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Topics - pilgrim

Pages: [1]
Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Exhaust collars
« on: 05 April 2014, 09:46:29 pm »
Ok, I've not seen this pop up on here before so may be a new issue for older  Gen 1 Fazer |Thous.
The exhaust collars on pots 2 and 3 on my bike are in what can only be described as shit state. Pots 1 and 4 are fine, look almost new, but the middle two are in such a bad way that harsh language would probably make them  crumble away to dust. Other than that the rest of the downpipe area is fine, exup valve free of stickiness, downpipes nice and shiney etc.
But, as the collars are designed so that they just don't come off, has anyone seen, or have a solution to replacing totally goosed ones without forking out for a new set of downpipes, whole exhaust system blah blah.
I have visions of crappy exhaust sealing and that irritating ticitty ticcitty ticitty tick noise when the poor old things become too weak to do their job properly.
Suggestions/ advice please.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Not again!! Cam Chain Tensioner Spring
« on: 09 May 2013, 02:11:59 pm »
Like Dave Lister said in Red Dwarf:
How the smeg can the same smeg happen to the same guy twice?
The smegging spring in my cam chain tensioner has snapped again!!!!!!!!!!
Dont know what damage has occured this time. Bike was in warm up mode on the drive before going to work, then it just stopped. Thought I might not have put enough choke on, so pressed the starter and nowt. Starter motor whizzing round then clonk zero. Back in shed, lift with the wife.
Booked half a day and came home, first thing I did was take the tensioner out and sho nuff, broken spring :'(
Have to have a more in depth look at the weekend, but last time it was nine bent inlet valves and a head swap :eek
By coincidence, at the Bike Shed the other week I noticed someone had a bloody great bolt where the tensioner should have been. Who was that and why?
To any Newbie Gen 1 owners out there, dont worry about this, apparently its not a common fault, its just that I was really evil mass murdering son of a bitch in a previous existence, probably Hitler or someone :(
P. Pot. esq

The Laboratory ! / about time I started doing this
« on: 19 February 2013, 09:51:12 pm »

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / R6 Shock Shock !
« on: 01 January 2013, 10:12:40 pm »
Had mine on for about 18 months now, and although it is a vast improvement over standard, I've always thought it could be a bit better if I fettled it a bit more. I'm currently running the standard settings of 15 clicks out (out of 20) for rebound, 3 full turns out (out of 4) on the high speed compression damping nut and 16 clicks out (out of 20) on the low speed comression damping screw.
After reading the thread about the S1000 shock conversion, I had a look at the R6 owners manual to see what the standard settings were, and this caught my eye:
Although the total number of clicks or turns of a damping force adjusting mechanism may not exactly match the specifications listed due to small differences in production,the actual number of clicks or turns always represents the entire adjustment range. To obtain a precise adjustment, it would be advisable to check the number of clicks or turns of each damping force adjusting mechanism and to modify the specifications as necessary.
So I decided to check mine, just to see if they might be out. I dialled everything all the way in, the out again and this is what i found:
High speed comp nut: 4 and a quarter turns to fully out. ( close enough )
Low speed comp screw: 35 clicks to fully out :eek
Rebound screw: 28 clicks to fully out :eek
So, taking into account what the note above says, and that the standard settings are all technically 3/4 of the way through the range, I've made some adjustments
High speed comp left at 3 turns out
Low speed comp now set at 25 clicks out ( of 35 )
Rebound set at 21 clicks out ( out of 28 )
A bounce test has it feeling softer already, but cant test ride it until tomorrow on my 6 mile round trip to work.
Who knows, I might have just arsed it up completely, but its easy enough to put it back to where it was. Might have to get around to fettling it properly now anyway :lol 
Thoughts, anyone? Has this been discussed before and I've missed it? Or was it something that everyone knew anyway, except me? :o

General / Well.........thats never happened before!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 21 July 2012, 12:07:28 am »
 :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek
Will have to relate this tale on here, cos if I tell the wife she will throw the biggest wobbler since the invention of wobblers!
Here goes.....
Decided to grab a quick shower before tea tonight. Suitably washed and scrubbed, I grabbed the towel off the back of the bathroom door and began to dry off, starting with the upper body and gradually working southwards so to speak.
Wrapped the towel around my waist for a moment as I stepped out of the shower, in order to continue the drying process in a more spacious environment, and when I removed the towel, well.........
Not quite sure how it managed to stay within the confines of the towel during the whole process, but there was this....
Spider. :eek
Now, I'm not generally squeamish about these kind of things, but...
Lets just say it had become intimately acquainted with yours truly without even kissing me first!!!!!!!!! :eek :eek :eek
Could have sworn it even tipped me a sly wink, in a feminine way of course ;)
Suffice to say I may have had a bit of a tizzy fit and done an excellent naked arm flap around the bathroom.
Now I know that may sound a bit of an over reaction, but for some reason I suddenly had this image of little venom dripping fangs far too close to where a chap really does'nt want that kind of thing going on.
So, with that image in my head, toilet 1, arachnid 0. :)
One large glass of wine  and three cigs later, I managed to look back on the event and laugh, nervously, but for some reason its not an experience
I would like to repeat anytime soon.
Or ever.
And SWMBO has a mortal terror of the little eight legged critters, and will never, ever hear about this.
I hope :\

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