the long lochs I was worrying about, I know in slow traffic she gets hot and its the same sort of speeds.
Of course the other issue is learning where the boys in blue hang out as there are some cracking roads where a speed limit might possible be fractured occasionally of a Sunday morning  :\
Cant wait..

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / good news bad news what to do
« on: 06 February 2013, 01:38:44 pm »
Strange title but I couldnt think of another.
At the end of the year we will be moving to Scotland, whoo hooo ace. Her indoors wants to spend some more time as pillion whoo hoo still good news as that means more saddle time, now for the but.
She wants to go on the Islands which is ace, but when on Mull in the car we crawl around because that way we spot otters, deer, eagles ect, there in lies the problem; if I go slow on the fazer she gets all toastie the fan comes on and roasts mey legs!! so will it harm her crawling for maybe an hour at a time between blasty bits, getting all hot? Is there a way that she wont? I believe it may be because they run slightly lean, is this true? If it is can I do anything that wont harm the fazer and wont harm the prerformance???
Or do I buy a sh&%%y transalp as a second bike (boring)
HELP me please  :'(

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: hugger
« on: 05 February 2013, 07:24:26 pm »
:)    I've had the same make of Rear Hugger on three Gen 1s .. Never any Problems.
Check out Pyramid Plastics (of Weymouth UK).   Really easy to fit .. no need to remove wheel .. ten minutes max .. close fitting over tyre .. does the job and looks the biz  8)    Available in Plastic or Carbon Fibre (as you can see here)
Stay Safe  :\     Trev    The Polar Bear (Spain)
Looks good better get on the web and find one.. Cheers

Diesels and Lawnmowers (Bike racing n things) / Re: IO Man
« on: 23 January 2013, 10:38:22 pm »
Been n watched the NW 200 and the Manx classic racing, mad as, you have to admire the skill. You cant say bravery cus they show absolutly no fear.
Rode the mountain on my GSX1400; when I had it; and saw an indicated 127/8ish; as fast as it would go; so probabaly only 110 and its bloody scary (no mad Sunday during classic week so 2 way traffic), I was shaking when we stopped. So HUGE respect to all road racers you dont get walls, posts, shops and houses on race tracks.
I intend going back this September on the Fazer - keep ya posted.

General / Re: Horex VR6
« on: 23 January 2013, 10:21:03 pm »
Horex VR6- Testride and Soundcheck
  :eek  still dribbling

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / hugger
« on: 23 January 2013, 10:16:33 pm »
Im fed up of shite all over the bike so help me please people... post us a pic of your hugger and let me know
  • Make (obviously)
  • How easy to fit
  • How much filth does it stop
Much appreciated your opinions better than buyers reviews and seeimng pictures on a bike better than just seeing the hugger.

General / Horex VR6
« on: 23 January 2013, 10:06:40 pm »
 :eek :eek Horex VR6 I want I want I want, cant breath anymore  :eek

General / Re: BBRRRRRR!!!!!
« on: 18 January 2013, 02:36:09 pm »
i will be riding tomz, my horse  :rollin ,
Colder on a horse than a bike, my feet freeze just stuck there doin nothing..

Introduction / Re: fz1s
« on: 18 January 2013, 01:58:40 pm »
Winter bargain doubtless, so clever as well as blessed with good taste, welcome and hellluuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

General / Re: Winter adrenalin idea squash by sense police
« on: 18 January 2013, 01:55:14 pm »
I suppose the cotton lined games room is all set up for the little mites though eh?  :evil
I wonder how big a catapault you need to throw snowballs???? dont do cotton  :b

General / Winter adrenalin idea squash by sense police
« on: 18 January 2013, 11:18:34 am »
Just thought id share my idea in case any of you nuts can get away with it.
There I am fazer all attatched to the optimate waiting for ice to disapear and getting the kayak out; Heather comes out (wife) - "what you doing its way to cold to play in water"; big smile on my face "grand kids coming over at weekend, Im taking them sledging; this will be much faster than a sledge and much more fun"
Needless to say 5 minutes later kayak back in garage  :z

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