Date: 01-06-24  Time: 13:46 pm

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Topics - Spannerhands

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Just fitted a Nitron shock
« on: 22 August 2013, 06:12:28 pm »
Hi all. First post so please be gentle eh?
Been a lurker on and off for years on here and decided it was about bloody time I joined! I used to be a regular on the ukbeg Buell forum but I used to run a fist gen Fazer 600 as a workhorse along side a Buell M2.
Anyway, I've been running a gen1 Fazer 1000 for around 3 years now (had a bad crash on the Buell 2009) as my only bike and despite 53000 on the clock it's in superb well maintained nick.
I recently decided to do something about the (well past it's best) shock. After quotes of up to £250 to re-spring/re-valve the original I went the Nitron route with one of their "Sport" shocks. The difference is absolutely amazing! Despite feeling more compliant and less harsh the bike corners like it's on rails while swallowing mid corner bumps. Not cheap though at just shy of £400 with delivery, especially on a £2000 bike! Good job I don't EVER plan to sell it. Shame about the turquoise spring!
I'm skint now but when funds allow I plan to Ivanise it and look at the front forks, although I've always found them "adequate".
Anybody suggest which I should do first?

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