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Topics - grenade

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / New FZS1000 (on the continent)?
« on: 03 April 2015, 08:18:24 pm »

Last week returning to where I was parked (in Basel, Switzerland), I found a shiny new FZS1000 parked beside my 2005 model. It was completely identical to my bike in every way (other than my after-market mods), except it was brand spanking new. I was astonished. While I stood staring at it, it's owner turned up. I asked him how he kept his machine so shiny. He said he bought it new, a few weeks earlier. I told him that I thought they stopped building these in 2005 and he looked at me like I was an idiot. I tried to explain that in England, the FZS1000 became the FZ1 in 2006 with a different looking frame and seat and he started to get upset with me, like I was suggesting his dealer had passed him off with old stock. He indicated he wasn't interested in discussing it further and we parted ways.

I was genuinely excited. The only thing I want to change about my bike, is it's age. The gear changes have become a bit clunky and I feel like I'm not getting the 125hp that it dyno'd at a few years back. Other than that, I see most other bikes as inferior (for my needs). Because I do adv touring, the more capable machines (BMW, KTM) look to me, like they will attract unwanted attention (from thieves and undesirables) in some of the scarier places I ride (or want to ride). The FZS1000 ticks all the boxes for me (OK, I'll admit, I also want all-terrain tires, better shocks and I wouldn't complain if I got 150hp and a bigger fuel tank).

Does anyone know any more about this? Is it possible to buy a new FZS1000? Did I imagine the whole thing?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Heavy duty, touring shock at the rear
« on: 03 April 2015, 11:34:45 am »
I'm in Greece after riding from the UK through France, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria. I'm travelling with 163 litres of storage (Trekker 33s on SW-Motech side carriers, Trekker 52 on top & a 45 litre tent bag across the rear seat).

My stock rear shock was tired before I set out (bike has 45k miles on the clock). Now, fully loaded, I can bottom out the shock just by wiggling around on the seat while stationary. I want to order a heavy duty shock/spring setup online and get a local mechanic here in Greece to fit it.

What should I buy? What will give me the best performance for my loaded riding? Happy to spend the money, for something that will see the bike through to 100k miles of loaded touring.

I ride fast. Often off-road (or on poorly paved roads) through places, I don't want to get stuck. Any advice appreciated.

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