Date: 15-06-24  Time: 23:27 pm

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Topics - bigbadbum21

Pages: [1]
General / Chain - after market or original
« on: 01 March 2016, 10:37:19 am »
Hi all, new here and new Fazer owner. FZ6 N on an 06 plate.

Been told that my chain should be replaced. happy to do this, just wanted opinions on original or patent part?

If patent, which one and where to buy?

Thanks in advance.

Introduction / New Fazer 600 Owner. Hello One And All
« on: 01 March 2016, 10:30:58 am »
Thought I'd just say a quick hello to everyone on the forum.

I'm a  proper noob, both in the sense of being a Fazer owner and a biker. Only passed my test on Friday last week, got the bike on Wednesday of the same week.

Looking forward to learning from all of you experienced (old farts, cough cough) about the bike and being a biker....

Oh yeah, after reading some of the other "hello" posts, suppose I should put a pic of the bike on here. She's on an 06 plate and done 24,500 when I got her, 25,500 now, loving riding.

Had my first commute in the wet today, that's a little bit different...

Pages: [1]