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Topics - Just Anne

Pages: [1]
For Sale & Wanted / Original down pipes 2003 FZS 600 Fazer
« on: 11 July 2021, 07:42:03 am »
Hello folks, my son now has my Fazer and has fitted chrome downpipes so the originals are available. These are in good condition, done about 25k miles but bike frequently cleaned and always garaged. They just need a bit of a tidy up.
£75 offers welcome.
Collect from Cambridge or may be able to deliver or meet mid way.
Call or text 07734867562

General / help please - Aprilia Pegaso 650 carb
« on: 09 October 2012, 11:19:29 pm »
We (well Ian mostly) is suffering severe wallet pains as a result of my boy's disagreable Pegaso 650. Cutting a very long story short, the carb isn't pulling fuel through. We sent it to a carb man who said idle screw was broken and a few other bits were apparently worn out and he refurbed it for £155. When it came back after successful bench testing our tame mechanic said it still wouldn't run. He's talking to the carb man and we're awaiting the outcome but it's all been such a pain, we don't hold out much hope. Any ideas would be gratefully received. Thanks.

General / rip off merchants!
« on: 19 December 2011, 05:59:36 pm »
A couple of months ago my car reg was announced over the loud speaker in Tesco. With a sinking feeling I went to customer services to meet a distressed very apologetic lady "I'm so very sorry, I've damaged your beautiful car" she explained the wind had caught her door and it had hit my door.
There was a lot of her paint on my door and mirror, she gave me all her details and the next day her insurance company called to sort everything out. Repairs were organised at my main dealer's bodyshop who had my mini for a week. Car and loan car collected/delivered to me at work, all sortedHER insurance co. Great relief and my faith in human nature intact.
Just renewed my insurance and the bastards put up my pemium by £30 stating the reason that I was clearly putting my car at increased risk because of the areas I parked in!! I was in Tesco!! and I usually park away from the door to reduce the risk (and I think the exercise does me good). Never once made a foccin claim in 25 years of driving and 28 of riding.... thieving foccin bastards.
Why is this allowed to happen?

General / bit bloody nippy
« on: 12 December 2011, 07:14:07 pm »
How do I stop from thinking, ah nice sunny day, best ride the bike to work. How stupid am I :eek
25 miles later, slipping all around then get to work and can't undo me lid, thank god for secretaries! It takes 30 minutes for my fingers to stop feeling like they will explode then have to do the reverse in the foccin' dark.
Mad, just quite mad :rolleyes  note to self....December is a bit too nippy for an old bird.

General / best tonic on the planet
« on: 21 November 2011, 11:00:48 pm »
On Saturday, just when I was feeling life is a bit of a bastid and wondering if perhaps it would be best if I sold my bike I looked out at the lovely winters day and decided to go out for a ride. What a good decision, I went over to visit my 89 year old mum, about 70 miles each way, and put a smile on both our faces. It was such a blast even the cold didn't matter. Think the bike's mine for a bit longer.

General / That's my girl!
« on: 13 November 2011, 07:57:13 pm »
Had a call from my 16 year old daughter at 2.30 on Wednesday to tell me she'd come off her ped. A couple came out of their house to help her, took her and the bike in, cup of hot chocolate later and she told them she had a test at college and needed to get there. The lady took her in to college, she sat the test, got the bus home.....then called me!
Thankfully she wasn't hurt but was very worried I'd be cross. As you can imagine, the overwhelming emotion on my part was great relief. Turns out she'd gone into a corner a bit fast, saw the car and braked while she was already lent over to keep on her side of the road. Road was wet and a service the previous day ment the brakes were a bit fierce. She parted company with the bike which then hit the on coming car. There was very little damage to her ped as the top box rack was what hit the car. Unfortunately, it hit a Merc and damaged the wing, wheel and door.
She's called the insurance company, sourced the parts and spent all day repairing it, took flowers to the lady she hit and the one who helped her and booked extra shifts at work to pay for it.
What a star :)

General / oh bollox
« on: 08 November 2011, 11:30:57 pm »
My friend's 18 year old son has just been diagnosed with testicular cancer, he noticed a lump and it has been caught early so it's very likely that he'll be cured. He found it because his mum got him to watch this
Please watch it, tell your sons, brothers and mates to watch it and don't die of embarrassment.

General / Am I here on my own?
« on: 24 October 2011, 07:19:18 pm »
The old site used to say across the top what other foccers were logged in, am I the only one in here, has this been lost or is it some euro data protection gig?

General / Real men
« on: 24 October 2011, 07:10:19 pm »
Just caught the end of an interview with James May on radio 2 talking about 'real men' and manliness. Got me thinking, what is a 'real man' and have our views changed on this over the past few decades? Discuss...
I'll start you off with a few atributes I would include if I were to describe a 'real man':-
  • knows how things work, (engines, lighting circuits, boilers)
  • owns and knows how to use tools and fix stuff (even if he prefers to pay someone else to do it)
  • would protect/defend anyone if he felt they needed help
  • does NOT think that holding a door open/giving up a chair/offering to help undo a jar or change a wheel for a woman is sexist
I think I have changed my views on this over the years and have come to the conclusion that expecting men to do the above as well as cook, clean, be in touch with their feminine side is probably unreasonable. Not saying they can't do this, just that expecting it may be unfair. Just my view.

Messages for Users / any admin peeps
« on: 03 October 2011, 09:31:28 pm »
When I click spell check, which I really need to do, my post gets deleted, what am I doing wrong?

General / take 2: temperature guage question
« on: 03 October 2011, 08:46:51 pm »
Please can anyone explain why the temperature guage on my lad's Aprillia Peagio works when it's on the side stand but not when it's upright?
Sorry about take one of this question, android phone opperator error :o

General / temperature guage question
« on: 03 October 2011, 12:03:24 am »
Can anyone explain why the temp gauge on my lad's Aprillia peageo wor

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