Date: 14-06-24  Time: 22:09 pm

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Topics - Bornagain again

Pages: [1]
For Sale & Wanted / FZS1000 rear Shock
« on: 08 September 2013, 07:31:29 am »
Any want a FZS1000 rear shock.  Its in excellent condition. £70 + 15 postage or you can come and get it.
Northants area.

General / Nutcases
« on: 25 July 2013, 09:48:46 am »
Sometimes you wonder

There are some really nasty people in the world.  I had a bike do this to me a while ago (although not because I was lane hogging), it did really cross my mind at the time as to what would happen if I didn't stop in time.

For Sale & Wanted / FZS 600 Viiper end can for sale - better pics
« on: 21 July 2013, 12:35:02 pm »
I have a Viper end can and link pipe going spare. Has removable DB killer and road legal sticker on it.
It has been on the bike but only for one ride, only marks are from the strap where it clamps to the peg but they are covered by the strap
Looking for £70, would prefer if it could be picked up , but can get it posted if required.
Wellingborough area.


Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Sooty's custom show, Sunday 21
« on: 20 July 2013, 07:27:11 am »
Sooty's custom show at the King Billy in Northampton this Sunday

General / Jeez Hot out there
« on: 06 July 2013, 05:07:09 pm »
140 miles of back-roads in Beds and Northants.
I think my tyres are melting, I know I am.  :)
What are those funny red and white trees with numbers like 40 etc that seem to be growing wild alongside some of my old fav roads.   Made me review my policy on speeding  :evil

General / A quick heads up for peeps in Northants
« on: 21 June 2013, 05:00:15 pm »
Just popped into John Lee and Sons in Higham Ferrars.  Picked up a pair of Dragging Jeans Chinos for £40.
He has more, nearly bought his stock to sell on Ebay.  I saw a pair of Cargo pants size 34 and there was a pair of ladies in there.
He also has Red route Jeans and some Demin Jacket (didn't look at the brand) all at £40

General / Idiots
« on: 14 June 2013, 10:28:10 pm »
Saw the weirdest thing for a while.
Coming into the high street I have a moped with L plates pull up really close behind me.  Looked in the mirror and the kid is leaning down looking through my back window.  Look behind him and there a guy on a 500 with full reflective, a white flip helmet and a big mike. All the hallmarks of a cbt or training of some kind.
Traffic is at a standstill so I see the kid shout something back to the other guy , other guy nods, so the kid starts filtering.  They get to the traffic lights where there is a bus at the front.  Straight away I thought this is going to end in tear, a moped V a bus on acceleration - I'ld put bets on the bus everytime.
Anyway they pull away like a slow motion drag race, all 10 yards to the traffic queue.  Then the moped unbelievably cuts in in front of the bus into the about 4 foot gap.
Next thing the guy on the bike is shouting and waving arms at the bus driver. Then he cuts in front of the bus, clipping it as he does so.   The bus swings into the left lane which becomes a bus lane and the motorbike guy swings right across him and parks in front .  The bus drives around him and stops at a stop about 30 yards further up. 
The guy on the bike whacks his throttle cuts into the traffic and swings across the bus on a diagonal (in the bus lane) where the guy on the moped also does the same.  Then they both climb on the bus and start to have a real go at the bus driver.
Now I don't know what was said , but from my view, which cos of the curve of the road was good, I didn't see the bus driver do anything out of the ordinary and when the kid cut in there was still plenty of road to filter on.  But if the guy on the bike behind was an instructor what the feck did he think he was doing.
I sent an E-mail to the bus company giving my account of what happened cos if they report the bus driver I wouldn't want to see him losing his job because so idiot either couldn't teach his trainee how to filter properly.

General / A new Helmet
« on: 09 June 2013, 07:40:24 am »
Decided it might be worth getting a new helmet as my one is about 8 years old and a bit gaudy (Ben Bostrom Suomy)
Went to a local shop and picked up a Caberg V2X Carbon in Black and white for £150.           
What a difference. Fits me perfect and was so quiet I had to take my earplugs out cos it was spooky.  Has a drop down sunvisor  and weighs nothing.
Well pleased :thumbup

Going to pop over there later.  Be on a Red Fazer that's (seriously) clean.

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