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Topics - Willie

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Hello Everyone
« on: 04 May 2014, 01:42:38 pm »
Thought I better post a wee intro..... I ride an 02 Fazer600 and am enjoying this wee bike a lot.
Pix I dunno how to get them on here  but the wee bike n me are on u tube,I can't do links either but if interested type. Chas 2014.

I ride out with some quick lads and am happy enough arriving when they are all half way through their tea..chips whatever.
I am , ahem,cough splutter  a mere 57 years young and enjoy riding out at mainly permissible speeds when on public roads and enjoy the craic with other bikers as we all have the greatest stories to relate.
It would be cool to ride out with some other fazers  sometime.
 Enough bout me, now I am gonnnae enjoy surfin through this site :D Willie

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