Date: 01-06-24  Time: 15:59 pm

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Topics - stuboy

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so got a 2002 french import Fazer 1000 thats been Ivanized last year and a keeper (thanks mike). I can't get a new GB headlight assembly 5LV-84310-10 for love nor money. Got a spare supposedly uk headlight unit that came off a Fazer 600 off of ebay with a battered casing, 3 lugs missing, scratched lenses. Also no 5LV part number that i can see on either. 

My original french headlight casing and lenses are in good nick, got all the lugs intact. The reflectors inside the battered headlight which I am hoping is a UK one have got P1191 stamped on them with a code M60+GF10. The French reflectors have got 5868 and same code M60+GF10.

I want to crack them open and rebuild the French headlightlight with the P1191 reflectors to get a UK compliant headlight.

Can anyone tell me if these P1191 reflectors are for a UK headlight ? also do I have to bake the headlight to crack the lenses off ?  I have got the headlight unit off the bike no drama and am ready to go here.

Any advice welcome,


Had issues getting my bike through its MOT today, the MOT  tester explained to me that my fazer is fitted with European headlights, which can't be adjusted to be UK compliant. The garage were well alright, tester fitted tape over the headlights lens to obscure the beams and that's got me back on the road, but was quite glad it was still light riding home...

[/size]Can anyone tell me if there is any way round this or I am I looking at finding a UK specific part ? Nothing online second hand that I can see tonight, but there is a brand new unit at £240 odd quid plus vat from a retail parts be honest, I don't know where to start looking, neither am I 100% sure of what it is that I am needing.. ! Anyone got any pointers ..?  I'd be grateful to you.all the best,Stu

Introduction / Hello From Kings Lynn, need a mechanic please ! :-))
« on: 11 April 2016, 10:06:45 am »
Hi all,

Sun was out yesterday so had to dust off my bike and go for the first blast of the year, so all is right with the world again  :lol 

As not long lived in the area, I would love to hear from anyone  who can recommend a Fazer friendly mechanic in Wisbech / Kings Lynn area or even Cambs / Lincs / Norfolk that I can go to for an Ivan conversion & a 6k service on my 2002 FZ-S ?

Any help much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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