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Topics - Rich_Benfield

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Introduction / Hello from Essex
« on: 13 January 2016, 09:23:34 am »
Hi there,

I just picked up my 600 Fazer from Cambridge last night after my commute from Rayleigh to London (since last March) killed my 900 Divvie.  I bought the Divvie because of the shaft drive but was secretly glad when it gave up the ghost because it was a bit heavy for charging through London on a daily basis.  Truth be told though, the D900 did well considering it was 21 years old and I did 11,000 miles since the end of March 2015 so can't complain for a £700 bike.

So, on to the Fazer.  It was on ebay  I bought it for £900 which I think is reasonable.

It has a few mods:

  • Rear Hugger
  • Front Mudguard Extension
  • Braided brake lines
  • (ugly) belly pan
  • Full Stainless Micron exhaust (not as loud as I expected)
  • some Chrome tat bolted on the radiator
As you can see, it's a little scruffy but not too bad.  the best bit is how it rides!

When I first jumped on it, it felt like a toy!  It's so small and light compared to my Divvie.  I felt proper wobbly the first couple of miles as it requires so much less input to steer than my old bike.  Strangely, this mornings commute felt totally natural which is a good sign.

I know i'm preaching to the converted but this thing is hilarious!  I was grinning like a lunatic on my ride into London this morning.

First mods planned will be scottoiler and hotgrips.  After all, it's a commuter first and foremost at least until March when I will change jobs and be working more locally.

pics from ebay:



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