Date: 07-06-24  Time: 15:09 pm

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Topics - Lumpy

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FZS600 Fazer / dead spot in revs.
« on: 26 June 2015, 09:38:28 am »
my less than pristine 98 with only 120 000 miles on has developed a massive dead spot and misfire between 7k and 8k, once through this it's better but not perfect. Most of the use she gets is up to 7k but it's irritating all the same when I do want the extra revs. Carbs are worn to fook of course although it feels electrical. The TPS doesn't affect higher revs does it?

I have some spare coils so may fit them and check connections of course but I have heard many other stories of this dead spot, almost like turning the ignition off, but no resolution other than substitution hoping to hit the cause. The plugs aren't that old but if they were knackered it wouldn't pull through. The problem is worse due to the open 2 port blue flame of course but it never used to be there

any definitive ideas other than the usual clean carbs, change plugs please  ;)

FZS600 Fazer / side stand switch.
« on: 24 May 2014, 07:59:51 pm »
swapped the sidestand switch today, what a pain. The easy screw was solid, so heat was used that helped, the hidden screw though, what a bloody pain in the arse. Why make that so hard to get at. Thought I was either going to have to remove the downpipes of the engine to get at it. Then after struggling to feed the plug through tot he batter area the bloody plug was different. Cut the end off each but needed to go tot he garage 10 miles away for the heatshrink etc. That's when I found out the wire have to be a circuit, not open, for the bike to run. All done now but what a fit up

FZS600 Fazer / exhaust studs.
« on: 12 May 2014, 04:28:49 pm »
what an absolute cu....... pain of a job that is. All 8 replaced over 16 hours at the weekend. Every one needed drilling out, had some extended drills made up to get past the frame ails. Would have been easier access with the forks and wheel out for sure. Replaced with stainless 302 studs 5mm overlength, 18mm long stainless barrel nuts and anti gall grease used. Happy now but wasn't over the weekend  :'(

watch the left hand one, breaking through the stud cut into an oilway, loctite 243 sealed the stud, coulda been expensive that one.

FZS600 Fazer / engine cutting out first thing.
« on: 12 May 2014, 04:23:48 pm »
oddly enough, it's just started over a week ago now but on first start fine, stand up, into gear and engine cuts out, restarts straight away, no problem. Only on cold start. I't like the sidestand switch is playing up but only ever on cold start guaranteed. Sometimes, if you rev it the engine will cut but continue running due to revs not dropping far enough. May disconnect switch to see if it is the cause but anyone else had it?

FZS600 Fazer / my 100k shed at the weekend.
« on: 24 February 2014, 12:58:38 pm »

Riding up a bank to have this 3-4 ft up off the road is dedication to photography. The ground was so soft she was sinking.

FZS600 Fazer / only 1 miles on the odo now
« on: 09 February 2014, 06:58:24 pm »

FZS600 Fazer / unreliable 98.
« on: 03 February 2014, 08:10:28 am »
The unreliability of modern motorcycles is appalling, in recent weeks my 98 (modernish) has had a plug cap fail, throttle cables go stiff, fuel pump pack up, terminal corrode under the tank for the ignition switch, wire break off the fuel tank sender, and indicator switch stop. All this seem to have happened when the 95 000 miles clicked over  :lol , bloody unreliable heap.

FZS600 Fazer / paddock stand.
« on: 15 November 2013, 12:36:12 pm »
Bought a nice Oxford paddock stand for the rear, no centre stand on mine, and it has the rubber cups. Great for some bikes but not the FZS600 due to the caliper. Got some hooks coming now. So........ bobbins, easy to drill and tap swing arm for them, but what do the rest of you do that use a paddock stand. I may well drill and tap the axle to receive them. My bike leans over a fair way so  it'll be entertaining any ways  :lol

so what system do you lot use?

FZS600 Fazer / confusion. Electrics cutting out.
« on: 14 November 2013, 10:41:15 am »
I hate these sorts of issues as I cannot find a cause. Every now and then, and big time last night, no electrics but no blown fuses. The after a while the electrics come back on. I have a resettable circuit breaker on the 30A fuse but this isn't tripping as the trip meter doesn't zero. NO LIGHTS, NO DASH, NO START. It sounds sort of electronics based as it resets and comes back on by itself, although last night it didn't for a while. Pullet the multi relay from under the ls panel but even with this out the dash lights were on so not that. Wondered if the light switch was shorting as it seemed to cut out when the lights were switched on for a while, but wouldn't that pop a fuse?

Horrible these intermittent ones. I cannot replicate it now so fingers crossed. She has 97k on her odometer now so she is entitled to get a bit grumpy at times.

FZS600 Fazer / right fork leg seal
« on: 21 September 2013, 11:55:22 pm »
I read on afew forums the rs fork leg is prone to popping the seal and leaking onto the caliper or disc. Why is the rs more prone? Mine is leaking and I have spare forks being rebuilt to fit. But why is the rs problemmatic?

FZS600 Fazer / mileage.
« on: 06 September 2013, 11:57:28 pm »
94k up today, reckon the 100k miles will be next jan or feb.

FZS600 Fazer / speedo pickup and lead
« on: 25 August 2013, 11:56:38 pm »
a while ago I bought a really good nick 2nd hand speedo pickup unit for the Fazer, I went to fit it today to find the lead is 4 nches too short although the same plug, and the through hole is a few mm smaller in diameter. Bugger. I wonder what the heck bike this is for?

FZS600 Fazer / 250 miles from a tank.
« on: 12 August 2013, 10:50:10 am »
well impressed as the last tankful on my 98 got to 250 miles before I chickened out and refilled it, 64mpg when filled up, with care you can get just over an extra litre in the tank which helps so still had 1/4 litre in there.

General / very impressive acceleration.
« on: 06 August 2013, 09:14:40 am »
a few days ago I had a Civic Type R pull alongside while I was on the 98 - 600. We both pulled away rapidly and he was obviously up for a blast. We pulled onto the slip road for the M27 and I gave my 600 the berries to show this cageist who was boss, unfortunately he managed to stay a few feet ahead right up to 125mph when traffic got in the way. I was very impressed as his car was not blingy but he certainly had so impressive power under there. My Bird would have annihilated it but it's the first time I have had a car like that out accelerate a bike.

FZS600 Fazer / odd trio of occurences, 2 fuses popped and another.
« on: 23 January 2013, 01:27:17 pm »
Close to home last night, riding in a blizzard, the lights went out, all of them except the brake light. This was the 20A fuse under the seat. Replaced, fired her up, all okay. Turn ignition switch on this morning and zilch, the 30A main fuse had pooped. Checked things and replaced that, and all fine again. The really odd thing is I need to adjust the play on the clutch lever, and for the life of me I can't understand how that would have moved overnight. I'm thinking some dampness got in somewhere as never had electrical issues. The lights are not overly bright and thus pointing to a regulator issue, so will need to monitor it and see what happens.

FZS600 Fazer / rear disc. rose joint. stand.
« on: 11 January 2013, 10:07:08 pm »
Half successful few hours. Spare rear disc fitted but worse than one that was on it. Managed to true it up to 3 thou on the DTI but don't know how it feels yet. Don't hold out much hope tho so new disc needed so it can be used at low speed. The mating diameter is also 3 thou out so maybe the mounting face is slightly out but hey. Fitted new rose joints on gear change but lever pivot is worn so its a bit sloppy. Fitted modified side stand to accommodate for jacked rear so she sits on the stand more upright. Need to fit additional brake light and 2 spots at the front.

FZS600 Fazer / oops. cracker.
« on: 24 December 2012, 09:00:54 pm »
Checking and cleaning wheels and brakes today to find a crack in the left disc. Aaagh. Drilled a hole at the end to stop further extension. New discs ordered today. Bugger.

I've finally managed to sort all the details for the Andover Bash on the 22nd - 24th June 2012. Business as usual for those that have been before.
Arrivals welcomed after 2pm on the Firday and go whenever sorted on the Sunday. The cost has been kept to only £8,50 hoping to get a good turnout, I would appreciate day guests paying £5 towards the event. Paypal is the easiest way to pay for the attendance.
Food will be available on Friday evening, Breakfasts Saturday and Sunday morning, evening hot food on the Saturday and snacks during the day. Tea and coffee etc. available all day.
It would be nice to see a few new faces, as well as the regulars. It is very important to keep in touch with old friends and make new.
Please see attached form. One is a field form and the other not as there were difficulties last year  operator error I reckon.
Please e-mail the form back to me at the address provided on the form. Ta.
Any questions, please ask.
Address is
Andover Rugby Club. SP11 0TA.

General / famous / iconic / recogniseable bikes.
« on: 22 February 2012, 09:01:49 am »
Having a discussion on a bike forum generally poulated by old farts about famous bikes. My argument is their idea of a famous bike is tainted as a result of their age so I thought a quick debate on a youngsters forum, where some may dare to fit brighter but illegal bulbs in their headlights, would show different results.

What do you consider to be a famous bike?

General / Bike meeting. Andover rugger club. 22-24th June 2012
« on: 09 February 2012, 03:09:59 pm »
This meeting was first organised in memory, and as a fund raiser, for the sad loss of a biking friend and reinforced the need to keep in touch every now and then and to get out there and meet people. It is now just a get together, open to all, where cost is kept to a minimum. All are welcome to attend. More details later.
4th Annual Andover bash will be at Andover Rugger club on the 22nd to 24th June 2012. SP11 0TA. More details to follow when I work out cost. The cost will be kept to a minimum again. Likely to be £7-10 per person with U16s free again.
Great facilities and food. Midday Friday to when you go on Sunday or pop in for a visit.

FZS600 Fazer / only fits 2001. Oh noooooo
« on: 07 February 2012, 03:39:27 pm »
and I wanted some for my 98. Oh well, I will have to carry on looking. Waht a knob? Him, not me. :rollin

General / all out to kill us.
« on: 02 February 2012, 12:24:21 pm »
it's been a tense and anxious week riding in and filtering this week with the cold and the frosted and misted cars on the M27 and A32, but it's Thurday and only 3 more trips to commute and the attitude of ALL CAGE DRIVERS ARE OUT TO KILL ME, is reaping dividneds. Only missed one lane hopper, no indication, by a few inches. I don't like gaps!!!! Lucky I only filter about 10 mph quicker than the traffic, goodness knows what the speed filterers get away with.

FZS600 Fazer / Gearing?
« on: 12 January 2012, 01:58:12 pm »
what gearing are we all running?
15 / 48t standard
I am currently running 16 / 48t but may go back to 15 / 44t soon.

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