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Topics - Nebuchernezzer

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FZS600 Fazer / Fixing Seat Foam
« on: 25 August 2016, 02:10:37 am »
Has anyone done much with fixing seat foams?
My seat has been fine but a few months ago the vinyl cracked (yay sun) and it tore the seat foam a bit.
So i put duct tape over it and then put a nice looking cover over the top of it all but now the split has gotten worse underneath the new cover and the tape and the cover is now showing the crack through (and you can feel it when riding).
So basically my idea is to take the new cover off, take the vinyl off and then somehow fix the foam and just put the new cover on.
Two problems come to mind.
Is the vinyl cover glued to the OEM foam? Cos that'll make my plan a pain.
Is the foam closed cell or will it take up water like a bastard when it gets wet (cos i suspect my new cover is not waterproof).  Not keen on having a soggy seat for a week after it rains haha.
Alternatively i could somehow repair the vinyl cover somehow and then put my new cover over the top.
And a pic of my new cover just cos.

FZS600 Fazer / Fzs600 seat covers
« on: 12 April 2016, 11:55:09 am »
Anyone got one of these on their bikes? From ebay. The vinyl on my fzs is starting to crack and this seems like it'd look good on. Hard to tell with just an isolated photo though.

General / R6 shock settings fzs600
« on: 25 October 2015, 07:34:35 am »
I have an r6 shock for my fzs, bought a heavier imperial spring, made a spacer to fit it to the shock. Now I've come to set the damping before I fit the shock and I've not found any useful settings. I've seen the settings for the large gold nut described as clicks on one post, but mine doesn't click. Should it be turns instead? My other two adjustments click.
Apart from that what setting do people use? I'm using debrix front end, wt 0.85kg straight rate front springs. Almost always ride single and weigh just over 70kg, I guess  maybe 80kg geared up?
Any suggestions for settings etc?

FZS600 Fazer / Bugspoiler
« on: 19 February 2015, 09:43:34 pm »
Has anyone seen a pic of this belly pan actually on an FZS600?

FZS600 Fazer / Comprehensive wheel swap list?
« on: 28 January 2015, 08:58:51 am »
I've searched for what wider wheels fit the fzs600 with minimal effort.
Now for the rear there seem to be a few, specifically thunderace, xjr1200 and so on. For the front because of the speedo drive I've only seen the trx850 and fzr400rr mentioned and then remember only the rr model.
So does anyone else know what else will fit? Does a thunderace front fit with the speedo drive? Surely a few other 90s Yamahas, perhaps the xjr1200 front wheel as well?
I'm not in a desperate hurry for wheels for my bike but the wider the model choice the wider I can cast my net... Its not like either of those bikes for the front option are common,  at least not in oz (although I've pretty much resigned myself to buying internationally and hoping shipping isn't too bad haha).
So yeah what do you all know?

FZS600 Fazer / Cheapest cartridge emulators, Debrix no more?
« on: 18 January 2015, 11:56:10 pm »
What are the options for cartridge emulators for the old FZS these days?
We put debrix emulators in the track bike but it appears they are no more? Can't get onto their website anymore so i'm assuming they are defunct.
Is gold valves the only other option apart from that?

FZS600 Fazer / My FZS600, modding in Oz.
« on: 14 January 2015, 06:04:59 am »
So I've done the blurb before in the introduction but I bought a '99 FZS600 about 5ish months ago to use as a daily commuter.  I'd ridden one before since me and a mate have a written off one we use as a track bike, they aren't that common here in Australia, but it was the right price.  $2900 AUD on road with 6 months rego.  So about 1500 GBP I think.
Had a few minor things go wrong with it, had a bad batch of fuel through it which made it run awfully and highlighted a few other problems with the carbs.  Carbs still need to come out for a clean, set floats etc etc.
It has around 78,000 km or so on it so just under 50k miles?
Stripped the rear axle thread (didn't have much pressure on when i did it so i suspect it was already mostly stripped before i got to it!) the other day so just replaced the rear axle and nut last night.  While it was just sitting in the shed before xmas I mocked up a few things on it, which moves us on to mods.

There were two ways I'd like to go with this bike, one is just to make it a sort of slightly tougher looking street bike with a slightly more aggressive stance, the other is to make it a faired cafe racer bike.  The cafe option i've thought about alot and planned out and's my preferred option, but i can always do that later as a re-incarnation of the bike.

So on a whim i bought a street/speed triple headlight on ebay cheap and off i go from there.

Existing mods:
Yoshimura TRS slip on
K&N air filter
Aftermarket bars

Planned mods:
Shorty the TRS
Ditch the fairing (i only go through one speed zone over 80 on the way to work, the rest is 60, and i don't find the fazer fairing does a whole heap of protecting anyways).  Put on triumph headlight
Aftermarket levers because they're pretty, no other reason.
Bar end mirrors, cos i'm ditching the fairing.
Repaint tail section to make it look slimmer (don't want to actually change the tail cos it's quite practical for storing things and my girlfriend goes on the back of the bike too and it's good the way it is).
Radiator covers, to cover up what the fairing leaves exposed once it's off...also a place to mount my indicators once the fairing is gone.
LED slim indicators.
Tail tidy (got a spare stock undertail to chop up)
Short and vertical bar risers, got some from a Yamaha TTR that will fit with the fairing ditched.
Pod filters on the carbs, just cos really haha.  Will be fun to muck about with.
Replace 9mm sprocket nut when the chain is up for renewal, and just general wear and tear stuff too.  I've got a set of needles and seats for the carbs, NGK plug ends, that kind of stuff just sitting around for whenever i get around to putting them on.

So i took the fairing off the other day and mocked up the triumph headlight using some tape.  I've decided to mount the light around 30mm further back and 30mm further down than it's shown in the pictures here.  The dash mounts will come down 30mm.  I'll make a cover piece that's V shaped to cover the exposed rear of the dash and to fill in the space between the triumph headlights.
The triumph headlights will mount via fatbar riser that i bought.  I have a spare FZS headlight bracket to cut up and weld and etc to make this all work with minimum effort.

I also mocked up the tail section with black duct tape to see how i could make it look, slight variations below.

Not sure about the side covers, did some quite microsoft paint mock ups just to get a feel but i've not hit on anything just yet.

Anyways that'll do for now, but you get the idea of where I'm heading with this.  Nice solid streetbike that looks a bit different from most.  Sadly most people will probably just think it's another street triple with that headlight on it but i can always change that later.

FZS600 Fazer / Bar clamps
« on: 13 November 2014, 02:53:27 am »
Does anyone know if FZ1 and FZS600 bar clamps are interchangable?

I want to move my bars forward a bit (i'll be removing the fairing so clearance isn't an issue), vertical risers would be good.
Saw these for FZ1, reasonable price, just the bolt spacing that could be a bit iffy.

If they don't fit what clamps have other guys used?

So I've just joined this forum and would you know it a day after I join I have an issue with the bike.

It only just happened this morning and i'm yet to do much investigation (cos i'm at work now), but I thought I'd throw up my symptoms.

-Hard to start this morning (25 degree weather, usually fires up first go)
-After starting ran on 3 cylinders until i gave it a rev.
-Faint smell of hot oil perhaps, my sense of smell isn't very good so it could be something else.

Up until now I've had no issues, i think i might have smelt the smell yesterday on my way home but i dismissed it as being from another car (i commute in a fair bit of traffic)

Bike is a 99 FZS600, 80,000km (50,000miles), standard apart from yoshi slip on, K&N filter.  Recently i've fitted a new fuel filter (a few weeks ago, that's how long I've had the K&N in for as well).

All i've done is have a look around the bike in the carpark after i got to work, no visible leaks, carb rubbers look all solid and secure, basically externally it's all clean.  Oil level is all good, water level is all good too.

So my plan of attack is:
Pull the plugs, read them, probably replace them cos why not (should tell me something surely!)
Check the HT leads with the multimeter.
Comp test cos it'll be easy to do with the tank off and plugs out as well.
Go from there.

While i have the tank off I'll likely balance the carbs, check the valves (and hope they don't need adjusting cos well i don't want to haha)

What's everyone's thoughts?

Doesn't appear to blow any smoke, looking over my shoulder and opening her up (safety first!) as I came in to work today.

Introduction / Aussie fzs600 owner :)
« on: 04 November 2014, 12:25:23 pm »
Hey,  I'm from Aussie land,  I have an fzs600 and yeah I've joined the forum :).
My daily is a red fzs and myself and a mate have a white fzs for track duties.
They aren't the most common bikes down here but good solid cheap things they tend to be.
Anyways my daily I've got a yoshi pipe and a k&n filter and yeah it does the job pretty well.
Track bike has no fairing (it was a crashed bike),  Dan moto can, k&n filter,  raised pegs,  clip on,  wider front wheel (as of today,  my mate took it out to the track so he'll let me know how it went),  cartridge emulators and r6 rear shock. He's a lot faster than me but even I can keep up with the supersports and the odd r1 in the medium group. Not that it's a fast bike,  just that it cost us 400 bucks so I think we push it harder haha.

Plans for my red bike are moving the bars forward (how far back are they standard!) which means fairing will come off.  Got a current model Street triple headlight to go on. I'll put some vertical bar risers on to replace the set back ones and paint the underside of the tail black to make it seem smaller and probably cut down the yoshi pipe. Keep it sensible enough to commute on every day. Oh I'd like to cut down the numberplate holder too but only when I get a spare one to hack up. 

And some pics.

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