Date: 16-06-24  Time: 06:18 am

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Topics - Yogi

Pages: [1]
General / Which Tyres
« on: 21 June 2016, 03:14:58 pm »
Hi all.

My 57 plate FZ6 is due set of rubber.
I currently have BT023`s on it but I`m thinking of trying something else. Probably something more sporty!

Can anyone recommend anything.
The only thing I don`t want is something which I`ll shred in 3000miles .


FZ6 / Fazer / Rear suspension lift on 57 plate fz600
« on: 27 March 2016, 10:15:12 am »
Hi all.

Has anyone had any experience with rear suspension lift links.
Or what's the best option to go for.
I'm wanting to raise the rear of my fazerby approx 30-40 mm

Thanks John

Pages: [1]